Channeled insight No 1 for the 22/2/17
The guides....
We are here, ever here ready to be of service. We begin this day, a day of light filled resonance with a new course of adventure. We begin, if our voice will allow, a steady course of construct, instruct or as you say guidance, that may guide if you will, or help to construct your day, that may help you reach your own higher state of being, that may help lead you on a path of your choosing, that may help you to discern your outside reality from your inside knowing. These are but extracts that will lead you on a course of self discovery, self contemplation, self awareness. We seek simply to help you travel your road within, so that you may choose your day rather than allow outside circumstances to choose for you, and so we begin with our voice the first insight...,
Insight 1
Whenever you are in a place of decision making this day, whether it is a choice of what you will eat or drink, whether it be to purchase an item of clothing, whether it be in reading an extract on your interweb, whether it be to choose an outing or to stay indoors, no matter what your choice may be , stop for a moment or two and tap into how you feel. Feel the emotions the choice brings. How does your choice feel? Listen to your body's reaction to that choice. Does it contract? Or, does it feel light? Does it make you smile or does it have you frown? The first step to diserning what is your highest path is by listening to your emotional guidance system. It is the first point of call in choosing actions that aid you, that support you. Simply choose this day to be aware of how choices have you feel. It is not to feel guilt for a choice made, that has you feel heavy but rather simply an exercise of awareness. Choices are but experiences. We seek to enlighten you in regards to choices made, how they have you feel. A practice if you will of being conscious of your emotional guidance system.
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