Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
In Trance
( Channeled after a light body exercise - Being born as a master journey by Orin and Daben )
A little about light body first
Light body state is alittle different to trance state. It's a deeper state. The channeling reflects this state. I find when I connect with Adam in light body state the channelings have a different depth to them, as I'm connecting with them at a higher level. In this particular journey a past self which was birthed and reared by parents that were enlightened was emerged with my current self. It was a powerful and trippy exercise.
It is so dear heart that the journey has accomplished a multitude of changes within your dynamics. Is it not a wondrous exercise when one reinvents himselves a new. Reinvents their birth into one that was achievable in another realm, in another time, in another space. You doubt yourself much dear heart, but you do not know who you are. There is much opportunity to become that, that you are, that, that you always have been. You think not, that you were not this person, this human already. You cannot imagine what you not know, what you have been already.
This is you, this is the real you.
You still do not know what you do. You doubt and you question and you oscillate back and forth from your believing and then your doubting, from knowing and then Unknowing. You do not fully understand the way of it, of what you do and what you are becoming. You worry about the way you portray yourself to others. You worry about the way you move and the way you look, and what you do, not understand it is not about the way you look, but about what you give, what you bring to others.
You want to know who we are and from whence we came. We have told you before we are the light. We are all there is, all that is here, and all that is there. We are everywhere. We shine from all beings, we are the spark, we are the light, we are a multitude of colours, an array of frequencies, we are you. We are of a high vibrational nature. We are from the realms of light. We are as you imagine your beings of light. There is many of us, however you bring through a collective, of around a dozen, as you have seen before in your imaging process. We have come because you have called. We have come because it was destined. It was decided that we would come at a time where you would be ready to understand, where you would have no fear, eventually. We together will help many to live their life in peace, and in love, f and in kindness. We in essence help to bring this shift in humanity. This is your deepest yearning dear heart. This is what you have struggled to grasp your entire human existence. You have always known there is something more for you to do. You have constantly searched and searched, and searched, and now you are beginning to grasp a little of where this is encompassing, where this is going. You are a leader. You do not see yourself as a leader. You see yourself as a follower. You see yourself as a sheep. You see, you following others. You are made of leader qualities. You are here to create leaders for themselves. Hmmm. You have no idea where this is going and what you are doing and this is the beauty of the journey. For you will see, oh you will see, how Magnificat the changes that we will create together, with others, among others.
It is beautiful to behold the changes. You do not see them you cannot see them. You cannot know what you do not know. You struggle with believing that what we are, you struggle to believe you're worth, and your Magnificance, you struggle to see where this will lead. We have put the blinders on dear heart you cannot see. We do not wish you to see the all of it. We are giving you a heads up so to speak, but we do not wish to frighten you, for your journey is a long one dear heart. It is a long one however it is a fulfilling one. You will become healthier beyond measure. Have you not noticed that you do not become ill so often? Have you not noticed that you do not feel as ill, as you were. Have you not wondered about this? The more you raise your energetics, the more you give in love, the more you practice this work, the more you help others, the more time you spend in the light, your physical body will increase in it's frequency. All it's cells are vibrating at a higher rate, and this dear heart, this creates wholeness in body, mind and spirit. You are a leader because you will show others the way it's done if they wish to follow the same way, but they do not follow you as a one being, they follow you so that they may learn to become the same. You are a creator of more creators and you will create creators, that will create creators. You can not but create in this realm. It is what you do.
Be patient and be kind to yourself dear heart. Spend more time in pleasure and less time in worry. Create your art in this space dear heart. You can paint. You can create wonderous pieces. You but have to believe that you can. You have done it before and you will do it again. Be in this space of feeling. Be without thought and allow that to flow onto the canvas dear heart.
Remember when you first channeled. Remember how stilted it was and now see how it is, and it will become more fluent again in time, and you will believe more in time that what we do. This will be the same with your painting. Practice. Practice the art and it will improve. Do not be disheartened by the first few pieces. You are still developing what you already know. You have done it before. Take pleasure in it rather than it being a chore. Play and experience and you will find that is where the beauty comes and that's how it gets transformed onto the piece of canvas. Do not judge yourself by others standards. Do not judge yourself at all. Love each paint stroke. Love each piece like it is a new born, being born through you. Love each piece like it's your first born. It is the way that it is created , not the finished product. It is the way it's brought forth from within, created from energy, from self, from god. It is the coming forth from you, out into the material that is the joy, and that is what people will see in your work. It will hold a vibration of this. It will hold the vibration of creation and love and that is what others will feel and see. It does not matter so much the way it looks, the way it is formed, the way it conforms to standards in society. It is the energy that comes forth within you, in that piece of canvas. The creation , the energy attached to it, that will make others feel there is someone special and if they do not, it does not matter because it is born by you it is created by you through joy though love through excitment. We leave you now to create, we have been waiting for you to put that brush stroke onto the canvas, as the master that you are. Welcome dear heart. You have arrived. Are you taking notice dear heart? Are you making the realisation? Notice what you do different? Do you feel us still around you. Yes there has been a change. We wish you to practice this change, so that the next time you are in front of a other you may do so without the weirdness that you so dislike. There has been a change in these energetics. You can feel them can you not? You feel the difference in your features and yet you do not sway to and fro. We have changed the energetic structure. We have manipulated the energy so that it comes through In changes in features, rather than movement. It does not matter which way the energy flows through as long as it does, as the energy flow brings down information and it needs to be there. It is just being brought down In a different form. You still have some mannerisms some movement that is not quite so harsh, so you will not ache so much. The exercise just performed was a powerful one. It has brought forth the master that you are. You were birthed a new through the journey into the now. You have been birthed a new as a babe into the now. The two have become one. Understand and know this is so. Share this with your class mates, as this is a major change in development today. You have felt the strength of it, as do we. We are pleased dear heart we are pleased. We are very pleased. Now begins the next chapter of our journey together. The new energy of the year supports this change. This is the year of action as has been said.
Be at peace dear heart
All is well
That is al
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