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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

2/5/16 Abacus Transference

Written channeling 

We are here. We are ever here, ready to be of assistance. We are here this day to bring clarity in the ways of communication and energy transference. You are able to communicate in alternate fashion. We remind that the new energy is conscious channeling. We also remind that thought is energy and that energy may be transferred in numerous ways. One way is not better than other way, it is simply a different form. The intent, is what brings the power, the love. It matters not if one channels light or healing or words or imagery or sound or art or dancing or knowledge. It all carries light in its energy structure. When you watch a dancer do you not feel lifted? When you view a piece of art that resonates do you feel lifted? When you read a chapter that expands your heart do you not feel lifted? When you give or receive energy do you not feel lifted? Dear ones the form, the transference, matters not. It is the intent and the flow that matters. Ohh we see you judge your ways, and others ways. Release the judgement for all are as one, love, transferring light to all the many areas of the universe. Are you aware that when you send love with intent that it not only goes to the receiver intended, but all they touch? Light is as a virus, it infects, it radiates out. If you send love to a situation all in that situation and all they touch are affected and even more than that, all that are touched by the touched. Ohh you are powerful creators! You know not your power! You know not how far and wide those you touch with your light travel. When one enters a country that holds a courageous virus, does not your authority buckle down the hatches? Your authority understands how quickly a contagion can travel. One virus, one infection affects the entire population over time. Do you not see? Do you see now? You affect change. Do not belittle or berate yourself. Every one you touch is affected. Every “one”. Now what have we expressed that you are? You ARE. You are all ONE. The light is multidimensional. You are seeking to understand in a linear way, in linear terms, in 3 D understanding. Light is multidimensional. It affects many layers. 
Dear ones be at peace where you are. All you do affects change whether it be by words spoken or written. Whether it be by light transference or healing. Whether it be by dance or art. Whether it be by singing or melodies. You are all individualization of light. Be your individualisation. Do not try to be another's, unless you wish it. Be what feels joyful for you. Be that is of the least resistance, for resistance seeks to dim your light. Fear seeks to dim your light. You are magnificent. Believe it so. Ohh we understand you have veils and may not see the all of it, but may you feel the truth of it? When you converse with intent to connecting with light you are a vessel for transference. It matters not the how or even the understanding. Feel this light and extend that feeling forth. If you feel it you may understand its validity and if you do not, you will. You try to measure “how much” light is transferred. The light you extend is limitless and infinite. As your senses increase and fine tune in the new energy your understanding and awareness will increase. You begin to feel this do you not? The multitude of variances in your abilities and your symptoms. Trust divine order is at hand and the creation is perfection in design. How could it not be? You created it. You simply have chosen to forget, on purpose and on time, for your greatest expansion. Dear ones we close. Know that you are what we are, and in that statement you may assume all or no thing. Know you are not separate from we and you are not separate from each other.
All one.
Expanding, experiencing, and co creating. 
That is all

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