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Monday, 11 January 2016

11/1/16 Abacus Voice channel transcription Raising your vibration



Voice channel transcription 

Raising your vibration 

Channeled in light body 


We are here once again to interact with you the reader, the listener. We wish to bring through an adage, an analogy that may help for you to understand the intricate nature of frequency shifts. We tell our scribe to be clear, and to trust. When one begins the journey of expansion, of travelling the spaces of one's internal awareness, it at first seems as if nothing is occurring, that it is dark and blank, and even boring, even though the feelings attached to these internal-ness is joy and bliss. When you look within, with your physical eyes, as you look outside of yourself with your physical eyes, you may not see much occuring, for within the spaces the energy is different to that on your outside, in your plane. When you go within the energies shift, and what you can see is in coherence with your energy flow, and so if your energy flow is high and vibrant and you are in allowing, you may begin to see shifting energies and shapes. You may distinguish alternate realities, colours and shapes. You may distinguish the thinness and the thickness of matter, of molecules. You may distinguish movement, the fast forward, or the stillness, the rolling or the weaving sensations much like your carnival rides, but this is occurring within your stillness, or going within. The higher you are in frequency the more your internal eyes begin to open, and be clearer to what is on the inside, in this universal space of the "all that is". Your eyes are for seeing in your outside reality, in your physical realm, they are not so much adapted to your inside world, or universal space. As you raise your frequency, as the codings shift, as your gifts awaken with your increase in frequency, your vibrancy, you will begin to experience these spaces in a much different way, and so we lead to the relevance of this transmission and that is of your frequency, of your radiance, of your vibrancy.

We say to you, to begin to be self aware, to begin to travel within with a greater clarity. One is recommended to increase their vibrancy in their bodies cell, cellular structure. In increasing your vibrancy, you lift off within yourself so to speak, and you are able to experience more. It is a progression, a process. One may not jump from a low vibrancy to a high vibrancy, until they have processed, until they have reached that awareness. One may not reach these higher frequencies when they have much heavy luggage still attached. They will be too heavy. They will be not light enough, and so we tell you working your issues, forgiveness, and any thing that attributes to raising your energy structure, will aid you in self awareness and self discovery. Food for thought for this day. The higher your frequency, the more you may see in your reality also, for you will gain clear sight, not so much the seeing sight with your eyes, but the sight of knowing and awareness and clarity. There are many ways to raise the frequency. You have much available referencing on your internet, your global knowledge counterpart. Time in stillness is a great way to begin, for in stillness you begin to open up to what it is within you, or even that there is a within. We end this transmission on that note. You might like to contemplate frequency and sound.

That is all

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