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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The fork In The Road 31/5/16 Abacus

The Fork In The Road


Greetings. Greetings dear ones. We are pleased to be with you this day. We wish to bring information in regards to the energetic manipulations at this time. There is much going on in relation to the body, in relation to manipulation. There are those that are beginning to feel more steady in their life path. They are beginning to see the light that is shining before them, and they are making choices in regards to this light that is shining. As they move forward within this light, with more insight, they begin to attract upon them more opportunities for choices, and so as they are walking towards the light, and as the choices appear they are unsure as to which choice to circumnavigate, they are unsure. Should they choose all of the choices, or perhaps experience a little bit of this and a little bit of that? The path is opening up and there are many forks on the road, and many are confused as to which fork they should choose and we say to you, none is the wrong fork to choose. They are all there for YOU,  and the question is which do you wish to experience in THIS moment? Many are becoming confused. They are afraid to make the wrong turn. They are afraid to walk the wrong way, and we say to you when making choices in your life stream, choose that that feels the most exciting, that that gives you the most high. Take THAT path without thought of the others that you have not chosen, for if you keep thinking about what may have been, then you can not enjoy in full where you are. We say to you when making a choice, when you come to a crossroad, choose that that feels the most exciting at that point in time. Do not seek to see what is beyond that. Do not seek to see what other choices may come before you later on down the path, for this makes the current choice unsteady. To gain the most from your experiences we suggest, we advise, that you throw yourself into the choice being taken. Pick a path and begin to walk that path. Do not pick that path and then travel back to the fork in the road and wonder whether the path you chose is the right one, or you will not get anywhere very fast, or you may even begin to dislike where you are. We say to you with the coming changes simply choose that that feels the most exciting to you at that given moment, and begin to walk that excitement, and be within that excitement, and experience the joy of that excitement. Envelope yourself in that choice, and that will bring you more excitement down the road. But If you make a choice and you begin to walk  that choice, and you then stop and begin to wonder what the other choices would have been, and where they might have led you, then you are not present in that that you chose, and you begin to jump onto other choices, and you begin to become confused and disgruntled, and you do not move forward, for in a sense, for you are moving forward and then backwards forwards and then backwards. You become unsteady and confused. Dear ones, there is much change afoot and the change is calling for you to be in your truth, to be in your excitement, to be that you love, to expand in that.  In the expanding, in the experience , when you experience what you are walking in full, then you attract more of this. You begin to attract more forks on the road and you continue to choose. If you continue to choose your highest excitement, the paths will appear that will bring you this, for that is what you are walking, that is what you are living, and that is what you are being. There is no right or wrong. There is simply the choice to experience and expand the fullness of self, of your truth, and so we say to you, make a choice. One or two, that bring you joy and fulfilment. Let go of the choices that you have let go, and experience the choice that you have chosen. Experience that in its fullness and in the being of this, you will attract more of the same. Remember you are not tied to any one choice. But if you pick a choice that brings you fulfilment, then you are being this for fulfilment  and this will attract more of the same. This will magnetise to you all that fulfils you.
This is the message we bring this day. You see the crossroads. Pick the one that excites you the most. They may all excite you, these forks, but if you choose the one that brings you the most joy in THIS moment, then this will attract to you more of the same further down the path, for as you walk this path of enjoyment, of the fulfilment, of love, of joy you will become the beacon for more. You will become light and in this light you will become more aware, you will have more insight into all that brings you the same. Trust that you are able to see that, to feel that, and to know that, within your being. When you are unsure of which choice to make, sit in stillness and imagine each path chosen. Imagine how it would feel to walk that path. In doing this one path will light up more than any other, and if it does not, if they all light up the same, then it matters not which is chosen. Simply choose an experience until you may choose again. No thing is tied, and still. It is your mind that has you thinking so. To walk in joy is freedom, for there is no thing that can hold you from this freedom, but the illusion of your thinking mind.

That is all

31/5/16 Card Readings

Card Readings
Using Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Pick a card and then scroll down for your message....

Card 1
King Of Raphael

Yes, it is safe to trust. You have the ability to accomplish great things at this time. Indulge any longings you might have to create art or music. Lend a hand to those around you need assistance. Expect to meet someone you can really trust who is driven by the heart. Wise and heartfelt advice really makes a difference.


Card 2
Queen Of Gabriel
You can do anything right now. You may not fully grasp how wonderful you are, but those around you definitely see it. It is time to believe in yourself. Your kind eagerness to help others in their lives will attract people willing to do the same for you.


Card 3
Ace Of Ariel
This is your lucky day. Money, time, or other new resources fly your way. Your planned new business or career choice will be very successful, and your ability to manifest your dream is extremely powerful. You may meet someone soon who can open doors for you. Laying down long-term financial plans is also wise at this time. Land or home purchases are very possible right now. 

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Card Readings 23/5/16

Card Readings
Cards used are "The Guardian Angel Tarot Cards" by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine......

Card 1
Seeing Clearly

You are uniquely able to look past the current situation and envision endless possibilities. If events haven't been moving forward as quickly as you would like, it is because heaven has a better path laid out for you. Try looking at things from a different perspective and you will be pretty pleasantly surprised by the opportunities that are currently open to you. The present pause in the action is temporary. You may be called upon to set aside your own priorities in order to help someone else with his or her needs. It is alright to rush to anothers aid as long as you set boundaries and then return to your own goals at the proper time.

Card 2
Three Of Emotion

There is wonderful news of an emotional nature. Someone may be getting married, a pregnancy may have just been announced, or a child has been born. Perhaps someone has graduated from school, or there has been a promotion. Whatever the occasion there is great cause for celebration and joy. Share your feelings of love and happiness in joyful acknowledgement of this happy news.  This card can also indicate the need to spend more time with your friends or other groups of like-minded people. Expand your social circle, or reach out to community organisations that share your interests and beliefs. Open your heart so that others can come into your life, and they will seek you out.

Card 3
Ten Of Thoughts
Your difficulties are now over. The challenging times move into the past so that you can focus on what's next. This card often comes with a sense of relief and may even have been expected for some time. This is a card of quick goodbyes mixed with the joy of finally getting to move on. If you are carrying any baggage from the past now is the time to hand it over to your angels. 

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Choices...Abacus 17/5/16


Dear heart we are here. We are ever here ready to serve, to help with clarity. It is true that when you begin anything new, that you come to a stage that you iron out hiccups, that you iron out the creases, so that it becomes nice and smooth. You are in effect ironing out the creases. You are clearing that that does not serve you, that does not bring you your highest excitement, your highest joy. Remember there is no need to do anything. There is no judgement. There is no need to be, do or have anything you do not desire, that you do not enjoy. You are coming to a space where you are realising, self realising, self realisation, that which you enjoy, and that which you do not. All that you do is a learning in inter-communication when it comes to working with spirit. You learn inter  communication in your every day living, in your everyday interactions. Yes it helps to serve those that question you through this method, however it is not the only method that may serve you. You may enter in many different methods of learning to communicate we, with another. It does not have to be in this way. All that comes to you serves to show you what works for you and what does not, what brings you joy and what does not. We do not come to tell you you should do anything. We bring to you ideas, we bring opportunities, that serve to grow you in a way that you may not grow otherwise. When you begin to work with light, when you begin to use the energy in service to others, it begins to increase, it begins to collect on, in itself, and this is what you feel. You are feeling the expansion of the light and that that is in you, that needs to be cleared, is being pushed and this is the push that you feel. It is not that you are being pushed from the outside but you are being pushed from the inside, to clear what does not resonate so that you may be a clearer channel of service, to yourself, and to others.

You are seeing the changes in your internal workings. You are seeing the changes that are being drawn to you. There is much change in your life stream and what you are feeling is the need to clear the old to make way for the new. The old and the new do not fit, much like the key that does not fit in the new lock, and this is the resistance that you feel. Dear heart seek what brings you excitement and joy. Channel your energy in those areas. It is trial and error much like walking into a shoe shop and trying a many number of shoes. Some shoes will look beautiful on the outside, but on the fitting they feel tight and uncomfortable. Then other shoes will look not so exciting on the outside but when you fit them they are a comfortable fit. They fit well and you are happy wearing them because they fit good. Then there will be other shoes that in the trying they will fit beautifully and yet they do not look so good on the outside, and you worry about what others will think that view you wearing these shoes, that you know that fit well and you must get over what other people think when you wear these shoes. So we say to you your journey is like being in a shoe shop. Some will fit well and some will not. Some will look as if they will fit it and then upon the wearing they do not fit at all and some will fit so beautifully and yet it is not what you imagine others will like, that they will not think they look well, but you know in your heart that they are the perfect fit, and so we say to you all this will occur in your life stream. All will come for you to try on so to speak, and in the trying on you will know what is yours, what fits you, what brings you comfort and joy, what will carry you in the long haul, for there will be some shoes that fit beautifully and then after wearing them awhile will bring you discomfort, and you are feeling this discomfort now. The shoe looked beautiful and on initial fit it fitted well, and now you are discovering it doesn't fit so well after all. In small doses it fits well, but in large doses it brings uncomfort, and so what you are experiencing is this uncomfort. In a small dose it suits, and in a big dose it does not, for you are not able to walk your path in a large dose. You know your answer. You understand. Trust your instincts. Trust your next move so to speak. You are simply seeking the right shoes, the right fit and you may not do this without trialing them, without trying them on. You do not know unless you try the shoe on as to how it will fit,  and there are so many shoes in the shoe shop of spirit, so many that you may try. On the viewing you have no understanding, but on the trialing you begin to understand what fits and what does not, and yes this is a personal channel in a sense, but it will serve many in the sharing. You understand this do you not? There are many experiencing what you are, for you understand you are all one, and what you experience another will be experiencing also. Sharing dear heart is caring. Sharing our communication helps another in a way that you may not understand, just as you may not understand whether a shoe will serve you or not, without the trailing. You do not understand how our communication may serve another. Trust dear heart. You are learning. You are in experience. These messages will serve you as they serve others and it is then up to the individual soul whether they will fit this message or nay, as a shoe, this will fit some and not others and that is okay. That is how it should be. We end this communication with a few lines. Do you want you do. Do what makes your heart sing. When you do this you become beacon of light, and a beacon of light helps others to become beacons also, for you are a living example. You are an example to others when you follow your heart and joy.
In honour of your journey. That is all

Sunday, 15 May 2016

16/5/16 Card Readings

16/5/16 Card Readings 

Deck used is "The Cosmic Deck Of Initiation" by Barbara M Delong

Card 1 Evolution

You are stretching for your potential that rests within. The spirit and creative energies provide lessons for opening to needed movement & direction. Changes relating to inner growth. Though movement may not be seen, it is felt. Structures and moods are broken as evolution changes the life path. You follow your inner direction with faith & determination 


Card 2 Law of karma

The quality of energy that brings you into cosmic balance. Karma is the energy of balance between individuals and between lifetimes. Karma is the balance between the reality within and the one outside. Manifesting energy gives you the balance and fuel to evolve. The tree of life and wisdom was grown from the seed of karma. Whatever you set in motion must work itself out


Card 3 Universal compassion 

Letting go of the self, selflessness, and an empathy for all that surrounds you. Universal understanding and acceptance on a non judgement level. This quality opens up and expands all other qualities and aspects of living. You are drawn into the realms of the unseen and higher levels of perceptions. Acceptance with love of individual destinies. 

Monday, 9 May 2016

9/5/16 Abacus Communication & The Nothingness that is Source

Communication & The Nothingness that is Source

Greetings. Greetings to all that are listening this day. We are always available to converse with you. You need not wait. We are on call. You may connect with us in an instant. You need not wait to be in a trance like state. Yes, you may connect more deeply within this state. You may feel our energies more readily, however, the information itself flows regardless of whether you are in trance or you are not. This needs be understood dear heart. To this we speak especially to our scribe, for she assumes that she must be in deep trance to be so very clear and yet all she needs to do to be clear is to simply allow. To simply allow the words to come without constraint, without second-guessing, without being in a space of distrust, or unbelievability. It feels in trance as if you are connecting more deeply because this is what you believe. Your belief system allows you to process it in this way, however the information runs true regardless of whether you are in a deep space or nay. Understand this dear heart. If you will. It is always your will be done. We simply wish to make clear that we are here to converse with in any given moment. All you need do is intend and become the vessel. Clear and be open and willing, and we come. We come. We have never not come when called. We do not mean to berate dear ones. We simply wish to relieve the struggle in the connecting process. Yes, initially it is ideal to be in a more relaxed stance, for in the beginning there are many belief systems, there are many cluttered thought processes and so when one goes into a space of deep stillness then the clutter, the clitter and the clatter of the thought process smooths, so we may be heard above the thoughts. But as one begins to communicate with we on an ongoing basis the energies adjust, there is a meld. The meld waits not for one to be in trance state. The meld is instantaneous, is already there, and even though you may not be deep, all you need to be is in allowing. We cannot make this any more clear than what we have stated this day. Dear one, trust. Have we not validated you numerous times? We understand it is difficult to hold that that is unseeable, to turn it around, to make it solid and real. You do such a great service, to do what you do and we are in honour and gratitude. Be of sound mind, that we speak. 

There has been much debate these past days in regards to what is real and what is not. What is nothingness. Is it something or is it nothing. No thing as you understand it to be in your dimensional reality. The word nothing or no thing signals that there is no thing whatsoever. Emptiness. You understand nothing to be of no emotion, of no material form, of nothing that is moving and so when you connect nothing to the vastness of nothing, to the nothingness that the creator resides, you assume, and it is understandable that you assume, for it is all that you know. You assume that there is nothing but God. God is not no thing. It is not material in a sense you understand it to be. It cannot be known where you are. This space of nothing, of no thing is infinite. There is no place that it cannot be. It is in all things and in all no things. It encompasses the all that is, the entire all that is. There is no space it cannot be. It is endless, it is without end. There is no beginning to it, and there is no end to it. It is infinite. You question the validity of what you read and what you hear. You cannot know the all of it. It is better not to struggle with the not knowing and simply be in acceptance that you may not know the all of it or understand all of it. It is simply the way of it. It is simply in your reality that is what is. However you may grasp a portion of this understanding. You may grasp a little if you will. It is love, most definitely that is in this space of nothing, of no thing, but it is not the love that you understand love to be. You cannot know this love until you are in a space that you can know it. You can have a little understanding of it but understand that it is so small, as a grain on the many beaches, is what you may experience of this love, where you are, in your reality and it does not feel like your love feels. There are no words to describe this love that is of the creator that is source.. It is indescribable, but we may give you insight into how it may be understandable. It is much as when the mother holds her child, and she looks into the eyes of the child and she feels the bond. She feels it in her heart and in her body. She feels it within her being. She feels the thread, the connection to this child, this infinite space, that no other can feel for she created this child, in an essence in a sense, she is the creator of this child through the source, through God,  and so in a sense it resembles the creator's love for you and your love for the creator, just as the mother's love for the child and the child's for the mother. But now try to imagine that one mother's love for the child, and the child's love for the mother and now picture, imagine, all the mothers loves for their children,  and all the children's loves for their mother and all the fathers love for the children, and all the children's love for the father, imagine all of that if you will. All of eternity, all the children that have ever been born, and all the mothers that have ever born a child and all the fathers that have ever born the child, and all the love that the child has for the father, and multiply that by every single one that has been born, that ever has been born and that ever will be born, and multiply that over and over and over, and that is only a minute part of the love that is the source. So you can see a glimpse of what may be the love in that emptiness. It is not knowable. You cannot hold within your make up this love where you are. It can only be known in a certain space in time and you have a feel of it, and it is what you are constantly searching for, this love, this essence. You seek it in your partners, you seek it in your children, you seek it in yourself, you seek it constantly. It is a driving force to come back to self, to come back to source, to come back to love. This is the pull that you feel, and when you reconnect to self you feel the nature of it, you feel the aha of it. You feel home, and yet you keep striving to feel more, for you know that there is more that you cannot feel, that you cannot grasp and this is for good cause. This is for a good cause for you chose to be in the experience of where you are now. You chose to live this wonderment. You chose to come to express yourself in new ways, to feel love as a human, to feel sadness as a human, to feel all the many emotions for you may not feel them in a human way when you are on our side of the veil. We tell you there are many that lineup to come to your realm for it is the realm of free will. This is the realm that you may do, be, have anything you wish. You embody an experience that awareness may not, that we may not, on this side of the veil. It is certainly different and that is why you wish to experience it. It is as an amusement park ride. You have the highs when you travel the carriage ride up the mountain and you have exhilaration of the drop of the carriage and then you have the climb back up, and sometimes it is difficult, but the struggle is what you crave in a sense, for then when you come down to the exhilaration, you feel it all the more, for you have had the opposing factor, to have an understanding of what it is to feel the opposite. You are such on a wild ride as you would say. A wild ride of experience, a wild ride that many wish to experience and that are waiting to experience, for none may experience this in the way you are experiencing it now. And so you wish to return home and you crave to return home, and then when you are home you wish to return. ( laughter ) It is a paradox is it not? You underestimate the value of where you are. You underestimate how exhilarating, how amazing the human experience is. You underestimate who you are, The beauty of who you are and the adaptability of who you are. Your adapt so well. If you could see what we see, and you will one day, you will, but do not be in a rush to return home, for we tell you this, once you return home you will turn around and want to go back.

Many channels have said this before, and we bring this here today for many have not heard it in this way, through this scribe. You see there are many channels and there is much information coming forth and it is all of a similar nature,  however it is expressed in different frequencies, so that those that resonate to the different frequencies, are attracted, for not all are attracted to the same frequency, not all relate to the same scribe, and so we come through in many of you, so that you may understand your own dance, your own frequency, your own information. Not all will resonate with this scribe, not all will resonate with we, coming through the scribe and this is okay, as you would say. This is right for those that do not resonate, for they will resonate with another. There is no judgement here. We come, we communicate. We have a love for your world. We seek to help guide you so that you may experience all the greater, all that you can do, all that you can be, all that you can have. We do not mean to have you want to come home. We mean to guide you so that you may have the most exceptional experience, while you are on your plane, and so that you may guide others to make the exceptional experience also, if they wish, for it is the nature of it, that when you are birthed, you are  birthed with no remembrance, and you may not remember the all of it, even with we bringing through the information that we do. It is an impossibility for you to remember the all of it, for a long period of time where you are. You may get a glimpse but even the glimpse is not the all of it, for you simply cannot know the all of it where you are in your human form, and so we end the message this day with this note. Understand you are an exceptional creation. You have been created by the creator, by you, and you have travelled to where you are for good cause. It would not be so otherwise. Know this. Know this dear ones. Be all you can be, experience large, experience true. Know you have a choice, to be or not to be. With love we honour your process
That is all.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

9/5/16 Channeled Readings

Card 1
Greetings. Those that have chosen the ones are those experiencing polarities at this time. There is the choice to be had, at two extremes. That that is one of exceleration and that which is one of being still where you are. There is great comfort to be had in the sameness. It is what you know after all. It is familiar, safe, knowable. You understand where you are and so you may have the feeling of being in your cave, secure. However the human spirit rebels at the sameness. The human spirit wishes to experience all variety and manner of experiences. It pulls you, propels you you might even say, pushes at you to spring forth to experience. It's what it does. It's what you do, and so you have a choice do you not? Yes, there is risk, that things may not turn out as you plan, but this is the supremacy of moving forward, this adds to the excitement of stepping out of your cave and breathing in your creator God within. Dear ones, we ask, do you wish to travel safe and secure in what you've known or do you wish to allow your spirit to soar? There is no judgement. The only one that truly judges is you. Only you can know your calling, only you. You may choose the high road of endless possibilities or you may choose to live in your cave.

Card 2
Ahhh these are experiencing what we call earthly dilemmas. Minimal, menial, and yet the tendency to create as you say, " mountains out of molehills" exists. Dear ones when you place all manner of possibilities to a single course of action in a worried state, do you understand you begin to create these in your reality? This then expands on itself and gives you exactly what you are worrying. We suggest that when what you call a problem comes to view, certainly look at it from all angles, and then let it go. The angles that you are viewing in your problem may only be a figment of your imagine, but when propelled with creator force the deck of cards may crumble most speedily. We advise when a problem comes to view, choose that which may bring a solution and then let it go. To dwell on the problem, over and over, to create any numbers of tragedies that may result from the dilemma, will certainly excel the problem further and create it into your world. We suggest renaming your idea or problem. Begin to call problems opportunities. How might this opportunity excel you, assist you, in your life journey? Look, view it as the glass half full and that you may choose how to fill the rest of the glass, rather than seeking ways to empty the glass, for in seeking ways to empty the glass you in fact create more glasses to empty. This is how  you turn a dilemma into your greatest gift. Dilemma or opportunity, which do you choose to experience? There is no judgement. Your will be done. 

Card 3
For the threes this day we bring a tiding, a gift of insight. You may say we bring a box, a gift of clear seeing. You understand you are a creator yes? As a creator you may choose to create any manner of experiences. We say to you when you sit quietly in your stillness and seek the one within that speaks to your soul, that is the one that is the soul, that is you, begin to question what it is that you wish to seek. Ask that this inner piece of you this I am-ness, speak to you in a manner that might bring you understanding, that which will give you clear sight. In this ask that you be guided, that you be guided into your greatest joy, your greatest accomplishment, if you will. Speak to this part of that is unseen, as if it was standing in front of you as a genie in a bottle, for you understand, YOU, are the genie, and the veil acts as the bottle. You may access this genie that is you in this stillness. Ask it what your greatest wishes may be, and ask this genie that is you, that is God, to begin to come forth in your world, to grant you that you wish.This will create a shifting of energies for you, are tapping into the inner magician, that which manifests in your outer reality. Access your genie within, that it may grant, manifest your wishes into your outer reality. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

2/5/16 Abacus Transference

Written channeling 

We are here. We are ever here, ready to be of assistance. We are here this day to bring clarity in the ways of communication and energy transference. You are able to communicate in alternate fashion. We remind that the new energy is conscious channeling. We also remind that thought is energy and that energy may be transferred in numerous ways. One way is not better than other way, it is simply a different form. The intent, is what brings the power, the love. It matters not if one channels light or healing or words or imagery or sound or art or dancing or knowledge. It all carries light in its energy structure. When you watch a dancer do you not feel lifted? When you view a piece of art that resonates do you feel lifted? When you read a chapter that expands your heart do you not feel lifted? When you give or receive energy do you not feel lifted? Dear ones the form, the transference, matters not. It is the intent and the flow that matters. Ohh we see you judge your ways, and others ways. Release the judgement for all are as one, love, transferring light to all the many areas of the universe. Are you aware that when you send love with intent that it not only goes to the receiver intended, but all they touch? Light is as a virus, it infects, it radiates out. If you send love to a situation all in that situation and all they touch are affected and even more than that, all that are touched by the touched. Ohh you are powerful creators! You know not your power! You know not how far and wide those you touch with your light travel. When one enters a country that holds a courageous virus, does not your authority buckle down the hatches? Your authority understands how quickly a contagion can travel. One virus, one infection affects the entire population over time. Do you not see? Do you see now? You affect change. Do not belittle or berate yourself. Every one you touch is affected. Every “one”. Now what have we expressed that you are? You ARE. You are all ONE. The light is multidimensional. You are seeking to understand in a linear way, in linear terms, in 3 D understanding. Light is multidimensional. It affects many layers. 
Dear ones be at peace where you are. All you do affects change whether it be by words spoken or written. Whether it be by light transference or healing. Whether it be by dance or art. Whether it be by singing or melodies. You are all individualization of light. Be your individualisation. Do not try to be another's, unless you wish it. Be what feels joyful for you. Be that is of the least resistance, for resistance seeks to dim your light. Fear seeks to dim your light. You are magnificent. Believe it so. Ohh we understand you have veils and may not see the all of it, but may you feel the truth of it? When you converse with intent to connecting with light you are a vessel for transference. It matters not the how or even the understanding. Feel this light and extend that feeling forth. If you feel it you may understand its validity and if you do not, you will. You try to measure “how much” light is transferred. The light you extend is limitless and infinite. As your senses increase and fine tune in the new energy your understanding and awareness will increase. You begin to feel this do you not? The multitude of variances in your abilities and your symptoms. Trust divine order is at hand and the creation is perfection in design. How could it not be? You created it. You simply have chosen to forget, on purpose and on time, for your greatest expansion. Dear ones we close. Know that you are what we are, and in that statement you may assume all or no thing. Know you are not separate from we and you are not separate from each other.
All one.
Expanding, experiencing, and co creating. 
That is all

Sunday, 1 May 2016

2/5/16 Card Readings

Card readings 2/5/16

Card 1
Four of wands

You now see stability as a result of the hard work that has gone before. Not only feeling satisfied with what you have so far accomplished, but also a sense of harmony, which now means you can afford to reward yourself with some time off. Holidays are indicated. A time of rest and relaxation with your family and those you love. A welcome pause to recharge your batteries. The four of wands  brings a feel good factor into play, a sense of contentment with oneself and life. It may also represent plans for marriage

Card of 2
Ace of cups 

This card symbolises new beginnings. It might also represent the start of the new relationship, beginnings of love and happiness. For those already in a relationship it represents a sense of renewal in the love partnership or the start of something new which brings emotional happiness to the home and family. It's can you indication of the emotional euphoria that can be associated with this card. It can bring the state of bliss that is recognised as a state of being found through the energy of real love. Whether romantically in the search for another, or spiritually in the form of Enlightenment, this card can therefore be likened to the search for the holy Grail, that which we seek fulfilment on an emotional level.

Card of three
The star

The star is the card of hope. It brings a sense of optimism and tells us to have faith, Safe in the  knowledge that there are better times are ahead of us. The star can bring healing after illness. It's beautiful aspect means it is always a welcome site in any situation. It provides faith and tells us to have belief in our self. Your plans show promise. Success is attainable by the light of the star. In relationships is can show the healing of rifts, harmonious living conditions, and hope for the future. For those that have been hurt in love, the star provides the confidence to leave the past behind and find love again, knowing that better things are destined