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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The fork In The Road 31/5/16 Abacus

The Fork In The Road


Greetings. Greetings dear ones. We are pleased to be with you this day. We wish to bring information in regards to the energetic manipulations at this time. There is much going on in relation to the body, in relation to manipulation. There are those that are beginning to feel more steady in their life path. They are beginning to see the light that is shining before them, and they are making choices in regards to this light that is shining. As they move forward within this light, with more insight, they begin to attract upon them more opportunities for choices, and so as they are walking towards the light, and as the choices appear they are unsure as to which choice to circumnavigate, they are unsure. Should they choose all of the choices, or perhaps experience a little bit of this and a little bit of that? The path is opening up and there are many forks on the road, and many are confused as to which fork they should choose and we say to you, none is the wrong fork to choose. They are all there for YOU,  and the question is which do you wish to experience in THIS moment? Many are becoming confused. They are afraid to make the wrong turn. They are afraid to walk the wrong way, and we say to you when making choices in your life stream, choose that that feels the most exciting, that that gives you the most high. Take THAT path without thought of the others that you have not chosen, for if you keep thinking about what may have been, then you can not enjoy in full where you are. We say to you when making a choice, when you come to a crossroad, choose that that feels the most exciting at that point in time. Do not seek to see what is beyond that. Do not seek to see what other choices may come before you later on down the path, for this makes the current choice unsteady. To gain the most from your experiences we suggest, we advise, that you throw yourself into the choice being taken. Pick a path and begin to walk that path. Do not pick that path and then travel back to the fork in the road and wonder whether the path you chose is the right one, or you will not get anywhere very fast, or you may even begin to dislike where you are. We say to you with the coming changes simply choose that that feels the most exciting to you at that given moment, and begin to walk that excitement, and be within that excitement, and experience the joy of that excitement. Envelope yourself in that choice, and that will bring you more excitement down the road. But If you make a choice and you begin to walk  that choice, and you then stop and begin to wonder what the other choices would have been, and where they might have led you, then you are not present in that that you chose, and you begin to jump onto other choices, and you begin to become confused and disgruntled, and you do not move forward, for in a sense, for you are moving forward and then backwards forwards and then backwards. You become unsteady and confused. Dear ones, there is much change afoot and the change is calling for you to be in your truth, to be in your excitement, to be that you love, to expand in that.  In the expanding, in the experience , when you experience what you are walking in full, then you attract more of this. You begin to attract more forks on the road and you continue to choose. If you continue to choose your highest excitement, the paths will appear that will bring you this, for that is what you are walking, that is what you are living, and that is what you are being. There is no right or wrong. There is simply the choice to experience and expand the fullness of self, of your truth, and so we say to you, make a choice. One or two, that bring you joy and fulfilment. Let go of the choices that you have let go, and experience the choice that you have chosen. Experience that in its fullness and in the being of this, you will attract more of the same. Remember you are not tied to any one choice. But if you pick a choice that brings you fulfilment, then you are being this for fulfilment  and this will attract more of the same. This will magnetise to you all that fulfils you.
This is the message we bring this day. You see the crossroads. Pick the one that excites you the most. They may all excite you, these forks, but if you choose the one that brings you the most joy in THIS moment, then this will attract to you more of the same further down the path, for as you walk this path of enjoyment, of the fulfilment, of love, of joy you will become the beacon for more. You will become light and in this light you will become more aware, you will have more insight into all that brings you the same. Trust that you are able to see that, to feel that, and to know that, within your being. When you are unsure of which choice to make, sit in stillness and imagine each path chosen. Imagine how it would feel to walk that path. In doing this one path will light up more than any other, and if it does not, if they all light up the same, then it matters not which is chosen. Simply choose an experience until you may choose again. No thing is tied, and still. It is your mind that has you thinking so. To walk in joy is freedom, for there is no thing that can hold you from this freedom, but the illusion of your thinking mind.

That is all

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