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Sunday, 24 January 2016

25/1/16 Oracle Card Reading

Cards Used, (The Spirit Messages by John Holland)

Card 1
Hello From Heaven
Your loved ones in the spirit world want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them. They know you have been thinking of them, and to prove they are with you at this time, they are sending you signs and symbols to show you how much they love you. This card comes forth now because you may be thinking of someone you are missing, so this serves as validation that he or she is still with you. When a loved one passes and leaves this physical world, the familiar methods of ordinary communication get interrupted for a time, until a new form of communication is established. Spirit people are trying to get your attention through special signs and symbols. This is their new way of connecting with you. Trust that it is really your loved ones presence you are feeling.  Acknowledge when they visit you in your dreams or when they send a specific scent that reminds you of them. Another way for them to let you know they are around is blinking lights, TV sets turning on and off, shiny pennies and dimes suddenly appearing, or even cell phones ringing with their name being displayed. These are just some of the many signs and symbols, so put a loving thought out to them, and let them know you are ready to receive more, and that they have got your attention. Be thankful for those signs and symbols. Cherish and hold them close to your heart, are they truly are hello's from heaven. 

Card 2
You Are Not Alone

We are here for you. We never left. Through all the sadness and loneliness, however, you cannot sense us near you, or feel how much love we are sending you. We are your family, friends, and guides. You never walk alone. We walk right beside you. This card comes at time when you're probably missing someone, feeling lonely or lost, or not getting the emotional or spiritual help you truly need from those around you. Even though you may be feeling abandoned, don't forget that we're here for you, holding you, guiding you, and helping you through your grief and sadness. It is we who raise you up and gently push you forward. Please remember that we are spirit discarnage (not of a body). You are spirit incarnate, (in the body), and as such, we are ALL spirit. You can connect with us any time you wish. Find a quite time when you can be by yourself in your favourite space. Light a candle, hold us in your mind, and reach out with your heart and thoughts. When you feel a gentle, warm wave of love washing over you, a tingle up your spine, or even a special thought or image, know these are all signs that we are connected.....and we love you always.

Card 3
When you learn to get out of your own way, there will be no stopping you. Most of the time it's not others that prevent you from achieving your true goals, it's that inner voice that derails those carefully woven plans. This card is showing you everything that you can be, but it is also reminding you of your own worst enemy, yourself. This is the time to confront your fears and purge them from your psyche by having positive conversations with yourself. Yes, before you can do that, you have to recognise and acknowledge the signs and symptoms of self sabotage. Whether you are considering a new relationship, changing jobs, moving house, or any other major change, it's easy to allow the inner dialogue of doubt to creep in and convince you that you're not good enough, or that the new person isn't right for you, and find a million ways to justify and sabotaged the outcome.
Next time you are confronted with these thoughts, stop for a moment and step aside so that you can have your own dialogue with those voices. It's time for you to start believing why you can, as opposed to why you can't. Just remember, you do matter, and once you believe in yourself, you will be surprised how others start believing in you more!

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