17/2/15 (am)
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
In Trance
This was another trance I did via video. I did afew that day😊
I'm still struggling to share that part of myself " online ", me in trance channeling state. I need to process and get used to the idea, first, like I did before sharing the audio channelings.
I can share the transcription to it though below ..
Dear heart,
You do not need to wait and wait. You felt us from the beginning.
Why do you doubt what you feel?. You are always in line. You simply must come to the realisation that you are.
We are pleased that you are attempting to mirror yourself in this way. We wish this to become viral.
We understand you do not.
We understand you fear judgement from others. What you do you not understand is that most of all you feel judgement for yourself. You do not unleash the powerfull being that you are. You seek to keep it tied up in chains in a cage in the prison made up of its own walls. You fear retaliation you fear being cut down as you have been before. But we tell you, you need not fear any more. You need not fear who you are. Unleash your soul. Unleash your light. Let it go. Let it shine. Let it help those that may do so.
We understand it is a process. We understand it is simply the beginning. You may not like what you hear, however your desire for change is stronger than your fear. It is stronger than judgement of others. It will overpass the fear dear heart. We tell you, this is truth. You may not like what we say. You may decide to choose another path because you do not like what you hear, but we tell you this is why you are here, this what you are doing. Know it is a process of sorts that will begin to take hold over time. You belittle yourself you belittle what you do you belittle your attempts. We are in aww of what you do. We are amazed at what you do. The way you move from here to there, the way you combine all your aspects, strength of your desire has not been muffled by the human experience. The desire is still burning brightly even without the remembrance of whence you came, even without the remembrance of the contract. Even with immense home sickness that you feel on the daily basis. Ahh you don't like that we speak of these truths in full view of others. Dear heart what you feel others feel also. What you experience is the human experience and others feel this the same as what you do and so by you sharing what you feel then others have the realisation that they are not alone in this, for as you are aware it can be a lonely experience, this remembering process it can take you from the mire where you feel you cannot climb out of, to the heights of the heavens, to the immense feelings of love. It is an up and down experience. It is a journey, it is living, and so we tell you this is the beginning. This is all the pieces of the jigsaw taking shape and creating the bigger picture. This is what is occurring in many households. Many are putting the pieces of the jigsaw together. Sometimes it is difficult to find where all the pieces my go and so there is a lull, there is a putting away of the jigsaw so to speak, till one discovers where the peace fits and then you become immersed in the jigsaw again. You are building a masterpiece.
You do not have the awareness of such that you are creating. And this is for good reason and also because if you knew, if you could put all the pieces of the jigsaw together very quickly, what would be the experience? What would be the reason for doing so in the first place? Every attempt at finding where that missing piece fits in the jigsaw of life, of your journey, is the experience, each piece holds, a purpose that you cannot see, for every piece that gets put on the picture affects all the other jigsaws, for you see, even this one at this present moment, is viewing the jigsaw as her own separate jigsaw from another. What she does not realise again, and perhaps you are not seeing is that you are also a piece of the bigger jigsaw and so it is a jigsaw within a jigsaw, your journey is a journey within a journey, of the greater whole. You are completing what you are looking at to be, your jigsaw, your pieces and each experience , each step along your journey, you are placing your piece upon your jigsaw, however, you are a piece of the greater jigsaw. You understand?
It is a little overwhelming to comprehend. You are all one. You are all source, experiencing it self on this earth plane. You are creating your masterpiece, within the bigger masterpiece, the bigger masterpiece being, not just your human experience but the universal experience, for then this bigger masterpiece goes on to be another piece of a bigger jigsaw again, you see.
There is the universal one. What you do here affects your jigsaw, your journey, but what you do also affects the bigger jigsaw, that is the others that they are experiencing the journey with you, and what you do all together affects the universal jigsaw. You are all pieces upon pieces upon pieces. It is never ending. Your mind cannot comprehend the enormity, it cannot comprehend what it does not know. Know what you do is honoured beyond measure. Every single piece is valued is important. Imagine, if you will, if you could see the bigger jigsaw with one piece missing. It would not be complete. Would it not? Imagine if you will, on the wall, the masterpiece, the jigsaw, the universal jigsaw the whole, with a little piece missing, your piece, it would not be there, there would be a gap, a piece missing, you see. You are important. You are part of the whole. Know this truth. Feel it within your being. It is so that when you are immeshed in this human experience and you have a bad day you feel alone you feel disconnected you feel unworthy you feel you are not good enough. But you are. This one is constantly feeling unworthiness, feeling why is she doing this. You may feel at times that you are unworthy, why are you here? You are here because you are that missing piece. You are here to help create a masterpiece. Know that the jigsaw is simply a metaphor. We do not literally mean that the universe is a jigsaw. It is much more than that. So much more.
Hmm this one is feeling a fractal of that, " so much more ".
You cannot comprehend the enormity and so we tell you that your journey, your piece of God, your piece of source, your piece of love, is valued beyond measure. You are all important. You are all worthwhile. Every single one of you. It matters not whether you are a light worker whether you are a thief whether you are a do-gooder whether you do not. Every single piece is valued. You may think why would these be valued as much as the light worker. Think you may experience light if there was no darkness? Think you may experience abundance if there was no lack? You may not know one without the other, in this realm of experience. You need an opposite to understand the other. Someone has to play the bad guy so to speak, so that a good guy may know what it does not want. When you leave this place not one that has played the part of the Negative duality, is not welcomed in love. If anything they have experienced the more difficult side of the duality coin, For they have come here to sacrifice their light so that another may discover their light you see, and with every negative experience born, comes an accumulation of the opposite. It is but difficult to get your mind around this for your mind can only understand what it knows from this plane of existence. Know each piece is needed to create the masterpiece. All of you are valued. That is not to say that it does not matter if you do wrong. Some may say what would be the point of being a light worker?What would be the point of the experience? We may as well not care, some might say, but is this not so.
For not one being, would wish to experience the dark side, lifetime after lifetime, existence after existence, "not a one".
Each soul becomes incarnated to bring an experience to the whole, to themselves, and to the whole. Each one chooses what they wish to bring. They come in knowing this, although they forget once they have entered and woken on this plane, and this is all for good reason. It is the way it is because it has to be this way to become more than what you are.
This one is going to experiment, she is experiencing discomfort we wish to change the way the energy is circulating.
( here my back was aching from the swaying, so I sat back instead of sitting up, and they changed the direction of sway from front to back to left to right )
This is better is it not dear heart?
It is simply a construct of the mind how you feel that you cannot bring us through in any manner of form. They're always needs to be energy flow. You cannot otherwise bring through information. If one may not flow in one way it must flow in another form, from whence we came, needs energy circulation.
We are pleased that this has begun. We tell you there will be more of this to come. This one will come round to the idea as always. She will come to understand that the messages are of more import then the visual aspect of her physical self. She at times experiences much lack of self. In time we wish to show her that there is no truth to this belief. There is much processing being done at present. Much alignments with energy constructs, for this one, and for others. Many will find they are more able to connect to their own higher selves, their intuition will become more clear. Their life will change course.
There will be challenges within the societal structure also. There may be lack of funds for some, and more so for others. Know that when one sees breakdown of society in a way that may cause you to fear, do not. There is no place for fear in this, for it is simply the recalibration of the way your societies are being orchestrated. They are ready for change. For when there is change there may be some discomfort however it is you who decides whether the discomfort is large or non-existent. Preparation, awareness is always the key. Be prepared for disruption to some services. If you are prepared then you will be less taken by surprise. We do not say this to frighten dear ones. We are not here to cause such. What we say is when there is change there is disruption. When you experience a change in your living , in your health , in your career is there not a period of unsettlement for some? It feels different. It may be that some things change and when there is change there is a feeling of discomfort at times because there is not the sameness, there is not the familiararity and so we say to you, as your society begins to change your governments your health care systems you're learning facilities your hospitals , all will begin to restructure its self in a new way and when there is restructuring there are changes. Changes are simply that changes. However not all experience change in a positive frame of mind. So we tell you be prepared. This one is asking what we mean by being prepared. We are asking her to be clear. What we mean to say is by being prepared one is being observant. When one is observant one can see what is to occur down the road.
( this is where my recorder / video cut out :( ...... If I could remember the rest I would attach it... Sorry everyone )
( i did auto write a conclussion , below )
Auto writing ( next day )
Adam do you care to expand on the changes?
The disruption to the recorded message was appropriate. Know there is no accident in this. We have brought through what we wished to bring to the table. You are aware there are changes being made in infrastructure. We say to you be observant, however, do not put your energy into the goings on. Instead concentrate on manifesting the future you desire. This creates an easier transition. Do not become bogged down in the intracasies that do not bring you peace. Instead manifest peace in your life and the rest will take care of itself, for when many manifest a peaceful transition then this is what will occur not only for your benefit, but for that of others also.
Prepare how?
Be guided to what comes to the fore. You will feel what is appropriate for you and what is not.
That's it?
All that has been said for this day has been brought forth.
Umm ok Thankyou . I hope we get to expand on this.
If it is appropriate to do so, it will be done dear heart.