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Monday, 29 February 2016

29/2/16 My journey / Personal channel

My journey 
Personal channel

I've decided to share this simply because I feel some may benefit in the reading. It's kinda nice to know that we are being guided along our journey, even if at times we just don't understand the reasoning behind where it's leading. There has been a new chain of events in my life which I am still giving thought to. I was led to apply, and passed a "test" that enables me to do phone & text chat readings for certain psychic line. Not at all where I thought my path would lead me, however I've begun to trust what gets thrown in front of me on my path, to grab hold of synchronistic clues along the way. I'll give it ago trusting it will lead me to where I am to be. This channel is inline with this change...

To you dear heart, this message is for you.  Your world is shifting, your world is changing. You understand this. You are experiencing this. Know you are on the right path,  and know that the path will broaden as you walk it. Trust the synchronistic events that flow. Trust what comes to view. Trust all that comes to view for each is a piece of the puzzle that is working its way into a beautiful picture. You are here to help others to reconnect to themselves. You are here to help with the expansion. You are here to help expand the light on this plane. You have been guided to a certain aspect of communication. Trust this. It will not be the sole aspect of your journey but it is a beginning. It is a step forward to the next chapter. This current communications that you are seeking to bring balance to, will help you to expand and grow in our communication. It will be a step, a chapter, of this book of yours, that is of your life at this time. It will lead onto the next chapter and the next and the next. This chapter is one where you will expand on our communication, develop the skills with inter-communication with others. You will learn how to grasp our communication, more refined. You will help many in the process. You understand this will expand to writing THE books. Yes, you will be writing. There is no doubt of this. However, there is a sequence, a  time event. Follow the steps. One will lead to the next, and to the next, and to the next. You are always guided with your action. This year is a year of building house, as we have explained in a prior communication. Your building the foundations. You are honing the skill of communication, you are honing your attributes, you are developing your sight, your senses, and your people skills. As you grow, the amount of people that you may help will grow. As you come online with your skills, you may help others come online with theirs. There is much you are not aware of and it will stay in your unawareness. Simply be where you are. Enjoy the flow. There is enough in your life stream to keep you busy at this time, is there not? You are on track and on time. Do not doubt this.
This new occurrence, these new connections, will help you to expand in a way that is not possible within writing. You have been led to using your voice on purpose, for as you grow in this area, this arena, you will gain the confidence to be able then to use your voice, in other circumstances. There is so much more that is awaiting you. You may not know the all of it, for you will be overwhelmed. We know you. We know you. Understand all is as is. Be in what is. Be in joy. Be in love. Be of service while experiencing your expansion, and will grow beyond measure. Each communication that comes to you in this new line of work, will bring you ever closer. Understand when you speak to one in this framework, there is a connection that may not be made in the writing. There is a healing that takes place within the energy that you are emitting. Trust what comes. We ask you to trust the developments at hand. We support you, and guide you ever forward. Be at peace where you are. Be at peace and enjoy. The fruits of your labour will be rewarded, in ways that are unimaginable to you at this time.
We are complete in  our communication.
With love in our hearts  for you all. 
We bid you good day.
That is all

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