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Wednesday, 13 April 2016

11/4/16 Abacus Energy Aspects

Energy Aspects

We are here. We are ever here. We come again to help you on this path that you call life. We are one that you imagine to be greater than you. We are one that you imagine to hold much knowledge. We are one that you resonate to in a likely example of your God, the Almighty. You do not see that you hold us in high esteem whereas you could be holding yourself in high esteem for you ARE, what we are. Make no mistake of this dear ones.

There is a general consensus yes, and it is so taught, that there are beings that one may converse with, entity’s so to speak. There is a lower vibration and a higher vibration. Many wish to attract the higher vibration energy for it serves them well. It is much easier to have a good time of it if you will. It serves you to grow and expand. Whereby an energy that is not so high, may cause you to feel its vibration which is of a lower nature, and so it may make you feel anxiety, or unsteadiness, or fear or anger. It may tell you what you should do rather than advise, or ask it of you. It will feel uncomfortable, much like a tight pair of shoes. Do not fear that you will not recognise a different energy that is not of light. Understand you are discerning creatures. You are highly sensitive and especially so the ones that begin to converse in this manner, have begun to lift in vibration and so the natural attraction when entering this state of awareness is to connect with one that is of the same frequency as you, the same energy signature as you and the guides come to help you in your expansion and that of others, and so it is not the norm that you would attract a lower vibrational entity unless of course that you would wish it, that you would wish to channel this for whatever purposes. It was mentioned that one may channel one of this vibration to find information in regards to helping your justice system, and so this may be handy as you say, in that they will show you insights that one of a higher nature may not do simply because they are above, they are beyond that feeling state, and it is true when one converses with spirit form, and one wishes to converse with one that has crossed over, at times the one that has crossed over is not of a high energy vibrancy, and so you may feel what one has named as “icky”. You will feel their resonance, you will feel their attraction, and it may not feel so pleasant, for you will feel their pain, you will feel their lower energy. Do not fear that they may jump you. They may not to do anything without your express permission. All you need do is to push them aside. Simply say no. You command that you are not interested and effectively put a barrier between you and they. But we must emphasise dear ones that your light your vibrancy is as a shield of light and none may cross that shield of light that is not of resonance, and especially so if you do not allow them this space. It is no different to you walking into a room, and feeling those that are of high energy and those that are of low energy. You can tell the difference can you not when one is of a higher nature, and one is of a lower nature? You feel the different resonance, the different attraction.  At times you may assume that one is of a higher nature for they have their happy state on, so to speak, they are acting, but you also understand that when one is smiling it does not necessarily mean that they are vibrating highly. Ones that are sensitive may understand the nature. They may understand when one is not speaking truth for they feel more than simply by looking with the eyes. Dear ones trust that you will know when one is not of a higher nature. Your energy, will tell you, your heart will tell you. Yes we hear your questions. We hear you. You are wishing to know then how does one make mistakes in the pathway of love when one attracts one that is not so high in a relationship status, and we say to you, you attract even that. You attract this relationship status, to bring you your growing, your learning. There is a part of you that would have vibrated at that state for you to be able to attract that into your world. And so we say to you, is it not viable that during your day or your week with your month, or your year that at times you vibrate at a higher resonance, and at times you vibrate at a low resonance, simply by listening to a piece of music you may raise and lower this resonance. Be aware that your state of vibration attracts similar to its own in nature. The more you clear, the more you let go of past hurts, the more you allow space for light,then the more light you will attract. We hear again your question. You wish to understand why one that is down and out may speak to God and we say to you all may speak to God for you are god you are a piece of the creator, you may speak to God at any time. We are speaking in regards to attracting entities and high-level guides and the higher you resonate, the higher the level of energy you will attract, to bring you growth and understanding. It is a complexity that is not wholly understood and so we say to you, simply let go of the idea that you must name every energy that you converse with, for you converse with many. There are many energies around you of different variations & of different frequencies, and when you ask a question that the energy you channel does not know, then one is brought that can answer the question, and so you may feel a little difference and yet that one is not there with you for the long haul. It is simply there to help you at a certain stage. Dear ones do not worry so. Understand what is of relevance. The relevance is that you may bring through guidance that may help you and others in your chosen pathways. For those that wish to understand in a certain way then you may name the variance of energies. There are different energy signatures that vacate different space. Yes you have your extraterrestrials that live in other dimensions and they may converse with you their energy and teach you of their ways and then you have the angelics that are very godlike in nature, soft and gentle. These help the ones that need to be healed. They work well in healing. Then there are the teaching and scientific guides and sometimes these are ones that have lived on this plane before, that understand the mechanics of this world, and so they may help you in your quest to learn more for they are in a higher space and understand more than what they did when they were on the earth plane. And so the scientist that has crossed over that is a light being,  may easily guide a scientist that is living on the earth at this point in time and struggling with a concept. Scientist my channel one that was a scientist before, that may help them to solve certain mysteries. And then there are the healers, the healing energy may help one to heal others, may find one to find new healing methods that work. They may help one to heal themselves so that they may heal others. There are many variances. What we wish to make clear, is that they are all source energy. They are all you, and you they. However they may vibrate a different resonance, just like your music stations, there are some that will play a certain type of music, your rock music, and then there are other stations that play soft melodies, or your rock pop. And then you have the station that plays the music from past eras, and so you see that are all music, however they are categorised and so you could say that all your energies that you channel are God, however they are all characterised into their aspects that they are helping with at this time. One will know that they have connected simply because the information that comes will help them in their daily living. They will find that when they apply the learning that their life begins to change. They will feel the energy, it will resonate with they. At times they will look back and not understand what they have written for it is so different to their normal way of writing. This one, our scribe, through reading back past transcriptions deciphers that there is a difference between her writing and our writing. There will be little nuances that you pick up, that you will second-guess, that it is your imagination. It is difficult is it not, to hold something that is unseeable,  and name it as true, and especially difficult to prove this to another when it is unprovable. Faith dear ones. You have faith do you not at the moon will not crash onto your Earth? You have faith do you not that the sun will shine every day? You have faith do you not that the rain will come and bring much-needed water? Have faith dear ones that what you bring through in your writing is in fact someone, and not a nuance of your personality. Over time you'll discover the differences. It is a skill dear ones. Some are more adept than others. Some are born with the skill simply because they have used the skill before in another lifetime, and some are learning it for the first time. You all channel. You all communicate with your higher self to a degree. You are simply honing the skill, much like a marathon runner runs and trains to become good at what he does. Much like the dancer practices the dance to become adept at it and so you practice your channelling so that you become very good at it. To what end? You will have your own agendas, they are similar in nature and yet they are not, but together you create all the different jigsaw pieces that create the beautiful picture. We are here to help this one at this time, to grow and expand and to help others to grow and expand. There are chapters. There are many chapters, and we do not wish to spoil the book by relaying chapters that have not taken place in this one's point of view. There is no time we know. We hear you. However for an example, we say that you have not, come to that space as yet in your knowing, and understanding. There is much change taking place at this time. There are many loops upon loops that are being drawn into one another. There are processes taking place within the energy structure of every human and also of the planet, and then again in societies and in industry. At times it feels slow, but understand if we were going too fast you would be complaining. This one had a speedy expansion for awhile, and she did not like it at all. She wishes for her life to take off, and then when it begins to take off she wishes for it to slow, for she feels overwhelmed, and we smile. Is not the grass greener on the other side? Understand patience. Spirit knows, has a clear understanding of all the steps that are being taken. We do not know the outcome, however, we see the probabilities, all taking place in unison and it is a grand picture. It is a grand scale of expansion. Be easy with yourself, rest when needed. Play, enjoy your experience. Do not worry for that that will occur or not occur for worrying attracts it onto you. Place your attention on all that you love, all that is good and well in your world. Do not hold on tightly for that which you hold on tightly slips through your fingers like sand. Be in joy doing what you love. Be patient and kind. Understand when you are struggling that there are others that struggle also. You have an understanding do you not of why the struggle is taking place? Not all have this understanding. Be compassionate to those that may cause you anxiety for they know not really what they do. You are the readers, open and aware. Be that open light that helps guide one that is in darkness for they are your brother, your sister. You are all one. It is coming together that expands you all the more. You are not one, you are many,  as we are many, and in unison we work with you, for the greater good of all.
That is all

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