Channeling Adam
Rainbow Collective
( auto writing at the market Inbetween channeled readings )
What I've become accustomed to doing at markets & expos before & inbetween live readings is to auto write. It helps with my nerves, and is comforting. I also find Adams energy has a drawing effect. I find not long after I begin auto writing someone comes for a reading. Mostly I do it because it's comforting to me, knowing they are there. It gives me something to do instead of staring at people walking by. I feel guided to share.
Adam why am I feeling so sensitive atm? How may I let go of this sensitivity so I may move forward?
Trust all comes to the fore that needs to be let go of. The energies at present are supporting this. Know all feelings of self worth come up on the way out. It can not be extracted without coming up.
How will I go today with the way I feel?
Let go, let go. It is your state that attracts your opportunities. Do you wish to help?
You know I do. It's why I do it.
Then think only this. Become your stillness, your love of wanting to serve, and this is what you will attract.
I'm so tired.
Be in your stillness. We will charge you up so to speak
Ok I'll try
Do not try. Do. Recall why you are here. Look at all that pass you as carrying the spark. You are this, bring this into your space.
Do I run the energies?
Affirmative. Smile. Relax. Breathe. Shut out the outside world. Allow the inside world to come to the fore. You know and understand. Do this now.
What did you mesn by " the girl" ? I don't like uncertainty like that. When you give me things they can't verify.
Dear heart, trust what you receive always. We see all of it, you at times do not understand the meaning fully, however we say to you , give out all you receive.
10:10 on the 11/1. Adam?
Read. There is a meaning there for you if you but look. It will serve you well.
Ahh. 10:10 listen to your intuition and inner wisdom. This is where your answers lie. Obviously a confirmation?
That is so.
Any guidance on helping me understand what you give me? ie how do I know if I'm seeing someone passed ? Or living?
Those that are passed are to your left. Those living to your right.
Oh, that simple?
Affirmative. Think of those you have seen. Have they not been to your left
Yes! All of them
Understanding is dawning.
How do I decipher info you give me. Pictures.
Whence we give you an image, feel into it. How does it make you feel. Use all your senses. Take your time.
Observe all the details of the image. The textures colors light heavy sad happy, do they have an illness ie heaviness of heart or chest, tightness in different bodily areas. Feel and observe. You will begin to understand over time how to decipher what we send. Practice makes perfect. Trust what you receive. Give all you receive.
How do I know if it's someone's child I'm seeing?
How do you feel when we are with you child? It has a certain flavour does it not? A certain love feeling?
Ok. How do I know how many?
You will see the number of children, the number of bodies, or you may have a sense of a number. Remember you are not " prophecising. You are there to guide, not to provide showmanship.
But others like showmanship
We are not here to provide so. We are here to help bring peace into
Humanities hearts.
It is not a contest dear heart. Remember this. It does not matter if they believe or nay. You are not there to prove us.
We simply give guidance to peace.
If peace means bringing through a loved one, that's deceased, then we will do this.
So I don't try to get people I see?
Dear heart, simply follow our lead.
We will guide where the interaction needs to go. Trust that is where it will lead.
How do I know, how to answer, when they ask , should I do this or should I do that?
Put one experience into one hand , and one in the other hand. See which feels lighter and which feels heavier.
How can I tap into you quickly? To feel you strongly so that I don't get my heart racing initially and nervous ?
Dear heart , centre. You pick up the energy from others easily, most are nervous. That is what you feel. Know this distinction. It is them you are feeling. If you breathe, centre, this will leave you. Breathe in light calm energy.
How can I improve my skills ? And intuituve thought , to understand what you bring?
Practice dear heart. The more you read the better you will come to understand the messages. Look to exercises that you do to fine tune. ie guessing games. There are many of these about. Raising your energetics , detoxing , fine tunes the vibration, the clear seeing. You are again doubting what you do.
Wow Adam 5 readings! How did I do transcribing?
You are doing very well dear heart. You must trust what comes to the fore. When you are inspired , when you get a sense of knowing , bring this to the fore. If you hold back due to not being sure you will not gain much in the way of expressing our words. Trust.
I'll try
Do. It is the only way dear child. To try is to keep trying. Do.
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