Channeling on healing
The guides
We are here, we are ever here ready to be of service. This transmission will be in regards to the healing process, for there is much incontinuity. Some think they may not heal and others think that they may heal, and others think that one needs to release from the process and another thinks that they may not release and so on and so on.... and so on.
Understand that YOU are the one driving your vehicle. Just as you put fuel into your automobile and you service your automobile, and you hop into your automobile and take it for a drive. You are the driver. You fill it, you look after it, you maintain it and it maintains you, does it not? You look after it and it looks after you. You may say that your physical counterpart is your automobile. You are the driver. All that you put within your system whether it be food in material form, or whether it be thinking emotional thoughts, it is all fuel, just different varieties of the fuel that helps your automobile that is your body to function. If you do not feed it nourishing foods that helps to support the cells, then it will begin to stutter and fall apart. If you do not give it clean drinking water it will fall apart. If you do not support the physicality with nourishing words of love and emotions it will fall apart.
It is supported by all that you do in the physical sense and all that you think in an emotional sense. Your thoughts become materialised as your food is materialised. It is the opposite end of the stick so to speak. Your food is physical and as it is processed in the body system it becomes energetic in nature. It gives you energy so that you may move your body. Thoughts on the other hand begin with energy and then they materialise into form, into the physical as you take action with them. The two mesh within your body system. If you think you are not good enough you will not be good enough. If you think you may catch an illness then you will indeed catch an illness. If you do not feed your body what it needs then it will stop producing to your needs. There is some responsibility that needs to be taken with the human. Many seek help and healing outside of themselves from others, and this helps you when your own support system is lacking, however one needs to control, to take control if one wants to excel beyond matter, beyond the cencus of consciousness. Know you are the driver indeed. You drive your cells with your expectations, with your thoughts, with your belief systems and you give yourself energy with the food from your earth. As your body lifts in vibration it needs less sustenance, for the energy is self generated within the body complex. There is a quantumness to this that may not be understood at this time, but will be. When you are in resistance, then the resistance will persist indeed. Allow your healing, but do not be attached to your healing. Allow abundance but to not be attached to abundance, for as soon as you attach to something then it repells what it is attached to. It is when you do not form an attachment to any given thing that you attract it unto you. Allow your healing but do not be attached to your healing, is the suggestion for this day. Do not make your life about your healing but become the healed with no healing needed, and then the healing indeed will be reflected. You have the key to your mastery. You hold the key. Not another outside of yourself. You. Use your key to enter within your system within your own energy field. If there is imbalance, balancing inbalance will heal all that this imbalance creates. .
With this we leave the transmissions for this day. We honour and love you.
That is all
Disclaimer: Please use your discernment, in relation to your medical conditions and healing processes. In this channel I was seeking some guidance to my own attachments/non attachments to healing, and had the thought to share the channel.
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