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Monday, 29 February 2016

29/2/16 My journey / Personal channel

My journey 
Personal channel

I've decided to share this simply because I feel some may benefit in the reading. It's kinda nice to know that we are being guided along our journey, even if at times we just don't understand the reasoning behind where it's leading. There has been a new chain of events in my life which I am still giving thought to. I was led to apply, and passed a "test" that enables me to do phone & text chat readings for certain psychic line. Not at all where I thought my path would lead me, however I've begun to trust what gets thrown in front of me on my path, to grab hold of synchronistic clues along the way. I'll give it ago trusting it will lead me to where I am to be. This channel is inline with this change...

To you dear heart, this message is for you.  Your world is shifting, your world is changing. You understand this. You are experiencing this. Know you are on the right path,  and know that the path will broaden as you walk it. Trust the synchronistic events that flow. Trust what comes to view. Trust all that comes to view for each is a piece of the puzzle that is working its way into a beautiful picture. You are here to help others to reconnect to themselves. You are here to help with the expansion. You are here to help expand the light on this plane. You have been guided to a certain aspect of communication. Trust this. It will not be the sole aspect of your journey but it is a beginning. It is a step forward to the next chapter. This current communications that you are seeking to bring balance to, will help you to expand and grow in our communication. It will be a step, a chapter, of this book of yours, that is of your life at this time. It will lead onto the next chapter and the next and the next. This chapter is one where you will expand on our communication, develop the skills with inter-communication with others. You will learn how to grasp our communication, more refined. You will help many in the process. You understand this will expand to writing THE books. Yes, you will be writing. There is no doubt of this. However, there is a sequence, a  time event. Follow the steps. One will lead to the next, and to the next, and to the next. You are always guided with your action. This year is a year of building house, as we have explained in a prior communication. Your building the foundations. You are honing the skill of communication, you are honing your attributes, you are developing your sight, your senses, and your people skills. As you grow, the amount of people that you may help will grow. As you come online with your skills, you may help others come online with theirs. There is much you are not aware of and it will stay in your unawareness. Simply be where you are. Enjoy the flow. There is enough in your life stream to keep you busy at this time, is there not? You are on track and on time. Do not doubt this.
This new occurrence, these new connections, will help you to expand in a way that is not possible within writing. You have been led to using your voice on purpose, for as you grow in this area, this arena, you will gain the confidence to be able then to use your voice, in other circumstances. There is so much more that is awaiting you. You may not know the all of it, for you will be overwhelmed. We know you. We know you. Understand all is as is. Be in what is. Be in joy. Be in love. Be of service while experiencing your expansion, and will grow beyond measure. Each communication that comes to you in this new line of work, will bring you ever closer. Understand when you speak to one in this framework, there is a connection that may not be made in the writing. There is a healing that takes place within the energy that you are emitting. Trust what comes. We ask you to trust the developments at hand. We support you, and guide you ever forward. Be at peace where you are. Be at peace and enjoy. The fruits of your labour will be rewarded, in ways that are unimaginable to you at this time.
We are complete in  our communication.
With love in our hearts  for you all. 
We bid you good day.
That is all

29 February 16 Doubts

29 February 16

This one wishes to bring through information, guidance, regarding the doubts that one feels in the connection, within the connection.
We say to you that are listening, what is it do you imagine that creates the feelings of doubt?The feelings that you are not grasping, that that you are receiving in its totality? What is it do you imagine that has you feeling what you receive is not quite right? That is not quite the information, that is not your God self, your higher self that is being brought forward?  We will tell you our imagining of what is occurring.  We sense in many that there is a feeling of unworthiness, that they are not worthy to bring through information that is source, that is from source, that is from the higher planes. This unworthiness comes from past experiences, past life streams, past beliefs. It has been ingrained that one that brings through such messages needs to be of a high order, of a higher level of growth, a purity, a certain holiness. These belief systems have been brought through the ages, and are still within your society to this day, that that seems, that something so pure, that they may only be brought through from the so-called pure societies. We tell you this, that source comes through man, any man, that has the intent, the pureness of heart to connect. When we say pureness of heart we do not mean a pure person, for all are connected to these messages, to this source.  We mean by pure heart, that the intent to receive is a pure one. We tell you, you ARE worthy to receive yourself, your source self. God makes itself heard through man, through humanity. It has done so before, and it is doing so again. Do not become preconceived to the idea that you are unworthy of such communication. You are worthy simply because you are a part of this source. You are it and it is you, and so you are enough. You are worthy. It feels at times unreachable. It feels sublime because you are on a plane that is heavy in nature, and so when you lift, when you seek counsel, you must lift to hear, to tune in, and so it becomes fine, it become almost unobtainable, and when you do bring something, when you grab hold and you bring it through the ethers, you are quite not sure, if it is your thoughts, or if it is in fact source. We tell you, if you are a part of source and you bring through your imaginings, your thoughts, that are an intention to bring through your source self, do you not imagine that your communication could be anything less but that that you are intending? Know these thoughts that you bring, this essence, is in fact from a higher plane. Know this, believe this, understand this. When you are connected, when you make the intent, when you are pure of heart, when you listen with your heart, with the intention to bring through with love, counsel, from the higher planes, from your source self, from your God self,  know that this is what is occurring. It is occurring. Believe it so. Trust what is received. When you are in a state of love, when you are in a light heartedness, when you are in this space, and you receive your thoughts in essence, this is your guidance. This is your counsel. This is your counsel from the other side. This is your connection, your source. Know this to be true. There is not a one that is not connected, no matter their station in life. However some may hear, and some may not, simply due to their energetic nature. Those that are listening, those that are reading these words, have switched, have tuned in to the energetic nature. They are aware. You are aware, and simply in that awareness you may make contact. The painter paints through their connection to source. The writer writes through the connection to source. The singer sings through their connection of source. The dancer dances through their connection of source. All these things and all the more, are created through their connection to source. Understand you may not not be connected. We may not emphasise this enough. In your imaginings you connect to your God self, to your source self, to your higher self, to your guides, to your angels. In your imagination you connect. You are simply to trust what flows from your tongue, from your hands, from your feet. Are you understanding? You are worthy. You have always been worthy. Even the ones that are lower in energy nature are worthy. You come from a higher space and you will return to this higher space. You are still connected where you are. You are simply to pick up the phone and call home. You are on a journey, a holiday of expansion, of learning to become more than what you are, to share your experience with your loved ones that are still at home, so to speak. You are simply to intend, to pick up the phone, and converse with we, for we are you. We are what you are, simply in a different state of matter. The veils, the phone lines are becoming clearer every day. The distance is less. Know this. You are growing. You are becoming more of what you are, on this side of the veil. Understand you are worthy. Faith, trust, hope, all of these help you in your communications. Our scribe is beginning to understand more and more daily, as you are beginning to understand more and more daily. It is wondrous is it not? Share the love. Share your experiences, so that others may know that they are not alone. This is why you are here. Share the love. This is why you are here. We speak to our scribe, to share the experience of the awakening, so that others may know that they are not alone in their experience, in their feelings. Know this. Understand this. You are all light. Live the expansion. Share the journey, so that others that are beginning to expand, understand what is occurring, that you may light the way for all, with love. When in communication, know you are heard. Know you are loved. You are infinite beings. You are God incarnate, in experience, in its expansion of self. Beautiful to behold.
That is all. 

29/2/16 The current energy Abacus


The current energy


Greetings dear one. Greetings to all that are listening this day. We are here once again, and we are pleased to be here for there is much to come. There is much to bring forward to the audience that listens to we. We come to bring tidings. We come with fullness of heart. We come this day to bring forward a message of hope. We come to help alleviate your anxiety. We come to help you be more clear in your understanding of the current frequencies that are occurring on your plane at this time. We are here,  as many guides are here, at this time. We say guides, but we refer to the energies at hand, the energies that come to help you in your expansion, on your earth plane at this time. The energies at hand are here to help you, to guide you, into your remembrance, into your knowing, into your expansion of self, into the oneness of all there is, of all that is. We come at this time because we are in service to you all.  We come at this time, for we are requested to be here, to serve at this time, on your earth plane. There are many that as we say,” have little faith”, and this is for good cause. It is difficult at times for you in your incarnated self, to understand the wholeness, the bigger picture. We come at this time to help you expand into your remembrance, to help you begin to integrate the new energy, the light, onto your 3-D earth plane. There is much expansion, much awareness occurring. Not all are aware, and this is also for good cause at this time. Those that are unaware will become aware as the time moves forward. Some will not become aware at all in their lifetime, at this time, however we speak to those at this point in time that are aware, that are circumnavigating the energies, that are learning to attune to themselves to their higher selves, to their bigger aspects, to their expanded selves. We come to make you aware, to bring information, to bring knowing, that you are on track, on time, and on purpose. We understand you may not believe that this is so. You question whether you are in fact as you say, channelling, that you are in fact making headways, or  making progress, and we are here to tell you this day that you are. You are in fact making progress, in every moment, every day. You are times not aware of your progress, for it a nuance that you are not able to see clearly where you have been, for you see only where you are. You experience the present moment, the now, and the oneness, in the time space that is now. When you are in this space you may not remember to all degrees where you were, and this is also for good cause. You do not wish to be where you were, when you are where you are now. Where you are now, is all that you are, is all that you experience, is all that you are expanded to, and so this is what you know, this is what you experience in your present awareness, in your present state, when you are in your presence. You experience what you are now, the energy that you are vibrating to now, and so it does not reason to step back and be where you were, and so in the general sense, in a general aspect, you know only that you are now and so you do not see the progress that you have made. You do not see where you have come from.  We tell you this, you have expanded greatly. You have moved forward greatly, and you continue to move forward every moment of every day. You expand all by your expansion, for when one expands it affects all that are expanding. Know this truth. That as one progresses all progress. Do not look at one in envious tones. Look at one that is expanding as a celebration, for as one expands you expand. As you expand oneness expands. It is a celebration of allness, of oneness. As you are expanding be aware you are expanding all that is around you, for you are all connected intricately so, in the many energies, the many strings that connect you all. When your string of light lights up, it follows through and lights up all the many strings, and so remember this, when you see one in their expansion, in their beauty, know this is your expansion and beauty also, simply because you are aware of it and more so because you understand it. Place your intent to piggyback so to speak, to their expansion and you will expand all the more. This is what we bring, this is the message for the light workers this day. This is the message to be shared all around. We wish you to understand, when one expands all expands. When one progresses all progress. When one is in service, when one is beginning to glow brightly, when one is beginning to open up to their expansion, to their self, they are expanding all. You are a beauty to behold. The network is lighting up. To view it from where we are is infinite beauty, is infinite creation, and is infinite expansion. We allow that at times the expansion may not be blissful in nature, for when you are expanding you are also releasing. You are letting go of what does not serve you and this can be as the splinter, uncomfortable in the letting go, but as you let go you experience a beautiful lightness of being. We tell you, let go. Let go of what was. Experience what is. Experience your great nature. This is why you are here. This is why you are aware. This is why you have come. Trust your light, trust the path that is opening up. Trust the new experiences. They are beautiful to behold, and when you open up to them, ahhh, when you open up to them, you will know your God self. You will know your true self. You will understand all the more. Share your beauty with others, for when you share your beauty, when you share your expansion, you allow others to piggyback, to create their own expansion. You are all unique as you are the same. Oneness. Love.
This is what we bring this day.

That is all.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

29 February 2016 Oracle card readings Cards Used, “The spirit messages, daily guidance Oracle deck by John Holland”


29 February 2016

Oracle card readings

Cards Used, “The spirit messages, daily guidance Oracle deck by John Holland” 


Card one

Soul solitude

Your soul needs attention. There are moments when it’s important to get away, not just from the noise of the outside world, but to find a place where your soul can experience peace and quiet, a place for soul solitude. This is a time to pause, a time to reflect, a time for you. The spirit world sees and hears that you’re seeking out answers from the outside world, and this is the time when you’re likely to receive answers. It is vital that you try to step back from your everyday life and devote some time to your soul. Allow yourself to pause, still your mind, meditate, reflect, and evaluate. By giving yourself this much needed soul solitude, you will be able to view your life from the outside, instead of being in it. This will help you gain perspective and have a more peaceful life in the future. Soul solitude and vacations are different things. Vacations are for touring, shopping, eating, and drinking, and so forth. When we talk about soul solitude, we mean it to be a period when you commune with your soul. Devoting time to your soul will have you connect with your inner wisdom and your spirit guides, and it will also reinvigorate you with precious energy and vitality that you so desperately need right now.


Card two


You have to be willing to listen if you want to really understand someone. Now is not the time to be offering advice, but to be a compassionate listener. To listen fully and intently means to pay attention, not just to what’s being said, but to what lies beneath the words. We’ve heard and listen to your requests in the past, so we are bringing this card to you because someone around you needs to be heard now! They are not seeking advice, but they really need to express themselves about how they are feeling and what is going on in their life. What they’re seeking is an open, compassionate, and non-judgemental listener. When you are intently engaged in conversation, there is an even energy exchange where both parties can benefit. Those were talking express what they are feeling and just by the process of talking, they will often solve the problem or issue by themselves. Being present and listening to someone who needs your full attention will, in some cases, ring you the answers that you have been seeking for yourself. 


Card three

New Beginnings

Everything in life is constantly vibrating and moving, and therefore continuously changing and evolving. Be aware that a new beginning is on the horizon. Have courage and faith, because right now life is trying to nudge you forward and move you in a new direction. This powerful card comes forward and its message is simple, it could have a profound effect on your future. It’s about the process of how to start over and sees the opportunity to begin new beginnings. You may well be saying, “I can’t do this,” “it’s not the right time”, or “I’m too old to start all over again”, but the spirit world has given you this card for a specific reason. We know that you need to make changes, to discard some old legacies that may have held you back, and to purge and choose what you want moving forward. We know that doing nothing is not really an option. New beginnings can be orchestrated at any time in your life, and it’s a beautiful way of resetting your private stage with the props you want, the backdrop you want, to create the perfect set for the new stage of your life. This is a great visual way of starting the process of change. During this time don’t be alarmed if you feel lost or even confuse. Sometimes it does take a drastic life changed to truly begin living!

Sunday, 21 February 2016

22/2/16 Oracle Card Readings

Oracle Card Readings
This week I have used "Angel Tarot Cards, by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine"

Card 1
Knight Of Air
Events in your life go into high speed. Your plans can now be implemented, and you should see a great deal of activity. Intellect and creativity rule the day, so adopt nontraditional viewpoints. Take the time to consider choices carefully.

Card 2
Four of fire
You have worked hard and are now rewarded with contentment, peace and abundance. The freedom your success has afforded you provide deep feelings of satisfaction. You have safely navigated your way through the obstacles to a place you can feel proud of. Matters at home are rewarding. Someone maybe getting  married or planning to move in with a partner. Peace and harmony have been established, and now you seek stability and commitment.

Card 3
Ten of air
The situation has ended. Fortunately, endings are always followed by new beginnings. You may feel sadness over what has transpired, mixed with welcome relief. It is time to walk away and embrace the dawning of a new day. Expect your circumstances to improve. It may be time to change your career. Perhaps you have completed a long-term project or have decided to pursue other employment. Do not put limits on what wonderful things the universe can bestow. Cast your net wide and see what fantastic opportunities you might catch.

Monday, 15 February 2016

15/2/16 Abacus The current flow



We are pleased to be here again this day. We are pleased with the consequences of the day, for there has been much growth in many with the changing energies that are occuring at this time. There is much flow occurring. Some are feeling expanded, and some are feeling a little overwhelmed and are having a tendency to shrink back from the expansion that they may take in, simply because they are overwhelmed with the power and the strength of the energies at hand. We say to you dear ones, when feeling overwhelmed, simply come back to present. Sit still. Be in that space of no mind. Simply be with what is. Do not think too much of tomorrow or the day after that, or the week or the month or the year after that. Instead simply be with this day, with this moment in time. Look to what is giving you joy in this moment and do that and nothing more. Simply be with what is occurring at this point in time, and then you move to next step, and the next, and the next, and eventually you will be at that place where you felt overwhelmend with looking at prior, and you will be in a state of joy, for you will have been experiencing your joy in the mainstay, Today there is a relevance, there is a turning point in the structures. There are some that are becoming in tune, and there are some that are just  opening their eyes, and there are some that have been battling their growth and of a sudden all the cogs click into place. We say to you, enjoy the journey. It is not a race. All will occur in the right time frame, in the right structure. Understand you are capable of many things, many that is not known to you at this time, on purpose we might add. As the energies become into balance, as they become on time, certain attributes will open and you will begin to use them without even realising that you are. You may not even look back to see when you were not using them, because you will not remember not being able to use them for it was your reality then and you know no other reality you see, at the time. You do not see where you have been for you are where you are, and you know not, remember not, where you were. If we could place you for a moment where you were a few years back and then place you where you are now, you will be astounded in the difference, for you see, you do not see for you are in the experience. We say to you, we open our heart to you, what you may do this day to expand and to open and to be all that you can be, is simply to be. There is no other thing for you to do. Be where you are. Be in the present, in joy and gratitude doing what you love to do, and all else will follow. Be the love in your heart to yourself and to others. Remember they are you and you are they.
Together you will create this most beautiful development of new earth, of new systems. You do not understand the complexities. You do not understand the how's and whys. You do not understand because you cannot understand. It is much like giving a child a pamphlet on the nuances of chemistry. It has no idea, as you have no idea, and we do not berate. We do not mean to demeanour. We are simply expanding on your understanding that you may not know the all of it. However, it means not that you are not open to it, and as the energy picks up and as you expand, you begin to understand the paper. All in good time dear ones. We are so very pleased with the outcomes in progress. We bring much love to you all and we sit with abaited breath watching the process with love and with honour. 

That is all

Sunday, 14 February 2016

15/2/16 Channeled Messages (previously card readings )

Channeled Card Readings

Simply pick a number, 1, 2, or 3 and scroll down  ( or click link )  to read the corresponding message. Or, you may read all of them...

Message for the 1's
This day is one whereby you may begin to delve into the recess of your soul and ask,  "why am I here at this time"? You may ask, what is it that makes my heart sing? What is it that's serves and prospers others in a way that serves my highest regard? The path may be one that is not what you had imagined. We say to you be true, be clear, be serene, in your attempt to converse & converse you shall, for you see you are not this separateness that you imagine. You are always connected to source, to that part of you that dwells within you. Ask, and you shall receive the answers you seek. You will materialise your path simply by intending that a path be laid for you. In your quest for answers the answers will come. "How" they come may be not as you imagine. Be open to ideas, to inspiration, to thinking out of the box. The answers may come knocking at a different door to the one you imagined. Be observant, open, to the many ways spirit may delver these unto you. You might say you are an inexperienced sailor, out at sea navigating new waters. You might even say, use the analogy that the ocean is your consciousness. You look before you at the great expanse of water, of ocean, seeing only that. It's all you can see is it not? A large body of water. However below the water, in the hidden depths, lays treasures. You may never discover these treasures if you do not to step beyond the safety of the boat and swim deep beneath the surface waters. Deep beyond the surface are treasures to behold. You would not know this, discover the treasures under the water if you did not step off the boat. Do not be fooled into thinking what you see is all there is. There are treasures to behold beneath the surface waters, beneath your surface consciousness. Are you willing to step off the safety boat? 

Message for the 2's
This day we bring for the twos a message, a reminder to love yourself. ALL the parts of yourself for you are all source. You are all God. Do you imagine that you are separate from all of creation? The creation that is made from God? You cannot be separate! It is a falsity of the greatest magnitude to imagine you are excluded from all that you are. Do you understand that the parts of you that you dislike, the parts of you you put down, the parts of you that in your eyes are imperfect, are God? When you put yourself down, when you belittle yourself you belittle god, for all the parts of you, even those that you imagine to be imperfect are God. You are the creator in experience! Do you imagine the creator wants replicas of itself? That it wishes every piece of itself perfect or the same?  No! Listen dear ones. When you go out to dinner do you wish to experience every dish exactly the same? Do you wish every meal to be exactly the same? When you holiday do you wish it to be the same as the time before? You are all creators creating differentials. Love your differences. Embrace your individuality! Be that you wish to experience in all its glory! Even the perceived imperfections are perfection. We say to you, embrace all of you, for in our eyes you are perfection. You do not need to be perfection to please God. You ARE God. Be your "self" in all its beauty. Be that that you will, for your will, is gods will. 

Message for the 3's
For these this day we bring contemplation. There is much in your world to contemplate is there not? The burning questions, even confusion as to where you are headed. That your path may not be as exponential as anothers path, that perhaps you are feeling as if the wind has been taken from your sails, that your travels have suddenly come to a stand still or are not as exciting as anothers travels. Dear ones it's smoke and mirrors. Do you understand? When one is watching a play there is a production at hand. There are the leading roles and then there are other roles. There is the costume design and the ones that pertain to props. There is the sound and lighting specialists. There are those in charge of the venue and the bookings. All the differentiating roles come together to create the perfect production, yes? You wonder at your role in the play. You wonder if your role is as important as anothers role. We say this to you. What would happen if the costumes were not designed? Or the venue not booked? Or the lighting not working? Each partakes in their specialised field of interest. The lead roles are important yes, but a stage production, a play, is not made up of simply the lead roles. The lead roles are supported by all others. We say to these, the threes,  be at peace with your role, with your part in earths play. You may play any role you wish to. You are the director of your earth play. You may be a support role or you may be a leader. You may be one that lights the way or you may give direction to others. You may spin the beautiful tapestry that decorates, and brings joy to those that see only bleak skies. Do you understand? Each role is important and special. Be that you choose in excitement and joy. When the joy stops flowing 

Monday, 8 February 2016

Oracle Card Readings 9/2/16

Oracle Card Readings

Cards used are the "The Cosmic Deck Of Initiation by Barbara M DeLong


Card 1
Law of transmutation 

You rise above mundane frustrations and see what lessons are contained therein. You find strength within weakness and turn it to advantage. Through this energy you transform yourself. Faith is the fuel for this energy. Through transformation you use the light instead of just fueling it. This is a flowing process, one in which inner richness and depth are able to surface and become an expression of the soul. 

Card 2
Guardian angel

Added guidance comes from the higher self. Be still and listen. You can draw from greater resources. Assistance comes from within. The wisdom from the past returns to open you to greater perspectives. An element of protection is around you, so there is no need to fear. Ask for direction and the guideposts will be there. Your energies are renewed and strength is restored from your higher self. 

Card 3

Balance between the cosmic and the physical. A weighing process is ongoing. Justice is brought to you from within. Harmony awaits you. The heart centre begins to manifest at a higher level. A connection with someone can have wide ranging impact. 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

6/2/16 Abacus At Retreat

Some written channeling at retreat 

Trust. One word. A powerful word. It's connotations are endless. It's awareness is a living energy. Breathe the energy of trust. Wrap yourself in a cloak of trust. Wrap it around you. Allow it to enter your being. Your issues lay in not trusting the process that is life, that is spirit guided & orientated. You can be big, or you can be small. Which do you choose? 

Allow us to expand. When you go on a journey on what you call a holiday. When you set off on your great adventure do you set off to have a small journey and to stay in the one place not truly giving yourself over to the joy or the experience? Or, do you set off in excitement to discover and experience the many sights? To experience joy and laughter? We say to your your life journey may be your greatest holiday as a spirit incarnate. Be it what you may. However do you imagine you set off in your journey, destination earth, to experience exciting new adventures and to experience that that fills you up and grows you at a soul level? You have a sense of why you came to this place you call earth. Your gps, the one of your soul sings this in your heart. Trust your hearts desires. These are your truth your holiday map, your travel brochure. You may throw out your itinerary brochure and enjoy your holiday in any you wish or you may follow the itinerary. Remember your itinerary was planned before you came at a higher level. You have your guidelines. This is what you feel. You have free will to choose to change it up if you wish just as your earth holidays. It matters not. It is your experience while you are Incarnate. Eventually you will finish your earth holiday and head home ward. Your adventure is one of many. You dear heart wish to follow the itinerary yes? Your soul path, or divine will. Trust the itinerary. Trust that your travel "guides" know the paths chosen well. Allow the flow to carry you on the journey. Be not in fear or doubt. You can not be "not good enough" for how can you not be not good enough at being your "self". No one, no "one" can do it better than you. No one can be "you" better than you can be you. There is no wrong or right. It just is. You are. You ARE. There is no wrong way to be you. It is simply your way. You may not be good at being another, but you cannot be not good at being you. When you try to be another, like another, then there comes the anxiety, for you are not they, you are you. You may not be better than they can be at being their self. Are you understanding? If you try to be as good as another you may fail for only they can be their own self. Yes you are all one however you all have your own attributes that are unique to that soul. No one is the same spark and yet you are all that spark in the greater sense. It is a paradox for in the larger sense for you are all that is. In your spirit Incarnate, you have your unique modalities that are your make up. Think for a moment, there is no spark "no" spark quite, exactly like you. Is this not a cause to celebrate? The beauty that is God? You are all his one God and yet God chooses to experience itself anew in every moments. You are a moment of God. A movement of God. Dance your dance. Unique and beautiful and yet all dancing the one dance. All one yet the many feet that make up the dance that is God. 

Abacus what do I need to work on today in the processes. I'm not sure. I can't seem to grasp anything...

Dear heart is this not good news? That you may not consciously find that that you need to cleanse? Dear heart you are born pure for you are God Incarnate. It is the beliefs taken on from that that surrounds you that lays your cross to bear. Decide declare this day that you are unstoppable in your goals in your endeavours. That you trust divine guidance along with your will, to drive you forward. We understand you, know you. Be at peace with who you are in its totality. Embody your "self". All is well.

Monday, 1 February 2016

1/2/16 Abacus You are not alone



Voice Channel transcribed

You are not alone

Greetings. Greetings dear heart and greetings to all that are listening this day. We are mightily pleased. We are indeed very happy, for this day has become a milestone in the growth of many. Not just this one, but others that have reached into the abyss, into the love that they hold within, and have expanded outward to their future, to their destinations, to their oneness. We wish you all to understand that although you may feel as if you are doing it alone, you are never alone. You are always guided. You have always the light within your heart, that is our light, that is your light, that is gods light within. When you are feeling disconnected, when you are feeling as if you are alone, be in stillness and reach inward to this light that is your own light, that is our light, that is gods light, for in this light you become connected again to your wholeness, to infinity, to your true self, to your God self, and within this connection you have access to all you are ever wishing, to all that you are desiring. Know this. Sit with this. Understand this. 

This one, our dear heart, has been feeling alittle abandoned. She's been feeling unplugged and we say to her, this feeling is self generated. This feeling comes from a sense of unworthiness, comes from a sense of having failed at being her true identity, and we say to her she has not failed. She has not understood what her identity, what her purpose was. She is understanding now. She is understanding that simply being your light, being your happy, being love, being this, and radiating this out to others, is your purpose, is the goal, is why you are where you are. The ones that are choosing the path, the quickening, to self enlightenment, their purpose is to shine their light, to be their God selves, to be more enhanced so that they may help those that are requiring remeberance, that are requiring to be led, to be shown, that they may also lead others into this remeberance  of self, for that is the game, to go down in frequency, to forget, and then to remember and to lift yourself and to lift others into this rememberance, while experiencing, while creating a multitude of experiences that leads back to source, to God. There are many changes coming on your plane and the changes are in a sense induced by the ones that come to change the frequency, and the ones that are not in experience for a cause, are also in experience in a way that has many aspects that one may not understand, but they are also there to add their colours, to add their purpose to your purpose. You are all connected. You are all one soup of God. You are all the different spices. You are all the flavours, come together to create the most beautiful appetising experience. The most beautiful appetising meal. 

We say to you do not lose heart. Do not think that you are alone. That you are on your own doing this by yourself, for your not. You can never be alone. You have your choir of Angels. Will say this for one special. You have all with you. Your loved ones. Your Angels. Your God source. Your future selves. Your families. Your guides. All are rooting for you so to speak, all are with you, helping you. You may not be aware but it does not make it unreal or not so. You have a flame deep within burning brightly. When you are feeling disconnected, unsure, forlorn, remember this light. Imagine it burning brightly. Become yourself within the light. See yourself standing within your light. Shine it brightly and it will lift you. It will lift your frequency. It will give you a sense, a feeling, of we beside you, for when you increase your frequency you may feel us more deeply.

This is what we bring this day, for you, for this one, for all that have been guided to listening, to reading these words. All that you create brings light onto your plane. All that you create, all that you love, helps another to lift. You all expand on each other. With love in our hearts for all that you do, for being, for loving, for being in experience, so that we may all gain. We hold you in our love, in gratitude and joy. Patience. Follow the footsteps. It is but a journey, a deepening, an expanding. 

That is all. 

Note: Just as I finished  transcribing this channel a song popped into my head. Loud and clear ....

" You are not alone " by Michael Jackson