Voice Channel transcribed
You are not alone
Greetings. Greetings dear heart and greetings to all that are listening this day. We are mightily pleased. We are indeed very happy, for this day has become a milestone in the growth of many. Not just this one, but others that have reached into the abyss, into the love that they hold within, and have expanded outward to their future, to their destinations, to their oneness. We wish you all to understand that although you may feel as if you are doing it alone, you are never alone. You are always guided. You have always the light within your heart, that is our light, that is your light, that is gods light within. When you are feeling disconnected, when you are feeling as if you are alone, be in stillness and reach inward to this light that is your own light, that is our light, that is gods light, for in this light you become connected again to your wholeness, to infinity, to your true self, to your God self, and within this connection you have access to all you are ever wishing, to all that you are desiring. Know this. Sit with this. Understand this.
This one, our dear heart, has been feeling alittle abandoned. She's been feeling unplugged and we say to her, this feeling is self generated. This feeling comes from a sense of unworthiness, comes from a sense of having failed at being her true identity, and we say to her she has not failed. She has not understood what her identity, what her purpose was. She is understanding now. She is understanding that simply being your light, being your happy, being love, being this, and radiating this out to others, is your purpose, is the goal, is why you are where you are. The ones that are choosing the path, the quickening, to self enlightenment, their purpose is to shine their light, to be their God selves, to be more enhanced so that they may help those that are requiring remeberance, that are requiring to be led, to be shown, that they may also lead others into this remeberance of self, for that is the game, to go down in frequency, to forget, and then to remember and to lift yourself and to lift others into this rememberance, while experiencing, while creating a multitude of experiences that leads back to source, to God. There are many changes coming on your plane and the changes are in a sense induced by the ones that come to change the frequency, and the ones that are not in experience for a cause, are also in experience in a way that has many aspects that one may not understand, but they are also there to add their colours, to add their purpose to your purpose. You are all connected. You are all one soup of God. You are all the different spices. You are all the flavours, come together to create the most beautiful appetising experience. The most beautiful appetising meal.
We say to you do not lose heart. Do not think that you are alone. That you are on your own doing this by yourself, for your not. You can never be alone. You have your choir of Angels. Will say this for one special. You have all with you. Your loved ones. Your Angels. Your God source. Your future selves. Your families. Your guides. All are rooting for you so to speak, all are with you, helping you. You may not be aware but it does not make it unreal or not so. You have a flame deep within burning brightly. When you are feeling disconnected, unsure, forlorn, remember this light. Imagine it burning brightly. Become yourself within the light. See yourself standing within your light. Shine it brightly and it will lift you. It will lift your frequency. It will give you a sense, a feeling, of we beside you, for when you increase your frequency you may feel us more deeply.
This is what we bring this day, for you, for this one, for all that have been guided to listening, to reading these words. All that you create brings light onto your plane. All that you create, all that you love, helps another to lift. You all expand on each other. With love in our hearts for all that you do, for being, for loving, for being in experience, so that we may all gain. We hold you in our love, in gratitude and joy. Patience. Follow the footsteps. It is but a journey, a deepening, an expanding.
That is all.
Note: Just as I finished transcribing this channel a song popped into my head. Loud and clear ....
" You are not alone " by Michael Jackson
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