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Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Channeling on Choices 7/12/16

We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. In this transmission we wish to make aware to you, or to others that are reading or listening, that there always is a choice to what you choose to experience. Many assume that they do not have a choice, that they must do this or they must do that. This is not so. You always can decide. Circumstances that surround you will change to suit your decision, to suit your prefrence. You are never tied to any one outcome. Any ties that you assume are there in your belief system. It is not relevant to the truth of the matter. No matter what you are experiencing on your earth plane, understand you may change, you may choose to experience differently, to change your perspective on any matter. As you change your choice you change the way you respond to it. As you change your perception all realign to suit the change. Know you are not stuck no matter where you are. Belief systems that are in grained tend to be the deciding factor. One must delve into their belief systems to understand how they are reflecting to you your world. A simple exercise is to write what you imagine your belief systems are on a piece of paper and study what these beliefs systems would produce in your world. Change the belief system to one that you prefer, and then assume for the exercise what these changes would be, and then let go of any assumptions, for you only see from the limited perspective. A change in belief produces changes that are not understood but you at all levels. You can only understand from the level you are at. Just this simple exercise may change your whole world as you know it. Choices made within your heart space will attract much into your world compared to choices made from your head. Your thinking mind will analyse, your heart does not. Feel into your heart what excites you, what gives you peace and choose with this rather than the shoulds that the mind produces. This is the message we bring this day. It has the power to change your life stream if you allow it. As always your will be done. With love and honour for your journey, that is all.

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