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Sunday, 31 July 2016

1/8/16 Archangel power tarot readings

Archangel power tarot readings 

Deck by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Card 1
Ten Of Ariel

Now you have it all. There is so very much to be grateful for. You've been financially successful and no longer worry about money. There is a richness to living and it is all because of how diligently you have worked to get where you are. Your family life has become one of the greatest blessings in your life. You may define family as your birth family or perhaps you have a chosen family with bonds that are just as strong or stronger. There is great love and support around you. You understand what really matters and from that knowledge comes peace.

Card 2
The wheel

Exciting changes are coming. The wheel spins with the power of life and turns to bring you prosperous new opportunities. If you have been finding it difficult to get your plans off the ground, that will change now. Sudden movement forward is likely. While the idea of change can sometimes be worrying to people, you must trust and know that the universe wants you to be happy. Unexpected events are meant to point you in the direction that will bring you a more joyful and fulfilling life. 

Card 3
Leap of faith

This card comes to encourage you to take a leap of faith. You are fully empowered to follow a new path in life that is full of excitement and wonder. The opportunities for evolution and growth and truly unlimited if you will just have faith in yourself and believe in your dreams. You have only to take the first step to find yourself on the way to a happy new life. Your angels and guides will send helpful people to assist you as you go along. You are encouraged to be proactive in researching whatever information is required. Do not let a lack of experience or self-confidence hold you back. You're meant to have the joy you seek. Follow your heart.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

31/7/16 Channeling It's a new day

It's a new day

(Note.. A song playing in my head, preceded this channel, and inspired it. The song "I'm feeling good" by Nina Simone....

It's a new day, it's a new dawn. The words are apt are they not? You are all for the most part seeking a new way of living, a better way of living that encompasses your ideals, your ideas for a better way of living for the mainstream. You seek to elevate others pain and turmoil. You seek to better others. You seek better living conditions, more rewarding careers, better health, more opportunities for growth. You keep seeking, searching on the outside. You search on the outside for what you desire, for what you need, never really understanding that all that you seek on the outside is already within you. It begins with an idea, a thought. You have an idea of how your life should be. You have an idea of how you might bring this to fruition, yet you procrastinate because much of what you have tried before has failed, and so you are afraid to step out again, fear of failing again. You are working your machines in a less productive way. You are living breathing mechanical processes. You are designed to create from within. All movement first begins within you. Yes it may be stimulated by your outside environment, but action begins within, inside your mechanics, within your connection. You are physical machines that are "plugged in". Your spark within your machine is plugged in. You have always been plugged in and it is only upon your demise that you are essentially unplugged from your biological machine. What you are seeking is within you, within this connection. You have ALWAYS been connected, plugged in, and always will be. You ARE what you are plugged into. Your mechanics is simply your vessel for expression of this connection. Do you understand how powerful your vessel is? Your connection to all that is, contributed to creating a vessel, a human vessel, for the unseen, you essentially, to manipulate, to create, to manifest, to bring into form, to bring forth the unseen into the realm of physical. 
You are almighty, all powerful creations of divine. You hold the divine within every cell, every action, every creation. If you choose to create with conscious intent, with this knowing, with the understanding, of who you are, of who is creating from within, the possibilities are endless, for you are endless ... Your divine essence always has been and always will be. You, the divine counterpart never dies. Do you understand what this means? YOU never die. It is fear of death that halts you from living, from creating your fullest potential. Your fear that you have not the time. You have eternity ! You are never ending, without end. Create knowing you have all the time in the world. That no existence, no creation is ever wasted. Create knowing your potential. Create consciously from your divine spark and all you seek, all you desire will be yours. Create from the inside rather than fuelling the belief that what you create comes from outside. The kingdom you seek is within. Create from that space, that belief, and you begin to see the form that is within, appearing on your outside.
As within so without. The peace, the abundance, the prosperity, the health you seek all lay within you. You are the key to your highest potential. 

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The Changing Tides 25/7/16 Channeling

Channeling Abacus
The Changing Tides

Greetings. Greetings, we Are, we are pleased to be with you once again. We make reference to an insight that came this morning into our scribes awareness. The insight, is that there will be a change in your awareness, in your capabilities. Those that are working the energies will be the first to experience, and those that are aligned within the framework of the alternate connection. You will begin to notice in your dream awareness that you are waking from your dream within the dream. Your daily living as you walk about will have moments of shifting realities. Many have experienced this but many more will begin to experience this as the changes cocurrently begin to morph and take shape. There will be  oddities within your day that seem not to make sense. You will place your hands on an object and it will feel as if it has different form. You will see a wavering with your sight and you will begin to hear that that you are not sure is being voiced or that is sound that is being played. You will awake to images that feel projected through space, through altered awareness. You will feel different when eating certain foods. You will have more clarity, better understanding, when working puzzles in your daily realities. You will discover you already know the answer when asking the question. You will seemingly become healed where you have had an illness for a long while or when one is experiencing illness it will be short lived and not a lengthy outcome. The changing realities is due to a shift in perspective. It is due to magnetics and resonance. There are many working the puzzles that is life. There are many that are working the energies that are more aware than most. This is creating swift change and you will begin reformatting your ideas and your beliefs. Many need to view a change to believe it so and this is what will begin to occur with many. They will begin to view things that were not viewable before. They will begin to know things that were not knowable before. They will begin to experience alternate workings in their physicality, in their bodies that were not the norm before. Your interactions with others will begin to change. There will be less voicing and more knowing. You will know what another requires without the asking and they will know your response without the voicing. Your animals will understand you better and you they. Your puzzles will be more easily rectified than previous times. What would not work before on reattempting will work this time round. You will begin to have different desires and wants because you yourself will be shifting, and within the shifting your ideals will change. There is much occurring at this time. There has been an internalisation so to speak. Many are coming aware, coming online, coming to the party, if you will. It is due to many working the flow, being in the flow, which creates more of the same. Do not be surprised when you have strange dream times. Do not be surprised when you hear what you may not hear before. Understand that there is no fear to be had. It is "you", opening to "you", the greater part of you. It is much as an image becomes alive within the eye of the beholder. You are coming to understand that there is something new afoot. It is a gradual process, but it is beginning. It has begun for some, and now it begins for many more. The ones that have begun walking the road of Enlightenment will understand the changes more than most, and these will begin to step up, to help to alleviate the misunderstandings that some may have due to these changes. Be of understanding that those that have been procrastinating through doubt or fear will begin to move forward in their chosen fields of developments. We come this day simply to make you aware, to bring understanding that there is a change occurring, and to know that those that are viewing, those that are listening, those that are reading, will have an understanding of what is occurring. To be at peace with the change. You are the ones you have been waiting for. You. There is no other that will come to bring you awareness. It is you, with you, opening your awareness to these new elements. Your old will begin to drop away, much as a shifting movie scene or a new chapter in a book, the flavour will change. To our scribe we say that the first thought of the day was, is correct. It is time to verbalise the energy that comes through, so that those that may not use your into inter-web may still access the information. There are many yes, voicing the energies, and there are many that will resonate with they, and there will be many that resonate with We, in "this" way, and so we ask if you will, to begin to draw that that we are as you are this day, into the material, so that this may take shape and form. The creative flow brings much that will bring peace to many, and will bring answers to those that are in inquiry. Leave your fears by the way side. Make the attempt. You will be surprised at what becomes of this, that was not becoming before. Sit with intent. We say this not just to our scribe, but to those that are listening, that are reading, that are of the same mind, for we speak on behalf of many flavours, of many energy systems. If it is your will, allow it to be done. The images dear one serve to help those that are not readers, that are not listeners, to access the energies of the day. They serve to connect, to align those that prefer to use sight rather than their ears, rather than their knowing. It helps to trigger an element in those that view that would not be triggered in writing. Trust the method at hand dear ones. Trust where you are led. It is a time of co-creation, whether it be with a being of light, whether it be with your higher knowing your higher self, whether it be with the angels, whether it be in a galactic nature, it matters not. The energies are here to help you help yourself, not to do it for you, remember this. We do not do it for you. We co-create with you, together. You asked, you connected with we for good cause. Allow the cause to come of age. Allow the cause to be materialised. Let go, allow. Be at peace in this. Yes, you use your imagination. Imagination is where all manifest takes form. It begins with a thought. You have been built in a way that is useful, that is on purpose. How else may you connect if not through your imagination? It is the hub if you will, of connectivity, between your dimension and ours. It is not the only hub as with all things there is a sort of teamwork between your heart and your mind, and your spark within your DNA, within every cell, it all comes together to work in unison, to bring you into enlightenment, into a higher state, into purpose. You are intricate beings that have been programmed, that have been masterfully created, to manoeuvre the spark that is within you, so that it may create with you, using your faculties, "all" your faculties. If not this, how else? You will evolve in this, in the mechanics of your being. This will evolve, this will change over time. It may not all be in your life time, but it will change. You will evolve as a species into multiple elements, into multiple avenues. There is much that may be said on this, for now we simply transmit that the process has begun in earnest, and that you are aware, that when "as you call strange things" begin to happen, that it is going to be the new norm.
Expect the unexpected.
We honour you above all else. 
That is all. 

Monday, 25 July 2016

26/8/16 Channeled Readings

Channeled Readings 

Choose a number, 1, 2, or 3, and then scroll down to find your channeled message...

Reading 1
This day we bring the message of hope. Hope that there is a silver lining to your predicament at this time. It is so that when one looks out into the world through the physical eyes what one sees seems bleak and desolate, however the physical eyes are not a true reflection of what is occurring in your world. There is much that cannot be seen at this time. We advise to trust that the wheels are turning. You may not see them turning with your physical eyes but it does not make it untrue. Place your visions on the future you desire for in this is how one manifests their reality. Not by looking at what is wrong, but by looking at what one desires to be so.. 

Reading 2
The ones that choose this message are in a place of quandary. They know not which steps to take to move forward in their chosen field. It may be due to lack of finances, lack of support or lack of belief, that they are able to move forward in that they desire. They see prison bars in effect blocking their way forward. We tell you this. Know the bars are of your own making. This may be difficult to discern, for you see not how you may have placed them before you. Your beliefs are powerful constructs. So powerful that they can destroy nations, or build them. Change your belief and you change your world. The world of elusion is subtle, it has been planned this way so that you may discover for yourselves the mechanics of disarming the elusion. Know by changing that you believe it acts as a key that disarms the prison gates of your mind, and therefore dissolving the barriers to your desires. 

Reading 3 
These are beginning to attract circumstances that initiates a change or delivers a course of events that may carry you forward into areas of new developments. You are aware, you see where the events may carry you and you are placing strategies or strategising the next steps to move forward.  You feel the energies as a wave carrying you forward and you are ready to ride the wave. Much is occurring in your world. The advice for these is to place time to be, to rest, to contemplate. Ground, whether it be in nature or in a tub of water. These help to stabilise you as you ride your wave of success, for the wave will surely reach the shore. The idea is that you are balanced as you ride so that you may not crash and burn mid flight. Your excitement knows no end, but balance is required if you are to keep your footing. Enjoy the ride. You see the shore, you are on your way. Bravo.! The warrior in you sees the end prize and this carries you forward. Be of mind that even the sturdiest of warriors need stop to rest and water their horses. Balance stillness with movement. The shore awaits. It will not depart while you rest, but you may falter if you do not. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

19/7/16 Abacus Realignments

Greetings. We are pleased to be here once again, in service and love to you all. We come this day in a way that will be alittle peculiar, alittle different. We have been essentially moving towards enlightening our scribe into the ways that she may bring forth our communications. There are many ways one can communicate the essence that is source, that is God, that is alien, that is  angelic, that is an ascended master. There are many flavours in the soup of God. There are many flavours that may communicate their flavour, and their message, that brings healing and advancement to humanity. Our scribe is one of many at this time voicing the essence that is the creator in its many forms, in its many flavours. Humanity verbalise what they wish to express in the most part, but many also expressed in different art forms. They may write, they may dance, they may sing. This is all an expression of the creator. Expression, to express, is to bring forth, is to grow, is to propel forward into your material world a greater part a refined essence, into a heavier aspect so to speak. Where you are is a heavy frequency. Where we are is light frequency. There is a difference between the two and so when one that is heavy  trys to communicate to express that that is light there is a adaption, a adjustment that takes form. It need not be a long adaption, it may happen in a heartbeat, however due to the difference in frequency one must adjust themselves to the frequency that is lighter, to express that light so to speak, and you use many forms to become lighter, to change your frequency, to become on the exact bandwidth that you wish to communicate, and so an artist will get into the zone that helps them to bring forth their masterpieces, the singer takes a moment to step into that state that brings the voice the essence of the creator through in sound, and the writer sits and begins to write from a place that is resonant to they while they sit. You have heard of such that is called "writers block", and this is when the writer cannot gain access to that frequency that they write from for various reasons, and this may occur when one sings, or draws, or when one paints or when one flexes their physicality in a sporting arena. At times they are in the essence, in the frequency easily to express their form, and at other times there is a mishmash, there is a misalignment of energy that then affects their expression at the time. Currently there is a mishmash of frequency. There is a change occuring and so many are feeling a little disconnected. In fact they are feeling feelings that they had thought they had expelled already, and now are reaccurung. There is a realignment if you will, there is a coming together, an adjustment period. At this time many are searching within themselves what they wish to bring forth, what they desire, where they want to carry themselves, where they wish to be, and in this process there is as you would say, many tracks leading out of the station. The trains are waiting for their signal to move forward, for the tracks are not aligned. They are not built until the one that is to ride them decides which way they are to move forward. Once the decision is had, once one decides which way they wish to move forward, then the tracks begin to materialise in front of the train, and the one that is driving the train begins to see the formation and begins to move forward. It is a time of reevaluation if you will, reapplication. Much as a returning job interviewee that is looking at all the possibilities and focusing on which one they wish to accept, and to move forward in. You could say it is much like a glass globe that gets shaken and then the contents within begins to settle again in the appropriate places. This is what is occurring in your world currently. There is the shaking and then all will settle again in the appropriate applications. To help you move forward in this time we suggest that you align with that that you wish to create, that you wish to voice, that you wish to express. In doing this you begin to formulate the path ahead, and when the time is apt you begin to move forward in this arena. Many are feeling tired of that that is occuring in your world. We advise that you place your awareness on that which you wish, and not that that you do not, for applying your awareness on that that you do not wish to see, will create more of this. We do not say not to have compassion or a caring nature, but simply to be aware that that which you view reflects more of that that you are viewing. Much that you are viewing concurrently is a letting go. It is a spring clean if you will, of that that is within you that needs to be expressed. If you are feeling anger search within yourself why the anger is being triggered. Do not deny what you are feeling, but understand there is a reason that this is being felt and it is your cue to realign with that that is more pleasant, that that is your desire. We do not wish this to be at lengthy expression. Be aware that that you are aware of, is a reflection, an internalisation of that you yourself created within you. The reflection is reflecting what needs to be changed in your world. 
That is all. 

Sunday, 17 July 2016

18/7/16 Oracle Card Readings

Card Readings 
Archangel Power Tarot Cards....

Pick a card and then scroll down to read the message

Card One
Leap Of Faith
This card encourages you to take a leap of faith. You are fully empowered to follow a new path in life that is full of excitement and wonder. The opportunities for evolution and growth are truly unlimited if you will just have faith in yourself and believe in your dreams. You have only to take the first step to find yourself on the way to a happier new life. Your angels and guides will send helpful people to assist you as you go along. You are encouraged to be pro active in researching whatever information is required. Did not let a lack of experience or self-confidence hold you back. You are meant to have the joy you seek.

Card Two
Page of Gabriel 

You are ready to follow your passion. Opportunities for excitement and adventure are headed your way. This is something that you are prepared for and have been hoping would happen. You may feel as though you are not quite ready, but you truly are. Get out there and show everyone how amazing you are! 

Card Three
The Magician

You have the magical touch of angels on your side. New projects that you start will be very successful. You have all the resources you need, even if you can't see them at this time. You may be under estimating the skill and knowledge that you have accumulated. You are prepared for this moment in your life and the road ahead is safe and sure. Additional assistance in the form of guidance, support of people, or a windfall of abundance will seem to magically appear. Anything is possible. However to receive this help you have to confidently take action. You must move forward with your plans in a way that displays to others and to yourself that you have no doubt as to your coming success.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

10/7/16 Abacus Stabilisation


We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. You wonder in regards to the events that are occurring on your plane at this time. You wonder what is occurring to your personal space, the changes, the differences within your world, the nuances, the different events, that scream political mayhem. You wonder regarding the deaths of many that are taken too young. You wonder what on earth is occurring. We come to bring you understanding that all is occurring in a way that is relevant to the time. Much is shifting, much that you are unaware of. You may not understand all the intricacies. You need have faith that all occurs as a sequence of events meant to push the envelope, to open awareness of those that are still unaware. It is meant to trigger an opening within the make up of the human consciousness. They act as keys to open many doors, doors to different triggers. Be at peace with all that is occurring in your world, even when you are affected, for it serves in ways that you may not understand. Be the eye in the storm, no matter what occurs on the outside, be at peace on the inside and you will begin to radiate peace and balance the many waves. Hold your ground. Ground your light. Be the ones that keep the energy steady, for it helps to calm the turbulence of your time. You act as the stabilisers if you will, as a ship has a stabiliser that stabilises the rough ocean. The ship then does not toss here in there. You act as stabilisers, the ones that are awake and aware. You stabilise the current events. You could say that earth is as a ship, and the shifting causes turbulent seas, and those that are working the light help to stabilise the shifting of the planet. You help to stabilise with your light, to help bring ease to  many through these changing times. The more you stabilise the less turbulant the changes that come about. Know all is a occurring to bring about changes. The current events help to release what has been recorded into the grid. It acts as a cleansing tonic to the energy of past eras. Stand tall knowing that those that are listening to these words are stabilising or you would not be listening. You would not be reading. You would have no interest in this communication. It is difficult to believe in something you cannot hold in material form, however you may feel within your heart the energy of the words whether written or vocal. Know we are one of many that come at this time to serve you in the awakening process. Be in joy if you will, for this will serve the stabilisation, and will speed up the process of evolution at this time. We honour you your journey, and we stand by, guiding, melding our light with your light, for we are one, in totality, in truth.
That is all. 

Sunday, 3 July 2016

4/7/16 Rune Readings

The Angel oracle runes

This is a set of runes I picked up at the psychic expo on the weekend, created by a lovely soul named Leonora. I had the thought to road test them & use them for this weeks readings ...

The Ones
The Angel of journeys
There is a trip holiday or journey coming. It may be referring to an inner journey or a change of address. The aspects of the journey are of a positive nature. 

The twos 
The Angel of crossroads

You have come to a crossroad. A change of direction which may be personal or career wise. You will be assisted in the decision making, if you ask. 

The threes
The Angel of new beginnings

You are not alone as you embark on a new path, new beginning or a new opportunity. Remain confident as this is a timely occurrence. You are protected.