29 February 16
This one wishes to bring through information, guidance, regarding the doubts that one feels in the connection, within the connection.
We say to you that are listening, what is it do you imagine that creates the feelings of doubt?The feelings that you are not grasping, that that you are receiving in its totality? What is it do you imagine that has you feeling what you receive is not quite right? That is not quite the information, that is not your God self, your higher self that is being brought forward? We will tell you our imagining of what is occurring. We sense in many that there is a feeling of unworthiness, that they are not worthy to bring through information that is source, that is from source, that is from the higher planes. This unworthiness comes from past experiences, past life streams, past beliefs. It has been ingrained that one that brings through such messages needs to be of a high order, of a higher level of growth, a purity, a certain holiness. These belief systems have been brought through the ages, and are still within your society to this day, that that seems, that something so pure, that they may only be brought through from the so-called pure societies. We tell you this, that source comes through man, any man, that has the intent, the pureness of heart to connect. When we say pureness of heart we do not mean a pure person, for all are connected to these messages, to this source. We mean by pure heart, that the intent to receive is a pure one. We tell you, you ARE worthy to receive yourself, your source self. God makes itself heard through man, through humanity. It has done so before, and it is doing so again. Do not become preconceived to the idea that you are unworthy of such communication. You are worthy simply because you are a part of this source. You are it and it is you, and so you are enough. You are worthy. It feels at times unreachable. It feels sublime because you are on a plane that is heavy in nature, and so when you lift, when you seek counsel, you must lift to hear, to tune in, and so it becomes fine, it become almost unobtainable, and when you do bring something, when you grab hold and you bring it through the ethers, you are quite not sure, if it is your thoughts, or if it is in fact source. We tell you, if you are a part of source and you bring through your imaginings, your thoughts, that are an intention to bring through your source self, do you not imagine that your communication could be anything less but that that you are intending? Know these thoughts that you bring, this essence, is in fact from a higher plane. Know this, believe this, understand this. When you are connected, when you make the intent, when you are pure of heart, when you listen with your heart, with the intention to bring through with love, counsel, from the higher planes, from your source self, from your God self, know that this is what is occurring. It is occurring. Believe it so. Trust what is received. When you are in a state of love, when you are in a light heartedness, when you are in this space, and you receive your thoughts in essence, this is your guidance. This is your counsel. This is your counsel from the other side. This is your connection, your source. Know this to be true. There is not a one that is not connected, no matter their station in life. However some may hear, and some may not, simply due to their energetic nature. Those that are listening, those that are reading these words, have switched, have tuned in to the energetic nature. They are aware. You are aware, and simply in that awareness you may make contact. The painter paints through their connection to source. The writer writes through the connection to source. The singer sings through their connection of source. The dancer dances through their connection of source. All these things and all the more, are created through their connection to source. Understand you may not not be connected. We may not emphasise this enough. In your imaginings you connect to your God self, to your source self, to your higher self, to your guides, to your angels. In your imagination you connect. You are simply to trust what flows from your tongue, from your hands, from your feet. Are you understanding? You are worthy. You have always been worthy. Even the ones that are lower in energy nature are worthy. You come from a higher space and you will return to this higher space. You are still connected where you are. You are simply to pick up the phone and call home. You are on a journey, a holiday of expansion, of learning to become more than what you are, to share your experience with your loved ones that are still at home, so to speak. You are simply to intend, to pick up the phone, and converse with we, for we are you. We are what you are, simply in a different state of matter. The veils, the phone lines are becoming clearer every day. The distance is less. Know this. You are growing. You are becoming more of what you are, on this side of the veil. Understand you are worthy. Faith, trust, hope, all of these help you in your communications. Our scribe is beginning to understand more and more daily, as you are beginning to understand more and more daily. It is wondrous is it not? Share the love. Share your experiences, so that others may know that they are not alone. This is why you are here. Share the love. This is why you are here. We speak to our scribe, to share the experience of the awakening, so that others may know that they are not alone in their experience, in their feelings. Know this. Understand this. You are all light. Live the expansion. Share the journey, so that others that are beginning to expand, understand what is occurring, that you may light the way for all, with love. When in communication, know you are heard. Know you are loved. You are infinite beings. You are God incarnate, in experience, in its expansion of self. Beautiful to behold.
That is all.
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