Greetings dear ones. Greetings to all that are listening this day.
It is a time of great change. There is much being received at this time, consciously and unconsciously. Many are beginning to "come to the party" as you say. They are receiving their insight. They are beginning to feel their heart strings opening and as such these strings are searching the light, their song. The light seeks to shine within, in and on these heart strings and as such the strings begin to vibrate to a new tune, one that is most elequant. Many are feeling these stirrings within their heart, within their makeup, their genes. It is a time of great celebration for we, here, are watching the proceedings. We understand where this leads, what songs are beginning to be constructed.
Many are feeling with this expansion a little overwhelmed. They are feeling they cannot understand the way it will unfold, and so take only tentative steps. They are afraid if they take the leap their funds will run dry. Know this dear ones, when one begins to walk in shoes that fit well, in shoes that carry them forth, in joy, no matter the external conditions they walk upon, these shoes will carry you. They will carry you in their light.
There is a measure of trust and faith to take the leap into the abyss that one feels. The not knowing, is a constant travelling companion. It serves to protect, and this is all well and good, however, it can also be comprehended that it acts as an over protective parent, seeking to protect one from falling, falling as you have before. It is why some are hesitant.
Dear ones when you walk with love in your heart, In service, no thing can bestow you ill drama for there is no drama when one walks in the light of their heart.
The idea dear ones is to refrain from being pulled into other's ideas.Let them dramatise while you walk in your light, in your heart. It need not affect you if you pay attention to your own path. If you become enamoured with anothers drama it will seek to disengage you from your path and you will begin to walk their path along with them. You may hold out your hand to they as you walk, however it is up to they to grab your hand.
Be at peace with your path chosen. Yes it may seem unruly, it may seem unconventional, it may seem as if it supports you not, and we say to you trust. All the earth realities are shifting to a degree. It is why you feel at times cumbersome in your past paths. As the energy shifts, the path you walk on begins to unbalance you. You may not understand that that is occurring, however all you need do is follow your footsteps in the moment.
There is much being revealed to you, a knowing, a feeling, you can not ignore. The push and pull of the current emissions will lead you to feel unbalanced and as if you may fall, however, when you fall in a path of light the landing cushions your fall. When you fall in the darkness you may scrape your knees some.
You are confused when we say " follow your light, your path of least resistance". You ask how will it pay your bills your finances.
Let us be clear a moment.
When you live the dream, when you live your dream in totality, without need for large outlays, large wealth, you begin to attract, to pull, from within the space continuum all that you require. Know you are creators. This is what you are. Creators of form. First you created your form, your vessel, and now you create your experience. When one begins to walk their path of light, of love, of passion, one begins to magnetise all that they need while walking this path. To our scribe we say create this imagery if you will, with your drawing apparatus .
You become a living breathing magnet to all you require. If you doubt while on your path, you will also attract that that may renegade against your dream. Be still your beating thoughts.
We offer you this advice this day. The way to your true calling, your true soul destination, is through listening to your heart stirrings.
When something makes them sing, makes them to begin to flutter, you know this is your next step. Each step is your calling from within, and if you begin to honour your heart these quartets that are beginning to play their tune, then the music begins to be created, and as this music begins to play, as you begin to walk your path, with your music playing, others that are of the same resonance will hear your music in their heart. Their ears will perk up and begin to call them within their souls. As they begin to dance to that stirring, and as you continue to honour yours, you will meet along the path. Your heart strings act as a magnet to they, and visa versa, for their song is your song and your song is their song. In being in your creative flow you will attract others with like flow. What a river of joy, of music you become !
Scribe, we say to you, follow your hearts stirrings. Follow your gps of your soul. You are aware what is at play. Understand as you "walk" your hearts notes, as you "begin" you will attract those on the same vibratory tunes. Circumstances will shift as if by magic, as if the hand of God comes and waves it's magic. You do not have to do, simply BE that that sings. It is a road that is lighted and awaiting you to begin. We walk inside you, beside you, with you.
Dear ones, BE that that you wish and you will begin to see that that you wish.
It IS that simple.
To wish does not create.
To BE creates.
You must BE that that you wish, even when that that you wish is not in sight.
Play like a child.
Pretend if you will, but BE you must, if you are to attract more of what you wish. You wish to earn a living doing what you love? Begin to BE this, and ACCEPT an energy exchange for your being. You wish to earn yet you do not earn. Reflect. Imagine a mirror is before you, and you are looking at it. What do you see reflecting before you? Is it a happy face? What is your posture? What are you being? What are you doing? Are you reflecting your dream, your desire in this moment? Are you dear ones ?
If you are to look in your mirror, see your reflection right now, in this moment, what do you see? Know what you see is being created NOW, for now is ALL there is. An exercise of you will.
Carry a mirror with you always and every now and then look within the mirror and ask yourself, "what are you reflecting back at you"? What is the mirror telling you that you are being? What is the reflection telling you?
Carry this mirror with you in sight and check within it as often as you may, for this mirror does not lie. It reflects to you what you are in every moment. Is it reflecting your dream, your desire, your happy? Is it reflecting love, compassion, joy? Is it reflecting your dream?
The mirror is a great tool of development, of honesty.
Mirror mirror what am I reflecting?
Is it my desire?
Is it my call?
Is it my heart?
Is it my joy?
Is it my truth or is it anothers?
Mirror mirror what am I reflecting ?
What am I being ?
In this you may discover your truth in the moment. If it is not what you imagine, if it is not reflecting what you wish? Change your reflection, your beingness.
Mirror mirror what am I reflecting ?
I am reflecting love.
I am reflecting joy.
I am reflecting compassion.
I am reflecting gratitude.
I am reflecting my desire.
I am reflecting abundance.
I am reflecting ........( you fill in the blanks )
I am reflecting ........
I am reflecting these because I AM all these.
I Am that I am
BE what you wish to reflect.
The universal mirror of truth magnetises what you are being to you. Period. It knows not what you are wishing. It knows what you are being. Reflect in your mirror your beingness, what you are being and be it you will.
Our scribe is pondering the message this day. Dear heart share away! Share our message this day. The mirror is a powerful tool for the mirror reflects what it sees.
Do you wish change? Do you wish to be a light? Shine your light, for when you shine your light you light the way for others to shine theirs.
Ohh you do not see what we see. Scribe, be that your heart desires. You are in the process of great change, all are. The question is, what change do you wish to reflect on the mirror of truth? Dear heart you may create this mirror with you paints, so that many upon viewing are reminded of the mirror of truth.
We finish with this. All that you have ever created began with a thought that was projected out into the field of creation. YOU create from this field in every moment. Dear ones, in this moment, what is it YOU wish to create from this field?
BE that.
REFLECT that, in your mirror of truth.
That is all