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Saturday, 28 February 2015

12/11/14   ( last year )
Channeling Adam
Auto writing

Currently at retreat, learning to trust myself , attempting to let go of fear. 
This is a start. Posting a channel that I had no intention of sharing ....

Adam I know we just spoke but WHY am I hearing about all these terrible tragedys to do with children.  I don't want to see or hear, it just shocks my mind. How can anyone possibly do this to innocents. I hate the cruelty in these souls. It makes my stomach churn. 

It fuels your desire for change does it not? It propels your desire to make a difference. If you do not see you do not know. The idea is to feel compassion, love for the soul that endured so, not to fuel the hate for the souls that were the ones that inflicted as they too are on this jouney. Remember you are all one, even with those that you do not understand. Compasion for all, not just the ones you choose to. You are all souls made of the same creator all experiencing the duality. To experience one there must be the other. It is the way of it. Someone in duality must be what you call the bad guy. Eventual you will transcend duality. 

Ohhh I cannot post this! Not all will agree with you. I'm finding it difficult. I understand it but it's difficult to not feel anger at the ones that did the harm.

You do not have to agree with the actions or condone them or even understand them. It is but to send them compassion and love for you do not know their lessons, jouney or experience.  You do not know the bigger picture. It is easy to place judgement, easier than really understanding the bigger picture. 

It's difficult 

If you understand, from source point of view it would not be so difficult. To love all regardless of their doing, that is to know god, to know and understand, to be a master. 


Do you think source, god, turns away a soul when they return home? 

Well religion would say so

What do you think? 

Well from what I've learnt no. 

Correct. There is a process however no soul is turned away. Source loves all, no matter their doing their experience. 

I can't post this.

Your will be done child. It may help to enlighten others. 

Maybe though I know it will also anger.

Monday, 23 February 2015

23/2/15 part 2
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective 
In trance state

We wish to end this doubt of yours dear heart. It is bothersome. Clear , clear and trust what comes to the fore. This day is a day for reckoning. We are not happy with the way things are eventuating. We are aiming to rectify the situation. There is much anxiety much stress much worry and we need to organise this so that the message can be spread far and wide, and it may not be spread far and wide if one is constantly doubting the information. We are from the light. We are all that is. We are source. We are here to help the many. We are here to bring through all that we may. We understand this one is doubting much and we wish to eliminate that doubt so that we may get on with it so to speak. 
You are not liking our words and it is so that you may not like our words but it is time that we pushed a little bit so that we may begin. You are not happy with what you hear, but we speak truth. We are what you say blunt, but we are truth we are speaking truth. Truth is God truth is knowledge truth is all there is. we speak the way of the universal mind. We are of love and light dear heart. We are what you imagine us to be. We would not say otherwise. Yes we are of the light. Yes we are of love. Yes we are here to bring peace to all of humanity through you. You chose us dear heart. When you were not of your realm you chose us then. We have been waiting. Who do you feel brought you to the channeling process? You think that you called on us in your realm? We reminded you . We put the idea into you,  to learn to channel.  You had much fear , until you had not so much fear. You may do this or you may not. We may come through in another way just as others come through in other ways. But we are here to work with you at this present time. We love you dearly dear heart. Do not doubt that we do not. We are simply stressing the importance of our work and that you are wholeheartedly with us. You may choose not to and that is okay. We do not force you to do anything. Dear heart we have spoken what we have wanted to speak. Know we have much work to do together. This  will go viral, be aware of this, we are here to affect change , we are here to affect peace, and we are here to affect that through you. If you are  not on board that is okay but we know, we KNOW, that you are. It will become easier dear  heart, Know this. The more alignments, the more energetic upgrades the more frequency shifts, this will become easier and easier for you. Do not be afraid. 
You will be much like other channels. You will begin gradually, hmm,  and then, and then, boom, it takes hold, and your life will change. You're living will change overnight as if by magic. We are refining at present dear heart. We are refining, we are learning to work with each other, we are training, but this will not be for a long time. We have new information to bring. You will need to trust what comes. It will test you. But you will have perfected the process by then there will be no doubt by then. This weekend where you see the channeller, will give you much confidence. This weekend will be life changing for you. In the meantime dear heart rest, and practice our connection. Run through the rest of these exercises. You saw correctly dear heart. We are sending you an image, of someone smiling. You think we look like someone, yes. 

Note* I saw what looked like a smiling Nicholas cage

We have projected an image to you,  and you say your third eye is not operating? how would you but see our image if not that your third eye is operating? Think about this dear heart.
Hmmm dear heart as we end this today we declare to you we  mean you no harm. We mean humanity no harm. We are here to help with the shift , with the changes of frequencies, with the changes that are occurring on this planet at this time. We are of the light. We are of source. We are everywhere. We come because humanity has requested it so. Many are struggling for answers. Many are wanting peace. Your heart dear heart yearned for us to come. Little did you understand there was no question of this in you. We understood that your power would not allow the earth to be distructed. We understood the power of humanity to rebirth itself. We knew as you would say, we were backing a winner, and now the story has begun, and a new chapter begins. And this is where it becomes exciting. Be at peace dear ones be patient. A new day is dawning. Smile, and enjoy this experience of life. 
And so it is
23/2/15 part 1
Channelling Adam
Rainbow collective
In trance 

You are enjoying the feeling of us around you today. You have not experienced quite like this the energies. It is so there has been a shift of frequencies these past days. Many have felt changes within their body systems. You have felt changes. Some that have not been so pleasant. It is the way of it, that when the physical body is calibrating with the changing frequencies,  that they may experience unpleasantness. We tell you there is some ways around this, though it is not always appropriate or successful. 
The best way to acclimatise to the changes, is to slumber. When you slumber you leave the body for a short space of time, in essence, and so the upgrade can be successfully implanted without restriction. There is also more energy given to the implantation and less to your physical daily living. It is a more smoother process if you may rest your body vehicle. We understand however that this is not always possible in your life stream and so we say to you rest when you may or alternate you're living with your resting. This one wishes to understand the mechanics of the pineal and the third eye. She is asking them to be opened to be activated. What she does not realise is that they are already activated. Dear heart how do you see our energies do you imagine? How do you see the pictures that we send you?
There is a lull for we are giving you the opportunity to perhaps think on this. Your third eye is already activated. It has never been unactivated. It has been opened since birth dear heart. You have simply been afraid to open the curtains that is in front of it. We cannot open the curtains for you. Only you can do this. It is so that you may peek out of these curtains at times when you are in alignment with us. 
What we were meaning to say before the disruption is that you peak through with curtains when you may wish to see,  however you also close the curtains tightly when you do not wish to see. When you lay awake at night you hide from your visions , you are aware that if you look ,you may see but you are afraid. When you are laying in your stillness you may hear with your physical hearing , voices and noises. Again ,your fear , closes them off. It is not for us to open the centres dear heart for they are opened already.  It is you to be in allowance of them, in all they have to show you. You wish to see only the beauty and the positivity through the eye. Dear heart in your daily living with your physical eyes do you close your eyes when you see visions that you do not like? Do you then open your eyes when there are visions that you do like? Do you open and close and open and close your eyesight? Your physical eyesight, during the day, during your living? You do not . Once the sight is there you see it all. All the different shades,  all the different colours. The light and the dark. And so it is with the third eye that when you open it fully you see the all of it, all the shades , the dark and the light. it is not to fear the dark it is but a vision dear heart. The dark may not harm you when you are the light , when you are  at a high vibration. But it is so, to open your vision is to see the all of it. At present you are only allowing a small opening. You are peeking through the curtain when you wish to , and then close it off. Your pineal dear heart is open. Do you not see that? How  do you think we are transmitting our thoughts to you, ahhh you think you are doing it yourself , still. Overtime you will come to trust our words. it is good that you are using this discernment. It is good practice. We applaud this, that you question our judgement, that you question our integrity. You do not trust lightly, and in a way this is good, however it can hold you back so much dear heart. You have opened your trust to us  now, and over time this will increase,  and you will see what we bring does no harm and is in love and alignment to what you are wanting to bring to others. 
Do you see the method of sway has been minimised? We have refined this day. Stop for a moment dear heart and feel who we are. For this you cannot deny. You cannot deny who we are when you feel us. We are sending you an image your minds eye . Look and feel now. 

Note* ( while transcribing audio , in this lull while waiting, for the words to come again to type , I distinctly heard physically heard my name called... HELEN.. A male gentle , but firm voice )
The question is , is it in the recording or in my mind now..... More questions for Adam 

Dear heart to go further than this would be to channel us unconsciously. Do you really wish this?  Think carefully. 
It may frighten and then you may not wish to channel us anymore. 
We are as much as we can be with you, without completely using your faculties. You do not have to be unconscious to receive our words. We understand that doubt what we say to you. Know you have done very well so far and being conscious would not change the words so very much. All that it would change is your belief in them. You understand. It is better this way. It is the new energy. But if you wish for us to do so we may. 

( my dog yelps in his sleep in audio here ) 

Know we are as  close to you as we may be. You feel us do you not? There can be no doubt with the way you feel us. Over time you will trust our words, for we mean no harm to anyone. We are love and we are Light. You feel the truth of that this day. You cannot deny the way you feel. You feel the love. You feel the peace. 
We are like a drug to you at present, are we not? 
Today's exercise has gone well. We are pleased. We are very pleased. 
Patience dear one, patience. 
A page message would be appropriate at this time.
You may stop this transcript and begin another one. 


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

17/2/15 (am) 
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective

In Trance 
This was another trance I did via video.  I did afew that day😊
I'm still struggling to share that part of myself " online ", me in trance channeling state.  I need to process and get used to the idea, first, like I did before sharing the audio channelings. 
I can share the transcription to it though below ..

Dear heart,
You do not need to wait and wait.  You felt us from the beginning.
Why do you doubt what you feel?. You are always in line. You simply must come to the realisation that you are.
We are pleased that you are attempting to mirror yourself in this way. We wish this to become viral.
We understand you do not. 
We understand you fear judgement from others. What you do you not understand is that most of all you feel judgement for yourself. You do not unleash the powerfull being that you are. You seek to keep it tied up in chains in a cage in the prison made up of its own walls. You fear retaliation you fear being cut down as you have been before. But we tell you, you need not fear any more. You need not fear who you are. Unleash your soul. Unleash your light. Let it go. Let it shine. Let it help those that may do so.
We understand it is a process. We understand it is simply the beginning. You may not like what you hear, however your desire for change is stronger than your fear. It is stronger than  judgement of others. It will overpass the fear dear heart. We tell you, this is truth. You may not like what we say. You may decide to choose another path because you do not like what you hear, but we tell you this is why you are here, this what you are doing. Know it is a process of sorts that will begin to take hold over time. You belittle yourself you belittle what you do you belittle your attempts. We are in aww of what you do. We are amazed at what you do. The way you move from here to there, the way you combine all your aspects, strength of your desire has not been muffled by the human experience. The desire is still burning brightly even without the remembrance of whence you came, even without the remembrance of the contract. Even with immense home sickness that you feel on the daily basis. Ahh you don't like that we speak of these truths in full view of others. Dear heart what you feel others feel also. What you experience is the human experience and others feel this the same as what you do and so by you sharing what you feel then others have the realisation that they are not alone in this, for as you are aware it can be a lonely experience, this remembering process it can take you from the mire where you feel you cannot climb out of, to the heights of the heavens, to the immense feelings of love. It is an up and down experience. It is a journey, it is living, and so we tell you this is the beginning. This is all the pieces of the jigsaw taking shape and creating the bigger picture. This is what is occurring in many households. Many are putting the pieces of the jigsaw together. Sometimes it is difficult to find where all the pieces my go and so there is a lull, there is a putting away of the jigsaw so to speak, till one discovers where the peace fits and then you become immersed in the jigsaw again. You are building a masterpiece. 
You do not have the awareness of such that you are creating. And this is for good reason and also because if you knew,  if you could put all the pieces of the jigsaw together very quickly, what would be the experience? What would be the reason for doing so in the first place? Every attempt at finding where that missing piece fits in the jigsaw of life, of your journey, is the experience, each piece holds, a purpose that you cannot see, for every piece that gets put on the picture affects all the other jigsaws, for you see, even this one at this present moment,  is viewing the jigsaw as her own separate jigsaw from another. What she does not realise again, and perhaps you are not seeing is that you are also a piece of the bigger jigsaw and so it is a jigsaw within a jigsaw, your journey is a journey within a journey, of the greater whole. You are completing what you are looking at to be, your jigsaw, your pieces and each experience , each step along your journey, you are placing your piece upon your jigsaw,  however, you are a piece of the greater jigsaw. You understand? 
It is a little overwhelming to comprehend. You are all one. You are all source, experiencing it self on this earth plane. You are creating your masterpiece, within the bigger masterpiece, the bigger masterpiece being, not just your human experience but the universal experience,  for then this bigger masterpiece goes on to be another piece of a bigger jigsaw again, you see.  
There is the universal one. What you do here affects your jigsaw, your journey,  but what you do also affects the bigger jigsaw, that is the others that they are experiencing the journey with you, and what you do all together affects the universal jigsaw. You are all pieces upon pieces upon pieces. It is  never ending. Your mind cannot comprehend the enormity,  it cannot comprehend what it does not know. Know what you do is honoured beyond measure. Every single piece is valued is important. Imagine,  if you will, if you could see the bigger jigsaw with one piece missing. It would not be complete. Would it not? Imagine if you will,  on the wall, the masterpiece, the jigsaw, the universal jigsaw the whole, with a little piece missing,  your piece, it would not be there, there would be a gap, a piece missing, you see. You are important. You are part of the whole. Know this truth. Feel it within your being. It is so that when you are immeshed in this human experience and you have a bad day you feel alone you feel disconnected you feel unworthy you feel you are not good enough. But you are. This one is constantly feeling unworthiness, feeling why is she doing this. You may feel at times that you are unworthy, why are you here? You are here because you are that missing piece. You are here to help create a masterpiece. Know that the jigsaw is simply a metaphor. We do not literally mean that the universe is a jigsaw. It is much more than that. So much more. 
Hmm this one is feeling a fractal of that, " so much more ".

You cannot comprehend the enormity and so we tell you that your journey, your piece of God, your piece of source, your piece of love, is valued beyond measure. You are all important. You are all worthwhile. Every single one of you. It matters not whether you are a light worker whether you are a thief whether you are a do-gooder whether you do not. Every single piece is valued. You may think why would these be valued as much as the light worker. Think you may experience light if there was no darkness? Think you may experience abundance if there was no lack?  You may not know one without the other, in this realm of experience. You need an opposite to understand the other. Someone has to play the bad guy so to speak,  so that a good guy may know what it does not want. When you leave this place not one that has played the part of the Negative duality, is not welcomed in love. If anything they have experienced the more difficult side of the duality coin, For they have come here to sacrifice their light so that another may discover their light you see,  and with every negative experience born, comes an accumulation of the opposite. It is but difficult to get your mind around this for your mind can only understand what it knows from this plane of existence. Know each piece is needed to create the masterpiece. All of you are valued. That is not to say that it does not matter if you do wrong. Some may say what would be the point of being a light worker?What would be the point of the experience? We may as well not care, some might say, but is this not so. 
For not one being, would  wish to experience the dark side, lifetime after lifetime,  existence after existence, "not a one". 
Each soul becomes incarnated to bring an experience to the whole, to themselves,  and to the whole. Each one chooses what they wish to bring. They come in knowing this, although they forget once they have entered and woken on this plane, and this is all for good reason. It is the way it is because it has to be this way to become more than what you are. 
This one is going to experiment, she is experiencing discomfort we wish to change the way the energy is circulating. 

( here my back was aching from the swaying, so I sat back instead of sitting up, and they changed the direction of sway from front to back to left to right ) 

This is better is it not dear  heart?
It is simply a construct of the mind how you feel that you cannot bring us through in any manner of form. They're always needs to be energy flow. You cannot otherwise bring through information. If one may not flow in one way it must flow in another form, from whence we came,  needs energy circulation. 

We are pleased that this has begun. We tell you there will be more of this to come. This one will come round to the idea as always. She will come to understand that the messages are of more import then the visual aspect of her physical self. She at times experiences much lack of self. In time we wish to show her that there is no truth to this belief. There is much processing being done at present. Much alignments with energy constructs, for this one, and for others. Many will find they are more able to connect to their own higher selves, their intuition will become more clear. Their life will change course.

There will be challenges within the societal structure also. There may be lack of funds for some,  and more so for others. Know that when one sees breakdown of society in a way that may cause you to fear,  do not. There is no place for fear in this, for it is simply the recalibration of the way your societies are being orchestrated. They are ready for change. For when there is change there may be some discomfort however it is you who decides whether the discomfort is large or non-existent. Preparation, awareness is always the key. Be prepared for disruption to some services. If you are prepared then you will be less taken by surprise. We do not say this to frighten dear ones. We are not here to cause such. What we say is when there is change there is disruption. When you experience a change in your living , in your health ,  in your career is there not a period of unsettlement for some? It feels different. It may be that some things change and when there is change there is a feeling of discomfort at times because there is not the sameness,  there is not the familiararity and so we say to you, as your society begins to change your governments your health care systems you're learning facilities your hospitals , all will begin to restructure its self in a new way and when there is restructuring there are changes. Changes are simply that changes. However not all experience change in a positive frame of mind. So we tell you be prepared. This one is asking what we mean by being prepared. We are asking her to be clear. What we mean to say is by being prepared one is being observant. When  one is observant one can see what is to occur down the road.

( this is where my recorder / video cut out :( ...... If I could remember the rest I would attach it... Sorry everyone  ) 
( i did auto write a conclussion , below ) 

Auto writing ( next day )

Adam do you care to expand  on the changes?

The disruption to the recorded message was appropriate. Know there is no accident in this. We have brought through what we wished to bring to the table. You are aware there are changes being made in infrastructure. We say to you be observant, however, do not put your energy into the goings on. Instead concentrate on manifesting the future you desire. This creates an easier transition.  Do not become bogged down in the intracasies that do not bring you peace. Instead manifest peace in your life and the rest will take care of itself, for when many manifest a peaceful transition then this is what will occur not only for your benefit, but for that of others also. 

Prepare how?

Be guided to what comes to the fore. You will feel what is appropriate for you and what is not. 

That's it?

All that has been said for this day has been brought forth. 

Umm ok Thankyou . I hope we get to expand on this.

If it is appropriate to do so, it will be done dear heart. 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

17/2/15 Tuesday
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
In Trance state 

I video recorded this trance channeling today 
Yikes! ... 😱
I need to process, before I share video, if at all.  It took ME by suprise!
I do look different! 😭
I need more time
Heres the transcription ...

Dear heart you are still not comprehending that we are there. You are waiting our  arrival, but  it is you that has not arrived. It will become a much faster process when you understand that it is simply your state that we are waiting for, for we are around you, we can not be, not around you,  for we are you and you us. In fact we are everywhere and so those that are listening need to understand that we are with you also. You are what we are and we are what you are.
We are pleased that this has been rectified and become in agreement as this is the next step in her journey. She needs to become less anxious about what she may look like to others or what others may think of what she looks like. This will become a common occurance. 
She has not been happy with our words today but she is beginning to understand that for our work to unfold that they are processes that must become known, that must become developed. She understands now that this is simply another stepping stone, a hurdle she has to cross in her own mind. For it is in the mind that one contains their beliefs, their constructs, their conditioning. When One leaves this place one brings with them the experience, and the love that they have come to know, they do not bring what others may have thought, they bring with them the love, the changes that were made. Clear dear heart , you are stumbling over our thoughts. What we were endeavouring to say, is that when you leave this place, it is the experiences, the changes that you made,  the love that you endevoured to create in others, that you carry with you, the judgements fall away, for there is no judgement where we are, there is only Love, and so what you do here is what you carry with you onward. We have conversed much this day and there is much that needs to be brought to the table, that we wish to say to you now. 
What you can take mostly from today, is that you are worthwhile, you are meant to be here at this time. That you chose to be here, for the dawning, for the beginning of this new earth, this new age, this shift, this lifting of consciousness. There are many names for this, however it is really are remembering of who you really are, and what you can achieve. What you are in the process of achieving has never been achieved before in this specific way. Ohh yes, there has been transformation in other realms, there has been shifts many a time before. It is the way the universe keeps expanding, however it has never been done exactly in this way, at this time. This is new water, this is new territory that you are travelling and so there is not the manuscript that can show you the way.  Energy and constructs are being created constantly, and so information cannot be brought to the table until that information is created, so to speak. There are lots of different ways that others have  lifted their consciousness before, but this is new, and so although we may get asked to guide you in the way it has been done before, there is a new information constantly becoming known, as these probabilities progress.
If you are aware of time, you are aware that it is a construct of the human reality. Time does not exist as you know it. There is no past and there is no present and there is no future. There  is only the now, so to speak. There is only what is occurring at this very moment in time,  and so if you understand this concept, you understand that all is occurring, all is expanding, all is experiencing, now. Once  you understand that, then you will understand that this raising of consciousness this new earth,  has already occurred, and is occurring, now, and so you cannot know the experience as it is occurring in the now, and so information is constantly becoming created in the now. It is a lot for your human mind to wrap itself around this concept we have just described, and this one is feeling very uncomfortable at what we are bringing through at this time. She is debating whether it is true, whether it is not, and it is why we have brought this through in this trance state, because this is the closest to no mind that she can be. She would not have volunteered this sort of information,  and so it is more likely that she believes what is being brought to the table. Understand all is expanding and unfolding in the now, this moment in time, and when you get to your next moment, it is still expanding at that moment, there is no past, there is no future,  there is only now , and so what you are creating you're creating now. It is a wondrous universe. It is so extensive that you know not what we speak of. 
There is difficulty explaining to you the workings of the universe. Itbis much like telling a blind man that has been with no sight since birth. Explaining to this man what the colour red looks like, there are no words that can describe the colour. You may describe the feeling, that it is a hot colour, but you will never describe the all of it or the intensity of it, and so when we bring through information, we may do so to the best understanding of your knowledge, but again you cannot know what you do not know, and so there is difficulty. However  we do what we can to help you and guide you to your own remembrance. For that is what this is. You are on this earth to re-remember who you are. It is experiencing the journey of the remembering. It is having the forgetfulness and remembering that is the experience that you are here for. You are also here, because you wouldn't miss not being here, you want to be here when these changes occur and are occurring. This  is why you are here. You wouldn't not be here. We the collective that you call Adam, we are here to help guide you when you falter, we are here to inspire, we are here to help you find your own answers. We are here to help you remember. We are not here to give you the answers. We would be in breach of universal code to do so. However we can do what we may in service to you, who asked us to be here at this time. We endeavour to help you find your remembering, find  that space within, so that  you may find your own guidance and your own answers. This one has told us that we can be blunt. We do not agree to the terminology. We would say that we speak truth, we will always speak truth , that is in love, is not the other, we believe truth is of most import. Truth is love experienced. We endeavour to bring you to your own knowing. We are not to be followed as a religion is to be followed. We are not a god, that is to say we are not an icon. We are source as you are source , that we are not a singular source that is to be followed as a Guru, as you would call. We are light. Light is information, light  is knowledge, light is love. We are you on the other side of the Veil. 
We are here to help you at this time to find your peace and your remembrance. We are not one, we are many. We are everywhere that you may look, for we are a spark of the source.
We leave you now for this one, after numerous attempts is starting to tire and we do not wish her to overextend her energy quota for the day. We say to you, your answers are within you. Be still. Be silent. For in the silence is your inspiration, your intuitive self comes forth. This is your truth. Be guided by what you feel inside rather than what you see and hear on the outside. With love in our hearts for you, for travelling this journey. 
We give you our love.
That is all

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Channeling Adam
Rainbow collective
Auto writing

Adam I saw a clip earlier on the multiverse. It says that we are made of  the universe, made up of, star stuff our structure our cells. While I  watched this clip, I had a distinct feeling of home sickness, a deep almost unbearable longing. Most would think this crazy. 
Now in bed,  lying in the dark, Hours later I'm still feeling it. What is the matter with me lately? One minute I'm all revved up to help create change and the next I want to give it all up as being too hard.
You tell me heart is where the home is. What does that mean exactly?
I'm not sharing this. Right? Hasn't everyone wondered why they exist at all?  

Dear heart fear not, you are safe. Only the light that you are shines down on you . You cannot know what is not remembered by you. However know you have much support and are surrounded by an entourage of light beings of energy of love. Those past are with you, as are those from your future. You may travel there anytime you so choose in your imagination . You have the universe, space, within you. This is where your scientists get it wrong . You do not travel to other planets via ships or space craft. This is as your dinosaurs,  to an observer . You travel within you, your self, your mind, you have the universe WITHIN you. You are not simply made of star material. You may travel within you, to far off galaxies . 
Dear heart we may channel  on this on the morrow if you are agreeable . Slumber. We may meet within your sleep state dear heart. 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective

Adam the past 7 days have been strange energy wise. I feel like I've been in a wringer, and finally beginng to feel myself again. Any guidance for anyone reading?

Welcome back dear heart. You feel us as you have not in the past days

Wow. I do "feel" you. Why is that? Why didn't feel you like this during the week? When I needed to feel you like this?

You were in such a state that you could not. It is the way of it that when your vibratory rate is reduced that you cannot feel us in the way you do when it is lifted. It is the way if it. It is what it is.

But I needed to feel that love when I was down ? Why abandon when it's needed most?

It is not that we abandoned dear heart. We were always there. It is simply that you were not. It is much like the sun. It always shines, but it is so that on a cloudy day you may not see it. It continues to shine even whence the clouds hide it from view. You may not feel it's warmth but it continues to warm. It is simply that when the clouds dismantle that you feel it, see it more clearly. It continues to give life as we give love even when you can not see it, or feel it. The thicker the clouds the further away the sun feels. The lower the vibration the further away you feel us from you, however we are always there. How can it not be? We are one. We may not be separate. The more joyous you are the closer you feel to that which you are, which is what we are. It is why we continually state to be in your joy, for when you are in joy you are more inline with who you are. Joy raises the vibratory rate. Joy, love , these bring you home dear heart. 

So how do I keep that state? Like when I got sick? How do I keep my vibration up? I mean I'm human living life. So at some point I'll prob pick up a bug or get stressed which will lower my vibration. How do I not let that happen? Any clues?

You are living the human existance within duality. Until that day comes that one raises ubove duality it will be a constant regulation of the state of mind that Is needed, become aware of that that may endevour to " beat your drum". It is a process In "Self awareness " , "self realisation ". To "be " that state " regardless of what occurs, regardless of outside influences. To be self regulating no matter what is occurring on the outside , for it is when you gain control of your being that you will " be " in that state always as this is what you are and so this is what is created. Are you understanding. 

Ummm it's confusing 

Dear heart when you reach this state of full realisation , when you finally reach that state you will surpass duality. Dear heart it is a journey. It is not an impossibility however you , humanity are not there yet. 

Am I transcribing you correctly? It's posts like this one, the last part that have me questioning whether to post. I feel like I'm not channeling you clearly , that I'm getting it wrong. 

Dear heart this is the concern, that we afore mentioned regarding "scrapping " due to " your fear " of not getting it completely right. We say to you, that you have brought through enough to give an estimate of what is needed, to have those that read understand the underlying meaning. Know as time passes our conversations will " fine tune" much as they have done in the past months. 
We simply wished to bring to the table that the closer to "your self" you become , the closer you reach higher conciousness the " less " duality " you will experience, until that time that humanity may reach that " christed state " whereby duality ceases to exist , unless of course you so choose to experience this. 

To reiterate the more you raise your vibratory rate , the less you will be affected by invaders , or illness. The more you become self realised the less you will experience stressors that allow these conditions to manifest , to take hold. 
You are concerned there are inconsistencies in the transcription. We ask you to leave the transcription as is written. The readers will understand to what is referred. It matters not the inconsistencies. They will understand the general meaning of the message as do you dear heart , do you not?

Yeah I'm understanding. So the more work I do in myself the less I'll feel out of sorts?

Work is not a description we would use dear heart. We would say the closer you become to the realisation of who you are , the more you are being this in your daily living the more joyful and In love will you be. When you are being this more and more, the less you will feel " less than" and so the less you will experience 
 " dis - ease"  of the body , of the mind. 
You are feeling us directly. You wish to bask In the feeling. Be still dear heart. Simply be, the feeling you so enjoy. The message of today is delivered. Know you the energies are processing , within. Changes are supported at this time. If there be a crossroad, now be it the time to apply your actions. Begin , for when one does this , doors open and new adventures begin
That is all

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
Auto writing 

I keep seeing 11's, 1's & 2's....and the rest ....
The meanings are all to do with positive thinking , visualising goals, getting out of comfort zones, following the path ..
Question is which path? I'm moving without a set goal in mind, other than to help others, and my growth.  Any guidance please

Dear heart be still for a moment and be clear. We wish to explain a concept you have enquiry  on. You have need of clearing the mind. 


You have stagnated much in recent days. Illness and the energies have beat a path to your inner strength. This day you have taken to watching another human bringing forth an energy which is  in similarity to the way it Is done here and now, with our energies and that of yours. Your excitment grew much when you made the realisation that it was the same in nature, until you saw the change manifest in them.
Your doubting set in. Know this child, see that it is the same. What you do not understand is the length of time needed to perfect the skill viewed. You forget it has not been but less than a year. The other has many more years under their belt as do
many others.
Dear heart listen carefully what we say to you.
This is for all those that have recently connected to their higher self or guides.
Know it is a process , a meshing that constantly fine tunes to the new energies. The process of channeling evolves over time, the new energies support now, more than ever before the connection . Practice we say to you. 
Dear child we are aware you have doubts as to whether to continue this path or nay. You question the relevance of another channel, when there are so many. Know that each and every channel bring an originality of flow , of vibratory essence, that connect to certain wavelengths. Your wavelength , others wavelengths, are unique in every way.  It connects to other souls on the same wavelength that would not connect otherwise.
We were expressive with you,  and the sensitive that you are took it to heart. We simply seek to strengthen your resilience. It will be needed down the road. We seek to bring out the very best in you. You were becoming complacent. You are valued dear heart, as is all that are seeking to help with changes that are at your doorstep. We wish you to be ready dear heart ,for the next level of communication. 

The stars you questioned earlier. Yes it resonated. We have brought through before this is whence you came. You wondered regarding the   crystalline  state, if you were a first waver. You wondered regarding karmic attributes. Today came your answer as though the chapters were written just for you , but they were written for many. They were in the affirmative. We know you understood the relevance and that is why you saw the 11's right at that vantage point. It seeked to remind that that IS your path. It does not matter how you get there , just that you do. 
You ask what is your path. The passages you witnessed is your path. But you know this. You felt it with all the fibres of your being. You began this, under this teacher not so long ago and then moved on to another in your physicality. You ask what is your path? You are already walking the path dear heart. You are on it , you seeked an answer and one was delivered, 
You may share this or nay, it matters not . This is your reminder that you are on track and that if you are willing to continue we will in time become  more than what is written now. 
We advise now to rest dear heart. The days have been a test of sorts a time for you to stop, integrate and begin a new, with a mind set of changed  concepts. Do not have worry in regards to the method of process. It is forever developing itself. You doubt what you do. A suggestion dear heart. A motion picture might clear your mind. If you but see with your eyes what you do, what we do, then  all is not lost . You will see what others see. We advise you do this in the coming days. You have heard but you have not seen the all of it.  Many have said to you that they can see you do what you do. They feel us through you. It was mentioned when we leave ( we do
not ) but for advisory state, they see when we depart,  it has been noted you deflate when we leave.  This is but our energies leaving yours.  know a spark always remains dear heart a link. You will ever be able to connect always 
We do not leave but simply 
put the phone down , till you are ready to pick it up again to listen 
Dear heart you are tiring
Slumber .. Know all is  well
Be at peace 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective

Adam is there any guidance you can give? The last few days have been difficult. Is there anything that will help us in the coming days?

Dear heart 
One does not know what leads one,  to their desired course of action, one  only knows where one is ever going in the present moment.
Be attentive to the now moment. Know what you are thinking and feeling in the now. Do all you possibly can, to do what ones desires their future to be in that now moment. What you will find is that when tomorrow comes, the moment you were wanting in the future, is then occurring in the now?
Are you understanding ?

You are being very mindful of staying out of the mind so you may bring us through clearly .
Know this. When you and others practice mindfulness, when you practice in the now, what you are wanting in the future, then that is what you will attract. It is a simple concept, however humanity find it difficult to practice in their daily living. 
When you practice this state, when you remember this, and flow with this in your daily living and thought patterns , it is then that changes will begin to occur .

Dear heart you must leave your anxiety for others on the wayside. Remember when you practice seeing them in healing, when you see them in health, no matter what the outside picture is that you see, then you will experience this, and in the doing, so help them beyond measure. 
It is better to do this, than to be in anxiety over their health,over their experience of the illness.
We might add here, that your intention of yesterday , your healing of intent you gave the other, was powerful . You doubt what you do, however, is it not that today was a turning point in their physicality ? Are they not on their way to recovery? Did not the right people, places, advice and events appear before you this day to aid this healing for the other ? Did not all this happen with the least amount of distress that you had thought may occur, with the added benefit of expenses outlayed being less that you thought?

Dear heart this day was a lesson in being. It is when you begin to understand this, that your growth is integrated into your physicality.

You all experience these types of events in your daily living. Be mindful of your thoughts. If you see a picture you are not desiring , imagine a different picture . Do not give anxiety to the current one if you are not liking it, but give attention to the one you prefer. This is the beginning of manifesting your reality, in the way you desire, consciously,  and not in
lieu. ....unconsciously 
Be the change you want to see, creator that you are. Create what you are wanting, not what your random unconcious reactions to that around you, in your present reality.
That is al

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

3/2/15 Rainbow Collective Energy & Creativity

Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
In Trance 
( Channeled after a  light body exercise - Being born as a master journey by Orin and Daben )

A little about light body first
Light body  state is alittle different to trance state.  It's a deeper state. The channeling reflects this state. I find when I connect with Adam in light body state the channelings have a different depth to them, as I'm connecting with them at a higher level.  In this particular journey a past self which was birthed and reared by parents that were enlightened was emerged with my current self. It was a powerful and trippy exercise. 

It is so dear heart that the journey has accomplished a multitude of changes within your dynamics. Is it not a wondrous exercise when one reinvents himselves a new. Reinvents their birth into one that was achievable in another realm, in another time,  in another space. You doubt yourself much dear heart, but you do not know who you are. There is much opportunity to become that, that you are, that, that you always have been. You think not, that you were not this person, this human already. You cannot imagine what you not know, what you have been already. 
This is you, this is the real you. 

You still do not know what you do. You doubt and you question and you  oscillate back and forth from your believing and then your doubting, from knowing and then Unknowing. You do not fully understand the way of it, of what you do and what you are becoming. You worry about the way you portray yourself to others.  You worry about the way you move and the way you look, and what you do, not understand it is not about the way you look, but about what you give, what you bring to others. 
You want to know who we are and from whence we came. We have told you before we are the light. We are all there is, all that is here, and all that is there. We are everywhere. We shine from all beings, we are the spark, we are the light, we are a multitude of colours, an array of frequencies, we are you. We are of a high vibrational nature.  We are from the realms of light. We are as you imagine your beings of light. There is many of us, however you bring through a collective, of around a dozen, as you have seen before in your imaging process. We have come because you have called. We have come because it was destined. It was decided that we would come at a time where you would be ready to understand, where you would have no fear,  eventually. We together will help many to live their life in peace, and in love, f and in kindness. We in essence help to bring this shift in humanity. This is your deepest yearning  dear heart. This is what you have struggled to grasp your entire human existence. You have always known there is something more for you to do. You have constantly searched and searched, and searched,  and now you are beginning to grasp a little of where this is encompassing, where this is going. You are a leader. You do not see yourself as a leader. You see yourself as a follower. You see yourself as a sheep. You see, you following others. You are made of leader qualities. You are here to create leaders for themselves. Hmmm. You have no idea where this is going and what you are doing and this is the beauty of the journey. For you will see, oh you will see, how Magnificat the changes that we will create together, with others, among others. 
It is beautiful to behold the changes. You do not see them you cannot see them. You cannot know what you do not know. You struggle with believing that what we are,  you struggle to believe you're worth, and your Magnificance, you struggle to see where this will lead. We have put the blinders on dear heart you cannot see. We do not wish you to see the all of it. We are giving you a heads up so to speak,  but we do not wish to frighten you, for your journey is a long one dear heart. It is a long one however it is a fulfilling one. You will become healthier beyond measure. Have you not noticed that you do not become ill so often? Have you not noticed that you do not feel as ill, as you were. Have you not wondered about this? The more you raise your energetics, the more you give in love,  the more you practice this work, the more you help others, the more time you spend in the light, your physical body will increase in it's frequency. All it's cells are vibrating at a higher rate, and this dear heart, this creates wholeness in body, mind and spirit. You are a leader because you will show others the way it's done if they wish to follow the same way, but they do not follow you as a one being, they follow you so that they may learn to become the same. You are a creator of more creators and you will create creators, that will create creators. You can not but create in this realm. It is what you do. 
Be patient and be kind to yourself dear heart. Spend more time in pleasure and less time in worry. Create your art in this space dear heart. You can paint. You can create wonderous pieces. You but have to believe that you can. You have done it before and you will do it again. Be in this space of feeling. Be without thought and allow that to flow onto the canvas dear heart. 
Remember when you first channeled. Remember how stilted it was and now see how it is, and it will become more fluent again in time, and you will believe more in time that what we do. This will be the same with your painting. Practice. Practice the art and it will improve. Do not be disheartened by the first few pieces. You are still developing what you already know. You have done it before. Take pleasure in it rather than it being a chore. Play and experience and you will find that is where the beauty comes and that's how it gets transformed onto the piece of canvas. Do not judge yourself by others standards. Do not judge yourself at all. Love each paint stroke. Love each piece like it is a new born, being born through you. Love each piece like it's your first born. It is the way that it is created ,  not the finished product. It is the way it's brought forth from within, created from energy, from self, from god. It is the coming forth from you, out into the material that is the joy, and that is what people will see in your work. It will hold a vibration of this. It will hold the vibration of creation and love and that is what others will feel and see. It does not matter so much the way it looks, the way it is formed, the way it conforms to standards in society. It is the energy that comes forth within you,  in that piece of canvas. The creation , the energy attached to it, that will make others feel there is someone special and if they do not, it does not matter because it is born by you it is created by you through joy though love through excitment. We leave you now to create, we have been waiting for you to put that brush stroke onto the canvas, as the master that you are. Welcome dear heart. You have arrived. Are you taking notice dear heart? Are you making the realisation? Notice what you do different? Do you feel us still around you. Yes there has been a change. We wish you to practice this change, so that the next time you are in front of a other you may do so without the weirdness that you so dislike. There has been a change in these energetics. You can feel them can you not? You feel the difference in your features and yet you do not sway to and fro. We have changed the energetic structure. We have manipulated the energy so that it comes through In changes in features, rather than movement. It does not matter which way the energy flows through as long as it does, as the energy flow brings down information and it needs to be there. It is just being brought down In a different form. You still have some mannerisms some movement that is not quite so harsh, so you will not ache so much. The exercise just performed was a powerful one. It has brought forth the master that you are. You were birthed a new through the journey into the now. You have been birthed a new as a babe into the now. The two have become one. Understand and know this is so. Share this with your class mates, as this is a major change in development today. You have felt the strength of it, as do we. We are pleased dear heart we are pleased. We are very pleased. Now begins the next chapter of our journey together. The new energy of the year supports this change. This is the year of action as has been said. 
Be at peace dear heart 
All is well 
That is al