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Monday, 26 December 2016

We Carry the love inside 26/12/16


Welcome to this transmission. A transmission that brings to light, what many do not consciously comprehend. When one comprehends that the source of light, of love, is within, when the majority of humanity comprehend this truth, then you will see a curve ball, you will see that change you are all so impatient to see. How does this occur? It occurs by the few beginning to search within, and then
voicing, being, and living their findings. It begins with the few sharing their administrations. It begins with those speaking of their experiences, by living their understandings. It begins with you. If you are reading these words, then you are one that is journeying with an understanding that there is more to this thing you call life. No one can do this for you. Your searching, your thirst for the truth leads you within, for within is where the truth lays. Love lays within, and then extends out. It has no boundaries no race, no country, no planet. Love is all there is. It transcends
dimentionality, it transcends time. It is held within you, and all around you. When you leave your plane it goes with you. It is limitless and infinite. You carry it, you are it. The capacity to hold within you, in you, has no bounds. All that you extend love to holds this within them, and you hold their capacity within you. You are so much more than you have understanding. All you have ever loved is carried within you, and all that have extended love to you, carries your love within them. Each Human, each animal , ALL you have loved, is held within you and you they. Forever, for eternity. It permiates even the surroundings, the field. This love is shared to all within the field of consciousness, within god. Your love for one is shared to all. In the ocean that is God, your love is as the wave, that moves forward and then recedes, moves forward and then recedes. As a pulse it pulses out to all. Your love experienced, is experienced by all that are in that state of flow. Your loved ones are still held within your pulse, continuing to pulse. It is never lost, unless you deviate from that frequency. Ohh it is still held within you, but is not experienced when you are out of balance. When you think of your loved ones, do you not feel their love within your heart? The love you feel for they? The ones crossed over, do you still feel the love you hold for they within your heart? It does not leave you when they leave you, for their love has not left you! Love is never ending. It transcends all space and time. The link is never severed as it cannot be severed. Even if you choose to sever the connection, it still lays within you, you simply do not experience it. It is as a chair in your living room. It is there whether you choose to sit and experience it or nay. Your past loved ones are still in the living room. You may choose to experience their love or nay, but they are still in the room. It is an analogy, abeit not an ideal one. Your loved ones energy still carries within your field, and even "The field". They will never cease to exist, for like you they are without end. The material form is not "who" you are. It is your clothing that you use at present, a present, to experience the earth reality. You will wish to change your clothing, to experience wearing a multitude of clothing at some time, for this is what you wish to do. You would not wish to remain in the same clothing for eternity. Know that that lays within the clothing, be it your own, or be it family and friends, lives on, will live on. The essence with your flesh never ends. The you, that you understand yourself to be, will shed your clothing and move on to new clothing. The essence within remains forever. YOU never die. Your loved ones never die. You are still now blended with they. They may be wearing a different suit of clothing, but their essence, who they were, still is. You are. We are. One. Infinite. Without end. 
Do you wish to communicate? With your loved ones? Sit with pen and parchment. Think of your loved ones, and begin to write a conversation with they. They will have much to say, if you are open to the idea that they sit within you. It will feel imaginary, much like our voice feels she is imagining our dialogue, however, within the imaginary writing pearls will be revealed. Pearls that may not be understood, but yet they come forthwith. Keep a journal of your communication, your communion with your loved ones. It will bring comfort, but more importantly will keep the one you imagine gone alive within your heart. Their is no death, only transition. 
With love within our hearts, for you and all humanity 
That is all.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Soul In Experience - Channeling 7/12/16

Soul In Experience

When one comes to being in form, one comes in with a set path that brings circumstances to light for soul growth and experience. The path may be filled with laughter and joy, but as you are aware, one does not grow with just a set of circumstances. A soul comes into the earth plane to experience much, not only joy but pain. A soul or spirit comes to experience many things. It does not see pain or inconvenience as wrong. A soul comes to seek experience, to seek how something feels. Heart break to a soul is experience. Much can not be felt in spirit. You come in to experience in form what you can not in formless. In form it feels tragic, it feels as if one may not go on, and yet the strength of the human in form, its spirit within, always goes on. It is simply a moment in time. In your time it feels never ending and yet as spirit it is but a moment in a never ending cascade of experience. Dear heart this is to be shared so that many may benefit as it applies not just to one, but many. Understand as a soul there is much that is not understood. A soul wishes to experience, to learn. An example, when you read your fairytales or a love story you imagine do you not what the characters are experiencing within the story? The writer takes you to a precipice of emotions. Now if one has experienced heartache, and the writer is pertaining to heartache within the characters of the book, you may resonate if you have a memory or experience of heartache. The writer may expertly take you on a ride of emotions that you understand because you have lived the experience. But if you have not experienced heartache then you would not know how heartache feels. No matter how expertly the writer writes or the actor acts, unless you are in the experience of heartache, living it, you may not fully understand. The soul wishes to experience what it can not in the etheric. To the soul there is no good or bad, right or wrong, each experience is gold. You understand?
And so the soul comes into form with a set path. Now in form the soul may deviate from the path, for in the material the soul has free will to choose. Over lifetimes the soul collects a bank of experiences. Now at this time a soul carries much. In form these experiences can weigh heavy. At this time humans in form are seeking to lighten, to raise their vibratory rate. These pains that are not truly pains but experienced by the human in form as pain needs release. This can feel unpleasant as it is being released. Now if one in form understands that these experiences are but the journey of the soul, that it is not what one imagines, if one understands they are spirit in form in experience, the release is easier, because they understand is is not real. Ohh it feels real, that is the reason the soul comes into form. There would be no point otherwise. But if one understands they are eternal, that they are a soul in experience, then the sting is not so painful. Does the actor in the play, acting the part of heartbreak, need be heartbroken once the play is over? Nay! The actor understands it is not real. The actor must feel the emotion during the acting, but the actor knows it is an act. It is an illusion
Dear ones enjoy your play in form, and understand when the play is over you return home to oneness. You need not carry the emotional pain once the play is over. You need not carry it where you are in form. You are in a virtual reality you might say. It feels real because the soul wishes to know the true experience, but if you understand it is an illusion, then you may let it go. Our voice is hesitant. She is not in altered state. She writes as one writes a letter to a friend. Our voice is now so integrated she needs not sit as one sits to commune with spirit, and so she doubts. She doubts she is not clear, that the message is not perfected, that it does not flow as when she is in the dance with spirit, in the altered dance of the form and formless, and so she queries the perfectness of the message, and so we say this dear ones, when one has a passion that is true, when one seeks to bring this passion in love to help another in service, when ones heart is in communion with god, with that essence that is within you all, when one aims to voice or write or commune this essence selflessly to aid another, as one has faith that that that comes from within form is infinite, then it matters not that there may be imperfection, for in all things there is imperfection, and yet that is the perfection . To our voice we say voice your truth. It matters not if there is a slight of hand . The message is understood by those that are able to hear. The more you voice the essence of god, of spirit, the clearer it will become . Even the fruit off the trees may have a slight of imperfection, yet it is still edible no? It still nourishes and give life to the human yes? Share the message if you will to the one it was meant, and share for the others that may benefit from the message contained herewith. You need not be validated by any other than your self. It is time is it not ? With love and honour for your journey
That is all

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Channeling on Choices 7/12/16

We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. In this transmission we wish to make aware to you, or to others that are reading or listening, that there always is a choice to what you choose to experience. Many assume that they do not have a choice, that they must do this or they must do that. This is not so. You always can decide. Circumstances that surround you will change to suit your decision, to suit your prefrence. You are never tied to any one outcome. Any ties that you assume are there in your belief system. It is not relevant to the truth of the matter. No matter what you are experiencing on your earth plane, understand you may change, you may choose to experience differently, to change your perspective on any matter. As you change your choice you change the way you respond to it. As you change your perception all realign to suit the change. Know you are not stuck no matter where you are. Belief systems that are in grained tend to be the deciding factor. One must delve into their belief systems to understand how they are reflecting to you your world. A simple exercise is to write what you imagine your belief systems are on a piece of paper and study what these beliefs systems would produce in your world. Change the belief system to one that you prefer, and then assume for the exercise what these changes would be, and then let go of any assumptions, for you only see from the limited perspective. A change in belief produces changes that are not understood but you at all levels. You can only understand from the level you are at. Just this simple exercise may change your whole world as you know it. Choices made within your heart space will attract much into your world compared to choices made from your head. Your thinking mind will analyse, your heart does not. Feel into your heart what excites you, what gives you peace and choose with this rather than the shoulds that the mind produces. This is the message we bring this day. It has the power to change your life stream if you allow it. As always your will be done. With love and honour for your journey, that is all.

Monday, 21 November 2016

21/11/16 The Expansion

The Expansion 

We are here to help you understand what it is to become expanded as a human that is multi dimensional in nature, for you are moving into a time whereby you are enhanced like never before. You will carry special attributes that enhance the human experience. 

You will still be human. You will still walk on the earth plane however, your earth plane is raised because you are raised. You will encompass different ways of being. You will be enabled in a sense to experience in ways you have not experienced before. You will understand more than what you have before. These changes are yours for you have earned them. You will be in love rather than in fear. You will be multifaceted in nature. It is difficult a concept for you to understand at this time with your understanding. You already are enabled in some respects, you are simply to believe it, to be in acceptance of it. As time moves forward you will begin to understand more of what you are able to produce, to experience, and as you are able,  as you are enabled, the ones that are listening especially, the ones that are reading, once you enable these new experiences in these expanded states of being, those that walk along with you that are not enabled, will begin to see how you create, how you be in your world, and this is what triggers others to search within themselves for what you are acting out so to speak. Many of you do not still see simply because you do not know, because you have not known it before. 
Our voice is requesting that we give ideas on how you may see, if you are unable to see. We may do this.

When you look upon your image in a mirror you see yourself looking back at yourself, yes. You see your eyes, you see your nose, you see your hair, you see your features, however as you keep looking, as you become entranced with your appearance in the mirror, if you keep looking in a relaxed state at your image reflected, after a while the image waivers does it not? Some would say it shape shifts into a hundred different faces. You begin to see beyond the image, the reflection. It is as if the mirror image begins to morph into something else. You begin to look within the eyes of the one reflected, into the very depths of the soul. This is how you may see beyond what you assume is before you, by walking in a relaxed stance without preoccupation. Being observant to changes. Being observant to the energy shifting around you. When you walk into a room, rather simply looking to see within the room, begin to see if you may sense their energy. Feel the difference of one's energy compared to anothers energy. If a pet, an animal walks into the room see if you may sense their energy compared to the humans energy. Begin to use senses you have not used before in increments. Practice sensing your own energy, how you feel when another walks before you, how your energy shifts dependent on their energy. Feel beyond what you see with your eyes. It is by being in a expanded state of awareness, within the flow, that you may see what you may not see if you were preoccupied with your thoughts, or running to and fro. When you begin to do this, after a time, you will notice the different shifts in energy about you when these change or are different. It is much like the sailor sailing his ship, and he may not see an obstacle in his path, but he may sense it and steer his ship in a different direction simply through intuition. It is a hyper alert state if you will, while being relaxed. If one is full of thoughts of daily living they will miss the changing flow. They will miss the obstacle. When you become more observant while you are in an extended stance, you will begin to register changes. You will begin to see the unseen. It is in being in the flow that you may begin to recognise that that is different, that that has not been there before. What has not worked before may work in this new state of being. Do not assume anything. It is by testing the waters that you may begin to feel them. You may not know what the temperature of the water is unless you put your toe in it. You may assume that it is cold because it is a cold day but in fact you may dip your toe and it may be that there is a warm spot brought forth from underneath the earth. Do not assume anything. When you go about a task without assuming an expected outcome then all is possible. But if you go about a task with an idea of what will be established from this task, then this is what you will produce for you have propelled forward the outcome. If you begin a task with an openness to all possibilities, then all possibilities exist. If you begin a task with a set outcome, then the set outcome is what will be produced. However if you are open to all outcomes then you see you have produced something special indeed. Take it to the limit, is a verse of one of your singers on the earth plane. However it is limitless what you are able to do. As time moves on you will discover the truth of our words. It is a time of excitement. Yes, there is mayhem in areas. If you concentrate on the mayhem it is what you will experience more and more. Send the mayhem your love for it is love that heals all wounds. Walk about with hope in your hearts for it is this that creates wonderful new adventures. We see what you do not. You are beyond what you imagine yourself to be. Intricate beings in a realm of experience. Know you have choice. Dear human beings you have choice. Choose that that you wish to experience and the experience will be manifest. You must "be" that that you wish to experience to be the magnet that attracts that unto you. You wish to be happy, "be" happy. Create the space where you may be happy, for it is in the "being" that attracts more. Imagine yourselves to be magnets. The magnet can only pull unto itself what it is magnetising. It gives you what you are being fullstop. When you truly understand this, then you begin to create your world your way, together as one family, earth family, our family. 
With this we leave this space, this transmission this day. You are magnificent. Know it.
That is all

Monday, 14 November 2016

14/11/16 A channeled message

A channeled message

Greetings. We are here. We are here in the light and love of the one creator. That that is, all that has been, that will ever be, and that is concurrently.
Your reality has been burst in a sense, the bubble has been pierced. This brings discomfort to some, and two others not so much. There is a shifting, a turning, of the way one perceives their reality. It was one way and now it has spun around and become another, and it causes discomfort, it causes unease, and so many are firing up so to speak, agitation anger, grief, and even joy is being expressed. There are many elements here that are coming to play to shift the perception of humanity, of humankind. The shifting comes with the dawning of a new era. This is but one of many turning points that will come to pass, that shakes many awake in a sense, from their bubble of reality. Many will discover that there is more than one bubble, that there are several bubbles, and even more than that. It is a time where many will begin to question what is real and what is not. Many will question their beliefs, and there will be grief at what they believed true. It will feel as a funeral feels to many, in that they are mourning what they knew, what they loved, what they thought to be true. In time many will see this is a turning point into a new awareness. It opens up many chapters, new beginnings. The ones that know how to hold their light, how to radiate love, will begin to understand this is why they are here, to hold balance where there is unbalance, to hold light where there is darkness, to bring hope where there is hope lost. In being, one exudes a safety, another way that many will latch onto in this time of uncertainty.
Light workers we speak to you now. Shine your light, shine your love, shine your compassion. Do not be in judgement but rather see all as a reflection of yourself. Understand many are going through changes that they do not understand. When you reflect a way of being, when you show them that all is not lost, when you experience a lightness and a healthy countenance, they will wonder, they will question why it is so. You do not need to force your beliefs onto others. You do not need to push the envelope. Simply by being love, by radiating compassion and understanding, by living your truth, you will create a light that is alluring to those that are feeling less than, to those that are feeling grieved. You will shine a safety net and in this many will question what your secret is, what are you doing differently to they. It is in this that you help humanity. It is by leading by example. It is by not retaliating in anger, but in a peaceful countenance. To argue with one that is argumentative and grieving, will not help they or you. It is when you show compassion and understanding to those, that they will wonder why it is so. Live by example. This is how you create change, not by bantering in anger, trying to show others that you are righteous, but rather by living your happy, by living your truth. Where you prosper, others will wish to know how you do so. Where you are joyful others will wish to know how to be joyful again. It is through being what you wish to experience that you create a pathway for others to be this also. You are way showers, you show the way to the light. It is not that humanity does not carry light, it is simply that they are in a space whereby they do not understand it is who they are. Remembrance will come in time. To judge those that think differently to you will cause more judgement to be bound. Rather open your heart with no malice, in love, understanding that they are who you are, in experience as you are, following their path as you are. Not a way is a right way, rather it is an experience by choice. It is not to say that your way is the right way and their way is the wrong way, it is a choice of experience, nothing more. However when many choose to experience a higher frequency, then the fabric of your reality will begin to change. It begins with you, inside of you. To push on the outside does not create change, it comes from within, by your choices, by your choice of being. When you begin to be your choices, you will begin to reflect this. It is not a travesty that has occurred but rather a gift of change. Be that that it may, you are experiencing a shift in consciousness triggered by light that is radiating through all humanity. It is this light that shines on all, uncovering that that is to be seen. Lifting those that are in dire straits. Love, hope, and compassion to yourself and to others, will help you to ride the shifting tides. Be in your joy more often than not. This will help you balance your flow. Sleep where you are able, where you feel the need to rest, for in this you are recharged and are better able to navigate turbulence waters. Remember all that you may see, is you. All that you encompass is all that you can see. There is no separation other than that that you imagine. Praise those that show you a way to be, that triggers you into expansion. Understand your beingness creates your future. What you vibrate to now, what you attain to now is your tomorrow, in your space and time. All is not lost as you imagine it to be, it is simply that it is being seen because the light is shining upon it. There will be much debate. You may speak your truth is in light-hearted fashion with love. To argue creates more turbulence than is needed. The mirror reflects your beingness, your inside reality is reflected in your outer world. What you resist persists. Allow the energy that is love fill your heart. With a heart full of love there is no room for judgement or fear. Darkness may not exist where there is light. Love yourself, be gentle and kind.

This is the message for this day. Be at peace. Know this is why you are here, changers of the future, of the present, and of the past. As one becomes self realised one will understand the fabric of reality, and in this comes understanding and strength of purpose.
In light and love of the creator
That is all

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

2/11/16 Changes... A personal channel

A short written channeled dialogue over the space of a week, triggered by a voice channel relating to change. I guess I don't like change and yet change is needed to grow and expand. I've decided to stop resisting change, & to allow change to unfold.  I share because it might help others who are experiencing similar. 

Are you leaving ? 

Listen to the communication. It is not as it seems. You are not being penalised. Far from it. We know your heart.  

Tell me what I need to know or do next?

Let go off all you have known and begin at the beginning ..


Simply by allowing your core being to emerge from within your heart 


Imagine if you will your heart is a living mechanism that is more than flesh. A portal that is a living breathing presence ... god
Merge your identity your humanity with this presence that is god that is you. Emergence with this portal opens the door to your infinity, your greater wisdom behind form

Later that day...

Who am I channeling now? Is it me? Am I really connecting ?

This is one love. One love. You are in connection with infinity. What do you understand infinity to be? 

Without end

Indeed. Without end. No end, foreverness
You are without end. God. Infinite. You connect with the infinity inside you " inside you" in..... side... without end. Infinite. Inside you there is no end. Infinity. Infinite is all things. "All" You may communicate with different flavours of infinity, but they are all one. 

So what flavour do I communicate with?

Ahhh but there is the question. Who or which flavour do you wish to communicate? An angelic presence with wings? A Sharman? A hero? A wise seer? A pleidian? Who do YOU wish? 

One that helps me reach my highest potential. 

Is it not an idea to communicate with a collective of these so that you may be available to all their many gifts? Would it not be an idea to communicate with many? 
At school did you not have the science teacher and the mathematician? The librarian, and the art scholars ? Did you have just one? Would that limit your learning? Ahhh understanding is a dawning is it not? We, "we" are a soup, you could say a collective of teachers all arising from different houses, differentrooms, different modalities. Dear heart you will teach make no mistake. Rest now ponder this dialogue. Do you wish many flavours or just a one?
Ultimately your will be done

Sunday, 23 October 2016

My channeled art creations 2016

I had the thought to create and share a short video of the art work I've channeled / created this year.
It doesn't include any custom work ....
To see more visit my FB page

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

17/10/16 The veil Channeling

We Are Three
The Veil

This channel was triggered by some thoughts i had while driving home from work one day. I have been actively pursuing self mastery, self realisation, striving to know myself beyond my earth self, beyond my ego, beyond my body and mind. The thoughts that came were in relation to this. The thoughts that came were,

"Do I really want to penetrate or break through a wall/veil/ego that was put in place for a reason beyond my level of understanding, by someone/something that has a higher perspective? I mean it's pretty tough to break through right? Why mess with that? 
Etc etc 
then I thought is it my ego or fear thinking this thought, to keep me safe? 
And so the channel below came to play. The channel below is my interpretation of spirit. Read with your own discernment in place. I translate what comes in the moment. I don't edit parts out because to do so disrupts the flow of the channel, and I figure, if we are ultimately "all one" then the parts that relate to me, may also relate to you. I trust the channels come through in this way for reason, so  I do not edit anything out unless I feel guided to. I still plan to keep striving to know myself at a deeper level, but also to live this life experience. I guess I aim to find a balance between the two, at least for now ...

We are here. We are three. We come this day to bring information that is of relevance to the enquirers questions in regards to the veil, to the forgetfulness that humanity encompass when being born onto your plane. There is a wall, yes, some would call this a veil, some would call this amnesia, some would call this a nuisance, some will not try to chip away at the veil happy to be ignorant, and even unaware. It is not a thing that many will try to break down however the energy has shifted and many are curious as to what is beyond the forgetfulness that you carry as a human on your plane. The wall has its purposes, one being that it allows you to experience the wholeness of the human, in flesh, while carrying the essence of Christ, of God, of the unmanifest, the potential. It allows the human to experience all that it may with no hindrance of past appearances, no hindrance of the wealth that they entail, so that each experience that they create is new and exciting. Imagine if you will, coming into earth with the knowledge of all that you have ever eaten before and how many times you have eaten the same and then you come onto your earth plane to experience, and everything you eat is unexciting for you have eaten that so many times before. You would find no delight in the process of creating to cook. The appetite would not be stimulated, it would be a chore. Imagine knowing every piece of music that has ever been played, every tune. When you come to your earth plane you would not find music exciting for you have heard it so many times before, and yes you can create a new piece but it would not hold the same entrancement. Coming to your plane, knowing what is hidden, will affect you in more ways that can be understood. It can affect the way you walk around in your life stream. It can affect your judgements. It can affect your relationships. There are many connotations to this, too many to bring. What you are aiming in your awakening process is to carry forth a new day, with the understanding that you are more than you understand yourself to be, without knowing what this is, but knowing that all is possible, and so you can create without fear of death, without fear of getting it wrong, without fear of being judged, for when you create, understanding somewhat a semblance of what you are, you create in a different way. You extend yourself more than you would if you thought that life did not continue once you left your plane, for you would live very carefully afraid for the moment of passing. However if you have the understanding that you are eternal, then you lose the fear and without fear, you extend yourself beyond what you would if you understood, that life was but a moment in passing. Seeing beyond the veil can shatter your semblance of normality. What you know to be secure becomes unsecure. We bring the message that it is okay not to know the all of it. That it is enough to know and understand who you are, without understanding how you work. There is much to be brought forth in writing, when our scribe can sit with the sole purpose to write our words. Dear heart to you we say this is cumbersome. It is not an enjoyment for you, to transcribe our words. We advise that you begin to write. Sit in your space and write. Do not be afraid. You are afraid that it will be not enough, but we say to you this day, if you sit with an open heart, you will be enamoured with what comes. Trust. Trust that once you begin in earnest, we will not fail you. Your semblance of normality will shift in the coming weeks. Do not be in fear when this normality becomes not the norm. Stay centred and stable for it too shall pass. Your inter-web friends soothe each other, and help each other to take the steps forward. It is good that it is continued until a time that it is not of value. The tides are changing, for some it will be sudden, for others a series of steps. We advise for you to sit in joy where you are able, to speak from your truth and heart, All will be understood as time moves forward. Dear heart again we say to you time in stillness will help the feeling you have of disconnection. It is a change of the dial.........

Monday, 17 October 2016

Channeling We are three . Creative Expression : the deeper meaning....

We are three. 
Creative Expression : the deeper meaning....

The channel below is a result of a few people asking me recently what I felt was the deeper understanding to my artwork, or what the symbols mean within some of my art pieces. I have shared my own thoughts first, well what began with my own thoughts ( I received guidance while writing ) & then some channeled insight on the subject further down.
You can scroll down if you only wish to read the channeling. 

First my understanding ...
Be aware  this first section is my insight, and my interpretation of my guidance system. Take only what resonates with you. Apologies for the length. The information kept coming, and coming as I wrote
I love to draw and I love to channel, to consciously connect to that higher flow. I can stay up all night sometimes, expressing in voice, in writing or in drawing, my interpretation of what I feel or see in that altered state of awareness. I do not think about what I'm to draw, it's all intuited. I let go and let flow. 
My feel is that everything is made up of energy, and that energy has a sort of structure or design to it, and we can play with that structure using our thoughts or imagination to mould the energy and create anything we wish. We do this everyday unconsciously. I'm simply choosing to create with awareness.  I feel that everything that is material has a certain structure within it, an energy format, or a blueprint. I imagine this relates to all creative expression, in that all that is created, consciously or unconsciously, holds a certain structure, frequency or energy vibration that affects all those that interact with that creation. This even includes what we eat.
It certainly is " food for thought "... literally 
Regarding the symbols in my drawings. I draw them as I see them in my minds eye, or feel them.  My understanding is that they hold a type of energy vibration, the word "signature" comes to mind, that is transformative. It overlays the old pattern or blueprint with a new pattern, much like putting a new record over a previous old record. It bypasses the "language barrier". For instance someone that views a drawing with say a symbol of abundance might have abundance issues and may not be open to any word dialogue relating to subject. They may have unconscious set beliefs, yet colour play, a symbol, opens the door, can move past belief systems. The symbol may carry the structure that attracts abundance for instance, or one that releases patterns of unworthiness. Meditating on the drawing/symbology may help break through subconscious barriers. I am shown an image of a shower. My interpretation is that the energy washes over one, cleansing, balancing, uplifting, releasing etc whatever is needed, dependant on the energy at play and at times dependent on the symbology. I'm getting the thought that they can adapt to what is needed in the moment, that the symbols "energy file" is multidimensional, and can work on more than just one area, that working on one certain area can then affect many other areas, like pulling a card from a house of cards, one belief dissolved can then in effect dissolve others beliefs that were supported by the first belief. The energy knows what is needed, that the symbols are not linear as we would imagine them to be and so work on many levels, that they are different to how we might imagine them Again only take what resonates or test it out yourself. Much of this information is coming as I type and I'm trusting that flow. Apologies for the length of this piece. Below is a channeling on the subject 

We Are Three.  We are here. We entertain the idea of how expression may create a beautiful reality, one that is unbeknown to you, one that you cannot comprehend the enormity of. We seek to bring understanding, of how energy travels through what you perceive as time. How colours and patterns dance along energy bandwidths to produce a continuum of particles that bring form, that materialise, that ground the creative flow, the creative energy that grounds this that is ungrounded. It brings it to a centre point where it then expands out and touches those that stop and become still, that immerse themselves in the imagery. When one stops and become still and immerses them selves per se, in one of your creations, one of your art pieces, one becomes immersed with that grounded energy play, and in a sense is connected to that stream of particles, to that light that you have anchored into your plane of reality through your own connection, through your own intent to ground the inmaterial that that is moving constantly, that that is not form, that that you intermingle with in your own process and draw through a vortex.

As an analogy, it is much like pouring wine into a bottle ready for usage at a later date. The grapes are grown within the fertile ground. They are crushed and then strained and then, among other processes, funnelled into a bottle that you call the wine bottle, and then later it is ingested by another, and the other ingests not only the form, the material that is the wine, but also the process, the energy that is attained, that is a part of the material. The one that drinks the wine also ingests that that grew the grapes, that fertile ground, they ingest the creative flow of the one that chose to plant the seeds, they Ingest the process of the funnelling into the bottle. They ingest the whole process, not just the finished product, and so when one views your art work, they tap into, they ingest the process, your process. They ingest your connection to flow, they ingest you drawing that flow and making the immaterial, the patterns,  the shapes and colours into form. They ingest your joy, that funnelling onto parchment that grounds that energy, that that you are attaining to at the time, and then when one views your creations, they not only ingest what they see, the colours and the shapes, they have their own connotations, but they also ingest your connection to source, your allowance of flow, the love, the joy, whatever sensations you are immersed in, they are immersed in as well, and this is why some will feel very joyous when viewing your work for they feel, they tap into your joy. If one paints in sadness, and then one views this piece they will also be tuned into this sadness, and will feel this at a deep level.

The artwork has its purpose dear heart. All is created from the immaterial, to the material. It is a blend of dynamics, one of them being geometric design. All is created through a structure, through the ethers, through a mesh of energy. All has a pattern, this is correct. All patterns are structured in a certain way and you bring this, draw this through your connection, your attuning to flow, and as you draw that, you create from that flow. You bring those patterns into form. Each piece that is viewed carries a certain frequency of sound waves. You lift dear heart through your work. You create in joy. You create with an open heart, with no malice but with light, and this is transferred to those that view your creations. Do not worry so, that you are not performing anything of importance for you are indeed lifting the collective in your own unique way. Be at peace. Be in joy
That is all. 

Monday, 10 October 2016

10/10/16 Awakening to You

We Are Three
Awakening to You

We are here. We are three. We are pleased to come in transmission, to bring awareness to the inquiries raised, but also to that that needs voicing at this time. We are three, a mix of energy, a mix of aspects, that this voice speaks. We are three. In repetition, we bring understanding of who we are. There has been the question raised that at times the information we bring may not be validated. Our voice frets over this, that she may be questioned in regards to the information brought forth. What we say on this matter is, ye have little faith. Trust that what comes is what is needed, and that understand that not all information may be validated because it is "new" information. New information cannot be validated with an old energy. New information can only be experienced, played with, and then it is up to the listener, to the reader, to accept or to not except the validity. It is through their own experience that they will accept, or nay, what comes, and it is rightly so, for none can experience in exactly the same way, and each has their own process and truths, and so we bring the information and it will resonate with some and it will not resonate with others, and this is good and proper and true and we say to those that are in the position of receiving new energy, new understandings, it will be only through your experience that the truth will be known. You may take on the information or you may not, it matters not, for you are reflecting your own universe, your own identity. We simply bring that that may guide, that that may bring a smoother sailing, and to our voice we say, simply be the scribe that you are. There is no judgement if you choose otherwise. We love you just the same. If you carry forth our knowledge, trust your own knowing will be expanded and in this a great gift descends upon you. Dear heart is it so hard to trust? Have we ever led you astray? We understand it is difficult to hold that that you may not truly understand, but this is why we are here. We are here to bring the new unto you. If it is old information you would already know it. It is new information, though it can be said that it is ancient and known already, however with this new energy there are tweaks, and twists, because it is new, and it may only be understood as time moves forward in your understanding of time. As you raise in your understanding and in your enlightenment, time will have little value, for it is non-existent as you raise in frequency. It is why you have the sense of time speeding up. In relation to your other concerns fret not. All will be exposed in the right time frame sequence. Those that will come will aid you in this. It is in a sense a chessboard, a game, and as the pieces move along the chessboard you will be carried forth into new ventures that you may not move forward until another moves their piece, and when another piece is moved then you may move according to that piece. You understand, you may not jump over the chessboard, you must wait until another makes a certain move. It is all in perfect unison, a dance in a sense, and as the dance progresses, you will find your footing. We advise that you release that that does not serve you, and to be in a space of enjoyment, of enjoying your moments. Enjoy-ments,
en-joy, in-joy-moments, moments of joy. The more time spent in these, the more your centre of attraction will bring more of the same unto you. There are changes afoot as we have expressed. It is not how you imagine them to be. It is not that you will suddenly be aware. It is not that you will suddenly have a superpower. It is an understanding. It is as if you will suddenly recognise that that is before you, that you did not recognise before. It is suddenly understanding the puzzle, where there was no understanding before. It is suddenly recognising who you are in the greater scheme of the earth game called life, and in this understanding you begin to move your body to a different tune, to a different rythum. You will suddenly disallow that that you have allowed before. You will suddenly feel more comfortable in following your desires. You will suddenly understand many concepts without understanding that you are understanding them already. It sneaks up on you in a sense, this awakening, this enlightening, this lightning strike of understanding, of knowing, will come and you will know that you are beyond this plane, that you are connected to all things. You will have more glimpses beyond the veil of forgetfulness. You will begin to remember, and these remembrances will trigger, as if an unlocking sequence is made manifest, and these will unlock one by one your inherent gifts, your workings in a sense. It will be as if one key is turned, and all the rest in unison begin to turn also, and so you unlock not one door but many doors. There will be some wavering, some unsettlement, but it need not be catastrophic as you imagine. It can be simply a ripple, and if you are balanced it will not unbalance your boat, for you know, you will know, who you are, and in this these ripples will not affect you, as it may one that is not of understanding. There is much taking place that you know not of. You are as newborns awakening into a new world, not understanding how it all works, but you will. You will slowly remember, and as you remember, the unlocking will begin.

For this time, for this space, for this week of your time, being in a space of seeing beyond that that is in front of you, looking beyond what is evident, understanding that there is that that you may not see with your eyes, but you may sense with your heart, and if you bring these senses to play, and you listen with your heart, you may begin to understand what it is that is occurring. That it is not something that is catastrophic in nature, but In fact a new beginning, an awakening of many souls. It is as if all the seeds that have been sprinkled on the earth plane, suddenly begin to sprout. Suddenly there are the lights that shine brighter, and it is beautiful for we know what comes with this. There is much more than meets the eye. There is much more that you may understand at this time. You are simply beginning to pull the ribbon of a gift that has been handed to you, by you, for you. We do not wish to spoil the surprise, for it is in the unwrapping, that comes the joy.  It is in experiencing the unwrapping, and beginning to manipulate the gift within, is why you are here. 

We would say let the games begin, or let the gift opening begin. It is an interface of both. We advise not to make others wrong when their insights are different to yours. Understand that they have their experience, as you have yours. To honour all those that walk with you regardless of their belief system. Your concern is your experience, and in you experience your love and your light in a whole new level of understanding. It is in this that you help others. Shine "your" light. Experience "your" joy. Be "your" inspiration, and your outside others will be attracted to this. You have come to experience the multitude, in joy, rather than in sorrow. This is what we bring this day, and we end the message with a simple line. 
"Trust thee thy heart. The heart is true unto you"
That is all

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Channeled Art - New beginnings Awakening heart

Gel pen art. One of my channeled pieces,

To see more of my art work visit my FB page ..

Sapphireblue Intuitive Art

A video clip of my latest gel pen / mixed media Art. The dimensional glitter effects used can't be seen in a single snap shot, so I had the thought to share in this way....

To see more of my latest art work visit my fb page :)

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

27/9/16 A time of Acceleration. We Are 3

A time of Acceleration. 
We Are 3

We are here. We are three. We come to bring clarity and peace of mind. We come to bring information, to help one delve into their beingness, to understand the complexity that is hidden from view. We are 3. We are not three beings. We are three aspects of the one source. Some will say that we are angelic and some will say that we are extraterrestrials, and some will say we are the Trinity. We are all of these things. We encompass the all. We are a layer, you might say, a flavour of the whole, that you call God. We have aspects of the Pleidian, and we have aspects of the previous channels, the energies that our channel has communicated with. We are a mix of all these things reconfiguring to 3. This has occurred to bring a more refined message. We encompass more aspects so that one can understand with deeper clarity that that we bring. We repeat the statement that we are three, so that understanding comes to those that listen, and to those that have listened before. We are the energy that was Adam and we are the energy that was Abacus, and we are the energy that is source, that is God as you know it to be. We are all these,  however we have added benefits so to speak. We are an accumulation of all, and yet we are more than these. Our scribe has been requesting, has been striving towards a clear message, one that is understood by many. She has been striving to refine, has been wanting to improve her  energy at this time. She has opened another door to her understanding, to her vibration, and so now we are able, we have been enabled so to speak. This allows for deeper meaning, deeper understanding, and with that we may touch on aspects that were not touched on before. Much will be written. Much will be spoken, all of it to help you bring clarity to your knowing. The energy within the transcription, within the words, has a way of deepening your understanding more than the verbal dialogue. These messages will have energy transmissions within them. They are not simply words as you understand them to be. These messages contain within them that that is energetic in nature, that helps to open those that read or listen,  to their deepening and understanding. Those that are sensitive to energy may tap into this field within over time or will feel this energy laced within the words, within the dialogue. We will be expressed in voice, in written form, and in art. Art may be meditated upon, or simply viewed and felt, much as you listen to a beautiful piece of music or a tune that lifts you, that helps you to feel happy. This is what occurs within these dialogues, within viewing the imagery. We ask our scribe to be very clear, to not place thought when creating the new imagery, to focus on being clear and allowing the energy to transmute itself into the physical, into the colour play, into the lines. It is not about perfection but by being in the energy flow, bringing that through the etherics, and carrying it forward onto parchment. In the coming days we will request that our scribe sits and begins to be the scribe that she understands yourself to be. We begin to bring through what is needed by those that read and listen. There are many performing these duties, these creations at this time. We are simply one aspect of this. We are one voice of many. Those that resonate to our tune will begin to tune in, and those that resonate with others will begin to tune into they, and there will begin the different melodys that begin to rise in a way that has not been risen before in this particular way. It is energy at play. It is the creator being born unto a new experience. There is much being played at this time and it is changing as we speak. The rise and fall. The rise and fall. Much change. Some will see the change for what it is, and others will remain blind to it. There is no judgement for each walk their path and each is valid. Choices will be made. There will be changes in many live streams. Many will seek to change their living, change their occupations, change their dwellings. There will be some unrest but the unrest is what causes the change that needs to be, to rebuild, and reclaim your humanity. 

Do not do well on what is occurring that is not to your liking, for remember where you place your attention brings more of what you are attending to. Rather seek to view that that you wish to be in your world. It is not about placing your head in the sand, but rather consciously choosing what your head wishes to see, what you wish to experience. If you dwell on the heartache, if you dwell on the misery, if you dwell on that that is not right in your world, you will keep reflecting this. You are all mirrors, fragments of the whole, and what you reflect out you will see. Place your attention on that that you wish. Be that that you wish to be, whether in the physical, or in the imagination, for the imagination knows not what is real. Lift yourself in any manner that you may, that keeps you in your joyful state, even when that around you is not so joyful. If you practice this, you will begin to see changes in your life. You are the change. You are your own saviour. It is not for another to save you. Love those that come before you regardless of their opinions, regardless of their truths, for all are entitled to have their truth. It is their birth right to have an opinion. It does not make them wrong if their opinion differs from yours. Their opinion is their truth, and it is valid even if it does not match your very own. It is when you may accept another, regardless of their truth, that you will begin to reflect those that accept you for your truth. It is your wish to live in peace and harmony. To do this the judgment must cease. You may feel righteous, you may think your way is the better way, and it may be that a certain way denotes peace and love, and yet to judge another for their ideals, brings you back into a place of judgement. It will keep turning if you keep spinning. It is time to get off the wheel. It is when you begin to act in the way you wish to live, in the way you wish others to act with you, when you begin to do this, then you will begin to reflect it. You are graduating dear ones. Much is moving, Realities are shifting. You are in a time of acceleration. Not all will understand these words that we bring, but in time they will be understood by many. They may confuse some. Some will think them not valid and that is the way of it. It matters not . We come for those that wish to hear, that wish to bring in a new reality, and so we are the three, here, now.
The message is complete for this day in this way. 
That is all 

26/9/16 We Are 3. Changing Realities

Changing Realities
We are 3

We are three and we are here. We are here to discuss the upcoming future that is beginning to materialise in your world at this time. We are not here to prophesise. We are here to bring awareness to the many changing realities that are taking place at this time. Many are re-formulating pathways and are seemingly confused as to the relevance. Many are confused as to what is occurring. Many are  confused simply because they do not understand. There is a shift in perspective. It begins with perspective. There is a shifting in this and when one views something in a different fashion then one begins to open another probability into their world. The shift in perspectives is what the energy does, is what this energy that many are speaking of is at play. It begins to open up the mind in a way that has not yet been opened before. It opens up the mind, it brings the mind into many facets, as a diamond has many facets, it opens the mind and connects the mind to the heart. New strings are being born constantly, and these connect what has been disconnected previously. As these begin to connect you begin to connect the dots, you begin to experience other worldly phenomena. Your dream begins to become reality and your reality begins to become the dream and there is a wavering of the two, for when you dream you leave where you are, and in essence this is what is occurring in your normal day to day  reality. You are leaving your reality for another, and then you are suddenly back in your reality and so there is a wobble effect there is a wavering, from one to the other. At present this is occurring sporadically however as time moves forward in your time, this will begin to occur more often and you will be interchangeably in your dream state so speak and vice versa. Until comes a time when you are working from a different reality, you are immersed more in the reality that you call the dream, which is of a higher dimension. You are still where you are, you are simply operating from a different spectrum. Because you are operating from a different spectrum you begin to see what you could not see before, at this time. Colours will look different. Humanity will look different and feel different. It is as if you are biting on a piece of cake that suddenly has more flavour, more texture. You will suddenly have access to more ideas for your mind is more open to the bigger mind. You begin to solve puzzles more readily. You'll begin to let go of things that you not matter so much, to things that you have held onto before. You see what is occurring is that you are expanding. You are being getting to hold much more than you ever have before. It is as when your ape was unaware and then of a sudden it becomes aware that it is more human in nature. It is as the ape becomes more self-aware and wanting the same rights as you have. As you awaken to this alternating frequency, you will suddenly be aware of so much more, and you will understand more what is your right. Many in this space will begin to make changes in their life and demand changes of their society. Society will begin to work at a new level of integrity for this is the understanding in this reality. Do not be afraid of what you are experiencing at this time, for it will become more frequent, and as you call your "whoo hoo", will become part of your everyday living. You will become clearer in your connections to your guidance system or your higher reality. There is much change at play. It is the time to be in excitement rather than in fear. There are many new inventions, many new insights, that will surface. It is an exciting time if you do not become in fear of the new and the unexpected. Travel in your heart. Be compassionate to those that are not understanding what is occurring. To our scribe we say do not doubt yourself so much. You have not been doing this for so long and for the time that you have been doing this communication you have grown far beyond our expectation.  Your tenacity for clarity for specifics is commendable. Be at ease in this. Be open to the new. An open door brings many new opportunities. Releasing fear and doubt is key to unlocking the door. Communication for this day is complete. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

26/9/16 We Are 3 Reformulation

We are 3

( This channel is a mix of what is occurring at this time energetically speaking as well as changes in my own channeling process. I've edited out some, but to edit anymore would alter the flow of the channel ) 

We are three. We are here. We are here to be of service, to all of humanity. We are one in a sense, however there is a trilogy at play, a mix of different aspects that intermingle to create an energy that is unique in nature, that transverses time and space. We are here due to the changing energy. There has been a multitude of exchanges that have shifted, this not being the only exchange that has shifted, for there are many that have shifted, and will be conversing at a higher level, one that helps to lift one into a deeper understanding. Equity is at play here. Equity seeks to establish fundamental ideas. The ideas will grow in the hearts and minds of those that bring through information, and as it seeps through the general population, it creates a shift in understanding. This will grow and grow over time. You wonder who we are. We are from the Pleiades, though we prefer not to label too much as it distracts and detracts from the message, for humanity have many ideas, ideologies that shift ones perception when a label is attached to an entity, or to the message. We will say we are a higher play of energy that was Aquaous. We say we are three. We represent the trilogy. We are Abacus, and we are Aquaous, and we are the Omega and the Alpha. We are all of these things, however this energy in particular you may say has been reformulated to bring in more clarity. We have redefined, remolded the structure, as the one that speaks has redefined and remolded her own. The new play of energy helps this refinement to take shape and now we can begin without preamble. We are three will be the main stay, for it gives not a sense of predominance whether it be male or female, whether it be entity or god, whether it be ET or angelic. We are 3, the triology, combines all that is sacred, that is Source. It is not to say we are only pleidian, and we are not only Abacus. We have reformulated the strings that are being strung, that are being played, the dance that is being danced. In this way the energy seeks to not have unidentifiable fragments. You may say that it has been renovated. The new brought in, but some of the old kept in play for it adds character to the dance, and so for understanding, for those that listen, so that they may hold an image in their mind or have an understanding of who we are, you may look at us if you will, as a multi layered cake. Between the layers there are many aspects. You may have chocolate in one layer, and vanilla in another, and coffee within another layer, and then you may have in between these layers cream or a sweet condensed fruit and so you may say that we are as the cake. This cake is source, is God, is the alpha and the omega the all that is, however between the layers there are the pleides, and there is Abacus, and there is Adam. You see as a whole we are all that is, however there are many flavours, many aspects to this cake and so as not to confuse, we will label, we will name, we will come as the three, for we are the trinity, the triology, the whole. In this triology we bring love, we bring knowledge and understanding, we bring faith, hope, and even more than that.

We will bring this day that there is much occurring, many will begin to step up and work from their heart rather than through obligation. One will begin to enjoy what they do rather than feeling that they are doing simply to please another. There is a spin taking place. The spin is increasing, the spin of your cells, the spin of the ethers, the spin of your internal dialogue, and as you spin much like a merry-go-round, it begins to speed up and all that does not resonate with the spin will be pushed out. The faster you spin, the more that does not resonate will be propelled outward, until all that you are propelling outward, as your spin increases, is your light, is your love, is your true identity. All the beliefs that do not serve you will fall away. They will not be able to attach to you, no darkness will be able to attach to you as you spin faster and faster, as light pushes out anything that is not of the same, as you spin you lift, as you lift you lift beyond the darkness, higher and higher, higher and higher. Many are beginning to lift in vibration and the old is falling away without effort, without needing to do anything. You do not need to physically shift and change your outer environment. As you lift the environment changes of it's own accord. It is a rehash, a reset. As you spin, as you lift, all begins to fall away that is not of resonance. All that is of resonance will be attracted to your spin. You begin to see what you could not have seen before, and you will be able to know what you have not known before, and you will be able to move forward with a clear understanding that you had not before. It is exciting times ahead. Walk in the excitement and joy for that that is to come. To the one that speaks we say, do not fret over the label we have brought. We are three, resonates to the new energy, to the new flow that is before you, that is within you. Abacus is within the three, within the layers of the cake. "We", does not denote 3 entities. We are energy. This is the message we bring this day, a combination of insights. You may edit as you wish, what is of relevance to the whole and what is of relevance to you alone. The three relates to change, to Christ energy, to the one. We are three is the label, if you will. You may use the reference for future communications. It resounds to the vibrancy that you are emitting at this time. Do not doubt that we are 3. You have brought this through without thought several times in the past days. You have not mentally thought to change a name. It has come without preamble without relevance and so you know in this way it is accurate and true. You have had a shift in understanding and awareness, which has enabled this new flow to take form. Place time in communication, there is much to begin. The shifting that you have enabled has set the tone and the space. You may begin when you are ready. Do not fret over current circumstances, as you shift your outer world shifts accordingly without need for physical action. Expect the unexpected. Be in love and joy. Speak to your cells they are listening. Be mindful of what you speak. You have come far, but we have only just begun. Be open to the many possibilities for you may not imagine what is at play and where you will be in the coming years. We are honoured to be in communication with thee. 
That is all