When one alludes to the idea that all is well in their world, when one sees from their eyes the beauty that surrounds them instead of the hardships, when one sees no fault in another but simply their struggles in being, when one notices the good in another and not their shortfalls, then one begins to attract and experience in new ways. You are conditioned to see the worst for fear of being ridiculed yourselves. You fear judgement and so you yourself judge. What you fear you attract did you know that? When you fear illness you attract illness. What you fear, where you place energy brings more of same for it attracts as a magnet. Know you create on a daily basis. If you become aware of your predisposition, then you are in a place of power to oversee your attractions. One moment in each day notice what you are attracting and shift your perspective to reflect what you desire and not what your preconditioning desires. If your thoughts allude to pain or illness, notice your pain and then notice the polar opposite of pain. Imagine a day of freedom from pain and even if in the next moment your are still on the pain wagon know it matters not, for you have began to take matters in your own hands. One small step begun, has the ability to change much over time. Empires are born from one that had a dream.