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Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Symphony Of Light 2/8/17

Symphony Of Light

We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. We are happy to be here this day to elaborate somewhat, in regards to what is occurring on your plane at this time. There are many searching for understanding and for answers. In this we may elaborate somewhat without causing confusion. You are beginning to understand your container, your humanity. You are beginning to understand that you are more than what you first thought. You are a living breathing body, and this body holds an essence that is the creator. It is housed this essence, you could say, within the bottle of your heart. For a time this bottle has had a stopper on it, in that it has been disabled in expanding to to a certain altitude, to a certain height, and now the stopper, the bottle has been uncorked, and within the bottle lays this elixir,  an elixir that helps to enable you to be more of your essence within human form. Your earth plane has also been unstoppered so to speak, and it's elixir is beginning to outpour into the very pores of the earth. The elixir has a quality that changes, that transforms one into more of what it is, to a higher state of being, a higher resonance, and with the earth your humanity also begins to shift in resonance to where it stands. You stand on the earth plane, and so your resonance begins to match the resonance of the earth, and as the elixir penetrates the very pores of the earth, the very essence, the dirt, so you too begin to resonate to the same tune. There are some that will resonate more than others simply because this is why they've come to the earth experience, for they are here to help increase the tune, to make it louder, so to speak, so that the many that cannot hear at this time, will begin to hear. You are like band members, an orchestra of light, and as you play your tune within the orchestra, the more that add to the orchestra, the louder and the more exquisite you become, and the louder you become, the more that may hear this beautiful symphony of light, and the more that hear, the more that join the choir, and as the choir plays the symphony becomes larger and louder. It becomes many notes. It increases in volume. As it increases its volume it reaches peaks and valleys and within these peaks and valleys more begin to hear that could not hear before, and more join the choir. The choir of earth. The earth song. The song of light. The song of the soul. 
What you are attaining to is to lift the song of the earth, to increase its volume, for the song wishes, the earth wishes, to play a new tune because those that inhabit the earth wish to experience a new earth, a new tune. 
The earth wishes to evolve as the human evolves. It also carries a soul in its container as the human carries a soul within its container, and the two are becoming one. There are many variances to the earth experience. There are many variances to the human experience. What you are experiencing is that you are resonating to the new tune,  like bees pollen. You are attracted to the new tune. 
You are beautiful beings of light, and you are here to increase the light, but also to tune, to attune to the light of the earth. The living library is increasing its knowledge. There are new experiences to be had, beauty that is beyond description. You pioneered across the planes discovering new territory and now you are discovering some more. You are expanding as the earth is expanding, as the universe is expanding. All evolving, all playing new tunes, sunny tunes. The sun is also evolving, becoming brighter within itself, the quantum soup of God. Be still your beating hearts. Sit in its silence, for in its silence you may hear its symphony play. In the silence you may begin to tune into the music and as you tune into the music you begin to play with the symphony of light, and as you play with the symphony of light, you heighten its song, you begin to expand in light. You begin to shift with this light. It's a beautiful tune. You know it's sound. In the silence you may begin to hear it, to attune to it. It is the song of the soul. The light of the soul. The radiance of the soul that is calling you home, that is calling you to evolve, that is calling you to excel, to excelerate. Be not in fear but in love, for love is the key, the heart is the door. You have the key to the door. 
That is all 
The Voice Wihin

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

The Voice Within 20/6/17

The voice within 
What is my debt? I was listening to a hypnosis clip and it was said that souls carry a debt that you repay in life. Also I'm alittle confused as to what we are to do together, I feel like I'm driving with a dirty windshield, unable to see clearly where we are going. Also since I'm to share our conversations, how can others have a clearer view of where they are heading? Sometimes this amnesia thing sucks as in, wouldn't it be easier if we had a clear road with directions? It would save time. 

Dear ones we come again to bring clarity and a sense of purpose. Be clear dear heart. Trust the flow that has become a comfort. Trust the word play. 

We come to give insight first in the development of the soul. The soul comes into form with a plan of purpose. It comes to learn grow develop and expand beyond its current confines. Now as you come into being, into material, you set out with the perfect conditions to learn or to pay debt so to speak. You may not think or assume your life conditions are what you want, however, they are certainly what is needed to grow. You see challenges as bothersome and nuances, that you would rather live without. You see them as you would say, "a pain in your nether regions". You wish a perfect life of idleness, of doing no thing but to be in pleasure, and we say in part,  joy is relevant and true, and you have the free will to accomplish this, however, to grow as a soul, is to have the challenges with gusto, to seek solutions, to make amends, to forgive, to delve into your beingness, to find what you seek, and to use this gift of insight to help others through their trials and tribulations. You come to grow beyond self imposed boundaries, and to show others how to do so, so that they may grow with you. Your journey is not yours alone, though it may seem that way, but one where your actions affects those around you, your soul family, and the greater good of all. So if you come to work debt as you say, then what of being in joy? Ahhh but of course you may be in joy while working your debt! Perspective dear ones! Your debt may be simply to learn forgiveness. Another may not hurt you deeply if you learn to forgive. Perhaps your debt is to show kindness to those that show you bad will. May you be in your joy while others cause you bad will? You may, or you may grumble and berate loudly when another does not honour your choices. Dear ones you may be right and miserable, or you may be wrong in another's eyes but right in your own heart. Another can not affect you deeply if you come from a space of acknowledging that they have come in with you to reflect, or mirror to you your debt, so that you may grow and expand! Celebrate them rather than berate them harshly. It is not to condone or make right another, but to see beyond the situation, see the greater lesson or learning of the soul. There are many, too many to name, of situations that you mcome to experience. You are but to understand there is s larger hand at oplay. 

Is my illness a debt? 

Observant dear heart. It prevails through your lifetime yes? What does it signify in you? This is yours to discover and work through. We may not tell you what your lesson is, or why you came, however, we may guide you as situations arise if requested, else we interfere in your journey. 

Self worth? 

Dear heart there are many souls that come in with similar pattern play. Your voice was silenced much through your lifetimes. In this time, as you are already aware, you are learning to speak out in a way that benefits others. In this you are on par. Many travel this road and many are beginning to find their worth, aided by others that have found theirs. Dear ones use your triggers wisely as these are clues to that which requires healing 

But you say we are already whole and healed? 

Dear heart yes, you are whole and healed in our eyes, but do you see yourself that way? Use your trigger to ascertain whether this is true for you or nay.. The more you reflect your learning, your growth, the more souls you touch . As you walk through life you meet others that aid you in this. Your soul knows that which will guide you forward, if you tryst your Intuituve nature,  for not all are there to stay past a day

Sunday, 4 June 2017

The Power Within Channeled Art

The Power Within

I feel this piece speaks of awareness, of awakening or conscious connection with the spark or inspirational part within. The yellow signifys that "the lights are on", much like a craft getting ready for flight. Beneath that, the DNA surrounded by reflective sparkles represents the fuel or energy that's sparks the DNA, that boosts the humans higher senses or potentially. It's like the human on steroids, but using its own power to reach new heights. The V standing for unity or balance with all things. The spirals represents the infinite nature that lies within the human shell. I feel this piece perhaps in reflection opens one up to their own power & infinite nature. 
My guidance says
Within the heart of all humans lays the spark, the spark that is the soul. This soul has no judgement, no doubt, no self worth issues. This spark is pure. This spark knows no hatred or jelousy. This spark is who you are, beyond the trappings of human flesh. It's your power that carries you ever forward. It is the whisper that guides you, that inspires you. When you are not in connection with your heart then you are at war with yourself. When you recognise you are one with all, then peace reigns .

Friday, 2 June 2017

Dimensional Doorways. Channeled Art

Dimensional Doorways

I interpret the yellow petals signifying heaven and earth connection, the centre vortex is where the two meet, and in that space of oneness, one then can travel:expand out into alternate realities. The spheres denote alternate dimensions .. When heaven and earth meet within the human heart, the two create an energy dance that transcends time and space. One may transcend time by opening a dimensional door that lays between the two. You might say, you may be the walker of many realities while in experience of physicality. 

I have been guided to share my channeled artworks. With them I share intuitive interpretations or channeled messages. Always feel into what resonates within your own heart. I offer  interpretations, however the art is subjective to the viewer. 

Parallels. Channeled Art


The souls expansion through multidimensionality is the idea that came as I finished this drawing. That it splinters off into many experiences. That each flames experience is absorbed, into the one, expanding the whole. 

Releasing The Past. Channeled Art

Releasing the past
I feel this piece has a clearing effect and that being orange stimulates the sacral chakra. 
The outer edges remind me of blades, and the waves, emotions. The blades represents cutting and clearing through the emotional fog of the past that keeps one blinded to the truth. It repressents seeing clearly again, seeing the sun that's always been shinning above the clouds.
I get the image of a plane rising upwards, beyond the cloud that blinds its view. Rising beyond the maze of walls. Once above the clouds one sees clearly the sun that's never stopped shining. It represents sweeping away, like the street sweeper, past hurts & clearing a new path free of debris. It represents new beginnings. Once one rises above the fog, one moves forward easily, with a lightness of heart. It represents cutting through the shackles that holds one in a vice like grip. I see the little circles on the edges as emotional hurts that are being held on to, and that weighs one down. The blades as they spin can easily clear them. 

I have been guided to share my channeled artworks. With them I share intuitive interpretations or channeled messages. Always feel into what resonates within your own heart. I offer  interpretations, however the art is subjective to the viewer. 

Perfect Chaos. Channeled Art

 "Perfect chaos"
 A jigsaw when scattered on the floor can feel overwhelming, but each piece has its place and the journey to its place in the puzzle is just as important as the completion of the puzzle. Each piece is important and without each piece the puzzle is incomplete. All are a piece of the puzzle. No one piece is better than another piece. Each piece has its purpose and is perfection, and a piece of the whole....each piece is different, an individual expression and representation of the whole. Celebrate our differences rather than condemning. If we were all the same the puzzle would be so mundane. The many different expressions make the puzzle interesting, and beautiful. Each piece is important. You are important. A unique individualisation of the whole. 

I have been guided to share my channeled artworks. With them I share intuitive interpretations or channeled  messages. Always feel into what resonates in your heart. Even though I offer  interpretations, they are subjective to the viewer. 

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

One Moment Each Day 22/6/17

When one alludes to the idea that all is well in their world, when one sees from their eyes the beauty that surrounds them instead of the hardships, when one sees no fault in another but simply their struggles in being, when one notices the good in another and not their shortfalls, then one begins to attract and experience in new ways. You are conditioned to see the worst for fear of being ridiculed yourselves. You fear judgement and so you yourself judge. What you fear you attract did you know that? When you fear illness you attract illness. What you fear, where you place energy brings more of same for it attracts as a magnet. Know you create on a daily basis. If you become aware of your predisposition, then you are in a place of power to oversee your attractions. One moment in each day notice what you are attracting and shift your perspective to reflect what you desire and not what your preconditioning desires. If your thoughts allude to pain or illness, notice your pain and then notice the polar opposite of pain. Imagine a day of freedom from pain and even if in the next moment your are still on the pain wagon know it matters not, for you have began to take matters in your own hands. One small step begun, has the ability to change much over time. Empires are born from one that had a dream. 

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Surfing The Energy 17/4/17

Surfing the energy
We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. We are enamared. Do you know why? We see you go through life picking through that that doesn't serve and choosing delicacies that excel you, that expand you. You are beginning to reach for that that alters your being, rather than that which gives short term pleasure in your physical. You will find overtime that which gives you long-term growth begins to be more palatable than anything else. What doesn't feel good will drop away. Your tastes change. Your palette will change. You are conditioned to believe, to taste things that are not so good for you in a physical sense, you are conditioned to this. You believe them to taste most pleasurable. What will occur however over time, you will discover that that which is from nature is much more palatable, than that which has been altered chemically. You will begin to taste the chemicals in the food. This will lead you to not wish to put this in your physical bodies. You will discover what feels energetically viable for you. You will be able to differentiate that that is void of energy. This will come as a natural deviation, a natural expansion of self. There are many ways to nurture the soul and the physical. Ingestion is one way. Another way is to listen to that that pleases you. Remove what you do not wish to hear and listen only to those sounds that will carry you into a higher density. Sound lifts the vibration very quickly. It soothes the soul, it soothes the baby. Listen to sound when you are feeling agitated, sounds that soothe lift and calm. Listen to these and you will find your state to change most rapidly. It is not so difficult to change state, and once you change state you see things in a different perspective. There is much energy cohesion at this point of time. It has many feeling tired, even exhausted. Know that listening to sounds that lift your resonance will aid you greatly. Resting when thebody feels to is a perfect way to lift the energy countenance. Listen and respect that that you feel to do, be, or have. Your own essence is screaming so to speak, for you to listen. You will know what it wishes if you pay attention. It is not a difficult process. What may be difficult for some is to follow through. But we tell you, once you begin to take action, on your essence, the more and more you will do this automatically. Your frequency will change most rapidly dependant on choices made, and from this space of raised essence you make clearer choices and attractions.
This is the message this day.
That is all 

Monday, 3 April 2017

Channeled Insights No 4 3/4/17

Insight no 4
Self Discovery

There comes a time in the human experience when one begins to question "why am I here"? They may begin to seek what the relevance their humanity plays in the greater scheme of things. When this time arrives they seek outside of themselves at first. They look at their scriptures or theologians. They may search ancient texts or well known authors on the subject that is most pertinent to they. The search is always on the outside. The answers are searched in books, in manuscripts in other humans or in their religions. The question first begins from within, a spark, a yearning, yet the search is not initiated within, usually. That is to say the most likely analysis is that the human searches outside. Eventually however they discover knowledge is not enough. It doesn't quench the thirst of that desire. Eventually it comes back to whence the question began. Inside. Inside is where you seek on a experiential level. Inside is where the thirst begins to be quenched. Self exploration is the key to discovering "who you are", or why are you here. You, the questioner, the one that seeks all manner of experience will eventually turn inwards for their is no other path that leads to true knowing. Just as you may not understand what a broken heart feels like, unless you have experienced the anguish. So too to experience the totality, to know the answers experientually, one must begin the road inward. This is evolution. By discovering your essence, you begin to understand your capabilities, and with that a new world is born within you. What is born within, is born without eventually. Discovery is a journey. It is not the outcome that is of the greatest value here. It is the exploration, the thrill of the chase that is the journey. Do not be in such a hurry to reach the destination, for the destination is infinite. The true value is discovering the many textures as your travel. 
This is this days insight 
That is all 

Monday, 20 March 2017

Channeled Insights No 3 20/3/17

Insight No 3

Love Is
It can be said that when all else fails, love will
find a way. Love. You dream about it. You search your life for it. Love. All one needs is to be loved. Love. Love is all you need. Love. You write ballards about it. You write stories about it. Love. L O V E. Love. Your heart breaks when it is taken from you. You grieve the loss of it. Love.

Allow us to expand on love. The essence that is of light. The pure bliss of love that all humans crave. You would die in the name of love. If a loved one was in danger you would stand before them to protect them from harm. Love an invisible thread that runs through humanity. You can't see it but you can feel it no? 
Dear ones, love is who you are! Love need not be searched. Love need not be grieved. Love is not lost, Love is INSIDE you. It is your essence. It is you. You have only to view an innocent to feel it's stirrings. You have only to listen to a melody of love and your heart lifts. Holding your loved ones you feel it's potency. It runs through your veins. It is within your anatomic structure. Love makes the world go round. It is love that you fight for, die for, search for. You do not see where it resides. You search another to give it to you when all you need do is to go within your own heart and feel its heat within every cell in your body. Love transcends time and space. It is multidimensional. Love heals. 
For those of you "looking for love" on the outside? You are going the wrong way! If you search and find love in this way it is conditional, and impermanent, for eventually the love you seek from another will die. They will leave or you won't meet their conditions. The love you find within you is everlasting, without end. It is permanent. It is the one thing that never dies, that you carry within you for eternity. So why do you search for love on the outside? Because you do not remember who you are! You are!  You are that. I am that I am. Those you meet extend your love, they expand what you already have within you, and within them. It is as two electrical sparks sparking each other. Each spark has its own spark, but when the two meet there is an electrical charge. This charge is what you feel because you are allowing another to open your door to your own love within.
If you can understand that that you seek is within, then you may open your own door. This is self love. This is not ego that we speak of here. This is the love you feel, that you allow yourself, understanding and re-membering  who you are. Your love is infinite. When you understand, when you go within, when you love yourself, you shine brightly, you shine your love, you radiate your light. Seek the love within. Love your self. Build you house on love, and it will be a strong foundation indeed. 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

My Channeling Process 14/3/17

I was inspired in the moment to create a video on my own channeling process, my experience of channeling. What I feel, who I channel, how it felt when I first connected, how it affects my life etc etc etc.. There is so much I could share on my process. This is only a short video. A summary.. I didn't expect to be creating a video today so I wasn't really prepared to be public, but that's the way the guidance comes and I follow through in the moment....

Monday, 6 March 2017

Channel On Healing 6/3/17

Channeling on healing 

The guides
We are here, we are ever here ready to be of service. This transmission will be in regards to the healing process, for there is much incontinuity. Some think they may not heal and others think that they may heal, and others think that one needs to release from the process and another thinks that they may not release and so on and so on.... and so on. 
Understand that YOU are the one driving your vehicle. Just as you put fuel into your automobile and you service your automobile, and you hop into your automobile and take it for a drive. You are the driver. You fill it, you look after it, you maintain it and it maintains you,  does it not? You look after it and it looks after you. You may say that your physical counterpart is your automobile. You are the driver. All that you put within your system whether it be food in material form, or whether it be thinking emotional thoughts, it is all fuel, just different varieties of the fuel that helps your automobile that is your body to function. If you do not feed it nourishing foods that helps to support the cells, then it will begin to stutter and fall apart. If you do not give it clean drinking water it will fall apart. If you do not support the physicality with nourishing words of love and emotions it will fall apart.

It is supported by all that you do in the physical sense and all that you think in an emotional sense. Your thoughts become materialised as your food is materialised. It is the opposite end of the stick so to speak. Your food is physical and as it is processed in the body system it becomes energetic in nature. It gives you energy so that you may move your body. Thoughts on the other hand begin with energy and then they materialise into form, into the physical as you take action with them. The two mesh within your body system. If you think you are not good enough you will not be good enough. If you think you may catch an illness then you will indeed catch an illness. If you do not feed your body what it needs then it will stop producing to your needs. There is some responsibility that needs to be taken with the human. Many seek help and healing outside of themselves from others, and this helps you when your own support system is lacking, however one needs to control, to take control if one wants to excel beyond matter,  beyond the cencus of consciousness. Know you are the driver indeed. You drive your cells  with your expectations, with your thoughts, with your belief systems and you give yourself energy with the food from your earth. As your body lifts in vibration it needs less sustenance, for the energy is self generated within the body complex. There is a quantumness to this that may not be understood at this time, but will be. When you are in resistance, then the resistance will persist indeed. Allow your healing, but do not be attached to your healing. Allow abundance but to not be attached to abundance, for as soon as you attach to something then it repells what it is attached to. It is when you do not form an attachment to any given thing that you attract it unto you. Allow your healing but do not be attached to your healing, is the suggestion for this day. Do not make your life about your healing but become the healed with no healing needed, and then the healing indeed will be reflected. You have the key to your mastery. You hold the key. Not another outside of yourself. You. Use your key to enter within your system within your own energy field. If there is imbalance, balancing inbalance will heal all that this imbalance creates. . 
With this we leave the transmissions for this day. We honour and love you.
That is all

Disclaimer: Please use your discernment, in relation to your medical conditions and healing processes. In this channel I was seeking some guidance to my own attachments/non attachments to healing, and had the thought to share the channel. 

Channeled Insights No 2 27/2/17

Insight no 2

Here we are this day ready to begin the 2nd insight. 
We are in the process of formulating a new instruction set. This set is a self development course for the new human. We begin insight no2
Today if you will seek to venture outside of your normality, meaning do something different. If you walk the same path to work walk a different path. If you wear the same clothing every day try wearing something different. If you eat from the same cafe test a new venue. It is by experiencing your reality in different ways that you begin to live life, rather than be controlled, or in fear of the unknown. You may treat each day as a holiday, a day of discovery. Ohh we understand you. You think how may you treat each day as a holiday when you must work to pay your bills.  Perception dear one. To one that has not a roof over their heads, that must walk a far distance for water, that has not health care or work prospects, to these your life IS a holiday. 
Dear ones appreciation, gratitude, and love. These dear ones will have you see your circumstances in a new light. These are the first steps in changing your tune. Your tune may lift you above the lower density, and has you lift you view with a larger insight, a higher sense of knowing. With this you see the truth that you are beyond this experience. 
Dear ones life is precious. You may know it's beauty if you run the sleep from you eyes and look with awakened eyes. 

Channeled Insights No 1 22/2/17

Channeled insight  No 1 for the 22/2/17

The guides....
We are here, ever here ready to be of service. We begin this day, a day of light filled resonance with a new course of adventure. We begin, if our voice will allow, a steady course of construct, instruct or as you say guidance, that may guide if you will, or help to construct your day, that may help you reach your own higher state of being, that may help lead you on a path of your choosing, that may help you to discern your outside reality from your inside knowing. These are but extracts that will lead you on a course of self discovery, self contemplation, self awareness. We seek simply to help you travel your road within, so that you may choose your day rather than allow outside circumstances to choose for you, and so we begin with our voice the first insight...,

Insight 1
Whenever you are in a place of decision making this day, whether it is a choice of what you will eat or drink, whether it be to purchase an item of clothing, whether it be in reading an extract on your interweb, whether it be to choose an outing or to stay indoors, no matter what your choice may be , stop for a moment or two and tap into how you feel. Feel the emotions the choice brings. How does your choice feel? Listen to your body's reaction to that choice. Does it contract? Or, does it feel light? Does it make you smile or does it have you frown? The first step to diserning what is your highest path is by listening to your emotional guidance system. It is the first point of call in choosing actions that aid you, that support you. Simply choose this day to be aware of how choices have you feel. It is not to feel guilt for a choice made, that has you feel heavy but rather simply an exercise of awareness. Choices are but experiences. We seek to enlighten you in regards to choices made, how they have you feel. A practice if you will of being conscious of your emotional guidance system. 
Channeling on death of beloved pets..

A few days ago our beloved staffie, Rufus passed away. This channel was triggered through me seeking to understand the process. 

The guides, 
Greetings. We are here, we are ever here ready to be of service. We come to bring guidance on the procedure that you call death, for it is a procedure indeed. It is a process that one proceeds through in transitioning from the material to the formless. It is a process of transcendence within the cellular structure. It releases the hold, energetically speaking, of the soul, that then moves on free of the form into the formless.
Many are afraid to die. Many are afraid of the consequences. Many are afraid of all that goes with the process of death. They are afraid of the physical discomfort, they are afraid of leaving their loved ones, they are afraid of the unknown, they are afraid of their history, of their misdemeanours. They are afraid that they will be punished. They are afraid that there will be nothing there to be afraid of. They are afraid. We wish to come this day to suggest that perhaps one may change their fear based thinking to one of happiness, of rejoicing, for it is a letting go, it is transcending from the earth experience to the spiritual one. It is a time of communion back to self. It is a time of coming to the understanding of who you really are. It is a time of great joy, great surrender, great love and acceptance. You discover that you are not this small self, this small heavy self, but rather this enormous consciousness, this enormous state of being, that you are not singular, but rather that you are the all of it. You discover a lightness, a sense of oneness with all. Your understanding clears, you suddenly remember what you have been unable to remember.
You suddenly become clear as a bell. If given a choice most will not wish to travel back to their heaviness, back to earth. If given a choice they will mostly wish to proceed into this lightness, into this self.
Understand dear ones, death is not as you imagine it to be. Death is not a hindrance, it is not something to be afraid of. You have an inbuilt fear of death, for otherwise you would not stay on earth when things got tough, when things became difficult, when life becomes uneasy. You would check out without a thought. You would check out on the first onset of pain, on the first onset of a problem. You would checkout of earth for many a number of reasons, and your experience would not be experienced. There is a reason why you have a fear of death. We wish to keep you on the earth plane for this is what you come to experience, and so there has to be an inbuilt system where one wishes to stay where they are. But when the time comes to transcend your state of being, from the form to the formless, then, hmmm, then you understand why you have the veil of forgetfulness, for you cannot know the extent of who you are, without wanting to be in this experience always,  You would plead for us to take you home if you understood the full extent of the formless. Where you are is a cherish experience, one that you came to experience. You wished to be on the earth plane to experience life, to experience pain and freedom and love and food and relationships and childbirth and all the many facets of the human experience. You wished to come to experience these things. From where you are seated you may not think it such. You may think what on "earth" was I thinking. However when you come home and you experience the fullness of who you are, you will wish to get back on the ride, the earth ride, the rollercoaster of earth, for it is exhilarating. Experiencing the human BEING. . Experiencing the human BEING, for you may not experience this in the formless. You may read about it, you may talk about it, but you do not have the comprehension, the understanding of such, and so the fear of death is ingrained. When you lose one that you love to death, you grieve, you mourn them, for you do not understand that they are still alive, that they are still living. You see them as gone, ending, blackness. You miss them. You mourn them not understanding that they do not mourn you. That they have come to full realisation and they are happy to be where they are, and they love you, and they wish you do not mourn them so, for they cannot see why you mourn them when they are so happy, when they are so carefree. Your pets are also transcending. They will await you for they are loyal to behold. They teach you unconditional love. They help the human soul within the earth experience. They give the human soul a space of reprieve from the turmoils. They give companionship where there is none to be had. They give love when one cannot see they are love themselves. They look upon you with devotion for they see who you are. They know who you are. They do not wish you to be in suffering. They are an experience in their own, a soul within themselves. Many will reincarnate into the same family, into a different material form. Adopted once again. They know you well and they wish to be there for you. Love you. Cherish you. They have an innocence that cannot be surpassed. Innocence and ignorance in a sense. They do not develop as you do in consciousness however they have their own consciousness within themselves. They ascend in a sense as you ascend and yet they do not ascend in the same way as you do. These souls they are happy to be in the animal kingdom for this is who they are. They do not regret being where they are and they have their role to play within the scheme of things, within this game of consciousness. They have their role, their experience to form and to play out. You may say there are soul families even within the animal kingdom,  and they are attracted to a certain number of souls that they reincarnate with over and over. It is why you hold such love for them for they have been with you through lifetimes. Guarding you, honouring you, and yes even beaten by you, for you have not always seen, been, the same as you are now. There was a time that earth was a different place. You were in a different space. These animals have been with you through thick and thin, through war, through famine, through ascenion, through good times, and bad times. They are your partners in crime so to speak, if you will, and they stand beside you, and this is why you love them so, and this is why they love you so. Understand you will be reunited with the ones that have passed on. There is only separation while you are in form, and while you are transcending between life times. You may except what we bring or not, it means naught to we. We simply bring the message for this day for our voice has asked for some guidance in relation to the animal kingdom, for she has recently lost a precious one and she asked in regard to this one. She asked in regard to some words that might help others that are experiencing the loss of a devoted one, and so we say fear not. These animals that you cherish and love are not lost to you. There is a transition until they are with you once again. There are ones that have chosen not to be with their devoted ones again for a space of time so that they may focus on a particular path, but will be reunited again once more, and some will resonate with the felines, and someone resonate with the Wolves, and some will resonate with the feathers. All have the ones that they sing to, that matches their countenance. It is a complex system, one that you may not understand in it's entirety just yet. There will come a time where the innocence of your most cherished ones will be honoured once more. They are your lesson, your growth in love. They are your support system, and they support you even when not in material form.
This is the message, this transmission. Know not, for knowing all is insurmountable. However we bring enough to placate the soul.
That is alll

Sunday, 1 January 2017

1/1/17 Your Train Has Arrived

Your train has arrived

We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. We wish all of you merry tidings for the New Year that is upon you. You are aware that it is a year of change, of new beginnings, of new initiations if you will. You are the one driving. You are in charge of what you wish to experience. It is true that up until now, many have been unconsciously driving there vehicles, their humanity, not understanding that they are the driver, that they are in charge, and now many are beginning to become awakened to the reality that you are indeed the driver. You are the one that chooses to experience. There are many festivities at present. Many are choosing to forget, to block out that that does not please them, that that does not bring cheer. We seek to remind that this new year is not about burying or putting under the surface that that bothers you, but to allow it to come to the surface, look at it and let it go. The time for burying emotions is over. The time for burying what you do not wish to see is over. We say to you uncover what is within you. Uncover and release so that you may begin to open to new understandings and new beginnings. You may not take on a new endeavour if you are still grieving the old, still running the old record. It is to be let go, as you let go of the balloon that continues to rise until it is nonexistentant anymore. Let go of old ideas that do not serve you. Let go of old circumstances that bring you pain, unless you choose to experience the pain. It is time for developing new concepts. It is the time for opening up your toolbox and seeing what is indeed within. What you may use to enhance your desires, to bring forward your zest for life, your enjoyment. There are many that have discovered their tools box but are unaware of how to open it. Pure intent is the key. Pure intent and the willingness to be open to that that comes before you, for you may be opening your tool box, and then when opportunities come to the fore, you turn them away because you are fearful of change. Understand when the opportunity comes before you that excites you, and you have your tool box open ready to begin to use the new tools, then it is time to jump on the train of oportunity, and let it carry you forward, rather than standing at the station with your toolbox, and letting the train pass you by for fear of boarding. You may choose to stay on the train track waiting to board the train with your toolbox, ready to go, or you may jump on the train that is carrying many onto new adventures, with your new toolbox, and with others in teamwork, you may carry forth your new adventures. There are many trains leaving the station, many in excitement to use what is in their tool box. If it is your will to be in excitement, to be ready, to help others, to work with others in new beginnings, then board the train. It is through intent that you board the train and then allow the current of the train to take you where it is to be. Why would you trust the train? Because the train is you! It is you with you, it is you boarding you. Do you trust yourself? Know only you can bring to you your hearts desire, no other, for it is you with you. It is you creating you. It is a hard concept for many to understand. It is the many you, all one, experiencing, creating, expanding forward.  The energy supports this. It is the time that will help to carry you forward, if you so choose, if you are willing to board your train. This is the message on this first day of the new year. You have your toolbox. The train has arrived.
An analogy for we know you love them.
That is all