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Monday, 6 March 2017

Channeling on death of beloved pets..

A few days ago our beloved staffie, Rufus passed away. This channel was triggered through me seeking to understand the process. 

The guides, 
Greetings. We are here, we are ever here ready to be of service. We come to bring guidance on the procedure that you call death, for it is a procedure indeed. It is a process that one proceeds through in transitioning from the material to the formless. It is a process of transcendence within the cellular structure. It releases the hold, energetically speaking, of the soul, that then moves on free of the form into the formless.
Many are afraid to die. Many are afraid of the consequences. Many are afraid of all that goes with the process of death. They are afraid of the physical discomfort, they are afraid of leaving their loved ones, they are afraid of the unknown, they are afraid of their history, of their misdemeanours. They are afraid that they will be punished. They are afraid that there will be nothing there to be afraid of. They are afraid. We wish to come this day to suggest that perhaps one may change their fear based thinking to one of happiness, of rejoicing, for it is a letting go, it is transcending from the earth experience to the spiritual one. It is a time of communion back to self. It is a time of coming to the understanding of who you really are. It is a time of great joy, great surrender, great love and acceptance. You discover that you are not this small self, this small heavy self, but rather this enormous consciousness, this enormous state of being, that you are not singular, but rather that you are the all of it. You discover a lightness, a sense of oneness with all. Your understanding clears, you suddenly remember what you have been unable to remember.
You suddenly become clear as a bell. If given a choice most will not wish to travel back to their heaviness, back to earth. If given a choice they will mostly wish to proceed into this lightness, into this self.
Understand dear ones, death is not as you imagine it to be. Death is not a hindrance, it is not something to be afraid of. You have an inbuilt fear of death, for otherwise you would not stay on earth when things got tough, when things became difficult, when life becomes uneasy. You would check out without a thought. You would check out on the first onset of pain, on the first onset of a problem. You would checkout of earth for many a number of reasons, and your experience would not be experienced. There is a reason why you have a fear of death. We wish to keep you on the earth plane for this is what you come to experience, and so there has to be an inbuilt system where one wishes to stay where they are. But when the time comes to transcend your state of being, from the form to the formless, then, hmmm, then you understand why you have the veil of forgetfulness, for you cannot know the extent of who you are, without wanting to be in this experience always,  You would plead for us to take you home if you understood the full extent of the formless. Where you are is a cherish experience, one that you came to experience. You wished to be on the earth plane to experience life, to experience pain and freedom and love and food and relationships and childbirth and all the many facets of the human experience. You wished to come to experience these things. From where you are seated you may not think it such. You may think what on "earth" was I thinking. However when you come home and you experience the fullness of who you are, you will wish to get back on the ride, the earth ride, the rollercoaster of earth, for it is exhilarating. Experiencing the human BEING. . Experiencing the human BEING, for you may not experience this in the formless. You may read about it, you may talk about it, but you do not have the comprehension, the understanding of such, and so the fear of death is ingrained. When you lose one that you love to death, you grieve, you mourn them, for you do not understand that they are still alive, that they are still living. You see them as gone, ending, blackness. You miss them. You mourn them not understanding that they do not mourn you. That they have come to full realisation and they are happy to be where they are, and they love you, and they wish you do not mourn them so, for they cannot see why you mourn them when they are so happy, when they are so carefree. Your pets are also transcending. They will await you for they are loyal to behold. They teach you unconditional love. They help the human soul within the earth experience. They give the human soul a space of reprieve from the turmoils. They give companionship where there is none to be had. They give love when one cannot see they are love themselves. They look upon you with devotion for they see who you are. They know who you are. They do not wish you to be in suffering. They are an experience in their own, a soul within themselves. Many will reincarnate into the same family, into a different material form. Adopted once again. They know you well and they wish to be there for you. Love you. Cherish you. They have an innocence that cannot be surpassed. Innocence and ignorance in a sense. They do not develop as you do in consciousness however they have their own consciousness within themselves. They ascend in a sense as you ascend and yet they do not ascend in the same way as you do. These souls they are happy to be in the animal kingdom for this is who they are. They do not regret being where they are and they have their role to play within the scheme of things, within this game of consciousness. They have their role, their experience to form and to play out. You may say there are soul families even within the animal kingdom,  and they are attracted to a certain number of souls that they reincarnate with over and over. It is why you hold such love for them for they have been with you through lifetimes. Guarding you, honouring you, and yes even beaten by you, for you have not always seen, been, the same as you are now. There was a time that earth was a different place. You were in a different space. These animals have been with you through thick and thin, through war, through famine, through ascenion, through good times, and bad times. They are your partners in crime so to speak, if you will, and they stand beside you, and this is why you love them so, and this is why they love you so. Understand you will be reunited with the ones that have passed on. There is only separation while you are in form, and while you are transcending between life times. You may except what we bring or not, it means naught to we. We simply bring the message for this day for our voice has asked for some guidance in relation to the animal kingdom, for she has recently lost a precious one and she asked in regard to this one. She asked in regard to some words that might help others that are experiencing the loss of a devoted one, and so we say fear not. These animals that you cherish and love are not lost to you. There is a transition until they are with you once again. There are ones that have chosen not to be with their devoted ones again for a space of time so that they may focus on a particular path, but will be reunited again once more, and some will resonate with the felines, and someone resonate with the Wolves, and some will resonate with the feathers. All have the ones that they sing to, that matches their countenance. It is a complex system, one that you may not understand in it's entirety just yet. There will come a time where the innocence of your most cherished ones will be honoured once more. They are your lesson, your growth in love. They are your support system, and they support you even when not in material form.
This is the message, this transmission. Know not, for knowing all is insurmountable. However we bring enough to placate the soul.
That is alll

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