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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

27/9/16 A time of Acceleration. We Are 3

A time of Acceleration. 
We Are 3

We are here. We are three. We come to bring clarity and peace of mind. We come to bring information, to help one delve into their beingness, to understand the complexity that is hidden from view. We are 3. We are not three beings. We are three aspects of the one source. Some will say that we are angelic and some will say that we are extraterrestrials, and some will say we are the Trinity. We are all of these things. We encompass the all. We are a layer, you might say, a flavour of the whole, that you call God. We have aspects of the Pleidian, and we have aspects of the previous channels, the energies that our channel has communicated with. We are a mix of all these things reconfiguring to 3. This has occurred to bring a more refined message. We encompass more aspects so that one can understand with deeper clarity that that we bring. We repeat the statement that we are three, so that understanding comes to those that listen, and to those that have listened before. We are the energy that was Adam and we are the energy that was Abacus, and we are the energy that is source, that is God as you know it to be. We are all these,  however we have added benefits so to speak. We are an accumulation of all, and yet we are more than these. Our scribe has been requesting, has been striving towards a clear message, one that is understood by many. She has been striving to refine, has been wanting to improve her  energy at this time. She has opened another door to her understanding, to her vibration, and so now we are able, we have been enabled so to speak. This allows for deeper meaning, deeper understanding, and with that we may touch on aspects that were not touched on before. Much will be written. Much will be spoken, all of it to help you bring clarity to your knowing. The energy within the transcription, within the words, has a way of deepening your understanding more than the verbal dialogue. These messages will have energy transmissions within them. They are not simply words as you understand them to be. These messages contain within them that that is energetic in nature, that helps to open those that read or listen,  to their deepening and understanding. Those that are sensitive to energy may tap into this field within over time or will feel this energy laced within the words, within the dialogue. We will be expressed in voice, in written form, and in art. Art may be meditated upon, or simply viewed and felt, much as you listen to a beautiful piece of music or a tune that lifts you, that helps you to feel happy. This is what occurs within these dialogues, within viewing the imagery. We ask our scribe to be very clear, to not place thought when creating the new imagery, to focus on being clear and allowing the energy to transmute itself into the physical, into the colour play, into the lines. It is not about perfection but by being in the energy flow, bringing that through the etherics, and carrying it forward onto parchment. In the coming days we will request that our scribe sits and begins to be the scribe that she understands yourself to be. We begin to bring through what is needed by those that read and listen. There are many performing these duties, these creations at this time. We are simply one aspect of this. We are one voice of many. Those that resonate to our tune will begin to tune in, and those that resonate with others will begin to tune into they, and there will begin the different melodys that begin to rise in a way that has not been risen before in this particular way. It is energy at play. It is the creator being born unto a new experience. There is much being played at this time and it is changing as we speak. The rise and fall. The rise and fall. Much change. Some will see the change for what it is, and others will remain blind to it. There is no judgement for each walk their path and each is valid. Choices will be made. There will be changes in many live streams. Many will seek to change their living, change their occupations, change their dwellings. There will be some unrest but the unrest is what causes the change that needs to be, to rebuild, and reclaim your humanity. 

Do not do well on what is occurring that is not to your liking, for remember where you place your attention brings more of what you are attending to. Rather seek to view that that you wish to be in your world. It is not about placing your head in the sand, but rather consciously choosing what your head wishes to see, what you wish to experience. If you dwell on the heartache, if you dwell on the misery, if you dwell on that that is not right in your world, you will keep reflecting this. You are all mirrors, fragments of the whole, and what you reflect out you will see. Place your attention on that that you wish. Be that that you wish to be, whether in the physical, or in the imagination, for the imagination knows not what is real. Lift yourself in any manner that you may, that keeps you in your joyful state, even when that around you is not so joyful. If you practice this, you will begin to see changes in your life. You are the change. You are your own saviour. It is not for another to save you. Love those that come before you regardless of their opinions, regardless of their truths, for all are entitled to have their truth. It is their birth right to have an opinion. It does not make them wrong if their opinion differs from yours. Their opinion is their truth, and it is valid even if it does not match your very own. It is when you may accept another, regardless of their truth, that you will begin to reflect those that accept you for your truth. It is your wish to live in peace and harmony. To do this the judgment must cease. You may feel righteous, you may think your way is the better way, and it may be that a certain way denotes peace and love, and yet to judge another for their ideals, brings you back into a place of judgement. It will keep turning if you keep spinning. It is time to get off the wheel. It is when you begin to act in the way you wish to live, in the way you wish others to act with you, when you begin to do this, then you will begin to reflect it. You are graduating dear ones. Much is moving, Realities are shifting. You are in a time of acceleration. Not all will understand these words that we bring, but in time they will be understood by many. They may confuse some. Some will think them not valid and that is the way of it. It matters not . We come for those that wish to hear, that wish to bring in a new reality, and so we are the three, here, now.
The message is complete for this day in this way. 
That is all 

26/9/16 We Are 3. Changing Realities

Changing Realities
We are 3

We are three and we are here. We are here to discuss the upcoming future that is beginning to materialise in your world at this time. We are not here to prophesise. We are here to bring awareness to the many changing realities that are taking place at this time. Many are re-formulating pathways and are seemingly confused as to the relevance. Many are confused as to what is occurring. Many are  confused simply because they do not understand. There is a shift in perspective. It begins with perspective. There is a shifting in this and when one views something in a different fashion then one begins to open another probability into their world. The shift in perspectives is what the energy does, is what this energy that many are speaking of is at play. It begins to open up the mind in a way that has not yet been opened before. It opens up the mind, it brings the mind into many facets, as a diamond has many facets, it opens the mind and connects the mind to the heart. New strings are being born constantly, and these connect what has been disconnected previously. As these begin to connect you begin to connect the dots, you begin to experience other worldly phenomena. Your dream begins to become reality and your reality begins to become the dream and there is a wavering of the two, for when you dream you leave where you are, and in essence this is what is occurring in your normal day to day  reality. You are leaving your reality for another, and then you are suddenly back in your reality and so there is a wobble effect there is a wavering, from one to the other. At present this is occurring sporadically however as time moves forward in your time, this will begin to occur more often and you will be interchangeably in your dream state so speak and vice versa. Until comes a time when you are working from a different reality, you are immersed more in the reality that you call the dream, which is of a higher dimension. You are still where you are, you are simply operating from a different spectrum. Because you are operating from a different spectrum you begin to see what you could not see before, at this time. Colours will look different. Humanity will look different and feel different. It is as if you are biting on a piece of cake that suddenly has more flavour, more texture. You will suddenly have access to more ideas for your mind is more open to the bigger mind. You begin to solve puzzles more readily. You'll begin to let go of things that you not matter so much, to things that you have held onto before. You see what is occurring is that you are expanding. You are being getting to hold much more than you ever have before. It is as when your ape was unaware and then of a sudden it becomes aware that it is more human in nature. It is as the ape becomes more self-aware and wanting the same rights as you have. As you awaken to this alternating frequency, you will suddenly be aware of so much more, and you will understand more what is your right. Many in this space will begin to make changes in their life and demand changes of their society. Society will begin to work at a new level of integrity for this is the understanding in this reality. Do not be afraid of what you are experiencing at this time, for it will become more frequent, and as you call your "whoo hoo", will become part of your everyday living. You will become clearer in your connections to your guidance system or your higher reality. There is much change at play. It is the time to be in excitement rather than in fear. There are many new inventions, many new insights, that will surface. It is an exciting time if you do not become in fear of the new and the unexpected. Travel in your heart. Be compassionate to those that are not understanding what is occurring. To our scribe we say do not doubt yourself so much. You have not been doing this for so long and for the time that you have been doing this communication you have grown far beyond our expectation.  Your tenacity for clarity for specifics is commendable. Be at ease in this. Be open to the new. An open door brings many new opportunities. Releasing fear and doubt is key to unlocking the door. Communication for this day is complete. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

26/9/16 We Are 3 Reformulation

We are 3

( This channel is a mix of what is occurring at this time energetically speaking as well as changes in my own channeling process. I've edited out some, but to edit anymore would alter the flow of the channel ) 

We are three. We are here. We are here to be of service, to all of humanity. We are one in a sense, however there is a trilogy at play, a mix of different aspects that intermingle to create an energy that is unique in nature, that transverses time and space. We are here due to the changing energy. There has been a multitude of exchanges that have shifted, this not being the only exchange that has shifted, for there are many that have shifted, and will be conversing at a higher level, one that helps to lift one into a deeper understanding. Equity is at play here. Equity seeks to establish fundamental ideas. The ideas will grow in the hearts and minds of those that bring through information, and as it seeps through the general population, it creates a shift in understanding. This will grow and grow over time. You wonder who we are. We are from the Pleiades, though we prefer not to label too much as it distracts and detracts from the message, for humanity have many ideas, ideologies that shift ones perception when a label is attached to an entity, or to the message. We will say we are a higher play of energy that was Aquaous. We say we are three. We represent the trilogy. We are Abacus, and we are Aquaous, and we are the Omega and the Alpha. We are all of these things, however this energy in particular you may say has been reformulated to bring in more clarity. We have redefined, remolded the structure, as the one that speaks has redefined and remolded her own. The new play of energy helps this refinement to take shape and now we can begin without preamble. We are three will be the main stay, for it gives not a sense of predominance whether it be male or female, whether it be entity or god, whether it be ET or angelic. We are 3, the triology, combines all that is sacred, that is Source. It is not to say we are only pleidian, and we are not only Abacus. We have reformulated the strings that are being strung, that are being played, the dance that is being danced. In this way the energy seeks to not have unidentifiable fragments. You may say that it has been renovated. The new brought in, but some of the old kept in play for it adds character to the dance, and so for understanding, for those that listen, so that they may hold an image in their mind or have an understanding of who we are, you may look at us if you will, as a multi layered cake. Between the layers there are many aspects. You may have chocolate in one layer, and vanilla in another, and coffee within another layer, and then you may have in between these layers cream or a sweet condensed fruit and so you may say that we are as the cake. This cake is source, is God, is the alpha and the omega the all that is, however between the layers there are the pleides, and there is Abacus, and there is Adam. You see as a whole we are all that is, however there are many flavours, many aspects to this cake and so as not to confuse, we will label, we will name, we will come as the three, for we are the trinity, the triology, the whole. In this triology we bring love, we bring knowledge and understanding, we bring faith, hope, and even more than that.

We will bring this day that there is much occurring, many will begin to step up and work from their heart rather than through obligation. One will begin to enjoy what they do rather than feeling that they are doing simply to please another. There is a spin taking place. The spin is increasing, the spin of your cells, the spin of the ethers, the spin of your internal dialogue, and as you spin much like a merry-go-round, it begins to speed up and all that does not resonate with the spin will be pushed out. The faster you spin, the more that does not resonate will be propelled outward, until all that you are propelling outward, as your spin increases, is your light, is your love, is your true identity. All the beliefs that do not serve you will fall away. They will not be able to attach to you, no darkness will be able to attach to you as you spin faster and faster, as light pushes out anything that is not of the same, as you spin you lift, as you lift you lift beyond the darkness, higher and higher, higher and higher. Many are beginning to lift in vibration and the old is falling away without effort, without needing to do anything. You do not need to physically shift and change your outer environment. As you lift the environment changes of it's own accord. It is a rehash, a reset. As you spin, as you lift, all begins to fall away that is not of resonance. All that is of resonance will be attracted to your spin. You begin to see what you could not have seen before, and you will be able to know what you have not known before, and you will be able to move forward with a clear understanding that you had not before. It is exciting times ahead. Walk in the excitement and joy for that that is to come. To the one that speaks we say, do not fret over the label we have brought. We are three, resonates to the new energy, to the new flow that is before you, that is within you. Abacus is within the three, within the layers of the cake. "We", does not denote 3 entities. We are energy. This is the message we bring this day, a combination of insights. You may edit as you wish, what is of relevance to the whole and what is of relevance to you alone. The three relates to change, to Christ energy, to the one. We are three is the label, if you will. You may use the reference for future communications. It resounds to the vibrancy that you are emitting at this time. Do not doubt that we are 3. You have brought this through without thought several times in the past days. You have not mentally thought to change a name. It has come without preamble without relevance and so you know in this way it is accurate and true. You have had a shift in understanding and awareness, which has enabled this new flow to take form. Place time in communication, there is much to begin. The shifting that you have enabled has set the tone and the space. You may begin when you are ready. Do not fret over current circumstances, as you shift your outer world shifts accordingly without need for physical action. Expect the unexpected. Be in love and joy. Speak to your cells they are listening. Be mindful of what you speak. You have come far, but we have only just begun. Be open to the many possibilities for you may not imagine what is at play and where you will be in the coming years. We are honoured to be in communication with thee. 
That is all
The spinning staircase 
We are three
We are pleased to be here with you this day. We come with words that may give you some ease, from the turmoil that some are feeling at this present time. We are three, and we are here to aid. It is a time of great reckoning. It is a time when many are falling through the cracks. Some are excelling in their beloved passions and others seemingly struggling to find their footing, within a staircase that is ever-changing. It is almost as if the staircase is in a circular motion and the spin of the staircase seeks to unbalance. You are holding on tightly to the railing not sure whether to continue up the staircase further, with the unsteady feeling, or to travel back down the staircase to safety and security.
We say to you that the security and the safety is to continue walking up the staircase, for below the staircase is not as stable as what you may imagine. It is changing form. It is shape shifting in a sense. Rather, by walking up the staircase, the stairs keep materialising, and as you get higher you begin to find platforms that you may rest, or you may continue. Know this is the evolution of the human. It is a becoming of all that is within. It is a becoming, a "be" "coming", being-coming, into alignment with one's source, with one's God self. In this, the old is shattered, it is released, the mirror is broken, so that you may see beyond the mirror, so that you may see beyond the veil, so that you may see the other side, the reality of who you are. To see beyond the mirror, one must keep travelling up the spiral staircase. You may liken the spiral staircase to a strand of DNA, each rung is a step towards you evolution, evolutionary nature. You are growing beyond your wildest imagining, into a space of beauty and power and creativity. You are growing into a space where you may expand beyond the limits that you are perceiving at this time.
With change comes fear, and insecurity, for you cannot see what you are changing into. It is as if someone is giving you a dress rehearsal or a make over, and you are not able to see the finished product. You are blindfolded to what is occurring within you. Trust is of the essence. Trust and faith that the evolutionary impulse that is you, is pushing you towards evolving, to being more, to growing into a state of expansion, of your humanity in God form. It is a time where your boat may be rocked. If you sit in the seat of your soul in the boat, you are steady while the boat may rock to and fro. You do not become tossed, or thrown overboard. We suggest or advise that you spend time with what excites you the most. Begin to dissolve that that does not give you this excitement, or find the joy in the things that you do, that must be done in looking after your physicality. Yes, there are chores, and there are menial tasks, but there is beauty in these also, for these are God also. What you may find unsavoury another finds fun and exciting. The more time you spend doing what you love, the less you will spend doing what you do not, until your train starts travelling on the path of excitement rather than martyrdom, rather than the one that seeks to serve others beyond seeking to serve the self, that can then serve others at a greater capacity. It is not selfishness to feel fuller within yourself, to give yourself the love and the energy that you deserve, for when you are fulfilled, all that is around you is fulfilled, for you not only filling your cup, but you fill the cup of all. Know this. When you spend time on yourself, you are filling your cup so that you may share and have enough in your cup to give to others. If your cup is empty you may not serve others, with an empty cup. What are you to give them if your cup is empty? You must seek to fill your cup, so that it is brimming, so that you have plenty to share, and to give, so that your cup is full of light, so that you may light others to fill their own cups, until there comes a time where all cups are self fulfilled. 
This is the message of this day 
That is all

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

6/9/16 Abacus - Waking from the dream


We are here we ever over here ready to be of service.

We come to bring enlightenment. We come to help bring understanding.

We have stated that it is a time of great change. Many are awakening. Many are starting to question who they are, and why they are here. Why they are here living this life on earth. Where they begin. Where they end, and all the places in between. There is much still to come to pass. There is much that may not be understood as yet, but as you raise, as you open, as you lift your resonance, you begin to automatically know much. You begin to open up to knowledge that was beyond your reach before. You will experience a type of understanding. Much like when you dream, and you receive a knowing, and you wake from the dream understanding a certain circumstance or development. It is in this way you will begin to wake up as if from a dream. You will begin to know much. You will begin to understand how to manipulate. You will begin to understand the meaning of certain situations that come to view in your life path. This day we bring another short message, for the energies are a mishmash. It is a time where communication may be a little off centre. This will pass have no fear.

It is a time where one may rest in there being, opening up to the energies that are raining down. Is it a time to do yes, but it is also a time to re remember, to simply allow circumstances that come, to pass. In the allowing, you open as a baby bird opens to a mothers feeding routine. You open, and knowledge is dropped into you and you begin to grow with this knowledge. You become wiser. Yes, you are already wise, but this period in time is a re remembering, and then a restructuring, creating anew, with new understandings. You are given in essence a playground that is more developed, that has more difficult puzzles within it for you to play in, so that you may strive all the more to grow and to create. We speak much in riddles, but these riddles will be understood in time. You are the pupil opening to wisdom, but rather than opening the pages of a book, you will be opening your deeper knowing. The information is not in a linear form, but multidimensional, and so when you begin to understand certain aspects of self, you understand their multidimensionally rather than a left to right, or a front to back. You will understand the deeper layers of a given knowing, rather than simply the frontal view. You will understand the layers rather than simply the outside.

An analogy would be to look at an onion. You see the outside of an onion. You understand that it may be cooked with. You understand the nature of it, what it may do, and how it may nourish, but in
a multidimensional fashion you will begin to understand the depth, all its many layers. It is difficult to explain a multidimensional view when you are not in a multidimensional framework. Patience. Enjoy, and be where you are, for tomorrow will come soon enough. At this point in time alignment is key. Sitting with yourself, understanding your nature. Allowing your inner self to come, to open as a flower opens its petals. Your many layers will open to the energy that reigns, much as the pedals open to the sunshine. You are a beauty to behold. You are God in experience, coming to know thy self in it's entirety. It is a wonderment. This is why you came. This is why you are where you are. Much is to come to pass. We are here to help, to guide, but you dear ones are experiencing the exhilaration of the ride, of the journey, and for this we honour you, with much love in our hearts for you.
The message is complete.
That is all

Monday, 5 September 2016

5/9/16 Abacus - Placing Focus

Greetings to all that are listening this day. The message this day is short but powerful. The message when understood in its entirety, will give you peace of mind and an allowance of sorts to the melody of life, to the ebb and flow. 

We say this day that when one is in a state of being that is feeling overwhelmed, due to all the changes that are occuring, we say to these to simply be still. Allow the feeling you are experiencing to be. Allow it to be felt, this feeling of overwhelm. Do not try to resist it, for when one resists it persists. It continues to create havoc, and so we say to you be still, and feel in its entirety the feeling of feeling overwhelmed. Allow it to wash over you and then allow it to dissipate. In this way it comes and it goes like a wave, like the seasons. If you resist, if you continue to try to negate the feeling, it will continue. Simply allow it to be. Know that it is simply a state, and as all states, it comes and it goes. Once it has settled and you are relaxed in your being once again, look to what has caused this feeling within you. Are you trying to do too much, too soon? Are you trying to push events to occur rather than than simply allowing. Feelings of overwhelm can be when one has many choices and they wish to make all of them come into fruition. Concentrate on what brings you the most peace, the most excitement, the most feeling of joy, and leave the others. Concentrate on that, for it is when you are doing something you enjoy that you do not feel anxious, but are lifted by this energy. When you are lifted you are in a different state of being, and then you can look at your other choices. One by one you can see what you wish to bring into your view, and what you wish to leave by the way side. As a creative being there is much that you may do. There are many choices to make. The feeling of overwhelm is wishing to do many things all at once. Scattered energy does not make for good manifestation. It only half propels it forward so to speak. It is better to concentrate on the few that bring you the most joy, and placing focus in these, so that you may create in full from this aspect, rather than try to tap here and there and everywhere, as the energy becomes diluted so to speak, and it is much more difficult to get your creations on the move. One step at a time. One creation at a time. The advicement is to place focus on what is of most import to you, and then this will lead you to more of the same as you walk forward in your path.
This is the message this day.
That is all