1/2/15 ( early hours )
Rainbow Collective (Adam )
Adam, some insight please that will serve me and others atm. It's a whirlpool of energies. Exhausting ...
Greetings. We are here.
Do not doubt dear heart. Still the churnings of the mind, and instead listen to the beatings of the heart. Follow the Rythum the flow of this instrument you have inside you. It is fine tuned. It gives you , leads you, in the way of truth. It does not lie. You may shield yourself from your inner truth. You may turn away, wish not to hear, but it beckons constantly, reminding you
of who you really are. It is your connection to your self, your highest knowing. Trust it. It is better to trust the whispers of your heart than that of the mind. The mind acts on survival. What you still do not really understand is that you do not need to survive as you can not be destructed. You are eternal. The mind is a 3D concept to help you navigate your world to survive , and yes it serves a purpose. It keeps you alive, living in your dimension. However it is not a true navigator of life purpose, of happiness. It teaches survival, it cannot teach love. Love only the heart knows only the heart understands. To close the heart is to stop living life to the full. Opening the heart is to live life to the full.
What is the point to survive, if not to live? You came to experience your self. To experience the fullness of self, requires a fullness of heart.
What do we mean by opening the heart?
It means to free fall without restraint. To fall into each new experience without the requirement of a soft landing prepared. Opening the heart requires no fore thought. You simply fall into each new experience by how you feel rather than thinking about what it is you may benefit or nay from the experience . It means delving into the new , making choices by how it feels rather than thinking about the pros and cons. It means making choices with eyes closed but your feeling centre open. It means taking a chance if it feels good. It means following your highest excitment and not your deepest fear. An open heart is an open book without worry if another may not like the book or not continue to read the book to the end. It is allowing of the experience wherever it may lead. When one loves their new born babe, do you think about whether it will love you back? whether it will be around for your life time, whether it was a decision well made to love them? No, you love the babe in all it's glory. When you open your heart your well, your essence, and you use that as your internal gps, thought of worry will cease.Much like when you fall head over heels in love, you see only the beauty the feeling of aliveness.
To Open the heart is to be alive.
Be In the heart more than you are in the mind, and the journey will become that you never dreamed possible.
Follow the heart and the adventure it brings.
This is our message for this day
That is all
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