A time of Acceleration.
We Are 3
We are here. We are three. We come to bring clarity and peace of mind. We come to bring information, to help one delve into their beingness, to understand the complexity that is hidden from view. We are 3. We are not three beings. We are three aspects of the one source. Some will say that we are angelic and some will say that we are extraterrestrials, and some will say we are the Trinity. We are all of these things. We encompass the all. We are a layer, you might say, a flavour of the whole, that you call God. We have aspects of the Pleidian, and we have aspects of the previous channels, the energies that our channel has communicated with. We are a mix of all these things reconfiguring to 3. This has occurred to bring a more refined message. We encompass more aspects so that one can understand with deeper clarity that that we bring. We repeat the statement that we are three, so that understanding comes to those that listen, and to those that have listened before. We are the energy that was Adam and we are the energy that was Abacus, and we are the energy that is source, that is God as you know it to be. We are all these, however we have added benefits so to speak. We are an accumulation of all, and yet we are more than these. Our scribe has been requesting, has been striving towards a clear message, one that is understood by many. She has been striving to refine, has been wanting to improve her energy at this time. She has opened another door to her understanding, to her vibration, and so now we are able, we have been enabled so to speak. This allows for deeper meaning, deeper understanding, and with that we may touch on aspects that were not touched on before. Much will be written. Much will be spoken, all of it to help you bring clarity to your knowing. The energy within the transcription, within the words, has a way of deepening your understanding more than the verbal dialogue. These messages will have energy transmissions within them. They are not simply words as you understand them to be. These messages contain within them that that is energetic in nature, that helps to open those that read or listen, to their deepening and understanding. Those that are sensitive to energy may tap into this field within over time or will feel this energy laced within the words, within the dialogue. We will be expressed in voice, in written form, and in art. Art may be meditated upon, or simply viewed and felt, much as you listen to a beautiful piece of music or a tune that lifts you, that helps you to feel happy. This is what occurs within these dialogues, within viewing the imagery. We ask our scribe to be very clear, to not place thought when creating the new imagery, to focus on being clear and allowing the energy to transmute itself into the physical, into the colour play, into the lines. It is not about perfection but by being in the energy flow, bringing that through the etherics, and carrying it forward onto parchment. In the coming days we will request that our scribe sits and begins to be the scribe that she understands yourself to be. We begin to bring through what is needed by those that read and listen. There are many performing these duties, these creations at this time. We are simply one aspect of this. We are one voice of many. Those that resonate to our tune will begin to tune in, and those that resonate with others will begin to tune into they, and there will begin the different melodys that begin to rise in a way that has not been risen before in this particular way. It is energy at play. It is the creator being born unto a new experience. There is much being played at this time and it is changing as we speak. The rise and fall. The rise and fall. Much change. Some will see the change for what it is, and others will remain blind to it. There is no judgement for each walk their path and each is valid. Choices will be made. There will be changes in many live streams. Many will seek to change their living, change their occupations, change their dwellings. There will be some unrest but the unrest is what causes the change that needs to be, to rebuild, and reclaim your humanity.
Do not do well on what is occurring that is not to your liking, for remember where you place your attention brings more of what you are attending to. Rather seek to view that that you wish to be in your world. It is not about placing your head in the sand, but rather consciously choosing what your head wishes to see, what you wish to experience. If you dwell on the heartache, if you dwell on the misery, if you dwell on that that is not right in your world, you will keep reflecting this. You are all mirrors, fragments of the whole, and what you reflect out you will see. Place your attention on that that you wish. Be that that you wish to be, whether in the physical, or in the imagination, for the imagination knows not what is real. Lift yourself in any manner that you may, that keeps you in your joyful state, even when that around you is not so joyful. If you practice this, you will begin to see changes in your life. You are the change. You are your own saviour. It is not for another to save you. Love those that come before you regardless of their opinions, regardless of their truths, for all are entitled to have their truth. It is their birth right to have an opinion. It does not make them wrong if their opinion differs from yours. Their opinion is their truth, and it is valid even if it does not match your very own. It is when you may accept another, regardless of their truth, that you will begin to reflect those that accept you for your truth. It is your wish to live in peace and harmony. To do this the judgment must cease. You may feel righteous, you may think your way is the better way, and it may be that a certain way denotes peace and love, and yet to judge another for their ideals, brings you back into a place of judgement. It will keep turning if you keep spinning. It is time to get off the wheel. It is when you begin to act in the way you wish to live, in the way you wish others to act with you, when you begin to do this, then you will begin to reflect it. You are graduating dear ones. Much is moving, Realities are shifting. You are in a time of acceleration. Not all will understand these words that we bring, but in time they will be understood by many. They may confuse some. Some will think them not valid and that is the way of it. It matters not . We come for those that wish to hear, that wish to bring in a new reality, and so we are the three, here, now.
The message is complete for this day in this way.
That is all