Card 1
Greetings. Those that have chosen the ones are those experiencing polarities at this time. There is the choice to be had, at two extremes. That that is one of exceleration and that which is one of being still where you are. There is great comfort to be had in the sameness. It is what you know after all. It is familiar, safe, knowable. You understand where you are and so you may have the feeling of being in your cave, secure. However the human spirit rebels at the sameness. The human spirit wishes to experience all variety and manner of experiences. It pulls you, propels you you might even say, pushes at you to spring forth to experience. It's what it does. It's what you do, and so you have a choice do you not? Yes, there is risk, that things may not turn out as you plan, but this is the supremacy of moving forward, this adds to the excitement of stepping out of your cave and breathing in your creator God within. Dear ones, we ask, do you wish to travel safe and secure in what you've known or do you wish to allow your spirit to soar? There is no judgement. The only one that truly judges is you. Only you can know your calling, only you. You may choose the high road of endless possibilities or you may choose to live in your cave.
Card 2
Ahhh these are experiencing what we call earthly dilemmas. Minimal, menial, and yet the tendency to create as you say, " mountains out of molehills" exists. Dear ones when you place all manner of possibilities to a single course of action in a worried state, do you understand you begin to create these in your reality? This then expands on itself and gives you exactly what you are worrying. We suggest that when what you call a problem comes to view, certainly look at it from all angles, and then let it go. The angles that you are viewing in your problem may only be a figment of your imagine, but when propelled with creator force the deck of cards may crumble most speedily. We advise when a problem comes to view, choose that which may bring a solution and then let it go. To dwell on the problem, over and over, to create any numbers of tragedies that may result from the dilemma, will certainly excel the problem further and create it into your world. We suggest renaming your idea or problem. Begin to call problems opportunities. How might this opportunity excel you, assist you, in your life journey? Look, view it as the glass half full and that you may choose how to fill the rest of the glass, rather than seeking ways to empty the glass, for in seeking ways to empty the glass you in fact create more glasses to empty. This is how you turn a dilemma into your greatest gift. Dilemma or opportunity, which do you choose to experience? There is no judgement. Your will be done.
Card 3
For the threes this day we bring a tiding, a gift of insight. You may say we bring a box, a gift of clear seeing. You understand you are a creator yes? As a creator you may choose to create any manner of experiences. We say to you when you sit quietly in your stillness and seek the one within that speaks to your soul, that is the one that is the soul, that is you, begin to question what it is that you wish to seek. Ask that this inner piece of you this I am-ness, speak to you in a manner that might bring you understanding, that which will give you clear sight. In this ask that you be guided, that you be guided into your greatest joy, your greatest accomplishment, if you will. Speak to this part of that is unseen, as if it was standing in front of you as a genie in a bottle, for you understand, YOU, are the genie, and the veil acts as the bottle. You may access this genie that is you in this stillness. Ask it what your greatest wishes may be, and ask this genie that is you, that is God, to begin to come forth in your world, to grant you that you wish.This will create a shifting of energies for you, are tapping into the inner magician, that which manifests in your outer reality. Access your genie within, that it may grant, manifest your wishes into your outer reality.
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