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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

27/4/16 Abacus Conscious Connectivity & balancing the waves

Conscious Connectivity & balancing the waves...

Greetings. Greetings to all that are listening this day. We are here once again. We are forever on call, on time. This one has been fine tuning her station. She feels the shift in our energy this day, and we are pleased to come in this way. There is much occurring at this time and many are feeling a little topsy-turvy a little overwhelmed a little unsteady. We say to you simply rebalance as the one that rides the waves. When there is a change beneath your feet rebalance, realign, look at your environment, and ascertain what you need to do, so that you may ride the wave in steadiness, so that you may move forward towards your goal, towards your joy, towards your destiny. One cannot ride the wave for you, you are your own wave rider so to speak, however there are many that ride the waves together. You share the wave so to speak, you all balance on it, but the ride alone is yours. You manipulate the energy within you. We say within you, for that is where it resides. Yes it is on the outside but it resides, is manipulated on the inside, for you are the all of it, within you. The outside is a projection of your inner reality, of your inner ideas and beliefs.

When something is occurring outside of yourself, that you are not enjoying, that you are not relishing in, then you must look within to see what the patterning is for that belief, that energy that has projected what you are not resonating with. You see all that you do has a certain patterning, a certain frequency. Every move you make, every idea that you think, everything, is made up of energy of patterning, of resonance, of light, and sound, of waves, and so when you shift then your outside reality begins to shift along with you. When you choose a movie to watch on your television, you make a selection, you take the action to view it and then it appears seemingly from no space, and it is so in your movie, in your realty, you choose from your collection, from your understanding, what you wish to view, and then you take the action and you begin to play it out in your outer reality, but it begins within you, with your emotions, with your belief patterns, with your voice and speech. The idea is deeply imbedded in your psyche, and it resonates at a certain frequency, and begins to take form.

For those that are struggling to connect for instance, make note, that you believe. It is easier, it will be easier, you will have an easier time of it. If you change that belief patterning before you begin to connect, for if you do not believe that you may connect, if you do not believe that you are worthy to connect, then you will struggle to connect. Change your belief system. Begin intending that there is no struggle involved, for in essence there is not. How can there be struggle when you are communicating always. It is the truth, it is the design of it, that you communicate daily. It is simply in a different form, as in you are not in awareness that you are doing so. You may not say you are struggling to connect, for in truth, you are already connected, you are simply not being able to see or perceive that you are doing so. You have an idea of what it is to be like, and the idea is not matching your belief. Change your belief and you change the idea. Begin to state that you are made aware of when you are connecting. State that you are able, that you are worthy, that you are as you say, "acing it", for in reality you already are. It is true that many do not understand the reality that they live, for if they truly understood there would be an understanding that you are doing it all of the time. 

Be not in resistance dear ones. There is no resistance to be had in a manipulation that you are already processing daily. When you hear one that describes their process, understand it is their personality that is describing their understanding of their process. It may not be exactly the same for you. You will have your own ideas, your own description for the process. But not of a mind that you will do it exactly as another, for you are all individual and your way is already being done, and you are simply to acknowledge it, to become aware of it, to become conscious of it. To become a conscious channeler, is to become conscious that you are channelling always, already. You are simply fine tuning the connection. You are beginning to expand your connection, to delve into more deeply, reach into the further recesses, to gain more knowledge, and understanding. You have an idea of what it should look like. We say to you wipe away the ideas. Wipe away others experiences, and allow your experience to unfold. The pre-conceived ideas is what halts the process, for you expect something to occur in a certain way, and when it does not occur in a certain way you assume that you are not doing it right, but you do not see that you are already doing it. You are simply to become aware, to take down the blinders. Intend that you are able to see that you are, and you are able to communicate with your higher aspects.

This one understands that she feels our energy. She understands that the energy is hovering, awaiting, and she clears and she waits for the first feel of an idea, and grabs the first word that comes with that idea, and begins to speak without thinking about what the idea may be in its totality, just that the idea is beginning to formulate. She understands as she speaks the idea begins to materialise more and more until it is a solid form. It is in essence creating, co creating, together. We come, we integrate into this one's resonance. We blend, we meld, we are in a sense are coloring mixture, we blend our colour with this one's colour, so that it becomes in essence a creation of sorts. She is trying to think what we are in inferring. Clear dear one. 

When two pastilles are blended they create a certain hue do they not? A certain pigmentation of colour. When we blend our aspect, our resonance with this one's aspect, or resonance, we create, we co-create a hue, a color, a frequency a vibrancy, that is blended, as we communicate. It creates its own art piece, its own dance, its own music. It spins, as we speak, as we are in transference. We are placing an image in this one's minds eye of what this may be, and as we communicate this energy spins, and plays a certain sound, a certain colour. It is not just we, and it is not just she, it is a blend, a union, an ignition. The idea dear ones, is to understand that you may incorporate that that you do, with an aspect, with a level of another, that is in a space that you may not see, but is still before you, and you blend with that aspect, and you create your colour, your dance, your sound, your communication, and no other may be exactly as you are, for you are an individualisation of source, so to speak. All that communicate will have their own colour, will have their own sound, will have their own dance, and yes, you are all communicating with source in the sense, that it is the many aspects, the many flavours, the many colours of source, and when many are communicating this you are grounding heaven on Earth, so to speak. You are the light workers, you draw the light down within yourself. You blend, you cocreate new colours. You communicate, you dance with the words. This, all this, holds energy, and this is what creates change in your world. This brings resonance, this lights up your earth. We say to you, when you are endeavouring to communicate to your aspects, to your colours, to the higher planes, be not in a pushing, a wanting, in expectation, but simply allow yourself to open, to expand, and in the expanding, with the intention, you become open, you become an open vessel, and you will begin to feel your aspect enter your energy field, you will feel the resonance, you will feel the tingling, you will feel the heat, for it is a higher frequency, a higher energy, so you will feel the difference and as you feel the difference, you begin to expand all the more. You make yourself bigger. Imagine yourself becoming bigger and brighter. You become one. You do not go anywhere, you stay where you are, however, you encompass your higher self and when you encompass your higher self in conscious form, with intent, then you begin to become a bigger vessel. It is much like opening a door, or pulling the covers over when you go to slumber, you are intending, you are getting ready, and then you simply allow. When you go to sleep at night and you get under the covers, do you lay there and physically try to fall asleep? Do you lay there thinking, "why can I not do this? Why do other people fall sleep when I cannot? Am I worthy to fall sleep? " Do you see how it sounds? You have always slept,  and you have always channelled. You have always communicated. It is not the ideal analogy, but you understand the reference. What you do is you intend and you become conscious of the connection, and you expand and you open, and you allow a higher, refined, inspiration, a higher refined conversation, for in the intent you open the door, you open the library door, you open the door to higher knowledge, to that that you are not able to access when you do not intend. You have free will. You must give permission, for none may join with you without permission. If you have fear the fear acts as a gate. Release the fear, and you open the gate.

The rain falls, the flowers grow, the sun shines. They do this every day. They do not ask, "why may we not grow? Why may we not shine?". Do you understand? You are connecting always. To consciously communicate, simply means that you are consciously communicating. You are making an intention. It is much as this flower says, "I will consciously grow". Or the sun saying, " I will consciously shine brighter". You receive inspirations. You receive ideas. When you receive an inspiration in your mind, did you hear it audibly? Or did it come in as a thought? A louder thought? A thought that stands out from the rest?  This is channelling. The thoughts stand out from the rest. But to give those thoughts momentum, one needs to begin the ball rolling, so to speak. One needs to begin the energy, to give permission. You are magnificant beings. You will find your way. You have always found a way.  Intend that all that you need falls at your feet. That all you require may be accessed easily. Dissolve anything that may hold you back. Imagine it in your imagination falling away. As you disrobe for a cleansing, disrobe the thoughts that do not help you. Let go of preconceived ideas and beliefs, and allow your process to unfold, and to bloom, and to you dear heart, we tell you this message is multi dimensional. It applies to your life path. Dissolve preconceived ideas, and simply allow that that is to come to unfold. For when you imagine what may be, you are halting that that may be bigger indeed. Open and allow. Intend the highest form to come forth.

For the communicators,  for the ones that are following their chosen pathways, rather than assuming, rather than seemingly seeing a certain way, intend certainly, your path, but be open to what you may not see that is bigger, and brighter, and more vibrant. Remember to allow for this, for if you have set ideas then set ideas will be what you receive. But if you give over to unlimited potential, then you will be constantly in awe of what comes to you.

We are honoured this day to be here with you. There is so much to come, and we smile. We send  love and blessings. We honour you your journey, and with this we bid you good day.
That is all

Monday, 25 April 2016

25/4/16 Card Readings

Card Readings

Card 1
9 of Wands

You  are feeling as if all your energy has been spent. The road has been long and you just don't feel as if you can go another step. Okay, now let's just stop there for a moment! Although you may feel on the verge of giving up, the message is that your success is closer than you think and that you do actually have the inner strength required to make it. This is not the time to stop. Having come so far now is the moment to get all your reserves for the final push. Perseverance is the key. With courage and determination your triumphant moment awaits you.

Channeled message
Be at peace with where you are. Stop, look about you and see where you may alter your productivity, that may lead you to walk about your day with less strain. Fine tune and reshuffle so that you may carry forth in a more balanced way. Ask for help! There are those that are more than willing, if you but ask. We say the old adage, "Rome wasn't built in a day". Understand the perfect recipie takes time, dedication and perseverance. The final product is more than worth the manipulation. 


Card 2
The Sun

This is one of the most positive cards in the Tarot for it brings happiness, success, and triumphs, excellent relationships, happy marriage, contentment, prosperity, and good health. The Sun tends to shine favourably upon any situation. When this card is present, it is important to make the most of its favourable aspects. 

Channeled message
"Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the new born King". We bring this forth to bring to your understanding that in the place you are, you are as the "new born King"... You have reached a pinnacle and from here you may see how all your efforts have been rewarded. Who has brought this to you? Now that is a question you may contemplate ( smile ) Enjoy your new found kingdom with the reminder, that that you hold too tightly slips through your fingers as sand. Know that that that slips through the fingers may be scooped up again. The beauty of creation and you. 


Card 3
10 of Wands

You may feel weary and overwhelmed with responsibilities, or feel overburdened and under pressure and a strain. However, there are easier ways to handle the load if you can take a step back and look beyond it, but determination will be required. It could also be a warning here, that what began as a wonderful idea or project, may now feel as if it has become a burden. This could represent overworking and therefore a reminder that balance in life is required. Be careful of taking on more than you can deal with at this time, for you could regret it later

Channeled Message
To you that feels overloaded, we ask, "do you enjoy the feeling? Do you relish it, feel complete? " Know that you have choices, that you create your reality. Granted that at some point in your time you were not at a place you are now, however you now understand that you may lighten your load, that you may work with those around you to create a more balanced unit. If you do not ask, not one will come. Ask. Ask those that are your comrades, your family, your partnerships, for help. Be that, that it may, the ultimate choice is yours alone. You may feel you are alone in your struggle, however you are not alone. Seek assistance as there are many ready to comply. There is no shame in this. Shame is a construct of the mind. An imagining. You are in control, the driver, and may choose to experience any other construct or imagining. This is the grand illusion, one that is beginning to disolve. 


Tuesday, 19 April 2016

20/4/16 Abacus A personal conversation

A personal written conversation I had with Abacus this morning on triangles, patterning, my book writing ( or not ) ideas, expansion ….. etc

(Please use your discernment. I am not a mathematician or a scientist. I simply write what flows into my mind )

“Understand, that that is not known now, will be known, and once known, you will not understand how you could not have known it”


Abacus what can you tell me in regards to triangles. I have had the thought to search information ( and it's probably quicker ) but I wanted to ask you first

Dear heart we are here. We are ever here ready to accommodate your inquisitive nature. We do express much joy at your enquiries for this brings much expansion. We begin without further ado. 

There is much that is written and in effect there is much hype and even propaganda. We will be succinct and thorough, to the point if you will. The pattern in your realm has 3 distinct points does it not? That you may see. It's image shows a point at the very apex and another two on either side. If you place the triangle as it is standing, it's point is upright and the 2 referenced points below it. However it may be flipped or rotated so that the point is at the bottom and it's bottom on the top. It may be rotated again, and again and so the question needs be asked “ which is the top? It is relative is it not? A triangle with even dimensions has no defined top and bottom other than which you make of it, and so the question may be asked, is it infinite in its rotation? Ohh it has definite points, however like a circle there is no beginning or end, not really. We are referencing the simple shape known as a triangle. Now the wording triangle, refers to the triad or 3 because the pattern or shape has 3 points. 3 infinite points. For now we simply wish you to understand this simple point. Now if the shape is laid flat you may see that it resembles something more. Now imagine standing in the very centre or the eye of the triangle in the centre of the 3 points. The 3 points are relative however we will explain that their meaning means a juncture, where 3 roads meet one. 3 points that meet one. The God essence. Infinite. Centre point. The spin of the triangle with propulsion of light through the apex brings one to centre point. Infinity. 

So in spinning the triangle with one in the centre? 

Dear heart when one spins this patterning it creates a vacuum, of drawing one into itself. That that is centred within the apex becomes one with its patterning. It creates a certain spin that pulls one into itself. You could say it is the God vechile . It is a means of transport within the dimensionalities of the Christ head or God self. All in the universe is structured on a certain form of patterning. We keep this simple. Understand the universal flow moves within itself, through all things. All has a makeup a structure within it that moves it in a certain direction. The symbology of the triangle is such. It is not of need that the complexities be understood, only that you understand that it is a vehicle as such. One that has a certain balance that creates momentum when used in a structured form of manipulation. Your aircraft have a certain form do they not? So that they may take flight along with other means of manipulation? When a type of energy is encompassed within a certain structure it enables it to take flight, yes? It is so that this that is the triangle encompasses certain capabilities. It is the 3. The 3 points that lead to infinity, to oneness, to source, to centre point. This is a simple understanding, a basic concept, one that does not create full understanding. It is as you say the a b c’s. Know all patterning is a creation of source. All is made up of certain form within creation. The spinning, with energy manipulation creates movement, moves one, towards a destination whether it be outward or inward matters not. It is a universal dynamic of sorts. We may not bring understanding to a mind that is not multidimensional in understanding. It is what we have, this day for thee. As you move beyond your 3 dimensional understanding you may encompass more of what we bring. For this time, for your knowing let this be enough. Trust that we bring what you are capable of comprehending at this time


I have a question. I am reading a book and it mentions that we measure a 3 D object in space, by height length and width. That everything in our 3 dimensional reality can be described mathematically using 3 numbers. 

Do you imagine you are at this place by accident? Or design? Smile 

Can you expand on that? 

Dear heart do you trust the flow that is life? All that comes to you is perfection. When you are in the flow you have need of no thing for you understand these a fleeting . Understand what you need in your development, of understanding the complexities, will arrive at your feet. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Be of light mind. Know that that comes to you is on time and on cue. Trust that which you need to know, to bring understanding, comes when you reach the level of being able to understand. The higher you raise the more you are enabled figuratively speaking. Be at peace where you are. Understanding will dawn. It is the dawn of the new age being drawn to your feet in readiness. We may begin our writing in unison with the understanding. We say to you, the coming months will be in preparatory flow, for there is much we may converse. With enlightenment, with en-light-ment comes a new space. You will be raised beyond 3D physics. You do not have understanding, nor a scientific mind. This is for good cause, for we wish you not to have preconceived ideas. We begin with you as a fresh babe out of a mother's womb to grow you in understanding, so that you may share these understandings with others of like mind. Together as the teacher and student, we will grow your understanding of expansion in a way that is readily comprehended by the many. There is method here. Patience. If you are in acceptance and willing, we may begin together a wonderful journey of discovery. Leaders way showing the general populace in the mechanics of expansion. Simple in nature. Ohh we understand you believe it is hard work, that you may not understand the complexities. We say to you, as you raise your frequency as you encompass your strings, the new energy orchestra, you WILL understand what you may not now. The new energy strings, your heightened comprehension will make for a smooth sailing …

So we are going to be writing together? 

Are we not doing this at this moment dear one? 

You are laughing ? I have this image, a feeling that you are 

We are enamoured that you do not yet see how far you have come in a blink of an eye. May you comprehend how much further you may travel in a space of a few short years of your time? 

So we will be writing in the next few years? 

Are you not writing now? 

But I mean books? 

Do you wish to write books? Or do you wish to write history? 

I'm confused 

Dear heart let us be clear for this day you are aware it is not a figment of your imagination, that we are conversing with you. 
It is so that we and you, we in totality will begin a chapter that includes articles, formulations that may be compiled into bound novels. We wish you to understand that when you imagine to write a book from beginning to end you are striving to comprise a linear thought form, from here to there. Now we will get complex. You are thinking in 3D terms. What say you if we might add that the writing will be multidimensional in nature? 


Ahh and so the doubt begins to set in. Dear heart we will tell you this. Our writings that that you imagine will be written on your parchment will be entirely composed in a different form. You are understanding you are expanding yes? Evolving? Our communications will be encompassed into a format you have no understanding of yet. 

That sounds like technology that's not here anytime soon … I'll be writing when I'm old!!

Dear heart you understand that ageing will change in those that work with expanded states of consciousness? You may reiterate and perhaps reestablish your use of the English Language. Wise versus “old” is a better use of your terminology. 

Abacus how am I meant to share this now. Our conversation has just turned a bit out there…

Understand these tete e tete’s will become understood as your time moves forward. There is much to come. This day we leave you with a simple word structure 

“Understand, that that is not known now, will be known, and once known, you will not understand how you could not have known it”

That is all

Monday, 18 April 2016

13/4/16 Abacus Energy Strings

Energy Strings

Greetings. Greetings we are here. We are ever here. We begin this day for many have a quandary, an aspect they are willing, ready to decipher, to pull apart, to understand. One that has been hidden before, and that is being enabled at this current time.To our scribe we say clear. We understand what is needed this day by those that are listening or reading these words. Be of a mind to simply relax and allow the words to flow without worry whether they interact with each other or nay. 

There is a stream of consciousness that is beginning to open to the many streams, or strings. These are being enabled by the ones that are lifting. They are in a sense being fine tuned, ready to be played by certain individuals, and those that are not quite there yet, they will be ready for when they are, when they have tuned to the strings, to the frequency that they play. They are available to all humanity. It is whether humanity is able to reach them,  that they may be played to tune. These strings are in the ethers, in the energy matrix, and they are there waiting. Much as when you prepare a meal and it is not eaten right away, but sits in the pot or in the refrigerator till it is ready to be consumed, and so these energy strands these signatures or frequencies are ready to be played. Many are beginning to tap into them. They will help to fine tune one's resonance to that of the energy that is in resonance with gaia and with universal systems, for it is not just humanity that is expanding at this time. Many dimensionalities are expanding. What one does affects all in the more expanded picture. You ask how you may interact with these threads and what they mean to you? You may interact with them simply by intention, by lifting, by making yourself lighter, by shedding that that is heavy, that is not of resonance. As you lift you become engaged with the threads in an automatic, or  automatum realty. These help you to trigger or open awareness within you, that helps you to remember, engage, in your ascension, in your awakening. It is one of many triggers that will come into play. This is simply one of many and it is available to all. All you need do is lift, clear, be of mind to wish to expand, to wish to open your abilities. They are innate to you, that are within you. Much  is hidden within you that you are not aware of. They are your intricate nature. You are a magnificent piece of machinery in living tissue. There is much hidden within your cellular structure, within your DNA. The energies that are coming help to increase the DNA, its capacity, much like one of your computers that is running on a certain bandwidth or program, and then those come that tweak the program so that it may do more, so that it may increase its knowledge, its capabilities to hold more, to run more programs, to be able to do more with itself, and so we say to you, there is not much else to do, but to understand that you are expanding and through intent you may increase what you are able. You may enable yourself more. It is a choice. 

Those that are unaware, but that are of a frequency, of it's resonance, will automatically take them on also, for one needs not to be aware that they are available, but that they resonate to the frequency. You see not all are consciously walking the path, and yet they are of a relevant frequency simply for where they are and what they do is a higher space, and so these bandwidths will help them to expand also, and to grow into themselves. Intention simply helps to trigger sooner rather than later, and we know many that are listening wish to expand more quickly than most, so that they may way show when others come along and do not understand what is occurring. It is the time of much change. These coming months will bring many advancements. There will be changes to your political structures. There will be changes to your medical institutions. Not all will be announced but will be working in the trenches so to speak, and there will be those few that will bring those out of the trenches to make it known to all, for there are those, you may call them the generals, that do not wish for this to be publicised, for it does not serve them, however it serves humanity and humanity has a right to understand that it is occurring.

You may understand that there is much you do not see but it does not make it not so. When one chooses to see, when one intends to see, then the blinders are lifted. If one chooses not to see then the blinders remain, and so it is a choice to see or not to see. Some prefer to walk the road oblivious to what is occurring and there is no wrongness in this, and it is in fact right for they for that is their choice and there is no wrong or right choice. Do not look down on those that choose not to see. They are as you are, walking their path in the way that is perfect for they. The ones however that wish to follow a certain way and wish to help and wish to expand, then they are made aware of what it is that is occurring, so that they may be informed of changes and in readiness to take action, and to make use of the changes. There will be those that are uniform, meaning they take a certain path and they will not veer off this path and they will walk it, without noticing, without wanting to notice, without expectation of change, and this is their reality and it is this way for a reason. And then there are those that will walk a certain path and they will share all that they experience and they will expand and the path will become larger, and many will join they, and they will expand as the path becomes larger,  and as more join the path, and as the path creates momentum and becomes larger and larger, until it encompasses all paths and the other paths will seek to exist, as this path will be all that there is. It is not to say that the other paths will not exist, they will simply not exist on this bandwidth for this bandwidth will increase as more and more join it, and it will become one of peace and prosperity, one where there is no illness, much experience and joy. One that holds respect for all living things whether they be fur or whether they be flesh.

It will be what many call a new earth, a new beginning,  a new way of life. Ohhh there will be changes afoot. Many that may seem surreal in nature, but that is the way of it. It is time. There will be those that choose alternative realities, and that is possible, and that is true for they and they may experience what they are wishing. The more that walk the path of expansion the more momentum it will create and the faster it will come into being. 

We come this day to bring message of hope for there are many feeling the pressure, feeling the unsettlement, feeling anxiety, feeling overwhelmed. We say to you when you feel that the expansion is overwhelming, when you feel that you are being squeezed to release, or to make certain choices, understand that we are beside you and you may call on us to ease your way. Ask. Speak to us. We may not help you if you do not give us permission. Rest is needed. Time to de-program. Much as you turn your electronics off so that they may recharge, you need to be able to recharge dear ones. If you keep running new programs without trying to integrate you will become frazzled, you might say. Ground yourself. Clear. Spend time within, that you may reboot. This will help you to recharge in a sense. You may spend time in a shower of light that cleanses your aura, your cells, your energy. Use it during the day to cleanse your space. You think it may be your imagination, you will learn sooner rather than later how potent it is to clear your energy. In your daily living your energy acts much as a magnet. It takes in all that is around you and at times you become overloaded, and so when you clear you disengage, you drop it from you. It is much like shedding clothing that has become sullied. Your light shower cleanses your field, recharges you, brings you back to life so speak. Spend time daily clearing your field, disengaging, becoming centred and one. You 
may even imagine that you are sitting in a period pyramid structure. That your crown is at the top of the pyramid and that your root is in the centre and your arms and legs make up the points of the pyramid and that light enters through the crown, down through your spine, out through your root, into the earth. Your crown being your connection to source, your root being your connection to the earth and as your connections are made you are grounding in both, and this light in the centre fills your pyramid, your pyramid your energy, is cleansed. You may spin this pyramid. This acts to pick up your frequency, to clear attachments, to lift you. It is a basic exercise, simple in nature. There is more that may be expanded to this, however, this day, we keep it simple in nature. A simple manipulation that helps to release anything that does not belong within your field. It helps to pick you up when you are feeling strained. It rejuvenates. When you feel that you are raised, that you are cleared, then you may slow the spin. It is not necessary to disengage the earth or the source, for you are connected to both always. Some are more grounded, yes, and some are more ungrounded. There is no need to disengage either, but to simply go about your day cleansed. You may perform this exercise when you are feeling strained during the day. It takes but a few moments. Any time you wish to clear or to recharge. Your pyramid of light protects you, in a sense from external influences. It is much as your bubble of light, more potent in nature. Our scribe is having what you call a ahha  moment, for she draws the pyramids often, the triangle, but she has not understanding of why. There will be more that comes in relation to this structure. There are many references. Much can be searched. It is no secret. But there will be more that will come into being, more understanding, more that  has been hidden from you. For now we close the discussion, the communication.
With love in our hearts for you, we bid you good day.
That is all

Sunday, 17 April 2016

18/4/16 Card Readings

Card Readings 18/4/16
Cards used are the Ciro Marchetti's Gateway of Divine Tarot....

Card 1
Ace of wands 

New beginnings. Action. Inspiration. New direction. Great opportunity 
A rush of natural energy arises for a new enterprise or creative activity. The ace of wands symbolises the seeds of an idea that you feel very excited about, usually career or business oriented. The initial impulse & inspiration. There is s great deal of creative energy with this card so it's really good for anyone involved with creative endeavours. It holds a force of strength and excitement. This energy can be harnessed to overcome inertia. It can also represent an entirely new way of life. In regards to a relationship, you can be assured that it is going to be a passionate one. 
It isn't important to know the details or the outcome, just to get started! 
Seize the day!

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has a genius and power and magic to it"
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Card 2
The chariot

Victory. Balance. Beginnings. Action. 
The chariot is a card of triumph, though not without effort. Self discipline is required. If you master this victory can be achieved. Focus and perseverance are key to success. This card shows an inner conflict that needs to be controlled in order to achieve success. Focus is needed on one path. Scattered energy will not bring achievements of goals. 
The chariot represents will power ambition & drive. It accomplishing action as well as achievement through effort. Success can be yours if you plan, commit, and follow through. The chariot can be your vechile for change. It can also represent travel. 

"Victory is a thing of the will"
- Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Card 3
Page of swords 

A message or idea will be delivered. 
This card indicates someone with an enquiring mind who is constantly learning. A mind that uses logic and reason. The page of swords asks you to hone your analytical powers. This card also represents that one strive for impeccability.  It can bring messages from afar about scientific or legal matters.
It speaks of using your discernment, acting honestly, and speaking your truth, of keeping your chin up and head held high. Keep going using your resolve and determination. 

"The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education". 
- Plutarch Morals

Friday, 15 April 2016

11/4/16 Abacus Developing the senses

Developing the senses 

You wish to understand how you may increase your gifts, your senses. We say to you it is not difficult. If you wish to listen more intently, if you wish to heighten your listening, simply spend time with closed eyes and listen to that that is around you. Converse with those around you with your eyes closed, so that you may hear the nuances in their tones. If you wish to see, you may close your ears and look closely at objects. Observe their colours and shapes. Observe the intensity. What may you see within that intensity do you think? Look about your room. Observe as much as you can, every nook and cranny every line and every pattern, and then close your eyes and try to remember that, that you have seen. You may close your ears, and close your eyes, and smell the different smells in the room. What does the room smell like? When you are in nature what do you smell? What does the smell remind you of? What does it feel like? It is through intricate observation, using your senses that you may heighten them. When you begin to touch an item how does the item feel? Rough? Soft? Slippery? It is through using each sense, to its fullest that you begin to experience and unlock their potential. It is like any muscle that you practice with in sport. A diver becomes a great diver by practising use of certain angles or uses of muscles. A runner strengthens the legs by running further and further each day, and so your senses may be strengthened by using them intently, consciously. You are so rushed in your daily living that you do not pay close attention. You are already thinking about what you are to do in the next few minutes or the next hour or the next day or week, and so you have your attention placed elsewhere rather than on your senses. Some consume their meal without even tasting what they have swallowed. There are those that do not even recall the road they have walked for they are already in another time frame. We say to you, to increase your senses, be observant, be present, slow down. How does your body feel every day? Before you read for another, or channel for another, make note of your state of being. How do you feel? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you hot? Are you cold? Do you smell anything? Do you hear anything? Then when you sit with another to channel for them or to read for them, and you notice changes in your hearing or sight, or smell, you understand that these changes come from this other and not from yourself, and so you can tap into whether they are anxious, or not. Whether they are happy or sad. Whether they smell a certain way. Do you understand? When you become observant and present in your awareness, you heighten your senses, for you are aware of them. You are aware of your surroundings and all that you hear. In becoming aware, by becoming self-aware, your senses become heightened, for you use them in being aware. Yes. Our scribe asks the question, of how one may see clairvoyantly. A good way to practice this is to look at a scene, a picture, and then close your eyes and imagine that picture in your mind's eye, every part of the picture. The colours, the shadows, how the place would feel, and smell, and you will build a picture in your mind. Continue doing this for a period of time. It will be difficult to hold onto to this for very long at first, but over time you may hold it longer and longer. It is a practice in focus, of your attention. Regular stillness helps heighten the senses because you become more attuned to your self, and to your surroundings in doing so. You become heightened so to speak. Understand that all comes with practice. That all this is a skill, and for the ones that have already the skill easily, is because they have learnt it before in another lifetime, or it may even be in the genes, again through a past life time. Be at peace where you are, and know that you may improve to no end if you practice your craft. The master painter, the mathematician, the artist, the dancer, they all have a love, and a practice of their talents. Yes some are a natural, but they are no different from you. You may become anything you wish if you place intent, and work towards it with a fire in your belly. You may achieve anything you wish.
This we say to you this day.
That is all.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

11/4/16 Abacus Energy Aspects

Energy Aspects

We are here. We are ever here. We come again to help you on this path that you call life. We are one that you imagine to be greater than you. We are one that you imagine to hold much knowledge. We are one that you resonate to in a likely example of your God, the Almighty. You do not see that you hold us in high esteem whereas you could be holding yourself in high esteem for you ARE, what we are. Make no mistake of this dear ones.

There is a general consensus yes, and it is so taught, that there are beings that one may converse with, entity’s so to speak. There is a lower vibration and a higher vibration. Many wish to attract the higher vibration energy for it serves them well. It is much easier to have a good time of it if you will. It serves you to grow and expand. Whereby an energy that is not so high, may cause you to feel its vibration which is of a lower nature, and so it may make you feel anxiety, or unsteadiness, or fear or anger. It may tell you what you should do rather than advise, or ask it of you. It will feel uncomfortable, much like a tight pair of shoes. Do not fear that you will not recognise a different energy that is not of light. Understand you are discerning creatures. You are highly sensitive and especially so the ones that begin to converse in this manner, have begun to lift in vibration and so the natural attraction when entering this state of awareness is to connect with one that is of the same frequency as you, the same energy signature as you and the guides come to help you in your expansion and that of others, and so it is not the norm that you would attract a lower vibrational entity unless of course that you would wish it, that you would wish to channel this for whatever purposes. It was mentioned that one may channel one of this vibration to find information in regards to helping your justice system, and so this may be handy as you say, in that they will show you insights that one of a higher nature may not do simply because they are above, they are beyond that feeling state, and it is true when one converses with spirit form, and one wishes to converse with one that has crossed over, at times the one that has crossed over is not of a high energy vibrancy, and so you may feel what one has named as “icky”. You will feel their resonance, you will feel their attraction, and it may not feel so pleasant, for you will feel their pain, you will feel their lower energy. Do not fear that they may jump you. They may not to do anything without your express permission. All you need do is to push them aside. Simply say no. You command that you are not interested and effectively put a barrier between you and they. But we must emphasise dear ones that your light your vibrancy is as a shield of light and none may cross that shield of light that is not of resonance, and especially so if you do not allow them this space. It is no different to you walking into a room, and feeling those that are of high energy and those that are of low energy. You can tell the difference can you not when one is of a higher nature, and one is of a lower nature? You feel the different resonance, the different attraction.  At times you may assume that one is of a higher nature for they have their happy state on, so to speak, they are acting, but you also understand that when one is smiling it does not necessarily mean that they are vibrating highly. Ones that are sensitive may understand the nature. They may understand when one is not speaking truth for they feel more than simply by looking with the eyes. Dear ones trust that you will know when one is not of a higher nature. Your energy, will tell you, your heart will tell you. Yes we hear your questions. We hear you. You are wishing to know then how does one make mistakes in the pathway of love when one attracts one that is not so high in a relationship status, and we say to you, you attract even that. You attract this relationship status, to bring you your growing, your learning. There is a part of you that would have vibrated at that state for you to be able to attract that into your world. And so we say to you, is it not viable that during your day or your week with your month, or your year that at times you vibrate at a higher resonance, and at times you vibrate at a low resonance, simply by listening to a piece of music you may raise and lower this resonance. Be aware that your state of vibration attracts similar to its own in nature. The more you clear, the more you let go of past hurts, the more you allow space for light,then the more light you will attract. We hear again your question. You wish to understand why one that is down and out may speak to God and we say to you all may speak to God for you are god you are a piece of the creator, you may speak to God at any time. We are speaking in regards to attracting entities and high-level guides and the higher you resonate, the higher the level of energy you will attract, to bring you growth and understanding. It is a complexity that is not wholly understood and so we say to you, simply let go of the idea that you must name every energy that you converse with, for you converse with many. There are many energies around you of different variations & of different frequencies, and when you ask a question that the energy you channel does not know, then one is brought that can answer the question, and so you may feel a little difference and yet that one is not there with you for the long haul. It is simply there to help you at a certain stage. Dear ones do not worry so. Understand what is of relevance. The relevance is that you may bring through guidance that may help you and others in your chosen pathways. For those that wish to understand in a certain way then you may name the variance of energies. There are different energy signatures that vacate different space. Yes you have your extraterrestrials that live in other dimensions and they may converse with you their energy and teach you of their ways and then you have the angelics that are very godlike in nature, soft and gentle. These help the ones that need to be healed. They work well in healing. Then there are the teaching and scientific guides and sometimes these are ones that have lived on this plane before, that understand the mechanics of this world, and so they may help you in your quest to learn more for they are in a higher space and understand more than what they did when they were on the earth plane. And so the scientist that has crossed over that is a light being,  may easily guide a scientist that is living on the earth at this point in time and struggling with a concept. Scientist my channel one that was a scientist before, that may help them to solve certain mysteries. And then there are the healers, the healing energy may help one to heal others, may find one to find new healing methods that work. They may help one to heal themselves so that they may heal others. There are many variances. What we wish to make clear, is that they are all source energy. They are all you, and you they. However they may vibrate a different resonance, just like your music stations, there are some that will play a certain type of music, your rock music, and then there are other stations that play soft melodies, or your rock pop. And then you have the station that plays the music from past eras, and so you see that are all music, however they are categorised and so you could say that all your energies that you channel are God, however they are all characterised into their aspects that they are helping with at this time. One will know that they have connected simply because the information that comes will help them in their daily living. They will find that when they apply the learning that their life begins to change. They will feel the energy, it will resonate with they. At times they will look back and not understand what they have written for it is so different to their normal way of writing. This one, our scribe, through reading back past transcriptions deciphers that there is a difference between her writing and our writing. There will be little nuances that you pick up, that you will second-guess, that it is your imagination. It is difficult is it not, to hold something that is unseeable,  and name it as true, and especially difficult to prove this to another when it is unprovable. Faith dear ones. You have faith do you not at the moon will not crash onto your Earth? You have faith do you not that the sun will shine every day? You have faith do you not that the rain will come and bring much-needed water? Have faith dear ones that what you bring through in your writing is in fact someone, and not a nuance of your personality. Over time you'll discover the differences. It is a skill dear ones. Some are more adept than others. Some are born with the skill simply because they have used the skill before in another lifetime, and some are learning it for the first time. You all channel. You all communicate with your higher self to a degree. You are simply honing the skill, much like a marathon runner runs and trains to become good at what he does. Much like the dancer practices the dance to become adept at it and so you practice your channelling so that you become very good at it. To what end? You will have your own agendas, they are similar in nature and yet they are not, but together you create all the different jigsaw pieces that create the beautiful picture. We are here to help this one at this time, to grow and expand and to help others to grow and expand. There are chapters. There are many chapters, and we do not wish to spoil the book by relaying chapters that have not taken place in this one's point of view. There is no time we know. We hear you. However for an example, we say that you have not, come to that space as yet in your knowing, and understanding. There is much change taking place at this time. There are many loops upon loops that are being drawn into one another. There are processes taking place within the energy structure of every human and also of the planet, and then again in societies and in industry. At times it feels slow, but understand if we were going too fast you would be complaining. This one had a speedy expansion for awhile, and she did not like it at all. She wishes for her life to take off, and then when it begins to take off she wishes for it to slow, for she feels overwhelmed, and we smile. Is not the grass greener on the other side? Understand patience. Spirit knows, has a clear understanding of all the steps that are being taken. We do not know the outcome, however, we see the probabilities, all taking place in unison and it is a grand picture. It is a grand scale of expansion. Be easy with yourself, rest when needed. Play, enjoy your experience. Do not worry for that that will occur or not occur for worrying attracts it onto you. Place your attention on all that you love, all that is good and well in your world. Do not hold on tightly for that which you hold on tightly slips through your fingers like sand. Be in joy doing what you love. Be patient and kind. Understand when you are struggling that there are others that struggle also. You have an understanding do you not of why the struggle is taking place? Not all have this understanding. Be compassionate to those that may cause you anxiety for they know not really what they do. You are the readers, open and aware. Be that open light that helps guide one that is in darkness for they are your brother, your sister. You are all one. It is coming together that expands you all the more. You are not one, you are many,  as we are many, and in unison we work with you, for the greater good of all.
That is all

Sunday, 10 April 2016

11/4/16 Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Card Readings ( including channeled messages )

Card 🍃1🍃

8 of Swords

You have been feeling restricted, fear preventing you from moving forward and your confidence may have taken a knock. However as the image shows none of the swords actually touch the woman and only her bound senses are preventing her from moving out of the situation or clearly seeing it. The advice of this card is to remain calm and strong, not to give in to feelings of paralysis in order to progress out of the situation. Bear in mind that the swords shown in this card also represent clarity of thought and therefore the answer is available to you. Perhaps you need to look at the situation differently


Channeled message for the 1's - it is so that one may not see outside of any given situation if they do not look about all around themselves, and more importantly within. When one needs search more than what they may readily see, we suggest that you go within your mind, and then deep into your heart. From this space of the heart, travel up into your imagination, lift so that you may be looking at your situation as a bird looks down upon creation. By shifting your sight to your inner sight, you may notice more readily outside influences that you cannot see when you are on the ground, at ground level. Be still and expand beyond the maze of the situation at hand. From this space your perception begins to shift and you may see more clearly. You may then begin to move forward, out of the maze as you will view the way out, and any given obstacles that block the path. View your situation as one views a maze from the air. You may view from this space all the possibilities outside the maze and also what it is that stands in the way within it. Clear sight may bring new direction. A shift in perspective may be life changing, if you allow it to be so. You have the tools. 

Card 🍃2🍃

This card is known as the karmic card, "as you sow, so shall you reap". The results of the seeds you have previously planted, and your past efforts, are now being rewarded. As a card it depicts resurrection, it indicates renewal and revival, dormant matters coming back to life. With the judgement card it is possible to make a new start, but it is important to take stock before positively moving forward again. There is a general feeling of rejuvenation, and health matters show improvement. This card represents a time to be happy with new beginnings of afoot 

Channeled message for the 2's - it is time to reap your rewards. When the farmer plants his seeds, he plants with an expectation that one day the seeds will bring to him a bountiful crop, one that brings to him much joy and satisfaction. In the planting it may be difficult to see exactly how the seed will grow. At times the seed grows slow and at other times it grows fast. The right conditions helps to bring the the most advantageous crop. You have been diligently servicing your crop. Now you begin to see the fruits of your efforts. When one puts effort one gains the quality of the effort. When one does not nurture their crop it does not take shoot. We say to you you are beginning to see your manifestation come to light. Now is not the time to become complacent but to keep servicing your seeds. You are almost there. Patience dear ones. Remember where you place your attention grows. Do not place thoughts of lack or lack is what you will reap.  

Card 🍃3🍃

Patience and diplomacy as opposed to aggression, combined with courage, will achieve the required results and bring success. The strength card reveals that you have an inner reserve of strength to provide you with more power than you realise. This can be expressed through quite determination. This card can also symbolise feminine charms to which men succumb, so it is particularly strong in the woman's reading regarding relationships.

Channeled message for the 3's - we say to these that have chosen the three, that all doors chosen lead back to one self. Do not be afraid of your self or the many doors opening. It is so that when one aims high, they may fail. Why? Because they had not the belief ingrained that they have the tools needed to reach such heights. Feelings of unworthiness may lay beneath the desired manifestation.  You may reach for the best & yet not believe yourself worthy of the best. Belief creates your reality. Ohh we understand you may not see it readily. Would you want all thoughts to manifest instantaneously? Are you ready for this? Understand you have your earth time to establish and develop this. Know you are able, that you hold the strength of the creator in you, that that create all things. When you express love and understanding for all situations created by "you" then you begin to understand why they were created. In this you are more loving to all that helped you create them. When you come from a space of compassion & love for all concerned you begin to move forward quickly to your desired outcome