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Monday, 27 June 2016

27/6/16 Channeled Card Readings

Channeled Card Readings

The ones
These are experiencing a sort of reboot in a sense, whereby one comes into a knowing in a predestined way. You might say it is a timed event, one that has been on the cards and is now coming to view. Understand that when one experiences out of the box phenomenon one can be somewhat ill at ease to begin with. We come to say this day rest easy in your knowing. It is all a part of the process. The unusual is only unusual because you have not experienced it before in this way. You will re- member, RE-- MEMBER who you are AND you will begin to put the pieces back together again, the intricacies of your sensory & innate. You could say they have been unplugged for a time, and now you begin to plug in again. The current energy is in support of this. Breathe. All is on time. 

The Twos
The twos are much as ones that cannot get a break and are running here and there, and back again, only to begin again to set off. These are highly charged at present and cannot stop, so to speak. They may push and push to get to where they are going and they may get there, however if one lets go of the resistance it becomes much easier to get to where your going. You may set sail to your destination against the wind and have  a slower and harder time of it, or you may set your sail with the wind and have your journey be of ease and pleasant. Your will be done. With the wind or against the wind. Either way you will arrive, however your experience will be variant. Breathe and follow the flow within your excitement, rather than your fear or resistance 

The Threes
These are entering a period of great realisation.  These are the forerunners that have been toiling the soil in preparation for the harvest. Ahhh but you have toiled that soil, turned it over and over to weed out what is not of use, to bring fertilisation, to that that is planted. These begin to see the shoots and in their excitement are beginning to venture out, to share with others the process of toiling the soil. These are beginning to open their hearts in a way that they have not before, simply because there was not the energy or the tools you might say to allow such. The shoots are more that could have been imagined and the sprouts are of great beauty. You expected a certain type of plant to grow from the seed and now you discover that that is growing is so much more than the package revealed. Ahh but we speak in riddles to some. It is our way. It is for good cause for we are that that you might soon discover within yourself. When this discovery is made our words will be understood at a level beyond your current comprehension. We might seem strange but those reading these words, may see beyond the analogy and into the future. The beauty of the shoots spur you forward with renewed enthusiasm. You have glimpsed what awaits, and so impatience stirs. Lay the impatience to rest. Know it is the journey not the destination that you came for. 

Sunday, 19 June 2016

20/6/16 Card Readings

Card readings
Cards used this week -  Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Note: Notice the similarities of the cards this week? All three are green! All relating to emotions & the heart, but also relating to development of psychic abilities and intuition.  I feel guided to add alittle regarding this suit. It relates to all three cards..

The suit of Raphael
Emotion can motivate us to accomplish many wondrous and exciting things. We reach out and touch the world with our hearts, and suddenly life becomes all the more worthwhile. The suit of Raphael is all about falling in love, getting married, and having children. We cherish our families whether we are born to them or choose them later in life. Dreams hopes and deep desires are found in this suit. These cards also relate to the development and expression of psychic abilities and intuition. Archangel Raphael represents this suit because of his history of heralding love and important relationships in people's lives.

Card 1
Two Of Raphael
Two hearts can create something wonderful. Relationships can grow deeper or a romance can flourish and bloom. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, time deepens the bond, and a long-term connection based on respect and understanding develops. This is the card of kindred spirit's. Forgiveness heals wounded feelings. Relationships can be reconciled. Now is not the time to give up on those you love. Disagreements between people or groups will come to a positive resolution
Additional meanings for this card.
Flirting. Making a commitment. Mutual interests.  A magnetic connection.

Card 2
Eight of Raphael
There is something better waiting for you. The ways in which you have evolved have you convinced that there must be more to life (and there is). The inward search for answers is rewarded at this time. It's time to leave the past behind and embrace a brand new you. This choice is not forced upon you, but is of your own making. Your past experiences have been very important in helping you understand who you are. Be grateful for what you have learned, and build upon it. A relocation or change in your job or relationships is possible at this time.

Additional meanings of this card:
A journey. Spiritual quest. Doing what you know is right for you. A change of interests.

Card 3
Page of Raphael
Your feelings can be so enlightening. This card heralds a message with great emotional impact. Your psychic gifts might be rising to a new level, or you may find yourself in love with a new project or endeavour. This card may represent a person who stirs up your romantic or emotional life. Communication is very important (especially if the person is someone you are already involved). 

Additional meanings of this card:
Social invitations. A special new friend. Confidential information

Monday, 13 June 2016

14/6/16 channeled Card Readings

Channeled messages. Choose 1, 2 or 3.....

Card message 1

Dear ones this day is a day of new beginnings. If you are feeling the urge to create it is not an accident of nature but more the energetic flow wishing to be birthed into your plane. The energy currently is a push pull energy. The push wishes you to create and the pull arising when one is not walking their path but that of anothers, of being carried wildly into opposing directions, ones that you have  no comfort in entering or no interest of walking. Stop, and centre. When centring  you become clear. In that clear space you may reset your instruments, your flow and then begin anew your walking, along the correct navigation that is resonant to you. There is no limit to your abilities other than those you create for yourself. 

Card 2
Mayhap you need clarification when entering a new project. Mayhap you do not. What is it in you that requires anothers approval of your own innate abilities or choices?  Did the master Jesus ask others if he was able to walk his path? Did he ask another if he was able to speak his truth? Did he ask another if his words were true or nay? Seek clarification through your self! You yourself know your truth. You yourself have that inside you that tells you what is true for you or nay. Trust your self. Trust yourself to know what is for your best interests. Be confident in your knowing that you hold the best knowing, for that that is right for you and for your experience on this plane, of earth. Yes you may seek council from another in how better you may attain what you are seeking, your knowledge, however only you know whether something is right for you or nay. Whether it is the right fit or nay. Be confident in your knowing that you have the ability, the tools, to know that that is for you. Another may know what is best for they. Listen to your inner knowing, it has the answers you seek. 

Card 3
Ahhh the 3's. You are a mischievous bunch at present. You seek to be guided by others and then when the guidance takes you along a path you do not like so much, you may seek to lay blame, or you may cause another to rectify that that you chose. Understand your reflection. Understand that that you see on your outside world is your creation, your choosing. That from past choices is in view in your world presently. Do you wish to change what you see? Change that that is reflecting in the mirror. The mirror, the reflection, may not be changed, only that that is reflecting may be changed. Do not lay blame to another for what your world is reflecting. The other does not choose for you, unless you allowed it so. Your allowance of anothers view or ideas creates in your mirror, when you choose it to be so. All that you see is from reflections of the past. Past beliefs, past experiences, past doing, past thinking. They may be unconscious or nay, it matters not. What do you wish to be reflected in your outer world, next month, next year? Your choices? Or that of another? 
Change that you reflect, and you change your world. There is no judgement here. We seek to wake you from your slumber. At times one is sleeping so soundly and so comfortably, one requires alittle push rather than a gentle caress to awake.  We seek to bring awareness dear ones in a way that one may understand. As a mother wakes a child when they are in deep slumber, yet it is time to arise for tutoring. Your earth plane is as a mirror. What you do, think and feel, is reflected into this plane. What arises from this reflection is magnetised back out to you in people places things and circumstances. When you smile you magnetises smiles back out to you. When you anger you are magnetised anger back to you. When you watch a movie and you are happy you magnetise happy back to you. When you watch one that is upsetting you  reflect the upset out to you. The magnetics, source, flow, does not differentiate that it is a movie and not real. It has no judgement. Whatever you are being is reflected, period. There is no judgement, just reflection. 

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

6/6/16 Abacus Navigating the energy

Navigating the energy

Greetings. We are here. We are ever here, ready to be of service. We come this day to bring clarity, to bring some awareness into the structures of energy balancing at this time. There is much occurring, much more than we can reiterate here for you, however we will bring you some clarity into ways you may manoeuvre through this energy, through the denser pockets and the lighter pockets, for there is a flow of sorts. It will be much as when you swim in the ocean. There will be some currents that may pull you this way and that, and so while you are swimming through the energy you may struggle at times to stay on track so to speak, for you feel as if you are being pulled this way and that way, and that you are veering from your set path. Understand to begin with, that there is no wrong path. All that you do is an experience, a life experience, one that serves you in one way or another. However you do have a certain line of travel, one that you wished to experience, one that you came in with. However even when one does not stay on this path and strays, it matters not, for you are always experiencing and you have free will to choose that that you experience, and so do not berate yourselves if you are not quite on track, if you believe you are not on track, for you may always realign. The idea in manoeuvering the energy, is to keep with what excites you the most. There may be many avenues that bring you joy, that serve the collective, however what brings you the most excitement, the most joy, for when you are in excitement, when you are in joy, you serve the collective, for you shine brighter. You are not dimmed, you are shining bright and in shinning bright you shine light for others also, and so we say to you to manoeuvre the path simply do what you enjoy to do. Be kind. Be loving, and you will radiate out and bring you the same, for what you give out you get back. Be what you wish to attract. Be that you enjoy, so that you may attract more joy. Be compassionate, so you may attract compassion. Be patient so that you may attract those that are patient. Live in a healthy manner so that you may attract more health. Know you are an magnificent being, self-sufficient in many ways. When you treat yourself with love and kindness, you bloom as does a flower that is treated with love and kindness. If you do not treat yourself with love and kindness and nourish yourself, then it will be much as when a flower is not treated the same. You will wilt and not be at your best and so we say to you, it is wonderful that you are shining your light to others and you are seeking to serve others but to seek others, to serve others, you must seek yourself and serve yourself, and we do not mean this in an egotistical fashion, but one of love and respect for oneself. You treat your children with love. You nourish and protect them and yet often the mother will run herself ragged while caring for others. She does not give herself the same attention to detail. We advise mothers, that you give yourself the same attention to detail that you give your children, for you are at your best when you treat yourself well. Martyrdom is not what you seek. It is better to treat yourself well so that you may be at your best to help others also. You may at times feel a bit wishy-washy with the energies. Rest when you feel to rest. Play when you feel to play. Pay attention to detail when you are running at 100% and when you are not running at 100% rest dear ones. Pushing yourself, pushing against the current does not aid you to your destination. Be carried by the current. Allow it to drift you where it may for when the flow drifts you in a certain direction know that it is not an accident, but intentional. Your path my lead you back or it may not, dependent on your purpose. Struggling against the current brings you anxiety, brings you ill health, for you spend so much time pushing rather than allowing. You are in resistance. When you are intending a certain direction and you are in the flow and the flow carries you in a different direction to that that you are wishing, while you are being in your highest excitement, understand that the universal flow acts as an energetic GPS, so to speak, on autopilot. It carries you forth to your highest life path, one that you may not have understood from where you are, with the limited vision of where you are. You have certain ideas, but the flow knows more of these ideas that you may see, and will bring you the greatest joy that you can not imagine from where you are, for you have limited vision. To travel the current energies rest when feeling tired. Nourish the physical body. Play and follow your heart, for your heart leads you true. Your heart is connected to the energetic strings, and it plays in unison, and the strings act as a currents that propels you in a certain direction. This direction is not always as it seems, and it is not always to what you imagine that it would be. But if you let go. If you let go let go let go, and let your God within to guide you, you will be rich beyond measure. This is the message we bring this day. With love in our hearts,  for you and humanity, and the journey.
That is all

Sunday, 5 June 2016

6/6/16 Channeled readings / messages

Greetings dear ones. We are pleased to bring this day some words that may help you on your life path. 

Message 1
To these the ones we say new beginnings are afoot. Each day brings new beginnings for each day is a new moment, a new space of your earth time, in which you may interact with that that you call life and manipulate your surroundings in a way that is conscious. With conscious intent, coming from a space within you, you may begin to make sound choices of "your" choosing so that you may lay your foundations, if you will. Foundations chosen expressly by you, that may take seed and grow. Ohh we know you wish it to be sudden, you wish your choices to be manifested at the moment of your choosing, and you imagine they are not for you see only the material form. You do not see your choosing with your eyes right away, and so you imagine no thing has happened and so you go into doubting and in effect halt the proceedings that have begun on an etheric level, that have begun to turn and materialise. Dear ones know, understand, that when choices are made with intent, your choice or action begins the ball rolling, it begins to take form. You may not see it, but understand all intent, all choosing begins to take form energetically BEFORE it materialises into the material. Your doubt in not seeing, brings your choices swiftly to a halt. There are changes afoot. Your message this day is not to doubt, if you will. Understand, believe, that progress is being made on an energetic level and although you may not see this in material, it does not not make it so. Faith dear ones faith. Your message this day 

Message 2
Your message this day is that of courage. To be courage is not to be unafraid, but to feel the fear and move forward. Use the fear as an emotion that propels you forward for it is a strong emotion and if used wisely may move you forward at great speed. It may be your thorn in your side or it may be your ally. Your perception is paramount in this. Fear is not always resistance in the way you imagine. It may be used to aid you rather than dis-enable you. You may be paralysed by your fear or you may use this rush of emotion to MOVE you forward, to grow you. Emotion is not good nor bad, it simply is. It is your perception of such that gives it power to help or to hinder. If you fear to move in a certain direction as your self what is the fear telling you? Ask your self. Search deep for fear is sometimes your resistance to change , change that may grow you, that may propel you out of the imagined hole you have dug yourself. Use fear as the fuel to propel you up and out, and forward. Use this tool to aid you. Use your discernment. Yes fear may be your warning bell if you will, to protect , however in this instance, in this message, we speak of fear in resistance to change. What is your fear speaking to you? Protection? Survival? Protection from what? Seek to indulge the message. Your greatest fear may be the "imagined" monster in the room and once faced, the reflection gives a sound view into the intricacy your perception. Fears faced brings power back to the self for the self has no fear, only love. 
Our scribe wishes us to reiterate. To make clearer our message for she worries the message may be misconstrued. We speak not of fear, that which one feels when one is in fear for their earth life. Fear is certainly used in this instance to aid you and again to propel you forward to help you. We speak of the fear one feels in regards to their moving forward in your life goals. There is the fear and flight inbuilt mechanism that propels you, energises you into self preservation. The power of this fear has been know to help one attain such a power that they may lift an automobile to aid one that is trapped within. Fear has tremendous power. It serves it's purpose. That which we speak of here this day, is the misconstrued fear in your daily decisions. Fear has great power. It has the power to save you, but also to paralyse you. That which we bring reference to this day, is the fear of growth, the fear of change, when the change is to be one of benefit. In this, fear has great power. The emotion generated may help to move you forward in your life path at great speed if used wisely. Use your discernment. Go within and seek the message from your heart

Message 3
To the ones that choose the 3, know that you are endeavouring to study, to grow you through the written word. This is not a bad endeavour, it is a useful tool, however to these this day, we wish to remind that that grows you most is experimental. We advise to perhaps begin to experiment with that that you read rather than seeking to learn wholly from the written word. Words bring concepts and ideas yes, it is a most useful tool, however it is an idea to use that you read, to experiment with what is being shown you. You wish to become the scholar, the learner of many things, and we commend you for your curiosity. This day however we advise the scholar that it is through experience and action that one learns the truth. You may read a truth, but does this give you sound knowledge.? Yes and no. To know is to be that that is your encyclopaedia, to experience that that you learn brings a new level of understanding. Begin to experience your truth from the inside rather than from anothers written point of view, for what you read may feel as truth by your minds standards, but may be totally different from your hearts in the experience. Reading of love is very different to experiencing love. Open your hearts dear ones. Learn through the heart rather than the head. Yes knowledge is useful we agree, however we speak to the ones that read over the same material trying to find understanding that may not be found within pages of a book, but through the experience of the heart.

Note... *Disclaimer*
Always use discernment when reading the channelings. Be guided by what YOU feel to be true for you. Your truth 
The guides often bring through information that may have a double or multiple meanings. You will feel your message, the deeper meaning within the words. Be guided by your own truth always .....