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Sunday, 31 January 2016

1/2/16 Oracle Card Readings

Cards used are the "Wicca Oracle Cards by Nada Mesar & Lunaea Wheaterstone"

Pick a number 1 2 or 3. Then scroll down to reveal the message

Card 1
32: Mare

Give yourself without reservation to those you love and receive their love in return. Such freely given love is nourishing and sustaining to all your endeavours. It is safe to open your heart.
Nurturing, nourishment, protection. 

What part of you aches to be loved? 

I give my whole heart in tender love

Card 2
14: Yule

Tend the flame of your spirit, and do not give into depression or despair. The dark times are temporary. Your faith is being tested. Know that you are eternally loved, even in the most barren and bleak seasons of your life. The light will return, always.
Faith, comfort, light.

What awaits you in the deepest dark?

My inner flame burns brightly 

Card 3

The ancestors are offering guidance. Watch for unexpected messages in dreams, chance counters with strangers, or voices whispered on the wind. You have nothing to fear in the dark.
Mystery, ancestors, deepening. 

What do the spirits of the dead require of you? 

I embody the wisdom of my ancestors

Sunday, 24 January 2016

25/1/16 Oracle Card Reading

Cards Used, (The Spirit Messages by John Holland)

Card 1
Hello From Heaven
Your loved ones in the spirit world want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them. They know you have been thinking of them, and to prove they are with you at this time, they are sending you signs and symbols to show you how much they love you. This card comes forth now because you may be thinking of someone you are missing, so this serves as validation that he or she is still with you. When a loved one passes and leaves this physical world, the familiar methods of ordinary communication get interrupted for a time, until a new form of communication is established. Spirit people are trying to get your attention through special signs and symbols. This is their new way of connecting with you. Trust that it is really your loved ones presence you are feeling.  Acknowledge when they visit you in your dreams or when they send a specific scent that reminds you of them. Another way for them to let you know they are around is blinking lights, TV sets turning on and off, shiny pennies and dimes suddenly appearing, or even cell phones ringing with their name being displayed. These are just some of the many signs and symbols, so put a loving thought out to them, and let them know you are ready to receive more, and that they have got your attention. Be thankful for those signs and symbols. Cherish and hold them close to your heart, are they truly are hello's from heaven. 

Card 2
You Are Not Alone

We are here for you. We never left. Through all the sadness and loneliness, however, you cannot sense us near you, or feel how much love we are sending you. We are your family, friends, and guides. You never walk alone. We walk right beside you. This card comes at time when you're probably missing someone, feeling lonely or lost, or not getting the emotional or spiritual help you truly need from those around you. Even though you may be feeling abandoned, don't forget that we're here for you, holding you, guiding you, and helping you through your grief and sadness. It is we who raise you up and gently push you forward. Please remember that we are spirit discarnage (not of a body). You are spirit incarnate, (in the body), and as such, we are ALL spirit. You can connect with us any time you wish. Find a quite time when you can be by yourself in your favourite space. Light a candle, hold us in your mind, and reach out with your heart and thoughts. When you feel a gentle, warm wave of love washing over you, a tingle up your spine, or even a special thought or image, know these are all signs that we are connected.....and we love you always.

Card 3
When you learn to get out of your own way, there will be no stopping you. Most of the time it's not others that prevent you from achieving your true goals, it's that inner voice that derails those carefully woven plans. This card is showing you everything that you can be, but it is also reminding you of your own worst enemy, yourself. This is the time to confront your fears and purge them from your psyche by having positive conversations with yourself. Yes, before you can do that, you have to recognise and acknowledge the signs and symptoms of self sabotage. Whether you are considering a new relationship, changing jobs, moving house, or any other major change, it's easy to allow the inner dialogue of doubt to creep in and convince you that you're not good enough, or that the new person isn't right for you, and find a million ways to justify and sabotaged the outcome.
Next time you are confronted with these thoughts, stop for a moment and step aside so that you can have your own dialogue with those voices. It's time for you to start believing why you can, as opposed to why you can't. Just remember, you do matter, and once you believe in yourself, you will be surprised how others start believing in you more!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

20/1/16 Abacus Automatic writing On creating

Automatic writing
On creating

Abacus? What can you guide others with today? I feel you there, wishing to guide :) Also is there any guidance regarding my drawings? 

Greetings. Dear heart we would like to tell you, remind you, that we love you. We wish you to know that we love you. We do not always connect with you in the way you wish and this is for good reason also. You are in need of grounding too often, and when one is not grounded the connection is not anchoring the light onto the earth plane. Your art grounds the light into the physical material world for others to then tap into. The art pieces essentially plugs one into their light. Upon viewing one stops for a moment. They study the piece. They look at the intricacies of the patterns and colours, and for a few short moments they remember, they are triggered, and they are plugged into the circuit once again, albeit even for a short while. There is method in the drawing, in your adaptation of the light, for light is what we flow to you, in the essence, in the connection to your flow. You wish to know how the drawings help others? They stop to view, they stop to take in the colours and shapes. The stopping connects, much like stopping to view a flower or a piece of a heavenly masterpiece that is on earth. Our essence, your essence, the love, the joy, the beauty of our flow, transmits to the one that views. It is as honey to a bee, it draws one into our flow, and the energies activates, calms, soothes, loves ... Are you understanding? This is good. Do not worry so, it will support your endeavours, for when one is in joy, an outlet in connection with source, with no agenda but to be, one is balanced, and in balance comes abundance, for when one is in balance with their God self, one is in balance with all. 
Be at peace dear heart. You may speak, communicate with we at any time. You need not be in state, for we to come. Much as this moment in time. You are not within a journey, you are not meditating, but we are here, we come. We come simply because you called, you intended, you stopped and connected to flow. You plugged in and you allowed. You clear your mind of nuance thoughts, and allow our mind entry. You feel do you not? Feel your points? If you may scan the point where we come it would shine brightly. Ohh you ask if this is true? You have not all the mechanics to see all as yet, but it is coming. Ohh it is coming. Many discoveries are coming to your plane .

This message dear heart is to all, for we conserve energy this day. In attending to your enquiries we attend to all, for you see many ask the same questions. You are the eternal being that questions all things. In your questions we answer the questions of many. Be at peace with what you enjoy to do even if you know not how it serves another. It is complex and at times, complicated to extend our knowledge to you, for you are not fully ready to understand, to hear, for you are still in your 3D understanding. Know all you do is infused within your creation. Your creations are essentially living entities spreading continually, giving off energetic pulses that affect all that view. All that you touch, smell, eat, and enjoy, affects you. Yes your cooks, your dancers, your musicians,  your writers, all that they do, affects all that interact with their creations. Know what you do counts. It matters, you matter. How can you not matter? You are God in experiences in form, in being, know this! Know this. Know this! 
Now you know. You are, We are..... All 
Dear heart when we communicate we communicate to you all. Your message is their message. The message is yours. Yours meaning all of you. All of you. Dear heart you are thinking imagining you are separate. You are not. Your message is their message. Dear heart let it be known, that when we speak we speak to all of you, all of you. You are not separate from another. You are one. One love. Know this for future communications. 
With love we leave you to your joyful creating
That is all

Sunday, 17 January 2016

18/1/16 Oracle Card Readings

I'm using this week "Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Direen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine"

Card 1
Eight Of Michael
You can be free. You may feel as though you are trapped in your situation, but that is an illusion. You have to look past your fears and open your eyes to the opportunities. The ways to freedom may scare you due to a lack of confidence, but you can ask your angels for courage. Soon you will find that you are much stronger then you realised. Commit to changing your circumstances, and then believe in your ability to move forward.

Card 2
Queen Of Michael

You know exactly what to do. Past experiences have prepared you perfectly for the situation you find yourself in. Wisdom blended with humour makes the task easy to accomplish. Give others credit for good intentions rather than perfect actions. This is the time in life for advancing your career and getting things done rather than engaging in romantic relationships.

Card 3

This card signals that you are on a quest to discover your true self. Meditation and quite time provide great insight into the nature of your heart and your life purpose. This is not a time of loneliness, but of inner joy and exploring your divine light within. You may find a mentor who magically shows up at the right moment. It could also be that it is time for you to share your own spiritual journey with others who are seeking a mentor.  Archangel Raziel holds up his Lantern of Enlightenment to welcome you to the starry mountaintop where self-discovery awaits.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

16/1/16 Aquaous Frequency Waves

Voice channeling transcription
Frequency Waves

We are here. We are ready to begin. We are the three. We are Aquaous. We do not come in as frequent as you would imagine, for you are still adjusting to our flow. You have completed a number of stillness exercises and so your vibrancy has shifted and so you may allow us more easily. You may grasp our words where you could not understand them before. We came in showing you a diagram, a symbolism. We ask that you pertain to transfer what you saw onto your parchment. You understand that what you saw can be achieved with sound. We endeavour to show the writer how with sound the symbol, the colour pulsates and changes form. It moves in unison to the sound. It expands and it contracts. It opens and it closes. It turns itself inside out and over its self. It contracts inwards and then expands outwards. It continues moving with the sound waves. It can open and shatter itself or bring itself together again, or spin around like your merry-go-round, or as a wheel of a car. It can blank itself and then make itself reappear. All this movement with the molecules, with the colour, is achieved through frequency. Frequency shifts constantly. The higher the frequency the more intricate the patterns. The more that you can do with the molecules. The higher the frequency, you can push the molecules apart, in such a way that you seem to disappear, and then with the slowing of the frequency, the molecules come together gain density, and become more solid. This transmission is simply a taster of what we will bring in your coming future. We wish to expand, bring more understanding of how frequency works. How you may use frequency in your everyday activities and what it means to raise your own frequency. There are many articles on this that you may research, and we say to our writer, that she does actually "not" research. We wish her mind to be clear on this, for has no training in this, and so no preconceptions. She does not have a scientific mind. She does have an inquisitive mind, and one that thirsts for knowledge, and so we will bring through piece by piece until it is understood and in this way everybody gets to understand, no matter their learning. We will start at the beginning and work through simple concepts until they get more intricate in nature. It is an awareness of who you are, what you are made up of. How what you do interacts with all that is. How you affect others in your experiences, and how you can affect your own healing, your own transformation. Once you understand, once you open up your eyes to understanding certain concepts, they bring more questioning, deeper acknowledgement, and greater understanding. We are happy at the progress that is occurring at this time. The New Year brings many changes, and this one even more so.
That is all for today.

Monday, 11 January 2016

11/1/16 Abacus Voice channel transcription Raising your vibration



Voice channel transcription 

Raising your vibration 

Channeled in light body 


We are here once again to interact with you the reader, the listener. We wish to bring through an adage, an analogy that may help for you to understand the intricate nature of frequency shifts. We tell our scribe to be clear, and to trust. When one begins the journey of expansion, of travelling the spaces of one's internal awareness, it at first seems as if nothing is occurring, that it is dark and blank, and even boring, even though the feelings attached to these internal-ness is joy and bliss. When you look within, with your physical eyes, as you look outside of yourself with your physical eyes, you may not see much occuring, for within the spaces the energy is different to that on your outside, in your plane. When you go within the energies shift, and what you can see is in coherence with your energy flow, and so if your energy flow is high and vibrant and you are in allowing, you may begin to see shifting energies and shapes. You may distinguish alternate realities, colours and shapes. You may distinguish the thinness and the thickness of matter, of molecules. You may distinguish movement, the fast forward, or the stillness, the rolling or the weaving sensations much like your carnival rides, but this is occurring within your stillness, or going within. The higher you are in frequency the more your internal eyes begin to open, and be clearer to what is on the inside, in this universal space of the "all that is". Your eyes are for seeing in your outside reality, in your physical realm, they are not so much adapted to your inside world, or universal space. As you raise your frequency, as the codings shift, as your gifts awaken with your increase in frequency, your vibrancy, you will begin to experience these spaces in a much different way, and so we lead to the relevance of this transmission and that is of your frequency, of your radiance, of your vibrancy.

We say to you, to begin to be self aware, to begin to travel within with a greater clarity. One is recommended to increase their vibrancy in their bodies cell, cellular structure. In increasing your vibrancy, you lift off within yourself so to speak, and you are able to experience more. It is a progression, a process. One may not jump from a low vibrancy to a high vibrancy, until they have processed, until they have reached that awareness. One may not reach these higher frequencies when they have much heavy luggage still attached. They will be too heavy. They will be not light enough, and so we tell you working your issues, forgiveness, and any thing that attributes to raising your energy structure, will aid you in self awareness and self discovery. Food for thought for this day. The higher your frequency, the more you may see in your reality also, for you will gain clear sight, not so much the seeing sight with your eyes, but the sight of knowing and awareness and clarity. There are many ways to raise the frequency. You have much available referencing on your internet, your global knowledge counterpart. Time in stillness is a great way to begin, for in stillness you begin to open up to what it is within you, or even that there is a within. We end this transmission on that note. You might like to contemplate frequency and sound.

That is all

11/1/16 Abacus Voice channeling transcription Changes

Voice channeling transcription 
(This was channeled straight after "preparing for divine will" journey/meditation)


Greetings. We come to this arena to bring a wealth of love and light to all that are listening at this moment in time. It is a new year, a new beginning. There will be many changes. Some will be aware that there are changes occurring, and others will not be so aware. It is so, that the ones that are aware will shift to another level of awakening. They will rise in frequency, in understanding, and even in courage. There will be those that have fears that will hold them back, but in the mainstay the fears will begin to dissolve, and the light worker within will take hold. You will begin to work your magic, your gifts, your intentions, in service to all. In this, these will begin to trigger the others, that are still rubbing their eyes in sleep. You might liken it to a virus that takes hold, and begins its initialising, spreading itself to all. Light is as this. When one is taken alight within them, they shine, and their light shines light onto others, and they awaken from the light, as the daylight awakens one from their slumber, and these will open their eyes and begin to search that that they are, and then they will attract this light within them, and then they will be the light that shines, that moves forth to awaken others also, and so it will continue and continue. The time reference matters not. It will occur. It is a occurring. It is not the time to lose heart, no matter what you see on the outside. Know that within you the changes are occurring. You will feel them. You are feeling them now. At times they don’t feel so pleasant. This is simply your body adjusting to the new energies, the new flows, the new gifts that are awakening within you. You may attract those that wonder at your changes. Do not worry what comes. Be at your peace. Be in your flow. Breathe through the changes. Drink when you are thirsty. Sleep when you are tired. Create when you wish to.

We bring this message today on your 11th day of the first month of 2016. We are Abacus, but we are also the enlightened ones. We are intermixed. We are one. There are many aspects that one may bring into communication. One simply intends, and it is so. If the intention is pure, the link is made. With this we end this transmission, this message of light and love. We wrap you in our light. 
That is all.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

11/1/16 Oracle Card Readings

Oracle Card Readings

(I used Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine)

Card one
Queen of water

Emotional issues, or relationships with others evolve to a new level. Even if things are not perfect there is a sense of peace and calm within you and you intuitively know what to do next. Your feelings for and insights about others can be trusted. Make sure that as you nurture those around you you don't forget to also care for yourself.

Card two
The emperor 
It is important to cultivate logic discipline and order right now. This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound they still need guidelines and organisation so that they can manifest properly. Create a detailed plan for how you will proceed and maintain kind but authoritive control over how the plan is implemented. Feel in powered to take leadership role in your career and any projects you are working on. Structure and order are your friends as you move from the preparation stage into the execution of your plans. Believe in your ability to be a positive and implement it later. Get organised so that you can be more affective

Card three
Ace of water

A wonderful new person is coming into your life. This could involve a budding romantic relationship or renewed romance within your current relationship. Positive emotions such as joy pleasure and happiness are likely. You may find yourself falling in love. Your psychic abilities especially clairsentience, (intuitive feelings) take flight at this time. Spiritual growth accompanies the rich emotional experience you're having right now.

11/1/16 Channeled Card Readings


Channeled Card Readings 

Dear ones, we seek to bring the guidance this day, in this way. 

Note**This week I was guided to do the channeled card readings "rather" than the oracle cards I have been doing of late. I went with the guidance & then doubt set in, so I decided to put these channeled readings aside & pick some oracle cards instead. Once I turned the cards over I realised that some of the themes were similar.  I've decided to share both the channeled readings & the oracle card readings this week ❤️

The ones

These ones may be going through the tendency to please others rather than themselves. It is not that this is a bad thing per se, you are serving another, yes, however when it is at the cost of feeling resentment for doing so this leads to "dis ease". We say to you when you are in service to another with joy, and love you give in a state of flow. You are loving what you are doing. Filling yourself with your own love is also of import. Remember to fill yourself up, before filling another or you will run yourself dry. When one services in resentment then one needs to re-evaluate the giving. What is it you are giving to another that you are not giving to yourself? Allow your heart to guide you in seeking this truth. When you give to yourself what you are resenting giving to another, then comes the balance and flow. 

The twos

Alas you are scurrying to and fro, here, there, everywhere, and then you wonder why your heart races so, and you feel overwhelmed. Dear ones stop. Stop, and re-evaluate what is your desires, what is of import to you. Re-shuffle. Step back and look about you. What is causing your heart to race? Your overwhelming feelings?  Perhaps cut out what is not of import to where you are wishing to walk, and begin again moving forward in the direction you wish rather than moving forward in a direction that causes anxiety. You are the traveller of your path. You come and one day you will return. Use the time in a way that brings you contentment and peace, yours, first and for most, for when you are in contentment and peace all your fellow travellers will benefit. When you are at peace you give out peace to others. 

The threes

You have reached your destination and now you wonder what you are to do. Rest, dear ones, rest. When one reaches their destination after travelling perhaps on a bumpy road, one is tired. Tired from the traveling. We say rest. Study your destination. Look at the guide maps. Discern where you now wish to visit, what you wish to experience now that you have arrived. Your destination, your arrival, you might say is the new year. You have within you the tools prepared for this trip of the new year. Choose out of your kit what you wish to use, to wear, to experience, this new year. Pick what you most desire to experience and take the steps that lead you into sightseeing these new horizons. 

Thursday, 7 January 2016

5/1/16 Abacus On the current energy A conversation Auto writing

On the current energy
A conversation 
Auto writing 

Are there any messages in general for those that read these words? I feel a shift. Am I imagining it? I'm feeling overwhelmed atm. Like it's all too much energy or something and it feels more than I can handle

Dear heart may you be still a moment. Clear. Focus. Allow. Three words that mean much. Clear all thoughts or preconceived ideas how you wish the conversation to flow. Focus on the light our energy our bandwidth. Allow. Allow us to come without directing the flow. If you will. We honour your participation in this flow and energy. We honour you the transmission and the allowance. 

Ok. I'll do that now

Dear ones we are here this day to expand on the flow that is the energy at this time. Some may feel as if they have entered into a room filled with too much visual expression and so they can not take in all they see. They do not know where to focus and where to place their attention too. It feels as a candy store with too many Bon bons, and you know not which to choose, which to taste, you wish to test them all and yet knowing there is not the time to do so. Dear ones you are developing a heightened sense of smell, touch, ideas, and frequency. You feel more, you see more, you hear more, and it is beginning to feel as an overload. Breathe. Remain centred and focus and set your sights on that that excited you the most rather than setting your sights on all you enjoy, rather place your senses onto that that feels most in line with your excitement. In this you may feel less strained and less anxiety. Understand you are developing a sensory impact that you are not all acclimatised to as yet. You are in the process. Understand the natural ebb and flow will allow you to reacclimatise with the flow. Understand you may try all the bon bons, but there will be a few favourite ones that you go back to again and again. Using this insight you may understand that that holds more interest, more light in your vision. Step forward in what excites you, not what you expect will excite others. You are the traveler of your excitement, no other. Be your excitement. 

I'm seeing differently. At times when I read, words seem to pop out from the page, or the background drops back. Also it feels at times like you are sitting over my shoulder helping me with expressing. Any guidance on this? I feel silly asking but I'm curious 

Dearest you can never be in our eyes one that seems incoherent. We value your inquisitiveness. It is by far better to have this view, than one of nonchalance. 
We will continue. It is so at times, when one begins to open their sight, their knowing, that one begins to open their form of seeing. One begins to view in a way that can be seen as incognisance. You do not understand the word? It means to see with an altered nuance. Use your inter web to reference and validate if you will. There is method here. When one begins to see in a spatial regard one begins to see space as multidimensional. Not in a linear sense but in a way that much can be seen within the same space frame. This will become more constant as your time moves forward. We are at your back dear heart. We are intertwined and you are beginning to be more "aware" when we "drop" into your thoughts. Henceforth you will gain more clarity when we drop in. It is a nuance that will become more frequent until a time whereby we run together as one train. Are you understanding? We will not be as two trains on different railway tracks but one train on the one track co-creating as one. You need not wait dear heart. We are with you always. 

How long will this take? That we are "one train"? How long in earth time? 

Ahh dear heart we cannot say. It is dependant on you. 

Probability? At the rate I'm at now? 

Dear heart it can be as a heart beat or years. It is dependant on your belief set. 

How do I speed up becoming one train? 

We smile. We smile at your tenacity. Dear heart enjoy the journey. The journey is what living your earth plane is. The journey is why you came. The journey to self discovery. The journey home. The journey is to know your self in a new way. The journey of discovery. Tell us dear heart,  you are on holidays and you sight see and experience new cultures do you wish to reach the end of your holiday in a hurry? Or do you wish to savour the journey? Do you rush your holiday wanting to reach the end and to know it all, as fast as you possibly can? You see your journey on earth is as a holiday. You choose your experiences, your destinations. You can play as you wish, or not. Your journey is yours to do with as you wish. Savour the moments, the journey, the self discoveries. Be not in a hurry to reach the end of your journey. 

What happens when we become one train? 

Whatever you wish dear heart. Whatever you wish. 

But there must be some plan? 

The plan is yours dear heart. Yes, you came with a directive however you may change the directive at any time. 

I prefer to stay on directive since I made it when I was in a higher state of knowing 

(Smile) This is why we are here dear heart 

Can you tell me my directive ? 

Ahh but that would spoil the holiday would it not? We are here, you are here. May we discover together dear heart, the journey? 

Ok.. Thank you for being here communicating with me, and with others that read this. This is for more than just me right? These words? 

Indeed. You are in communication, communion with spirit. All that read these words are in communion also, for in the reading one connects with our energy. We come through your words dear heart, but our words are for all that read. If one finds themselves reading these words then they are also in communication with We. One may feel us with the words, within the energy if they are a sensitive, or they open to our flow. We are. We ARE. There is no place we are not. We are always with you. All you need do is be in our flow, to feel We. 

Thank you 

Be at peace. Enjoy the journey. You have come a long way to know yourselves in a new way. Be as the discoverer, excited for that the new day holds.
That is all 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

4/1/16 Card Readings (Guardian Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine)


Card Readings

Cards used- (Guardian Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine)

Card 1

Guardian Of Emotion

This experience will be handled with emotional maturity and a trustworthy heart. The parties involved have the best interests of everyone in mind. There is a desire to resolve any challenges in a compassionate way. If your heart is moved to support a particular cause or charity, do so with determination and passion. Accept advice given in a kind and caring manner as being "good as gold".

Card 2

Three Of Action

Things are going very very well! Your choices were good ones, and you can see that your ship is going to come in. Excellent! But now what? Have you put together your strategies for the next phase? Success is wonderful, but you can't rest on your laurels. It's time to move on to your next big adventure. It is safe to build upon your accomplishments for further growth or you can choose to do something new. Where you go next is entirely up to you!

Card 3

Guardian Of Thought

You are being called upon to be a spokesperson for the cause closest to your heart. You have important things to say and people need to hear them. Do not worry as your angels will give you the perfect words to say in anything situation, if you ask them for help. Time has given you the experience and expertise to be a natural born leader, teacher, and mentor to those around you. You have the right words, so speak up.