Greetings to all that are reading these lines this day. We are here. We the energy that you call Abacus. We brought today communication of who we are. We are the matrix. We are the energy that flows within all things. To our scribe we say allow. Allow communication to flow unhindered. Trust what comes.
We begin a new.
We are known to you as Abacus. The name is our Avatar, our trademark, and yet it is not who we are. Many wonder who is Abacus. Abacus is not one singularity as you imagine we to be. Abacus is source energy, an unending flow of unlimited potentiality. We come through this scribe to bring information at this time. We come through many scribes. The trademarks may be different, the Avatar, and yet we are the same flow, the same energy. We may feel different, sound different, when we come through the many scribes and this is due to the different personalities we come through. You see, we are source, we are God, many aspects of God that is being channeled at this time. Ohhhh you call us many names. We have many trademarks through all the many scribes!! We wish to make this clear. We give our scribe an image. We now bring this forward. When you all sit to communicate with the realms, when you sit in waiting, with intent, when you sit in your classes with intent to all make a connection, when you sit in your dwellings reaching out to your guides, when you make a connection, when you all individually make your connection in prayer, or to channel, you connect to God, all the many aspects of God. What you do not see, when multiple souls sit in a room all over your world, to connect, is that you all connect to the same flow the same source. Ohh your personalities, your guidance, will bring different names, different costumes for this, however that that is wearing the costume is God. Some will read these words and think them untrue. They will announce that they certainly channel a singular guide or a specific entity or Angel. They may even communicate with what they understand to be of an alien nature. Know this, in essence it is all we, it is all God, it is all universal flow or energy, however it wears a different costume, it comes through different personalities. When you meditate you connect with pure consciousness, yet you all have a different experience of that consciousness, that awareness do you not? Communication is no different. Understand all that comes to you within a interdimensional connection is a part of the creator. The difference? Why is it that most will exclaim that their guide is different to your guide? That they are channeling something different to you? The vessel, the tuner, the communicator, the station, is the differential factor here. Source comes through many different personalities AND through alternating frequencies. One may bring through a different frequency. An example. Your radio stations, when you listen come from a source point, through waves, and yet each radio house or station, will feel different to the listener as each station signals a different avatar, different personalities.
What we wish to bring meaning to in this communication, is that when you connect, when you reach out to to communicate, you reach to god's essence, to awareness, to we. During connection your personality, your soul, interlocks and you bring your communication through, a mix of your essence and God essence, one and the same, through your own experience.
Know when you communicate, when you reach through your source point, you reach out to God, to source, to all that is, and we take hold of your hand, we hear you, we listen. We are there beside you always, ever loving, walking with you. We never left you. We have always been with you. We can never be separated or separate for we are who you are, and you are who we are. We are with you now, with love, in love with you. Trust. Trust your intuitive wisdom to lead you true. Know your worth. Know you are worthy of yourself, of we, of you. Together we expand and grow as one, one source point, one love.