Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Adam the past 7 days have been strange energy wise. I feel like I've been in a wringer, and finally beginng to feel myself again. Any guidance for anyone reading?
Welcome back dear heart. You feel us as you have not in the past days
Wow. I do "feel" you. Why is that? Why didn't feel you like this during the week? When I needed to feel you like this?
You were in such a state that you could not. It is the way of it that when your vibratory rate is reduced that you cannot feel us in the way you do when it is lifted. It is the way if it. It is what it is.
But I needed to feel that love when I was down ? Why abandon when it's needed most?
It is not that we abandoned dear heart. We were always there. It is simply that you were not. It is much like the sun. It always shines, but it is so that on a cloudy day you may not see it. It continues to shine even whence the clouds hide it from view. You may not feel it's warmth but it continues to warm. It is simply that when the clouds dismantle that you feel it, see it more clearly. It continues to give life as we give love even when you can not see it, or feel it. The thicker the clouds the further away the sun feels. The lower the vibration the further away you feel us from you, however we are always there. How can it not be? We are one. We may not be separate. The more joyous you are the closer you feel to that which you are, which is what we are. It is why we continually state to be in your joy, for when you are in joy you are more inline with who you are. Joy raises the vibratory rate. Joy, love , these bring you home dear heart.
So how do I keep that state? Like when I got sick? How do I keep my vibration up? I mean I'm human living life. So at some point I'll prob pick up a bug or get stressed which will lower my vibration. How do I not let that happen? Any clues?
You are living the human existance within duality. Until that day comes that one raises ubove duality it will be a constant regulation of the state of mind that Is needed, become aware of that that may endevour to " beat your drum". It is a process In "Self awareness " , "self realisation ". To "be " that state " regardless of what occurs, regardless of outside influences. To be self regulating no matter what is occurring on the outside , for it is when you gain control of your being that you will " be " in that state always as this is what you are and so this is what is created. Are you understanding.
Ummm it's confusing
Dear heart when you reach this state of full realisation , when you finally reach that state you will surpass duality. Dear heart it is a journey. It is not an impossibility however you , humanity are not there yet.
Am I transcribing you correctly? It's posts like this one, the last part that have me questioning whether to post. I feel like I'm not channeling you clearly , that I'm getting it wrong.
Dear heart this is the concern, that we afore mentioned regarding "scrapping " due to " your fear " of not getting it completely right. We say to you, that you have brought through enough to give an estimate of what is needed, to have those that read understand the underlying meaning. Know as time passes our conversations will " fine tune" much as they have done in the past months.
We simply wished to bring to the table that the closer to "your self" you become , the closer you reach higher conciousness the " less " duality " you will experience, until that time that humanity may reach that " christed state " whereby duality ceases to exist , unless of course you so choose to experience this.
To reiterate the more you raise your vibratory rate , the less you will be affected by invaders , or illness. The more you become self realised the less you will experience stressors that allow these conditions to manifest , to take hold.
You are concerned there are inconsistencies in the transcription. We ask you to leave the transcription as is written. The readers will understand to what is referred. It matters not the inconsistencies. They will understand the general meaning of the message as do you dear heart , do you not?
Yeah I'm understanding. So the more work I do in myself the less I'll feel out of sorts?
Work is not a description we would use dear heart. We would say the closer you become to the realisation of who you are , the more you are being this in your daily living the more joyful and In love will you be. When you are being this more and more, the less you will feel " less than" and so the less you will experience
" dis - ease" of the body , of the mind.
You are feeling us directly. You wish to bask In the feeling. Be still dear heart. Simply be, the feeling you so enjoy. The message of today is delivered. Know you the energies are processing , within. Changes are supported at this time. If there be a crossroad, now be it the time to apply your actions. Begin , for when one does this , doors open and new adventures begin
That is all
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