We are pleased to be here again this day. We are pleased with the consequences of the day, for there has been much growth in many with the changing energies that are occuring at this time. There is much flow occurring. Some are feeling expanded, and some are feeling a little overwhelmed and are having a tendency to shrink back from the expansion that they may take in, simply because they are overwhelmed with the power and the strength of the energies at hand. We say to you dear ones, when feeling overwhelmed, simply come back to present. Sit still. Be in that space of no mind. Simply be with what is. Do not think too much of tomorrow or the day after that, or the week or the month or the year after that. Instead simply be with this day, with this moment in time. Look to what is giving you joy in this moment and do that and nothing more. Simply be with what is occurring at this point in time, and then you move to next step, and the next, and the next, and eventually you will be at that place where you felt overwhelmend with looking at prior, and you will be in a state of joy, for you will have been experiencing your joy in the mainstay, Today there is a relevance, there is a turning point in the structures. There are some that are becoming in tune, and there are some that are just opening their eyes, and there are some that have been battling their growth and of a sudden all the cogs click into place. We say to you, enjoy the journey. It is not a race. All will occur in the right time frame, in the right structure. Understand you are capable of many things, many that is not known to you at this time, on purpose we might add. As the energies become into balance, as they become on time, certain attributes will open and you will begin to use them without even realising that you are. You may not even look back to see when you were not using them, because you will not remember not being able to use them for it was your reality then and you know no other reality you see, at the time. You do not see where you have been for you are where you are, and you know not, remember not, where you were. If we could place you for a moment where you were a few years back and then place you where you are now, you will be astounded in the difference, for you see, you do not see for you are in the experience. We say to you, we open our heart to you, what you may do this day to expand and to open and to be all that you can be, is simply to be. There is no other thing for you to do. Be where you are. Be in the present, in joy and gratitude doing what you love to do, and all else will follow. Be the love in your heart to yourself and to others. Remember they are you and you are they.
Together you will create this most beautiful development of new earth, of new systems. You do not understand the complexities. You do not understand the how's and whys. You do not understand because you cannot understand. It is much like giving a child a pamphlet on the nuances of chemistry. It has no idea, as you have no idea, and we do not berate. We do not mean to demeanour. We are simply expanding on your understanding that you may not know the all of it. However, it means not that you are not open to it, and as the energy picks up and as you expand, you begin to understand the paper. All in good time dear ones. We are so very pleased with the outcomes in progress. We bring much love to you all and we sit with abaited breath watching the process with love and with honour.
That is all
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