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Monday, 23 February 2015

23/2/15 part 2
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective 
In trance state

We wish to end this doubt of yours dear heart. It is bothersome. Clear , clear and trust what comes to the fore. This day is a day for reckoning. We are not happy with the way things are eventuating. We are aiming to rectify the situation. There is much anxiety much stress much worry and we need to organise this so that the message can be spread far and wide, and it may not be spread far and wide if one is constantly doubting the information. We are from the light. We are all that is. We are source. We are here to help the many. We are here to bring through all that we may. We understand this one is doubting much and we wish to eliminate that doubt so that we may get on with it so to speak. 
You are not liking our words and it is so that you may not like our words but it is time that we pushed a little bit so that we may begin. You are not happy with what you hear, but we speak truth. We are what you say blunt, but we are truth we are speaking truth. Truth is God truth is knowledge truth is all there is. we speak the way of the universal mind. We are of love and light dear heart. We are what you imagine us to be. We would not say otherwise. Yes we are of the light. Yes we are of love. Yes we are here to bring peace to all of humanity through you. You chose us dear heart. When you were not of your realm you chose us then. We have been waiting. Who do you feel brought you to the channeling process? You think that you called on us in your realm? We reminded you . We put the idea into you,  to learn to channel.  You had much fear , until you had not so much fear. You may do this or you may not. We may come through in another way just as others come through in other ways. But we are here to work with you at this present time. We love you dearly dear heart. Do not doubt that we do not. We are simply stressing the importance of our work and that you are wholeheartedly with us. You may choose not to and that is okay. We do not force you to do anything. Dear heart we have spoken what we have wanted to speak. Know we have much work to do together. This  will go viral, be aware of this, we are here to affect change , we are here to affect peace, and we are here to affect that through you. If you are  not on board that is okay but we know, we KNOW, that you are. It will become easier dear  heart, Know this. The more alignments, the more energetic upgrades the more frequency shifts, this will become easier and easier for you. Do not be afraid. 
You will be much like other channels. You will begin gradually, hmm,  and then, and then, boom, it takes hold, and your life will change. You're living will change overnight as if by magic. We are refining at present dear heart. We are refining, we are learning to work with each other, we are training, but this will not be for a long time. We have new information to bring. You will need to trust what comes. It will test you. But you will have perfected the process by then there will be no doubt by then. This weekend where you see the channeller, will give you much confidence. This weekend will be life changing for you. In the meantime dear heart rest, and practice our connection. Run through the rest of these exercises. You saw correctly dear heart. We are sending you an image, of someone smiling. You think we look like someone, yes. 

Note* I saw what looked like a smiling Nicholas cage

We have projected an image to you,  and you say your third eye is not operating? how would you but see our image if not that your third eye is operating? Think about this dear heart.
Hmmm dear heart as we end this today we declare to you we  mean you no harm. We mean humanity no harm. We are here to help with the shift , with the changes of frequencies, with the changes that are occurring on this planet at this time. We are of the light. We are of source. We are everywhere. We come because humanity has requested it so. Many are struggling for answers. Many are wanting peace. Your heart dear heart yearned for us to come. Little did you understand there was no question of this in you. We understood that your power would not allow the earth to be distructed. We understood the power of humanity to rebirth itself. We knew as you would say, we were backing a winner, and now the story has begun, and a new chapter begins. And this is where it becomes exciting. Be at peace dear ones be patient. A new day is dawning. Smile, and enjoy this experience of life. 
And so it is

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