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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Choices...Abacus 17/5/16


Dear heart we are here. We are ever here ready to serve, to help with clarity. It is true that when you begin anything new, that you come to a stage that you iron out hiccups, that you iron out the creases, so that it becomes nice and smooth. You are in effect ironing out the creases. You are clearing that that does not serve you, that does not bring you your highest excitement, your highest joy. Remember there is no need to do anything. There is no judgement. There is no need to be, do or have anything you do not desire, that you do not enjoy. You are coming to a space where you are realising, self realising, self realisation, that which you enjoy, and that which you do not. All that you do is a learning in inter-communication when it comes to working with spirit. You learn inter  communication in your every day living, in your everyday interactions. Yes it helps to serve those that question you through this method, however it is not the only method that may serve you. You may enter in many different methods of learning to communicate we, with another. It does not have to be in this way. All that comes to you serves to show you what works for you and what does not, what brings you joy and what does not. We do not come to tell you you should do anything. We bring to you ideas, we bring opportunities, that serve to grow you in a way that you may not grow otherwise. When you begin to work with light, when you begin to use the energy in service to others, it begins to increase, it begins to collect on, in itself, and this is what you feel. You are feeling the expansion of the light and that that is in you, that needs to be cleared, is being pushed and this is the push that you feel. It is not that you are being pushed from the outside but you are being pushed from the inside, to clear what does not resonate so that you may be a clearer channel of service, to yourself, and to others.

You are seeing the changes in your internal workings. You are seeing the changes that are being drawn to you. There is much change in your life stream and what you are feeling is the need to clear the old to make way for the new. The old and the new do not fit, much like the key that does not fit in the new lock, and this is the resistance that you feel. Dear heart seek what brings you excitement and joy. Channel your energy in those areas. It is trial and error much like walking into a shoe shop and trying a many number of shoes. Some shoes will look beautiful on the outside, but on the fitting they feel tight and uncomfortable. Then other shoes will look not so exciting on the outside but when you fit them they are a comfortable fit. They fit well and you are happy wearing them because they fit good. Then there will be other shoes that in the trying they will fit beautifully and yet they do not look so good on the outside, and you worry about what others will think that view you wearing these shoes, that you know that fit well and you must get over what other people think when you wear these shoes. So we say to you your journey is like being in a shoe shop. Some will fit well and some will not. Some will look as if they will fit it and then upon the wearing they do not fit at all and some will fit so beautifully and yet it is not what you imagine others will like, that they will not think they look well, but you know in your heart that they are the perfect fit, and so we say to you all this will occur in your life stream. All will come for you to try on so to speak, and in the trying on you will know what is yours, what fits you, what brings you comfort and joy, what will carry you in the long haul, for there will be some shoes that fit beautifully and then after wearing them awhile will bring you discomfort, and you are feeling this discomfort now. The shoe looked beautiful and on initial fit it fitted well, and now you are discovering it doesn't fit so well after all. In small doses it fits well, but in large doses it brings uncomfort, and so what you are experiencing is this uncomfort. In a small dose it suits, and in a big dose it does not, for you are not able to walk your path in a large dose. You know your answer. You understand. Trust your instincts. Trust your next move so to speak. You are simply seeking the right shoes, the right fit and you may not do this without trialing them, without trying them on. You do not know unless you try the shoe on as to how it will fit,  and there are so many shoes in the shoe shop of spirit, so many that you may try. On the viewing you have no understanding, but on the trialing you begin to understand what fits and what does not, and yes this is a personal channel in a sense, but it will serve many in the sharing. You understand this do you not? There are many experiencing what you are, for you understand you are all one, and what you experience another will be experiencing also. Sharing dear heart is caring. Sharing our communication helps another in a way that you may not understand, just as you may not understand whether a shoe will serve you or not, without the trailing. You do not understand how our communication may serve another. Trust dear heart. You are learning. You are in experience. These messages will serve you as they serve others and it is then up to the individual soul whether they will fit this message or nay, as a shoe, this will fit some and not others and that is okay. That is how it should be. We end this communication with a few lines. Do you want you do. Do what makes your heart sing. When you do this you become beacon of light, and a beacon of light helps others to become beacons also, for you are a living example. You are an example to others when you follow your heart and joy.
In honour of your journey. That is all

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