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Monday, 29 February 2016

29/2/16 The current energy Abacus


The current energy


Greetings dear one. Greetings to all that are listening this day. We are here once again, and we are pleased to be here for there is much to come. There is much to bring forward to the audience that listens to we. We come to bring tidings. We come with fullness of heart. We come this day to bring forward a message of hope. We come to help alleviate your anxiety. We come to help you be more clear in your understanding of the current frequencies that are occurring on your plane at this time. We are here,  as many guides are here, at this time. We say guides, but we refer to the energies at hand, the energies that come to help you in your expansion, on your earth plane at this time. The energies at hand are here to help you, to guide you, into your remembrance, into your knowing, into your expansion of self, into the oneness of all there is, of all that is. We come at this time because we are in service to you all.  We come at this time, for we are requested to be here, to serve at this time, on your earth plane. There are many that as we say,” have little faith”, and this is for good cause. It is difficult at times for you in your incarnated self, to understand the wholeness, the bigger picture. We come at this time to help you expand into your remembrance, to help you begin to integrate the new energy, the light, onto your 3-D earth plane. There is much expansion, much awareness occurring. Not all are aware, and this is also for good cause at this time. Those that are unaware will become aware as the time moves forward. Some will not become aware at all in their lifetime, at this time, however we speak to those at this point in time that are aware, that are circumnavigating the energies, that are learning to attune to themselves to their higher selves, to their bigger aspects, to their expanded selves. We come to make you aware, to bring information, to bring knowing, that you are on track, on time, and on purpose. We understand you may not believe that this is so. You question whether you are in fact as you say, channelling, that you are in fact making headways, or  making progress, and we are here to tell you this day that you are. You are in fact making progress, in every moment, every day. You are times not aware of your progress, for it a nuance that you are not able to see clearly where you have been, for you see only where you are. You experience the present moment, the now, and the oneness, in the time space that is now. When you are in this space you may not remember to all degrees where you were, and this is also for good cause. You do not wish to be where you were, when you are where you are now. Where you are now, is all that you are, is all that you experience, is all that you are expanded to, and so this is what you know, this is what you experience in your present awareness, in your present state, when you are in your presence. You experience what you are now, the energy that you are vibrating to now, and so it does not reason to step back and be where you were, and so in the general sense, in a general aspect, you know only that you are now and so you do not see the progress that you have made. You do not see where you have come from.  We tell you this, you have expanded greatly. You have moved forward greatly, and you continue to move forward every moment of every day. You expand all by your expansion, for when one expands it affects all that are expanding. Know this truth. That as one progresses all progress. Do not look at one in envious tones. Look at one that is expanding as a celebration, for as one expands you expand. As you expand oneness expands. It is a celebration of allness, of oneness. As you are expanding be aware you are expanding all that is around you, for you are all connected intricately so, in the many energies, the many strings that connect you all. When your string of light lights up, it follows through and lights up all the many strings, and so remember this, when you see one in their expansion, in their beauty, know this is your expansion and beauty also, simply because you are aware of it and more so because you understand it. Place your intent to piggyback so to speak, to their expansion and you will expand all the more. This is what we bring, this is the message for the light workers this day. This is the message to be shared all around. We wish you to understand, when one expands all expands. When one progresses all progress. When one is in service, when one is beginning to glow brightly, when one is beginning to open up to their expansion, to their self, they are expanding all. You are a beauty to behold. The network is lighting up. To view it from where we are is infinite beauty, is infinite creation, and is infinite expansion. We allow that at times the expansion may not be blissful in nature, for when you are expanding you are also releasing. You are letting go of what does not serve you and this can be as the splinter, uncomfortable in the letting go, but as you let go you experience a beautiful lightness of being. We tell you, let go. Let go of what was. Experience what is. Experience your great nature. This is why you are here. This is why you are aware. This is why you have come. Trust your light, trust the path that is opening up. Trust the new experiences. They are beautiful to behold, and when you open up to them, ahhh, when you open up to them, you will know your God self. You will know your true self. You will understand all the more. Share your beauty with others, for when you share your beauty, when you share your expansion, you allow others to piggyback, to create their own expansion. You are all unique as you are the same. Oneness. Love.
This is what we bring this day.

That is all.

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