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Monday 12 February 2018

On Grief 12/2/18

On Grief

Why do we have to experience the pain of grief. Why can’t we understand more, so that we don’t experience loss? 

Dear heart there is much to explain here that may not be understood even once explained. Not all answers will be revealed for this is the human experience and experiment. 

You come to experience all manner of situations. Some will have you feel alive and full of joy and some will have you feel bereft and full of pain. This is what it is to be human. You as a human experience many emotions. You feel. You feel joy, you feel pain, you feel love you feel hate, you feel up, you feel down. To come to earth you open yourself up as a soul to experience the entire spectrum. There is no deviation. All will experience loss. It is not possible to avoid this experience if you love. To close yourself off to loss you close yourself off to love. You cannot know one without the other for they are both sides of the same coin. In spirit you cannot experience in the way you do on the earth plane. It is why you are on earth to experience the entire spectrum of emotions. When you understand this in totality the sting of loss lessens. Yes it will still hurt but understanding brings solace and even comfort. Loved ones would not wish you to suffer. Think for a moment, that you have passed, and that you are looking down on your child suffering over your departure. Would you wish them to have pain and suffering? As a soul you would understand it is their experience as a human, you understand it is a moment in their time and that it will pass as all does. You have the bigger picture from a soul perspective, and yet you would not wish them this pain.  You would seek to comfort. If they understood their pain was a part of the human experience, if they had the bigger picture they would be comforted. 
The deeper the love, the deeper the loss, the deeper the experience. As a soul, as spirit, you don’t do things by half. As God you wish to know and experience it all. 
Dear heart hold your loved one in your heart knowing they still live. Hold all their love, their memories within you, and know these are not lost to you. Feel blessed you have experienced this soul as they were and know no thing is lost to you. No thing that you have ever experienced is lost to you. All is held within you. 
The human experience is wonderful even though at times it does not feel so. One day you will understand the truth of these words. 
We suggest being in silence and feeling the wonder of you, of they, of your love, of your interaction, of your life, as it was, as it is now. In silence understanding and solace comes. Move with the emotions. Do not stopper the tap but allow it to flow from you. The joy of their life, the sadness of their loss. Eventually the flow will ease. Ride the waves dear heart and know you are all the wiser for having had the experience, that you hold a greater capacity to love for having loved her. You will meet again soon enough. Life is but such a short journey. Experience all it has to offer even when difficult for these are that that grow the soul most of all. They show you what love is in all its shades and glory.

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