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Tuesday, 19 January 2016

20/1/16 Abacus Automatic writing On creating

Automatic writing
On creating

Abacus? What can you guide others with today? I feel you there, wishing to guide :) Also is there any guidance regarding my drawings? 

Greetings. Dear heart we would like to tell you, remind you, that we love you. We wish you to know that we love you. We do not always connect with you in the way you wish and this is for good reason also. You are in need of grounding too often, and when one is not grounded the connection is not anchoring the light onto the earth plane. Your art grounds the light into the physical material world for others to then tap into. The art pieces essentially plugs one into their light. Upon viewing one stops for a moment. They study the piece. They look at the intricacies of the patterns and colours, and for a few short moments they remember, they are triggered, and they are plugged into the circuit once again, albeit even for a short while. There is method in the drawing, in your adaptation of the light, for light is what we flow to you, in the essence, in the connection to your flow. You wish to know how the drawings help others? They stop to view, they stop to take in the colours and shapes. The stopping connects, much like stopping to view a flower or a piece of a heavenly masterpiece that is on earth. Our essence, your essence, the love, the joy, the beauty of our flow, transmits to the one that views. It is as honey to a bee, it draws one into our flow, and the energies activates, calms, soothes, loves ... Are you understanding? This is good. Do not worry so, it will support your endeavours, for when one is in joy, an outlet in connection with source, with no agenda but to be, one is balanced, and in balance comes abundance, for when one is in balance with their God self, one is in balance with all. 
Be at peace dear heart. You may speak, communicate with we at any time. You need not be in state, for we to come. Much as this moment in time. You are not within a journey, you are not meditating, but we are here, we come. We come simply because you called, you intended, you stopped and connected to flow. You plugged in and you allowed. You clear your mind of nuance thoughts, and allow our mind entry. You feel do you not? Feel your points? If you may scan the point where we come it would shine brightly. Ohh you ask if this is true? You have not all the mechanics to see all as yet, but it is coming. Ohh it is coming. Many discoveries are coming to your plane .

This message dear heart is to all, for we conserve energy this day. In attending to your enquiries we attend to all, for you see many ask the same questions. You are the eternal being that questions all things. In your questions we answer the questions of many. Be at peace with what you enjoy to do even if you know not how it serves another. It is complex and at times, complicated to extend our knowledge to you, for you are not fully ready to understand, to hear, for you are still in your 3D understanding. Know all you do is infused within your creation. Your creations are essentially living entities spreading continually, giving off energetic pulses that affect all that view. All that you touch, smell, eat, and enjoy, affects you. Yes your cooks, your dancers, your musicians,  your writers, all that they do, affects all that interact with their creations. Know what you do counts. It matters, you matter. How can you not matter? You are God in experiences in form, in being, know this! Know this. Know this! 
Now you know. You are, We are..... All 
Dear heart when we communicate we communicate to you all. Your message is their message. The message is yours. Yours meaning all of you. All of you. Dear heart you are thinking imagining you are separate. You are not. Your message is their message. Dear heart let it be known, that when we speak we speak to all of you, all of you. You are not separate from another. You are one. One love. Know this for future communications. 
With love we leave you to your joyful creating
That is all

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