17/2/15 Tuesday
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
In Trance state
I video recorded this trance channeling today
Yikes! ... 😱
I need to process, before I share video, if at all. It took ME by suprise!
I do look different! 😭
I need more time
Heres the transcription ...
Dear heart you are still not comprehending that we are there. You are waiting our arrival, but it is you that has not arrived. It will become a much faster process when you understand that it is simply your state that we are waiting for, for we are around you, we can not be, not around you, for we are you and you us. In fact we are everywhere and so those that are listening need to understand that we are with you also. You are what we are and we are what you are.
We are pleased that this has been rectified and become in agreement as this is the next step in her journey. She needs to become less anxious about what she may look like to others or what others may think of what she looks like. This will become a common occurance.
She has not been happy with our words today but she is beginning to understand that for our work to unfold that they are processes that must become known, that must become developed. She understands now that this is simply another stepping stone, a hurdle she has to cross in her own mind. For it is in the mind that one contains their beliefs, their constructs, their conditioning. When One leaves this place one brings with them the experience, and the love that they have come to know, they do not bring what others may have thought, they bring with them the love, the changes that were made. Clear dear heart , you are stumbling over our thoughts. What we were endeavouring to say, is that when you leave this place, it is the experiences, the changes that you made, the love that you endevoured to create in others, that you carry with you, the judgements fall away, for there is no judgement where we are, there is only Love, and so what you do here is what you carry with you onward. We have conversed much this day and there is much that needs to be brought to the table, that we wish to say to you now.
What you can take mostly from today, is that you are worthwhile, you are meant to be here at this time. That you chose to be here, for the dawning, for the beginning of this new earth, this new age, this shift, this lifting of consciousness. There are many names for this, however it is really are remembering of who you really are, and what you can achieve. What you are in the process of achieving has never been achieved before in this specific way. Ohh yes, there has been transformation in other realms, there has been shifts many a time before. It is the way the universe keeps expanding, however it has never been done exactly in this way, at this time. This is new water, this is new territory that you are travelling and so there is not the manuscript that can show you the way. Energy and constructs are being created constantly, and so information cannot be brought to the table until that information is created, so to speak. There are lots of different ways that others have lifted their consciousness before, but this is new, and so although we may get asked to guide you in the way it has been done before, there is a new information constantly becoming known, as these probabilities progress.
If you are aware of time, you are aware that it is a construct of the human reality. Time does not exist as you know it. There is no past and there is no present and there is no future. There is only the now, so to speak. There is only what is occurring at this very moment in time, and so if you understand this concept, you understand that all is occurring, all is expanding, all is experiencing, now. Once you understand that, then you will understand that this raising of consciousness this new earth, has already occurred, and is occurring, now, and so you cannot know the experience as it is occurring in the now, and so information is constantly becoming created in the now. It is a lot for your human mind to wrap itself around this concept we have just described, and this one is feeling very uncomfortable at what we are bringing through at this time. She is debating whether it is true, whether it is not, and it is why we have brought this through in this trance state, because this is the closest to no mind that she can be. She would not have volunteered this sort of information, and so it is more likely that she believes what is being brought to the table. Understand all is expanding and unfolding in the now, this moment in time, and when you get to your next moment, it is still expanding at that moment, there is no past, there is no future, there is only now , and so what you are creating you're creating now. It is a wondrous universe. It is so extensive that you know not what we speak of.
There is difficulty explaining to you the workings of the universe. Itbis much like telling a blind man that has been with no sight since birth. Explaining to this man what the colour red looks like, there are no words that can describe the colour. You may describe the feeling, that it is a hot colour, but you will never describe the all of it or the intensity of it, and so when we bring through information, we may do so to the best understanding of your knowledge, but again you cannot know what you do not know, and so there is difficulty. However we do what we can to help you and guide you to your own remembrance. For that is what this is. You are on this earth to re-remember who you are. It is experiencing the journey of the remembering. It is having the forgetfulness and remembering that is the experience that you are here for. You are also here, because you wouldn't miss not being here, you want to be here when these changes occur and are occurring. This is why you are here. You wouldn't not be here. We the collective that you call Adam, we are here to help guide you when you falter, we are here to inspire, we are here to help you find your own answers. We are here to help you remember. We are not here to give you the answers. We would be in breach of universal code to do so. However we can do what we may in service to you, who asked us to be here at this time. We endeavour to help you find your remembering, find that space within, so that you may find your own guidance and your own answers. This one has told us that we can be blunt. We do not agree to the terminology. We would say that we speak truth, we will always speak truth , that is in love, is not the other, we believe truth is of most import. Truth is love experienced. We endeavour to bring you to your own knowing. We are not to be followed as a religion is to be followed. We are not a god, that is to say we are not an icon. We are source as you are source , that we are not a singular source that is to be followed as a Guru, as you would call. We are light. Light is information, light is knowledge, light is love. We are you on the other side of the Veil.
We are here to help you at this time to find your peace and your remembrance. We are not one, we are many. We are everywhere that you may look, for we are a spark of the source.
We leave you now for this one, after numerous attempts is starting to tire and we do not wish her to overextend her energy quota for the day. We say to you, your answers are within you. Be still. Be silent. For in the silence is your inspiration, your intuitive self comes forth. This is your truth. Be guided by what you feel inside rather than what you see and hear on the outside. With love in our hearts for you, for travelling this journey.
We give you our love.
That is all
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