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Sunday, 5 June 2016

6/6/16 Channeled readings / messages

Greetings dear ones. We are pleased to bring this day some words that may help you on your life path. 

Message 1
To these the ones we say new beginnings are afoot. Each day brings new beginnings for each day is a new moment, a new space of your earth time, in which you may interact with that that you call life and manipulate your surroundings in a way that is conscious. With conscious intent, coming from a space within you, you may begin to make sound choices of "your" choosing so that you may lay your foundations, if you will. Foundations chosen expressly by you, that may take seed and grow. Ohh we know you wish it to be sudden, you wish your choices to be manifested at the moment of your choosing, and you imagine they are not for you see only the material form. You do not see your choosing with your eyes right away, and so you imagine no thing has happened and so you go into doubting and in effect halt the proceedings that have begun on an etheric level, that have begun to turn and materialise. Dear ones know, understand, that when choices are made with intent, your choice or action begins the ball rolling, it begins to take form. You may not see it, but understand all intent, all choosing begins to take form energetically BEFORE it materialises into the material. Your doubt in not seeing, brings your choices swiftly to a halt. There are changes afoot. Your message this day is not to doubt, if you will. Understand, believe, that progress is being made on an energetic level and although you may not see this in material, it does not not make it so. Faith dear ones faith. Your message this day 

Message 2
Your message this day is that of courage. To be courage is not to be unafraid, but to feel the fear and move forward. Use the fear as an emotion that propels you forward for it is a strong emotion and if used wisely may move you forward at great speed. It may be your thorn in your side or it may be your ally. Your perception is paramount in this. Fear is not always resistance in the way you imagine. It may be used to aid you rather than dis-enable you. You may be paralysed by your fear or you may use this rush of emotion to MOVE you forward, to grow you. Emotion is not good nor bad, it simply is. It is your perception of such that gives it power to help or to hinder. If you fear to move in a certain direction as your self what is the fear telling you? Ask your self. Search deep for fear is sometimes your resistance to change , change that may grow you, that may propel you out of the imagined hole you have dug yourself. Use fear as the fuel to propel you up and out, and forward. Use this tool to aid you. Use your discernment. Yes fear may be your warning bell if you will, to protect , however in this instance, in this message, we speak of fear in resistance to change. What is your fear speaking to you? Protection? Survival? Protection from what? Seek to indulge the message. Your greatest fear may be the "imagined" monster in the room and once faced, the reflection gives a sound view into the intricacy your perception. Fears faced brings power back to the self for the self has no fear, only love. 
Our scribe wishes us to reiterate. To make clearer our message for she worries the message may be misconstrued. We speak not of fear, that which one feels when one is in fear for their earth life. Fear is certainly used in this instance to aid you and again to propel you forward to help you. We speak of the fear one feels in regards to their moving forward in your life goals. There is the fear and flight inbuilt mechanism that propels you, energises you into self preservation. The power of this fear has been know to help one attain such a power that they may lift an automobile to aid one that is trapped within. Fear has tremendous power. It serves it's purpose. That which we speak of here this day, is the misconstrued fear in your daily decisions. Fear has great power. It has the power to save you, but also to paralyse you. That which we bring reference to this day, is the fear of growth, the fear of change, when the change is to be one of benefit. In this, fear has great power. The emotion generated may help to move you forward in your life path at great speed if used wisely. Use your discernment. Go within and seek the message from your heart

Message 3
To the ones that choose the 3, know that you are endeavouring to study, to grow you through the written word. This is not a bad endeavour, it is a useful tool, however to these this day, we wish to remind that that grows you most is experimental. We advise to perhaps begin to experiment with that that you read rather than seeking to learn wholly from the written word. Words bring concepts and ideas yes, it is a most useful tool, however it is an idea to use that you read, to experiment with what is being shown you. You wish to become the scholar, the learner of many things, and we commend you for your curiosity. This day however we advise the scholar that it is through experience and action that one learns the truth. You may read a truth, but does this give you sound knowledge.? Yes and no. To know is to be that that is your encyclopaedia, to experience that that you learn brings a new level of understanding. Begin to experience your truth from the inside rather than from anothers written point of view, for what you read may feel as truth by your minds standards, but may be totally different from your hearts in the experience. Reading of love is very different to experiencing love. Open your hearts dear ones. Learn through the heart rather than the head. Yes knowledge is useful we agree, however we speak to the ones that read over the same material trying to find understanding that may not be found within pages of a book, but through the experience of the heart.

Note... *Disclaimer*
Always use discernment when reading the channelings. Be guided by what YOU feel to be true for you. Your truth 
The guides often bring through information that may have a double or multiple meanings. You will feel your message, the deeper meaning within the words. Be guided by your own truth always .....

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