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Monday, 13 June 2016

14/6/16 channeled Card Readings

Channeled messages. Choose 1, 2 or 3.....

Card message 1

Dear ones this day is a day of new beginnings. If you are feeling the urge to create it is not an accident of nature but more the energetic flow wishing to be birthed into your plane. The energy currently is a push pull energy. The push wishes you to create and the pull arising when one is not walking their path but that of anothers, of being carried wildly into opposing directions, ones that you have  no comfort in entering or no interest of walking. Stop, and centre. When centring  you become clear. In that clear space you may reset your instruments, your flow and then begin anew your walking, along the correct navigation that is resonant to you. There is no limit to your abilities other than those you create for yourself. 

Card 2
Mayhap you need clarification when entering a new project. Mayhap you do not. What is it in you that requires anothers approval of your own innate abilities or choices?  Did the master Jesus ask others if he was able to walk his path? Did he ask another if he was able to speak his truth? Did he ask another if his words were true or nay? Seek clarification through your self! You yourself know your truth. You yourself have that inside you that tells you what is true for you or nay. Trust your self. Trust yourself to know what is for your best interests. Be confident in your knowing that you hold the best knowing, for that that is right for you and for your experience on this plane, of earth. Yes you may seek council from another in how better you may attain what you are seeking, your knowledge, however only you know whether something is right for you or nay. Whether it is the right fit or nay. Be confident in your knowing that you have the ability, the tools, to know that that is for you. Another may know what is best for they. Listen to your inner knowing, it has the answers you seek. 

Card 3
Ahhh the 3's. You are a mischievous bunch at present. You seek to be guided by others and then when the guidance takes you along a path you do not like so much, you may seek to lay blame, or you may cause another to rectify that that you chose. Understand your reflection. Understand that that you see on your outside world is your creation, your choosing. That from past choices is in view in your world presently. Do you wish to change what you see? Change that that is reflecting in the mirror. The mirror, the reflection, may not be changed, only that that is reflecting may be changed. Do not lay blame to another for what your world is reflecting. The other does not choose for you, unless you allowed it so. Your allowance of anothers view or ideas creates in your mirror, when you choose it to be so. All that you see is from reflections of the past. Past beliefs, past experiences, past doing, past thinking. They may be unconscious or nay, it matters not. What do you wish to be reflected in your outer world, next month, next year? Your choices? Or that of another? 
Change that you reflect, and you change your world. There is no judgement here. We seek to wake you from your slumber. At times one is sleeping so soundly and so comfortably, one requires alittle push rather than a gentle caress to awake.  We seek to bring awareness dear ones in a way that one may understand. As a mother wakes a child when they are in deep slumber, yet it is time to arise for tutoring. Your earth plane is as a mirror. What you do, think and feel, is reflected into this plane. What arises from this reflection is magnetised back out to you in people places things and circumstances. When you smile you magnetises smiles back out to you. When you anger you are magnetised anger back to you. When you watch a movie and you are happy you magnetise happy back to you. When you watch one that is upsetting you  reflect the upset out to you. The magnetics, source, flow, does not differentiate that it is a movie and not real. It has no judgement. Whatever you are being is reflected, period. There is no judgement, just reflection. 

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