18/1/15 Sunday Afternoon💞
Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
( not sure what this "state" was. Not quite trance and yet not normal auto writing either. It began with auto writing as I normally do, and then i connected with them energetically and wrote in world of my own. When I finished I couldn't recall what I had written, and had to read back )
It's lengthy. Guess I had catching up to do
Adam I slept most of yesterday afternoon and evening and then slept 8 hrs straight last night! Every time I tried to connect with you I would fall
Asleep. I would begin to feel you and then.... Nothingness
Good morning dear heart is it not a beautiful day?
It is. I'm feeling a lot better today. I was in pain yesterday
We are aware dear heart. It is why we allowed slumber in the connection. For in slumber there is healing. You understand this however you practice not. Listen to what your body is asking of you when you are feeling this way.
Be still a moment to chat with us energetically, if you will. We have much to say this morning of your time. You have a few moments do you not? It will charge you up also for the day ahead.
As you are aware when you connect with us in this way light flows. Where there is light, no darkness can abide. Take note dear heart.
" where there is light no darkness can abide "
It will serve you well to remember this statement. When you feel as you have been, think if these words.
Ahhh Thankyou.
At times , certain times you fear the changes that occur. It is sometimes the norm in your human condition. It is when you experience something that is abnormal to you, that you do not understand, that fear sets in. Know that sometimes experiences that are not your norm, are not bad. They are just different. Know that even experiences that are uncomfortable may be good. Not all bad feeling experiences are bad. This has thrown you.
Let us explain.
What you are calling awakening or ascension symptoms may feel uncomfortable to you and yet these are not what you call bad. They serve a purpose that is good, and yet they sometimes feel bad. Are you understanding?
Yes when you are connected you feel light, you feel love, this is to be expected. However your physical body is still in an adjustment phase and so it may sometimes struggle to hold this amount of light. It is in the process of attunement of recalibrating of readjusting to these new frequencies. In this process to hold these new frequencies in the recalibration there can be a stretching of sorts, a growing. You have heard the term have you not growing pains? This is in essence in a simplistic form of description, of what you are experiencing.
Growing pains. You are growing into yourself. Many many are experiencing this at this time. Your bodies are expanding into themselves. It is remembering, recalibrating, an opening up, to all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be. When there is a download of energetics when you are beginning to develop you will feel these growing pains. We suggest when this occurs that you slumber, for in the slumber you reset so to speak.
It is in a sense how your animal kingdom readjusts. It is much like your butterfly. It's resets itself anew. You are metamorphosing you are turning yourself inside out. This will occur in increments, unlike, what we have just spoken. Your bodies cannot take on the change all at once, it must occur in increments, and so you will experience this changes incrementally. At times you will feel wonderful and then at times not so much so. You are at this moment experiencing digestive upset are you not? The reason for this is that you are adjusting inside, the body cannot withhold the foods that you are ingesting. Yes you have my changes, this is so, however, there are more to be made dear heart. Your body and your intuition will guide you, as to what is appropriate, at this time, and what is not. As you change, the physical needs will change. As your body adjusts so will what it will require.
The more you work with these light body exercises the more you will change. And so does it stand to reason that what you feed your body , how you manipulate it, will change also. Note this is normal, not just for you dear heart but for all that are reading these lines.
Do not be surprised that something that you have ingested for most of you time on earth suddenly becomes unpalatable. That your body begins to reject the substance and tries to tell you most emphatically! Listen to what it is telling you. If you do not, it will make it abundantly aware to you, in the way of illness. This is your signpost. When you are raising your frequency your body will endeavour to purge anything that is not of same. There is some tweaking to do dear heart, know this.
Your physical bodies cannot digest foods that are heavy and not of the earth. Foods that are of a high vibrational nature are required as you develop. Working with energetics needs sustenance of an energetic nature. Foods that are manipulated to the point where they have no life left in them will not work with your energetic structure. Foods that hold a high vibration are required at this point in time dear heart.
We say to those that are reading these lines take note, as this message relates to you also.
When you are working with energetics when you are endeavouring to raise your frequency, it is a requirement that what you nourish your body with, is also of high frequency.
Does that not stand to reason? Think about this, give this some of your thought. Yes it is true that as your energetics raise the requirement for nourishment is less, however you are not at this stage as yet , of your development.
When you are at a higher vibrational state, when you are increasing your flow, it is that when you ingest something that is not of flow that your body will regurgitate it, or it will start to run at a lower rate again. It will begin to feel heavy again it will slow you down so to speak. We are repeating ourselves, that is so , we do so because this is important. It requires understanding. It is also so that when something is repeated it is better understood. It is the way of it.
You will feel much better when you listen to bodies, when you go with the flow, rather than against it.
We say to you action is always required. Take action that is palatable to you in small increments. Endeavour to weed out the foods that do not vibrate to your flow. Hydration is also required. Clean pure water is needed, even more so than what was needed prior. Dear heart , a reminder.
We say this to you. When you are endeavouring to raise the frequencies to work on your energetics, to do so, requires changes in all arenas.
Dear heart , you have made many changes, we acknowledge this, and we are very pleased. You are now at a precipice. Further advancements requires further changes. This is what your body has been telling you. As said changes are made, your wings will develop and you'll begin to fly.
Yes you may begin to fly without these changes however, you will not reach as greater a height.
You dear heart will not be happy with simply flying, it is your nature , that you are wanting to soar, this is why you came. To reach new heights, to develop and grow forward , and in the doing , show others that is is possible , to leave a path, an example.
Dear heart write as we say, there is no need for feeling the way you do. There are many here to do, so that others may know how to do for themselves. Why do you think you are here? You do not recall, however we do. There is no shame in this. This is a lesson for you, in being.
Be yourself, the all of it. Be fearless, be in your truth no matter what others may feel of the words, of your actions. Be your journey in it's fullness and wholeness. We are here to help you in this, so that it may help others. Do not shy away from this now , unless you choose something different. We know your choice however. We do not push dear heart but guide you forward. Know this. Our words are to help you achieve your deepest desire. We know this, in it's completeness. This is but not hidden from out view, as it is hidden from yours.
Our words are always as a parent to a child, with love, in love, not in ranking but in experience, in knowledge. You are but our equal in essence. We are here because we have the picture that is hidden from your view. We are your eyes that you cannot see with at this time, in this realm. We are you, with the blinders taken off. We are you, as you would speak to yourself if you were in our shoes, in our place. Are you understanding?
We came due to your call. Your call, was made before you came. We are here to remind you, of all that you are and all that you came to be, to remember. You are the light , all of you are. We are the light, we are here to remind you, to bring that to the fore, to the place you are now, to anchor, to achieve that state where you are now.
We are here in service for all. We are here to help always with love. We are brought forth to help you remember , who you are , to help you achieve what you are here to achieve. You are powerful, beyond measure.. We have come to remind you of that, to help you create peace. For it is when you know this, really know this, you create it. You bring it into the now, which is indeed your future.
We are all that is, and ever will be. We are you, and you us. We are the light, as are you. You call us Adam, know that you are Adam. The first and the last. You are creators in human form as the first man. You have never wondered whence the name "Adam " came? Think child? What know you of Adam? In your scriptures? Dear heart, the name came seemingly out of thin air to you. You have never wondered, looked into, delved into, the synchronistic occurance of this name. We will tell you now.
In your scriptures the name Adam is the first name given to the first human man, that came to the fore, in your existance on earth. God/source made Adam. The first human. The first pure human. There had to be duality of course and so there was made Eve . The duality of Adam the female. But again there but has to be duality and so Eve did the dualistic event. And so was born duality.
The male and the female , the good and the bad, though in essence there is no bad. It is simply duality. Eve was born of light just as Adam. They are the same. She is light just as Adam.
We brought you the name Adam as we saw it a fitting name to begin our journey, that reflects your scriptures. Adam represents the first human, the beginning of humanity. Humanity is changing , a new beginning is occurring , the new huMAN.
Our journey will be in alignment with this, and so the name "Adam" was brought forth to you,
Do you now see the relevance?
You are silent this day, allowing our message to flow. This is good. Dear heart we understand more than you are aware. This has been a long transference. It is so. It is how it was to come forward this day. We honour your silence and allowance of all to come to the fore. The rest had served you well. Ponder our message. Re read over and over. Know we are who we say and you have nothing to fear. We hold you in the highest regards dear heart and we honour your questions always. Do not fear that you offend with your questions and your doubts,. All have these dear heart. You are simply giving voice to them. We are here to guide you ever forward. This is why we are here.
All is well, all is on, as you say " par " .
It is your calling to bring this forward to others . You may or you may not. We know you, however. Once you have re read these lines over and over you will see the truth in them, and then share them with others, so may may do same.
With love child, always with love
That is all
I have questions!
As was expected dear heart. ( smile )
Regarding Adam and Eve
You are opening as you say, a can of worms. We have kept the message simple, so that those that may understand the surface may do so.
Guess I want to skim the surface
We understand dear heart. It is why you are here. Be cautious with your questioning dear heart. Not all will be in line.
We say to you an example , purely a metaphoric way of explaining why the name Adam was brought to the fore, for your understanding of why it was chosen. In simplistic terms, as to how it relates to the message regarding the new human. We will not endeavour to make ones ideals right or wrong however. You are in confusion. This is not an arena to debate religious values. Where we are there is no religion. Religion is man made as are the scriptures. It was an example dear heart. Nothing more. It was your understanding at the time, and those of others, then and now.
You said I can ask anything?
You may. This is true
Then why am I being cautioned?
We are merely preferring this message to be shared. This may become messy in your eyes , and then be as you say scrapped, as has been done before?
Ummm yeah... I guess I have done that when I thought the messages were too intense, or when I thought maybe somehow my views came through
Dear heart be clear. They were our messages brought through. You thought they may " cause a stir "
Dear heart if you ask a question , be ready to "hear" the answer in it's entirety.
Ok. Well I'm not sure about the whole Adam and Eve thing. I mean it was writen in a book by man.
Are not these words written by man?
We are simply expressing, bringing clarity to the fore
Ok.. So your saying Adam and Eve is correct?
It has merit , though not entirely in the way you have been given. We have used it as an example. We came to the fore in a certain time space sequence. The name Adam has relevance in your realm, in your " time", in regards to the shift in conciousness. The new man is being born, the new huMAN, as Adam was once born, in the way have understanding of it.
That is all we wished to make understood.
We will delve into this future, of this have no doubt. We can feel your confusion, however even you are not there yet. You have not the capacity at this time, to fully understand the all if it. However you will, you all will. When it is the time, we will endeavour to enlighten you , although in reality you will not be requiring this, as you will already have the awareness of this, of truth, which will make this part of our conversing null and void.
More riddles
Dear heart do you teach your children in their early years, mathematics that are of an advanced nature ? The equivant to what you call university level? They will have no comprehension! There is a system of learning set in place. This is for all realms. Patience dear heart.
So is the story of Adam and Eve true?
Did man get created that way?
Ever the seeker you are.
Know that man was created. Humanity was created.
By who? God? There are even those that say aliens created humans, but then who created them? It all gas to have begun somewhere?
Who are you made in the image of dear heart? Who made you do you think? Who created the all of it? The universe?
And who is source?
Everything, god is source
If god is source and everything, does it stand to reason you are part of that soup of everything?
Well I'm guessing so.
Are you part of source if you are everything?
Well yes
Then who are you?
I'm guessing but I create too?
Do you create?
Well yes
So if you have a part of source in you, and you are able to create?
You are saying?
Your right . This is too much for me at this time, coz I can't comprehend that
Dear heart it is as you say " mind boggling "
It does my head in.
Know this. You were created. All was created. As the creation you now create. This is what is of import. What is it you wish to create now?
Do that. The past is not of as import as the " now " . There is only ever the now. What is it you wish to create now? Know that you are more than able. Know this. That is the message dear heart.
You have the tools. We will endeavour to guide you, to the way of it.
There is much for you to ponder.
Hmm that there is, and more questions. I've run out if time. Have a class soon
Know there is plenty of time. Rest easy dear heart. Enjoy you earth day. Be at peace.
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