Conscious Connectivity & balancing the waves...
Greetings. Greetings to all that are listening this day. We are here once again. We are forever on call, on time. This one has been fine tuning her station. She feels the shift in our energy this day, and we are pleased to come in this way. There is much occurring at this time and many are feeling a little topsy-turvy a little overwhelmed a little unsteady. We say to you simply rebalance as the one that rides the waves. When there is a change beneath your feet rebalance, realign, look at your environment, and ascertain what you need to do, so that you may ride the wave in steadiness, so that you may move forward towards your goal, towards your joy, towards your destiny. One cannot ride the wave for you, you are your own wave rider so to speak, however there are many that ride the waves together. You share the wave so to speak, you all balance on it, but the ride alone is yours. You manipulate the energy within you. We say within you, for that is where it resides. Yes it is on the outside but it resides, is manipulated on the inside, for you are the all of it, within you. The outside is a projection of your inner reality, of your inner ideas and beliefs.
When something is occurring outside of yourself, that you are not enjoying, that you are not relishing in, then you must look within to see what the patterning is for that belief, that energy that has projected what you are not resonating with. You see all that you do has a certain patterning, a certain frequency. Every move you make, every idea that you think, everything, is made up of energy of patterning, of resonance, of light, and sound, of waves, and so when you shift then your outside reality begins to shift along with you. When you choose a movie to watch on your television, you make a selection, you take the action to view it and then it appears seemingly from no space, and it is so in your movie, in your realty, you choose from your collection, from your understanding, what you wish to view, and then you take the action and you begin to play it out in your outer reality, but it begins within you, with your emotions, with your belief patterns, with your voice and speech. The idea is deeply imbedded in your psyche, and it resonates at a certain frequency, and begins to take form.
For those that are struggling to connect for instance, make note, that you believe. It is easier, it will be easier, you will have an easier time of it. If you change that belief patterning before you begin to connect, for if you do not believe that you may connect, if you do not believe that you are worthy to connect, then you will struggle to connect. Change your belief system. Begin intending that there is no struggle involved, for in essence there is not. How can there be struggle when you are communicating always. It is the truth, it is the design of it, that you communicate daily. It is simply in a different form, as in you are not in awareness that you are doing so. You may not say you are struggling to connect, for in truth, you are already connected, you are simply not being able to see or perceive that you are doing so. You have an idea of what it is to be like, and the idea is not matching your belief. Change your belief and you change the idea. Begin to state that you are made aware of when you are connecting. State that you are able, that you are worthy, that you are as you say, "acing it", for in reality you already are. It is true that many do not understand the reality that they live, for if they truly understood there would be an understanding that you are doing it all of the time.
Be not in resistance dear ones. There is no resistance to be had in a manipulation that you are already processing daily. When you hear one that describes their process, understand it is their personality that is describing their understanding of their process. It may not be exactly the same for you. You will have your own ideas, your own description for the process. But not of a mind that you will do it exactly as another, for you are all individual and your way is already being done, and you are simply to acknowledge it, to become aware of it, to become conscious of it. To become a conscious channeler, is to become conscious that you are channelling always, already. You are simply fine tuning the connection. You are beginning to expand your connection, to delve into more deeply, reach into the further recesses, to gain more knowledge, and understanding. You have an idea of what it should look like. We say to you wipe away the ideas. Wipe away others experiences, and allow your experience to unfold. The pre-conceived ideas is what halts the process, for you expect something to occur in a certain way, and when it does not occur in a certain way you assume that you are not doing it right, but you do not see that you are already doing it. You are simply to become aware, to take down the blinders. Intend that you are able to see that you are, and you are able to communicate with your higher aspects.
This one understands that she feels our energy. She understands that the energy is hovering, awaiting, and she clears and she waits for the first feel of an idea, and grabs the first word that comes with that idea, and begins to speak without thinking about what the idea may be in its totality, just that the idea is beginning to formulate. She understands as she speaks the idea begins to materialise more and more until it is a solid form. It is in essence creating, co creating, together. We come, we integrate into this one's resonance. We blend, we meld, we are in a sense are coloring mixture, we blend our colour with this one's colour, so that it becomes in essence a creation of sorts. She is trying to think what we are in inferring. Clear dear one.
When two pastilles are blended they create a certain hue do they not? A certain pigmentation of colour. When we blend our aspect, our resonance with this one's aspect, or resonance, we create, we co-create a hue, a color, a frequency a vibrancy, that is blended, as we communicate. It creates its own art piece, its own dance, its own music. It spins, as we speak, as we are in transference. We are placing an image in this one's minds eye of what this may be, and as we communicate this energy spins, and plays a certain sound, a certain colour. It is not just we, and it is not just she, it is a blend, a union, an ignition. The idea dear ones, is to understand that you may incorporate that that you do, with an aspect, with a level of another, that is in a space that you may not see, but is still before you, and you blend with that aspect, and you create your colour, your dance, your sound, your communication, and no other may be exactly as you are, for you are an individualisation of source, so to speak. All that communicate will have their own colour, will have their own sound, will have their own dance, and yes, you are all communicating with source in the sense, that it is the many aspects, the many flavours, the many colours of source, and when many are communicating this you are grounding heaven on Earth, so to speak. You are the light workers, you draw the light down within yourself. You blend, you cocreate new colours. You communicate, you dance with the words. This, all this, holds energy, and this is what creates change in your world. This brings resonance, this lights up your earth. We say to you, when you are endeavouring to communicate to your aspects, to your colours, to the higher planes, be not in a pushing, a wanting, in expectation, but simply allow yourself to open, to expand, and in the expanding, with the intention, you become open, you become an open vessel, and you will begin to feel your aspect enter your energy field, you will feel the resonance, you will feel the tingling, you will feel the heat, for it is a higher frequency, a higher energy, so you will feel the difference and as you feel the difference, you begin to expand all the more. You make yourself bigger. Imagine yourself becoming bigger and brighter. You become one. You do not go anywhere, you stay where you are, however, you encompass your higher self and when you encompass your higher self in conscious form, with intent, then you begin to become a bigger vessel. It is much like opening a door, or pulling the covers over when you go to slumber, you are intending, you are getting ready, and then you simply allow. When you go to sleep at night and you get under the covers, do you lay there and physically try to fall asleep? Do you lay there thinking, "why can I not do this? Why do other people fall sleep when I cannot? Am I worthy to fall sleep? " Do you see how it sounds? You have always slept, and you have always channelled. You have always communicated. It is not the ideal analogy, but you understand the reference. What you do is you intend and you become conscious of the connection, and you expand and you open, and you allow a higher, refined, inspiration, a higher refined conversation, for in the intent you open the door, you open the library door, you open the door to higher knowledge, to that that you are not able to access when you do not intend. You have free will. You must give permission, for none may join with you without permission. If you have fear the fear acts as a gate. Release the fear, and you open the gate.
The rain falls, the flowers grow, the sun shines. They do this every day. They do not ask, "why may we not grow? Why may we not shine?". Do you understand? You are connecting always. To consciously communicate, simply means that you are consciously communicating. You are making an intention. It is much as this flower says, "I will consciously grow". Or the sun saying, " I will consciously shine brighter". You receive inspirations. You receive ideas. When you receive an inspiration in your mind, did you hear it audibly? Or did it come in as a thought? A louder thought? A thought that stands out from the rest? This is channelling. The thoughts stand out from the rest. But to give those thoughts momentum, one needs to begin the ball rolling, so to speak. One needs to begin the energy, to give permission. You are magnificant beings. You will find your way. You have always found a way. Intend that all that you need falls at your feet. That all you require may be accessed easily. Dissolve anything that may hold you back. Imagine it in your imagination falling away. As you disrobe for a cleansing, disrobe the thoughts that do not help you. Let go of preconceived ideas and beliefs, and allow your process to unfold, and to bloom, and to you dear heart, we tell you this message is multi dimensional. It applies to your life path. Dissolve preconceived ideas, and simply allow that that is to come to unfold. For when you imagine what may be, you are halting that that may be bigger indeed. Open and allow. Intend the highest form to come forth.
For the communicators, for the ones that are following their chosen pathways, rather than assuming, rather than seemingly seeing a certain way, intend certainly, your path, but be open to what you may not see that is bigger, and brighter, and more vibrant. Remember to allow for this, for if you have set ideas then set ideas will be what you receive. But if you give over to unlimited potential, then you will be constantly in awe of what comes to you.
We are honoured this day to be here with you. There is so much to come, and we smile. We send love and blessings. We honour you your journey, and with this we bid you good day.
That is all
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