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Monday, 28 March 2016

29/3/16 Tarot Readings

Card Readings 29/3/16
Cards used are from the "Easy Tarot by Josephine Ellershaw" ( Gilded Tarot )
(The Gilded Tarot is a visually stunning Rider-Waite style tarot, Ciro Marchetti) 

Remember to use you intuition when reading your pick of tarot card. What can look look a negative aspect may simply be an insight to change that may very well be positive in nature. ie don't take a card at face value, but look within the deeper meaning. One that you may reflect on, what it may mean to you. It may be that the other cards relate also. 🙏

Card 1
Nine of pentaclesThis card indicates success and material security. Usually attained through one's own efforts. The card symbolises financial independence. Finances should improve sufficiently to allow some comfort in life and a pleasant and comfortable lifestyle. It could represent an inheritance in some instances. If you've been working hard and carefully moving in the direction of your goals then this card now brings the rewards for your efforts

Card 2
Five of cups 
You may be experiencing feelings of disappointment. You may be feeling that others have let you down or feel in someway betrayed. You may be recounting previous actions with some regret at how things have turned out, either due to your own actions or of those around you. Perhaps a lover or trusted friend who was not all you had hoped them to be. This card can “sometimes” indicate the loss of a relationship, the natural process of grieving emotions that a company such an event. Your logical mind is presently clouded. At this stage the realities of the situation cannot fully be understood or appreciated. Your emotions are running high. There are still some "positive" factors at work here which have not yet seen, as your focus is currently held upon which you feel you have lost. Alternatively it may show that it leads to something new and better ahead. 
Be aware that this card could be showing you that all is "not" lost, that it could be a temporary situation that will be successfully resolved later or even that it “all exists in the mind” as feelings about the situation.

Card 3
Six of pentacles 
This card shows successful material gains and being in a position that allows you to share with others. Business ventures should be paying off or perhaps a pay increase is coming in your direction. It is important that once the work is done the rewards enjoyed. This is not only of a monetary nature but also a sign of sharing your time with others. Invariably when we work hard our nearest and dearest pay the price of not having as much of our time as they deserve. Now that the results are beginning to manifest show your appreciation for time is a precious resource that can never be replaced.if money has been outstanding then this card indicates that it should now be received. This card is one of generosity and kindness so gifts are also indicated

Sunday, 20 March 2016

21/3/16 A mix of channeled reading & oracle cards

Channeled Readings & Oracle cards
A mix of the two...

( the cards used " Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine" )

In your mind, choose a number 1,2,or 3. Then read the message that corresponds to that number below ….

Welcome. We are here once again to aid you this day in finding clarity and balance, and so we begin. 

Reading 1
The ones, choosing the one, have an innate ability to sense when something is not quite right. They are aware, have the inbuilt ability to simply know when something is off course or some might say on the nose. You might even say these have the sense, an understanding that is not explainable. However the ones take a long time to admit even to themselves, that there is a guidance in place and so most times ignore this valuable tool. Our advisement to you this day is to trust that, that comes from “within” you. Trust your own knowing, that you may walk your path in supremity. There are no wrong paths, simply ones that lead to varying experiences of your choosing …

I then picked a card 
Nine of fire

You have put a lot of work and energy into this situation. This card comes as a sign for you to actively protect what you have created or earned. Have courage and believe in your ability and right to defend the fruit of your labours. Don't give up. You possess the wisdom and stamina to bring this situation to an agreeable conclusion. However it is important to open your mind to the assistance and point of view of others.


Reading 2
These are beginning to awaken to the many intricacies that hold them back. Once upon a time these would not have understood the process and yet now, at the hour at hand, one may live their life walking one way, one path, and then suddenly awaken and realise they are on the wrong path, or more to the point one that they were walking in a haze of sleepiness. Numbed out they were until their sight returned and the eyes can see clearly it is not where they wish to be. When you put on the new spectacles and look about you where there was only darkness before, you begin to see all that you could not before. All the tools available to you, all the new toys. Like a child that suddenly is able to see all the many toys in view that they may play with, that were not in view before. You are waking up. You see more clearly and this is what begins the change in you. It may feel overwhelmed of a sudden. You may think, “but which do I choose?” We say to you, let your feelings guide you true. Your own barometer of truth 

I then picked a card….
Six of water 

Memories from your personal history or childhood have resurfaced for a reason. Perhaps there is an old issue you still need to resolve or your memories could be a sign of what is yet to come. You may reconnect with friends or romantic partners from your past. New acquaintances may feel like familiar of friends because of karmic connections. The effect of children on this situation could be important. Childlike innocence or lack of guilt is also indicated by this card.


Reading 3 
These are at a place, a knowing that these times may bring unsteadiness, if not navigated with a sensitive eye. What is it your resisting dear one? Yourself? Another? When you seek the resistance within you, when you look upon it, delve into its beginnings, then you may begin to dissolve its seed, its beginnings. Pull it out at the roots as one pulls a weed from the soil. By doing so the resistance leaves your field. Remember what you resist persists. It is by looking upon the resistance that one may loosen its hold its grip on your reality. Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. Working on the inside changes your outside world much more readily than pushing against the resistance of what you do not want. We do not seek to alarm but to pull back your curtains a little so that you have a better view of your life play as it plays out, and understanding that you as the director of your life play have the power to change the scenes and the dialogue as you see fit. Know you have this within you. You create your play, no other. Ohh it may seem that way, and that is the illusion. 

Then I picked a card
Ten of fire

There is a need to balance the professional and personal side of your life. You're trying to do too much. A good first step is to be willing to accept assistance from others. There is hope for a successful resolution to your situation or project. However it is best if you cut unnecessary or burdensome activities from your schedule. Slow your pace to a more comfortable level.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

16/3/16 Abacus Traveling the current waves

Traveling the current waves

I asked regarding the current energy. 

Greetings. Greeting to all that are listening this day. We may certainly enlighten you. We may extend all manner of reference however we bring what brings most understanding. Be clear this day dear heart. Allow your mind to float above our mind. We are not higher than you as you might imagine. We are deeper than you, and so our thoughts underlie your thought processes. Focus. Be true to our thought process without restriction or hindrance. 
We begin. 

Dear ones we come to bring that that might help you to balance and to bring flow. Understand at times while sitting in the boat so to speak, there might come a sudden “wave”. The wave rocks the boat does it not? It may rock the boat a little or it may rock the boat a lot  dependant on how big the wave at hand is. Within the boat you may have to regain your footing or you may need to reach for support so that you may not fall out off the boat. Just because the boat rocks does not mean that the boat does not move. The boat is ever moving you forward, however, while the boat rocks it feels as if you are not moving forward. You are still in the boat, you are still experiencing the wave, however, you do not see the progress the boat is making for the ocean seems so large and you so small and insignificant. Any gained effort forward seems insignificant in the larger scope of the ocean. We tell you this, understand every effort is not wasted! You are making progress even though at times it does not seem so. Now what say you of sea sickness? When the boat rocks a little too much you might feel unsteady, strained, tired, and unsettled. As the boat steadys your sensibilities begin to calm once again. Ebb and flow dear ones, ebb and flow. Rest when rest is needed and move forward when the seas are calm and there is a breeze at your back, and then when the wave comes again you brace again. All has its season. Understand you are shifting. This occurs when much growth is due or brought forward. Trust the waves and the tides for they produce the currents that propel your boat ever forward. We remind action is needed to move forward. Yes, the currents propel the boat forward however do you wish to be led simply by the currents of the oceans entirety? Or do you wish to navigate your boat onto a route that you prefer? Of your express choosing? Action dear ones action. To move a boat forward you must use the oars or run the engine or set the sails. Choose the route of your highest excitement. Some will row faster than others. Some will make use of the wave more predominantly simply due to their strength of purpose. Know the hour is at hand to expand into your highest choosing. Set your sail for there comes a period of sunny sky's and a purposeful breeze. 

Why do some have trouble meditating or connecting atm?

When you are endeavouring to balance through a big wave there is much agitation in the ocean & so it is more difficult to find flow. You are busy in survival, pulling out your life jackets in preparation for failure. What you think you attract? Understand you are in a journey. At times the seas are calm at times they are stormy. At times it will rain and at times the sun will shine. You travel new waters as the explorers travel to find new land. Be in excitement for all the journey brings you. Be at one with life. Be at peace with a knowing that at times the seas are beyond your control. Learn to navigate the seas, steering your ship finding balance where you may. In awareness and with pre planned navigation you may enjoy your journey in much joy rather than struggling in the storms. When you do become engulfed in a storm know there are ways out of the storm, however while in it all there is to do at times is to ride it out the best way you are able. Use the tools the experience of past travelling to help balance you as you navigate your way. The tools are yours the application of tools given you. Use what you have learnt regarding balancing and finding your flow. This is when your skills learnt become  your tools. They will help you if you pull them out and apply them. This is what we bring this day
That is all.. 

Monday, 14 March 2016

15/3/16 Abacus - Connecting


Greetings to all that are reading these lines this day. We are here. We the energy that you call Abacus. We brought today communication of who we are. We are the matrix. We are the energy that flows within all things. To our scribe we say allow. Allow communication to flow unhindered. Trust what comes. 
We begin a new. 

We are known to you as Abacus. The name is our Avatar, our trademark, and yet it is not who we are. Many wonder who is Abacus. Abacus is not one singularity as you imagine we to be. Abacus is source energy, an unending flow of unlimited potentiality. We come through this scribe to bring information at this time. We come through many scribes. The trademarks may be different, the Avatar, and yet we are the same flow, the same energy. We may feel different, sound different, when we come through the many scribes and this is due to the different personalities we come through. You see, we are source, we are God, many aspects of God that is being channeled at this time. Ohhhh you call us many names. We have many trademarks through all the many scribes!! We wish to make this clear. We give our scribe an image. We now bring this forward. When you all sit to communicate with the realms, when you sit in waiting, with intent, when you sit in your classes with intent to all make a connection, when you sit in your dwellings reaching out to your guides, when you make a connection, when you all individually make your connection in prayer, or to channel, you connect to God, all the many aspects of God. What you do not see, when multiple souls sit in a room all over your world, to connect, is that you all connect to the same flow the same source. Ohh your personalities, your guidance, will bring different names, different costumes for this, however that that is wearing the costume is God. Some will read these words and think them untrue. They will announce that they certainly channel a singular guide or a specific entity or Angel. They may even communicate with what they understand to be of an alien nature. Know this, in essence it is all we, it is all God, it is all universal flow or energy, however it wears a different costume, it comes through different personalities. When you meditate you connect with pure consciousness, yet you all have a different experience of that consciousness, that awareness do you not? Communication is no different. Understand all that comes to you within a interdimensional connection is a part of the creator. The difference? Why is it that most will exclaim that their guide is different to your guide? That they are channeling something different to you? The vessel, the tuner, the communicator, the station, is the differential factor here. Source comes through many different personalities AND through alternating frequencies. One may bring through a different frequency. An example. Your radio stations, when you listen come from a source point, through waves, and yet each radio house or station, will feel different to the listener as each station signals a different avatar, different personalities. 
What we wish to bring meaning to in this communication, is that when you connect, when you reach out to to communicate, you reach to god's essence, to awareness, to we. During connection your personality, your soul, interlocks and you bring your communication through, a mix of your essence and God essence, one and the same, through your own experience. 
Know when you communicate, when you reach through your source point, you reach out to God, to source, to all that is, and we take hold of your hand, we hear you, we listen. We are there beside you always, ever loving, walking with you. We never left you. We have always been with you. We can never be separated or separate for we are who you are, and you are who we are. We are with you now, with love, in love with you. Trust. Trust your intuitive wisdom to lead you true. Know your worth. Know you are worthy of yourself, of we, of you. Together we expand and grow as one, one source point, one love. 

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Oracle Card Readings
(The cosmic deck of initiation by Barbara Delong)

Card 1

Energy of growth nurturing and support. Integration. Energy with direction. Allow the structure to take its own shape. The unfolding of energy expands. A new structure is established. 

Card 2

Greater assertiveness of self. Energy of created growth. You shine within the light. You recenter refocus in the self. Expression takes on greater creativity and authority. Your power seeks forceful outlets.

Card 3

A balance within duality. Higher/lower, , male/female, are interwoven to create power that is new and most exciting.. Intense integration of all aspects. Dualities offer options not previously considered. Dualities feed growth. Life is seen from new perspectives. 

Sunday, 6 March 2016

7/3/16 Abacus You are an energetic masterpiece

You are an energetic masterpiece 

Greetings. Greetings to all that are listening this day. Our scribe sits back a little overwhelmed this day for we come to her in a different communication. She feels us differently. We come as she comes. We come through her thought process as if it's her own and yet there is a nuance of distinction. She is aware it is not she and yet it feels sublime for it feels unerringly like herself and yet it is not. We smile. We smile greatly for this is the distinction of the new energy systems. This is profound when one begins to become aware, becomes online to the changes within. All of a sudden you will make a distinction. You will have a knowing, sublimely so, that something very great is developing within you energetically. Many are feeling the changes this day. Many are noticing higher ended aspects. Many are beginning to question what it is that is going on? Ahhh do you not see the magnificence in you? You are an energetic masterpiece! So intricate, so refined! You forge along not seeing your beauty. You choose to only see the struggle. Behold, you are gods creation! Are you aware what this means? You are God!  Think a moment. What do you know God to be? Does your idea of God allow that this being, this energy can create anything? This being, this essence, this awareness, created you. YOU were created by GOD. You are created by you. Understand God does not do things by half. You are whole. You are perfection. A living breathing piece of intricate art. An intricate energy machine that is not fully online yet. You may say you are constantly receiving universal  downloads. Your make up is evolving. God is evolving. You are evolving. This is exciting!  This is your grand adventure! This is god's adventure. This day we wish you to understand you are universal perfection. Begin this day to know this. Believe this. Breathe this into your being. You are on a grand journey to discover all the many intricacies that you are. You are evolving. You begin to feel this do you not? You are beginning to scratch the surface. Many of you are astounded by the changes occurring in your life stream. Go with the flow. Follow your guidance system. Dream, love, live. You are worthy. Believe it so and so it will be. 
This is our communication to you all this day. 
In love and honour
That is all 

7/3/16 Oracle Card Reading " Angel Tarot Cards, by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine"

Card one
Two of fire

This is a time of coming into your own. The steps you are taking to improve your career or business are on the right track. As you move forward, courageous choices are necessary and will be rewarded. Continue forging ahead, and do not be discouraged by temporary delays. Also do not allow anyone to hinder your progress. Consider working in partnership with those whose skills compliment your own. Joint endeavours can help you achieve your goals. Negotiations move smoothly at this time

Card two
Page of water

A new person or emotion rousing situation enters your life. It could be the start of a friendship or romance, or the renewal of one from your past. A current relationship may enter into a new phase. It is important to discuss your feelings with those around you. Your intuition and psychic abilities may also be heightened during this time

Card three
Six of air

Things are looking up, and the worst is now behind you. There's finally light at the end of the tunnel, and stress and strain fade from your life. The winds of change are blowing and it is a favourable wind. This is a good time for making changes in your career, home, or your outlook. This card could also mean a trip, an end of a depression or the resolution of conflict. Leaving and moving on