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Sunday, 10 January 2016

11/1/16 Channeled Card Readings


Channeled Card Readings 

Dear ones, we seek to bring the guidance this day, in this way. 

Note**This week I was guided to do the channeled card readings "rather" than the oracle cards I have been doing of late. I went with the guidance & then doubt set in, so I decided to put these channeled readings aside & pick some oracle cards instead. Once I turned the cards over I realised that some of the themes were similar.  I've decided to share both the channeled readings & the oracle card readings this week ❤️

The ones

These ones may be going through the tendency to please others rather than themselves. It is not that this is a bad thing per se, you are serving another, yes, however when it is at the cost of feeling resentment for doing so this leads to "dis ease". We say to you when you are in service to another with joy, and love you give in a state of flow. You are loving what you are doing. Filling yourself with your own love is also of import. Remember to fill yourself up, before filling another or you will run yourself dry. When one services in resentment then one needs to re-evaluate the giving. What is it you are giving to another that you are not giving to yourself? Allow your heart to guide you in seeking this truth. When you give to yourself what you are resenting giving to another, then comes the balance and flow. 

The twos

Alas you are scurrying to and fro, here, there, everywhere, and then you wonder why your heart races so, and you feel overwhelmed. Dear ones stop. Stop, and re-evaluate what is your desires, what is of import to you. Re-shuffle. Step back and look about you. What is causing your heart to race? Your overwhelming feelings?  Perhaps cut out what is not of import to where you are wishing to walk, and begin again moving forward in the direction you wish rather than moving forward in a direction that causes anxiety. You are the traveller of your path. You come and one day you will return. Use the time in a way that brings you contentment and peace, yours, first and for most, for when you are in contentment and peace all your fellow travellers will benefit. When you are at peace you give out peace to others. 

The threes

You have reached your destination and now you wonder what you are to do. Rest, dear ones, rest. When one reaches their destination after travelling perhaps on a bumpy road, one is tired. Tired from the traveling. We say rest. Study your destination. Look at the guide maps. Discern where you now wish to visit, what you wish to experience now that you have arrived. Your destination, your arrival, you might say is the new year. You have within you the tools prepared for this trip of the new year. Choose out of your kit what you wish to use, to wear, to experience, this new year. Pick what you most desire to experience and take the steps that lead you into sightseeing these new horizons. 

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