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Monday, 3 April 2017

Channeled Insights No 4 3/4/17

Insight no 4
Self Discovery

There comes a time in the human experience when one begins to question "why am I here"? They may begin to seek what the relevance their humanity plays in the greater scheme of things. When this time arrives they seek outside of themselves at first. They look at their scriptures or theologians. They may search ancient texts or well known authors on the subject that is most pertinent to they. The search is always on the outside. The answers are searched in books, in manuscripts in other humans or in their religions. The question first begins from within, a spark, a yearning, yet the search is not initiated within, usually. That is to say the most likely analysis is that the human searches outside. Eventually however they discover knowledge is not enough. It doesn't quench the thirst of that desire. Eventually it comes back to whence the question began. Inside. Inside is where you seek on a experiential level. Inside is where the thirst begins to be quenched. Self exploration is the key to discovering "who you are", or why are you here. You, the questioner, the one that seeks all manner of experience will eventually turn inwards for their is no other path that leads to true knowing. Just as you may not understand what a broken heart feels like, unless you have experienced the anguish. So too to experience the totality, to know the answers experientually, one must begin the road inward. This is evolution. By discovering your essence, you begin to understand your capabilities, and with that a new world is born within you. What is born within, is born without eventually. Discovery is a journey. It is not the outcome that is of the greatest value here. It is the exploration, the thrill of the chase that is the journey. Do not be in such a hurry to reach the destination, for the destination is infinite. The true value is discovering the many textures as your travel. 
This is this days insight 
That is all 

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